It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 376: Can’t get rid of it? How does high-end business war work? Excellent advertising endorse

Chapter 376: Can’t get rid of it? How does high-end business war work? Excellent advertising endorsement! (asking for monthly ticket)

As the first-day box office results of "The Twilight Saga" were announced, the time moved forward two days, and the first weekend box office data was also released.

"Three days? 1.8 million? And it's a US dollar?"

"Yes, this is the box office data released in North America."

"What about at home?"

"It's less in China, with only 1.6 million yuan for three days."

"What the hell? 1.6 million in three days? Isn't that a lot?"

Inside Huayi Company, Wang Zhonglei’s mouth suddenly twitched as he listened to his assistant’s words, feeling quite like he was listening to a book from heaven!

Because "The Twilight Saga" is released simultaneously around the world, the box office results of each country are announced in real time.

North America is already accustomed to the box office growth of the Twilight series, but who in China has seen this kind of box office growth trend?

In this era when a movie's total box office exceeds 1.6 million yuan, a salute can be fired. The figure of million yuan in three days is simply exaggerated!

"How is the editing of "The Wind" going?"

Wang Zhonglei was ready to find some confidence from other places. In his opinion, Chen Fei was completely a monster. Counting all the directors in China, who could compare to him?

"Okay!" Wang Zhonglei nodded with satisfaction, and specifically warned: "We must pay attention to the subsequent announcements. This movie is likely to become our trump card at Huayi this year."

For a short period of time, he was still a little undecided.

Seeing Woody Allen reading the script with great interest, Chen Fei slowly said: "I plan to make these two movies into 3D versions. Are you confident that you can take them?"

"Okay, I will definitely follow up on the whole process."

"Are you kidding? The box office is so high?"

However, some changes had to be made in the shooting of the subsequent two movies.

【Twilight comes out! Who can compete with him? 】

After discussing with Zhang Yimou, the two of them unanimously decided to release the film in the Lunar New Year period and raked in the box office!

But now after looking at the data of "The Twilight Saga 3", Zhang Weiping suddenly felt that Zhang Yimou's new film would only be able to earn million in the end, and there would be no hope for more.

A confident smile gradually appeared on Wang Zhonglei's face. The term "gift film" has been very popular recently, and "The Wind" can be the first one to drink the soup. I believe it will have good results.

Even when doing publicity in the future, he will not say that he divided a movie into two parts. For this reason, he also made a lot of changes in the content of the script to ensure that it would not be seen by movie fans.

After three days of the first weekend, the box office performance on the fourth day dropped significantly, but even so, domestically, it still successfully exceeded 2 million!

After China Film announced the data, Zhang Weiping at New Picture Company suddenly couldn't sit still.

"No, we can't just sit idly by. The glory of being the mainland's number one commercial film director must belong to Zhang Yimou and New Picture!"

Ma De, I almost forgot that the other producer of this film is Feiyue Film and Television, and Chen Fei also serves as the producer.

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn"

Mr. Woody Allen happily came to the company and wanted to get the scripts for the fourth and fifth movies.

"I can't get rid of it! I really can't get rid of it!"

"Fei, you...are you going to increase the cost of filming?"

The titles of various articles published on the Internet made Chen Fei laugh out loud. It can be said that these guys have learned the essence of the domestic paparazzi, and they even have a vague feeling of "UC shock body".

His expression was a bit complicated. The previous film "The Golden Armor" was such a failure that he now feels very resistant to making blockbusters.

"It was submitted for review yesterday. If nothing happens, the results will be available in about a week."

Why did he suddenly realize that Chen Fei was like a candy? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of him, life or death!

Facing the old man's expectations, Chen Fei did not disappoint and directly took out the scripts for the fourth and fifth parts from under the table.

Not only "The Wind", but also the recently launched "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire", which also has the participation of Feiyue Film and Television and Chen Fei...

But if you don’t make blockbusters, it’s really difficult to get high box office!

"Let's think about it."

Zhang Weiping secretly made up his mind, it seems that he still has to continue making blockbusters, and it must be a blockbuster similar to "Hero"!

The films released at the same time as Twilight 3 are currently far behind it. "Star Trek" and "X-Men" are not even comparable to Twilight's hand!

3D? !

As one of the participants who has seen the finished film of "Inception" with his own eyes, Woody Allen naturally knows what the word "3D" means.

In other words, if this movie is a big success, Chen Fei will get at least half of the proceeds!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhonglei suddenly felt depressed.


Although it has been decided to be divided into two parts, part one and part two, Chen Fei is still embarrassed to express it directly from the title of the movie.

"The Twilight Saga 5: Dawn"

But then, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

He couldn't wait any longer. He didn't know when his body would be paralyzed. He was still able to move now. He didn't want to leave regrets for the rest of his life!

If we can make sequels to this series of movies, it will not only end the regrets, but also bring a successful ending to his life.

The method of modification is actually very simple, just add more cool fighting scenes to make up for the shortcomings of the story.

But, although the title is a bit exaggerated, the content is not very exaggerated.

Although low-cost comedies can attract audiences, the upper limit is too low and they cannot raise the box office results too high.

With the release of Twilight 3, the media in Hollywood suddenly rushed to join in like cats that smelled something fishy.


"Why don't you just listen to Yimou and try the movie "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling"?"

On the day of the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival, "Three Shots" directed by Zhang Yimou was officially completed and entered an intense and busy post-production process.

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded and said bluntly: "I plan to increase the production cost of these two movies to 1.5 million, to at least 3 million US dollars each, to render the D effect."

As the first person to reap the benefits of 3D movies, Chen Fei naturally knows how popular 3D movies will be in the next few years!

Since the "Twilight" series has so many fans, why not take this opportunity to grab a few sips of soup?

"This is unbelievable!"

Woody Allen couldn't help but exclaimed. After being a director for so many years, he had never made a major A-class movie. He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity today!

"So...are you confident?"

Chen Fei looked at him with a smile. The old man's professionalism naturally didn't need to be explained too much, but making 3D movies is a very energy-consuming and physical job. It depends on whether he is willing...or whether he can bear it.

"Of course! Fei! I won't let you down!"

Woody Allen held the two scripts tightly in his arms and vowed to make a promise to Chen Fei.

He will never let down this huge investment of 3 million US dollars and Chen Fei's trust in him! ~

As "The Twilight Saga" continues to be a hit, the creative team has officially launched a global promotion plan.

As a screenwriter, Chen Fei must accompany him. After all, he himself can be regarded as a very top publicity "resource".

At the same time, the film and television industry in China seems to have been stimulated, and once again showed a posture of you singing and me appearing!

"The Founding of the Party" co-directed by Ning Hao and Kang Honglei held a launch conference. The star-studded scene attracted much media attention.

Although the main director is Kang Honglei, who made the producer and assistant director Ning Hao?

As this year's Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear Director and winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, his current status in the industry has been rising steadily, once crushing Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige and others.

With him as the producer, and the script being written by Chen Fei, this film is definitely not that bad!

There were even many second-tier actors who submitted their resumes directly at the scene. After all, this drama requires so many actors that they would definitely not be able to confirm them all at once.

They don't expect to get any major roles, even if it's just a first, second, or even third role. As long as the role is outstanding enough, there's no need to worry about not becoming popular!

The press conference of "The Great Cause of Founding the Party" here has just ended, and the closing banquet of "The Great Cause of Founding the Nation" on the other side was held immediately afterwards.

In comparison, the scene here is even more grand!

In addition to Chen Fei, who is still far away in the UK, all the first-line directors and first- and second-tier actors who are currently working in the mainland were present, giving China Film enough face.

Han Sanping was so happy at the scene that she couldn't close her mouth. She immediately expressed her position: "This film will officially meet with you in September. Please wait and see. It will definitely create a precedent for gift films!"

In the audience, the two brothers Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei glanced at each other subconsciously, frowning.

The review of "The Wind" has been approved by the Film Bureau. In order to seize the opportunity, the brothers unanimously decided to release the film ahead of schedule.

However, the theater chain has been unable to give them a reply. They even expressed that it was very difficult to schedule the film and suggested that they move the release date to after October.

Looking at it now, the reason is very clear!

"Isn't this obviously disgusting? We deliberately delayed our movie schedule and engaged in secret operations..."

Wang Zhonglei felt angry for a while, but he was helpless.

As the leading domestic cinema chain, China Film Group has a "no solution" in publicity and distribution. This is also the reason why China Film Group participated in the investment of "Tangshan Earthquake". Isn't the purpose just to schedule more films?

But now, their partners have suddenly started a secret operation that makes them very powerless. This feeling of not being able to cry out for grievances is simply too uncomfortable!

High-end business wars often use the simplest methods.

What you think of as a business war is a domineering CEO sitting in his office strategizing, shorting the opponent's stock, or sending out commercial spies to steal the secrets of the opponent's company.

However, the real business war is actually pretending to be an employee and sneaking into the opponent's company, and then dousing the opponent's money tree with boiling water, or learning that the opponent's boss's son is single, deliberately luring him to the third floor of the massage shop, and then calling in advance to report it to The public security department conducts a sweep, leaving rival bosses distracted from work...

But these are actually just the most basic gameplay. Now the sniper attack of "The Founding of the Republic" on "The Wind" is the real show!

Forcibly moving the schedule of the opponent's film to a later date, allowing his own film to reap the first wave of dividends, and becoming the pioneer of the term "gift film".

Although this seems to be just a simple and unpretentious operation, the effect is excellent!

In the future, whenever someone mentions the term "gift film", the first thing that comes to mind will definitely be "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", not "The Wind".

"Brother, how about we call Chen Fei? This movie is still invested by Feiyue Film and Television. He is also the producer and supervisor. He can't just watch us being bullied, right?"

Wang Zhonglei put forward a very feasible suggestion.

But the next second, Wang Zhongjun rejected him, "Have you forgotten? "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is also a work by Chen Fei, and based on his relationship with Han Sanping, which side do you think he will take?"


Wang Zhonglei was immediately speechless, what a fart it was to step on a horse!

Huayi was completely defeated in this business war!


I don’t know if it was just to join in the fun, but the closing banquet of “The Founding of the People’s Republic” had just ended. The next day, Jiang Wen joined forces with Emperor and Feiyue Films to hold a press conference for “Let the Bullets Fly.”

Because the actor did not need to appear, Chen Fei did not go back.

However, judging from the on-site photos and interviews released by the media, it is clear that this is yet another press conference with a high level of "mom content".

Apart from that, what excited the media the most at the press conference was Jiang Wen’s words.

"This time, I specially invited Director Chen Fei, who has a high reputation in the field of commercial films, to be the producer and play an important role in the film. Please wait and see, I will definitely not let you down!"

There is no doubt that this conference was very successful.

There are many people talking about it in forums and portals. I don’t know what the combination of Chen Fei + Jiang Wen will come up with in the end.

In addition to the film industry, the appearance of a certain name in the television industry also caused quite a wave on the Internet.

With the nearly three months of casting work completed, "Gong Lock Heart Jade" took the lead in announcing the leading role candidates, and Yang Mi, who has just been promoted to the fourth female star, is among them!

For a time, the matter about the Four Little Flowers was once again in the headlines.

"Oh! In addition to Liu Yifei and Wang Luojue, Director Chen finally made a move on Yang Mi!"

"Good guy, are you trying to clear up the names of the four little beauties?"

""Gong Lock Heart Jade"? Is this a TV series that Feiyue Film and Television is preparing? What is it specifically about? Does anyone come out with any spoilers?"

"I won't say anything anymore, just look forward to it."

"I personally think that Yang Mi's costume looks are quite good, and the film and television works produced by Feiyue Film and Television are all high-quality, which may allow her to rectify her status as a four-part actress!"

Looking at the many comments and discussions about herself on the Internet, Yang Mi felt mixed emotions in her heart.

"So is this the influence of Feiyue Film and Television and Chen Fei? Just announcing the casting situation actually caused such a high popularity on the Internet!"

At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly strengthened her inner thoughts!

She must hold on to this thigh tightly. She thinks far ahead than most people think. The only person who can make her stand up and prove herself is Feiyue Film and Television!

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone rang suddenly.

Yang Mi lowered her head and saw that the assistant was calling.

She gently pressed the connect button, "Hello?"

"Mimi! You are going to be popular! I just received a lot of invitations for advertising endorsements, and the bids from those parties are very generous. Do you want to choose one?"

"Which one gives the most?"

"It's someone named Liuliumei..."

"You can let the company's business department handle the matter. If it's suitable, we'll take it up."

Yang Mi was very short of money on set. In order to get this role, she even did a lot of shopping around, so she urgently needed a suitable advertising endorsement to make a splash.

And this generous Liuliumei might be a good choice!

(End of this chapter)

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