It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 375 No one can get me tonight! Officially certified masterpiece?

Chapter 375 No one can get me tonight! Officially certified masterpiece? (asking for monthly ticket)

The playback of the movie gradually entered the second half, and many professionals on the scene had their own judgments and thoughts.

When seeing various scenes of street blasting and city folding, Wu Yu finally understood the gap between himself and Chen Fei. He was like a front wave being slapped on the beach by the back wave, without any thought of resistance at all!

"This 3D effect is really powerful!"

He murmured, feeling quite disappointed. Why didn't Mao himself think of making this type of movie when he first started working in Hollywood?

Is it too late to take action now?

In fact, he has always had the idea of ​​​​continuing to make war blockbusters. After the "Red Cliff" series ended, he has even begun to prepare a new script.

It's just that the creation of this script was really difficult, and in order to earn enough pre-production expenses, he had to participate in the supervision of "Sword Rain".

Although there is still a long way to go to shoot the new movie, he will never stop. He will prove his ability as a "top international director"!

On the other side, Li Xing, who was sitting not far away from him, was also watching it with gusto. He personally felt that the movie was very good, and it also inspired him to want to shoot a 3D movie.

"3D may become a new trend in the future movie market!"

On the other hand, Quentin, who was sitting in the front row, silently took off his 3D glasses and began to enter a state of meditation with his eyes closed.

He was really dizzy after watching this movie. Although the plot was very good, he was dizzy because of the 3D!

The film soon came to an end, and under the expectant eyes of everyone, the last trembling moment finally arrived.

But in the eyes of many people, this movie has extremely high hopes!

The story and special effects are refreshing, and it is an original script. Coupled with the popularity of the actors and director, it will definitely attract a lot of fan support!

"Director Chen, when will we be able to make a movie like this in our country?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei replied: "I have always felt that the pinnacle of the film industry lies in visual special effects, but if a film wants to be remembered in film history, its story is also crucial.

"Director Chen, when are you going to leave? Do you want to have a meal together?"

"I'm looking at Xuan!"

This was a very professional question. The scene suddenly became quiet, and many people pricked up their ears.

Sitting in the audience, Zun Long looked at the scenes in the film and his face when he was young, and his mind couldn't help but fall into reminiscence.

The film producer murmured in his heart and was ready to go out and make a phone call.

The other party has been hailed as the "pioneer of Asian special effects films" before, so he is naturally very curious about this issue.

Chen Fei smiled and picked a few questions and answered them briefly.

"I think it's possible, let's wait and see..."

There were many film producers present at the scene today, and at this moment, almost all of them were thinking about how much money they would have to spend to buy the copyright for this movie.

At the same time, many people are whispering and predicting the box office performance of this movie after its release.

At this moment, the scene when "Inception" was released in domestic theaters inexplicably appeared in his mind. He couldn't imagine how crazy the fans would be when they saw this movie!

Thunderous applause broke out again. After all, from the perspective of movie fans, who the hell doesn’t want to see a movie that combines special effects with a story?

At this time, on the right side of the front row, a film producer from Fox could not help but fall into deep thought after hearing what Chen Fei had just said.

This movie seems to have given him a new lease of life, and it has made up for some of the regrets in his life.

Wu Yu really couldn't stand this scene that made him very jealous, so he stood up and left quietly.

"Director Chen Fei, I would like to ask, for an excellent commercial film, should we focus more on special effects or story?"

Bong Joon-ho nodded slightly, "Thank you for your answer!"

He has watched so many sci-fi commercial blockbusters, but this is the first time he has seen such a mature and stunning picture. The picture presented by this IMAX3d screen is simply too cool!

Ye Ning, who was on the side, also clenched his fists, and there were faint beads of sweat on his forehead.

Wang Sicong shouted crazily, too excited to control himself.

He has to remind the company that they must pay attention to "Inception", otherwise it may cause an accident!



But it's a little late now, because except for Golden Harvest, Wanda, China Film, and Shanghai Film, other theater chains have almost no spare theaters to install IMAX equipment!

Soon, as the subtitles appeared, the lights in the theater were turned on at the same time.

So far, only three movies have exceeded $1 billion worldwide, which is obviously a very difficult hurdle to overcome.

Mr. Zhuang's true purpose began to be revealed, and the girl in his dream also appeared...

The "Avatar" currently invested and produced by their company is definitely much better in terms of visual effects than "Inception". After all, the latter has some 2D scenes, while the former is completely pure 3D!

The theater owners who came from the mainland felt inexplicably regretful at this moment. If they had known that the film was so effective, they should have bought more IMAX screens.

But looking at it from the other side, although he doesn't want to admit it, in terms of story, "Avatar" is indeed not as fulfilling as "Inception".

Finally, when the cheerful and bright 3D special effects scenes and the chaotic dream scenes began to wreak havoc, the exclamations at the movie theater suddenly entered a state of one after another, and some people were even so excited that they jumped on their chairs!

"Damn it! This scene! It's so fucking exciting!"

Fan Bingbin, Shu Qi, Zhang Ziyi, Tan Zhuo, Chen Sicheng, Qin Hao, Zhang Songwen and others gathered around and talked in his ear.

The top was spinning on the table, and the movie was officially over.

"Director Chen, this film is so beautifully shot. It made my heart beat wildly when I watched it. But there are a lot of things in it that I don't quite understand. Can I go to your room to talk about the plot tonight?"

"Do you think it can break a billion dollars?"

Chen Fei led the main creators to the stage to thank them, and at the same time answered some people's questions and explained to them some obscure plots in the movie.

Chen Fei subconsciously looked in the direction where the question came from, and after a closer look, he realized that he was still an acquaintance!

Bong Joon-ho, the South Korean director who made "The Monster on the Han River".

Therefore, special effects and stories have always been elements that I have been pursuing together. There is no distinction between the two. They should be regarded as the result of complementing each other. "

"A strong enemy!"

After Chen Fei walked off the stage, he was immediately surrounded by people in the country.

Especially top directors like Quentin and Li Yin, they all have their own perceptions, but they are also very willing to listen to other people's perceptions.

At this moment, everyone at the scene could barely recover from the shock just now, and thunderous applause instantly resounded throughout the audience and lasted for a long time.

"I will leave tonight. It depends on the situation in China. Next time, I will treat you when I have the opportunity. The movie will not be released until after July. I will send a notice then..."

After dealing with the crowd for a while, Chen Fei went to find the organizers of the film festival and said hello to them.

"Inception" will not participate in the awards selection, so the subsequent events have nothing to do with him. He has to return to Los Angeles to focus on other work.

On the other hand, the chairman of the jury, Isabel, was obviously very interested in him. She invited him in every possible way and wanted him to stay for a few more days and visit France's places of interest.

Chen Fei simply rejected her invitation. He had already made up his mind to give up drinking and sex. At least he had to let the dark circles around his eyes go away first.

"You can't refuse tonight's opening ceremony banquet, right?" The old sister held his wrist, acting like I won't let you go unless you agree.

"I have a flight at 11: tonight and my ticket has already been purchased." Chen Fei pretended to be embarrassed.

He is not a rookie. After the banquet in France, he will get at least one or two o'clock in the middle of the night. He doesn't have time to work until that late.

"You can leave at ten o'clock, and I will arrange for a driver to take you off."

"Okay." Chen Fei finally had no reason to continue prevaricating.


The old sister's reputation is quite good. She said it was ten o'clock, but she didn't even keep him until ten o'clock, and arranged a special car driver for him properly.

After Chen Fei and Xiao Lizi said hello, they left first. Except for him, everyone else planned to take this opportunity to play here for a few more days, so they did not leave with him.

After getting in the car, Chen Fei loosened his tie and casually dug into the two pockets of his pants.

Soon, more than ten exquisite room cards appeared in his hands.

"Mad? You stuffed so many room cards? Do you really think I'm a master of time management? I'm going to quit drinking and having sex! Do you guys know what quitting drinking and having sex means? This is a very important task!"

When he arrived at the airport, Chen Fei threw the room card into the trash can without any hesitation.

No one who rides the horse tonight can even try to get the labor and capital!

~ Chen Fei waved his sleeves and took a plane to Los Angeles overnight without leaving any clouds behind.

But the news about the premiere of "Inception" spread throughout the film and television industry the next day.

Especially here in the Mainland, when the Six Princess reporter published his movie-watching experience, it directly ignited the attention and curiosity of many netizens and insiders!

""Inception" is a very smart movie. It is rich in details and intricate narrative, taking the audience into a subconscious maze. Director Chen created a surrealistic horror world, which is somewhat similar to Jungian theory. It challenges the viewer on multiple levels of reality and unreality.

The style of fast editing and agile narrative vividly expresses the surreal world, and at the same time, it also reaches the pinnacle of virtual imaging technology in presenting the consciousness of the human brain!

The physics-defying exploration, exciting action scenes, powerful emotions, and Leonardo's astonishing performance all make people addicted.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a brand new area for Chen Fei's films. In my opinion, this can be called a top masterpiece that established his status as a top director in the global film industry! "

Because of the confidentiality agreement signed, this article did not mention anything about the plot of the movie, but even so it still caused a huge sensation!

Especially the word "masterpiece" at the end of the article caused a strong shock in the Chinese director circle.

This horse riding is an article published by the Sixth Princess, which clearly means the official's great affirmation of Chen Fei!

You know, this title has not even been enjoyed by Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige and others!

For a time, countless reporters flew to Cannes, all wanting to conduct an exclusive interview with Chen Fei. No matter what, they wanted to see what was going on in this movie.

Unfortunately, when they arrived in Cannes, they discovered that Chen Fei had left overnight.

But the reporters certainly would not give up, and then shifted their focus and began to interview other people who had attended the "Inception" premiere.

Of course Wu Yu would not help build publicity for people he disliked, so when faced with reporters' requests for interviews, he simply refused on the grounds that he had to meet with the film producers.

However, Lou Ye, Li Xian and others readily accepted the interview.

"I personally think that Chen Fei's current creative level and directing ability can be compared with Spielberg, Nolan, Cameron and other top commercial film directors in Hollywood."

Facing the reporter's camera, Li Yin expressed his views swornly.

Once this interview content was released, it once again caused a fierce uproar, and netizens and fans in the post bar started to discuss it enthusiastically.

"Certification from the last Oscar for Best Director!"

"Director Chen, I am really awesome. I am only 25 years old, and my directing level has already reached a state where I can be compared with Spielberg. I can take off right where I am!"

"Damn it, Director Chen exploded!"


Wu Yu was watching the online reports in the hotel room, his eyes red with envy.

He is already 63 this year, and most of his body is about to be buried, but he has never received such high honors and praises!

"Hmph, what's so great about it? You hold it so high, don't cry when it falls."

He still firmly believed in his heart that Chen Fei just had better luck for a while, and that he would be exhausted in a few years.

Of course, the exact number of these years is open to debate.


The messy news on the Internet did not affect Chen Fei, but a few calls from China made him feel helpless, especially the old boy Jiang Wen, who kept talking about wanting to watch the film.

"Can't you wait even two months?"

"I'm so curious, I just want to know what a movie that can be called a "masterpiece" is like?"

"So you're coming to Los Angeles?"

"I don't have time! Why don't you tell me the plot? Let me enjoy it in advance?"

These are all nonsense words!

Chen Fei cursed secretly in his heart, and was just about to put down the phone, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind!

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said deliberately: "I actually have a way to make you feel better in advance."

"What can we do?" Jiang Wen suddenly became excited.

"You go to the Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan areas to get some green tea, and then make it half-cooked. After eating it, you can experience a feeling similar to watching "Inception."

"Really?" Jiang Wen obviously didn't believe it.

"Anyway, I have already given you a solution. If you believe it, go ahead and try it. If you don't believe it, forget it."

After saying that, Chen Fei was ready to hang up the phone.

But in the end, he still specifically warned, "You must remember to eat less. If you eat too much, you may be poisoned!"

"oh oh!"

Jiang Wen nodded, glanced at the phone that had been hung up, and felt inexplicably moved, "It's quite strange to see that hand green has such an effect?"


After fooling Jiang Wen, Chen Fei got into work mode again.

There are only a few hours left before "Twilight 3" is released, and he is currently promoting it with the creative team.

Waltons Pictures' film projects in the first half of the year were mainly focused on "Slumdog Millionaire" and "The Twilight Saga 3". The box office results of these two films directly determined the company's income in the first half of the year.

The former is now a foregone conclusion, and now we have to focus on the box office performance of the latter.

On the 15th, Chen Fei called Li Yang and Wu Jing, who were busy in the animation studio, "Let's go, I'll invite you two to watch a movie."

Since these two guys came to Hollywood at the beginning of the year, they have almost never left the production team of "Kung Fu Panda 2". It's thanks to them that they don't have girlfriends, otherwise they would definitely have to blow it off!

There are quite a few female fans who follow the "Twilight" series, and Chen Fei also aims to let them meet beautiful American girls, and maybe they can lead to a beautiful marriage!

In this way, the three grown men came to the cinema together and even bought popcorn and Coke.

Li Yang stepped forward and started chatting with a white girl sitting next to him as soon as he sat down. On the contrary, Wu Jing was holding a cell phone with a disgusting giggle on his face from time to time!

"Is your kid in love?" Fade Chen came over and teased him.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jing did not deny it, and even nodded shyly.

"In the circle?" Chen Fei was quite curious.

"Yes, that's right."

"For what?"

"She is the host. We met when we were promoting "Mulan"."


Chen Fei seemed to have guessed who it was!

He couldn't help but sigh, this butterfly effect is really scary!

The movie has officially started, but Chen Fei has no intention to pay attention to the pictures on the big screen. He has watched it at least ten times and has no interest in the content of the movie. This time he came here mainly to observe the attendance and the reaction of the fans. .

What made him fall into deep thought was the words "butterfly effect" that suddenly appeared in his mind just now.

Even with him as a loser, the world is still moving forward according to the original timeline. So in this case, Warner Bros. will definitely still divide the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" into "Part 1". " and "Part Two".

"Forget it, let's divide "Breaking Dawn" into two parts. At worst, the content should be more refined and the special effects and so on should be improved. Anyway, it is still making money from the Americans. If you don't make money, you will not make it in vain..."

Time flies to the next day. With the attention of many people, the first-day box office of "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" has been released.

$7550 million!

After Natasha, who was far away in Cannes, heard this data, she immediately said that she would fly back immediately.

Just the box office results on the first day of release evened out the initial production costs. If this is run carefully, the global box office may reach 8 million US dollars!

If it really succeeds, it will make a lot of money!

(End of this chapter)

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