It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 377: Withdraw from investment? The shooting was paused and Xu Ke was confused! Comeback? Col

Chapter 377: Withdraw from investment? The shooting was paused and Xu Ke was confused! Comeback? Collecting stamps? It exploded!

In late May, Chen Fei and the crew of "Twilight" came to Xiangjiang and launched a two-day publicity plan.

Although the film market in Hong Kong has declined a lot, movie fans are still very popular with Hollywood movies. It has already received excellent results of 3000 million Hong Kong dollars after being released for nearly half a month.

There is no doubt that among the imported films of the same period, "The Twilight Saga" has once again become the first among the released films!

In the Jiahe Film Industry, Huo Qigang highly praised the movie, "Your movie is really good. Jingjing likes it very much. I watched it twice with her, and she went to watch it again with her friends."

"Of course, this movie is for you young lovers."

These young audiences in Hong Kong think they can connect with the world. Combined with the love for Twilight in the United Kingdom and the United States, they will naturally follow it crazily.

But in the final analysis, this is actually a sign of lack of confidence.

This time when he came to Xiangjiang, besides promoting the movie, Chen Fei also had a lot of work to do.

He took some time to review the finished films of "Anti-Drug", "Eavesdropping 3", "Guild Wars", "Chill" and "Zodiac" respectively, and made sure that there would be no Some illegal images appear.

In addition, he also specially went to the Hong Kong filming set of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven".

The set was very lively, with actors such as Andy Lau, Deng Chao, Liu Jialing, and Li Bingbin present, and a production team of more than a hundred people. The scene was truly luxurious!

What's more, in this circle, things like marriage and divorce are completely normal and not surprising at all.

"The makeup, weapons, and armor all have to be modified with a lot of effort, otherwise your film will never be successful."

Chen Fei nodded, inexplicably thinking of all the rumors between this man and the Four Heavenly Kings. He didn't know if these four people had successfully "collected stamps" by her?


For a moment, the crew was in chaos.

At this point, Chen Fei's attitude has been clearly expressed.

Either change it or we will withdraw, it’s up to you!

Xu Ke's face changed slightly, and after a moment of silence he said angrily: "I will talk to Huayi and try to make changes."

After the conversation between the two ended, Xu Ke immediately stopped the filming work in progress, and then went to contact Wang Zhongjun.

The most serious ones are makeup, weapons, and armor!

Although the Japanese learned the culture of the Tang Dynasty and copied many things from the past, the thing that Xu Ke and the others created obviously did not have much traces of the Tang Dynasty.

Until the afternoon of that day, the actors who were still a little confused suddenly received the latest news from the crew.

So many people are questioning, is Di Renjie a Chinese or a Japanese?

If he had not participated in the production of this movie, then Chen Fei would definitely not have appeared. Whatever the film turned into would have been irrelevant, and it had nothing to do with him.

The night before leaving Hong Kong, Yang Shoucheng invited everyone from the "Twilight Saga" crew to a farewell party.

"It's a must! It's not a struggle!"

It wasn't until Xu Ke came forward to explain to the actors that the incident was finally settled.

Chen Long took this kind of thing very lightly. After all, when he was young, he told reporters that "brothers are like brothers and sisters, and women are like clothes."

During the banquet, many actors, producers, directors, etc. from Hong Kong were present.

“But if it’s this kind of change, it’s better not to change it.”

Although Chen Fei was not present at the previous launch conference, Su Guohai went in his place. Based on the comments from netizens, he summarized many shortcomings of this drama.

Although this lesson made him very depressed and even complained deeply, it was undeniable that it also gave him a lot of inspiration.

"If they don't agree, then the cooperation will be terminated. We can't take this business."

But things are different now. Dot Eyes Digital will be fully responsible for the special effects of this movie. If it is criticized after it is released, he will also be in trouble.

"Okay, I will definitely do it, Miss Zhou Huimin."

Chen Fei really didn't expect that this Hong Kong actress who is quite good at "stamp collecting" would appear at tonight's banquet.

China has a cultural history of more than 5,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, hundreds of countries came to worship. We must have our own self-confidence. If a movie loses its cultural essence, then it does not deserve to be called It’s a Chinese film! "

Xu Ke led a group of people to pick him up at the entrance of the set. It was a grand ceremony and gave him enough face.

Chen Fei's expression was serious, "I will send the supervisor over. If Huayi does not agree, our people will withdraw immediately.

Because of the confidentiality agreement signed, the internal events in "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" were not spread. Even if many reporters discovered clues, they were unable to verify them in a short period of time and had to give up.

Also, you have to pay attention to yourself, as you said at the launch conference, if you want to make this movie into a series, you must work hard on the details!

"I understand."

"Director Chen, I have admired your name for a long time. If there is a suitable role in the future, please take care of me."

"But if we have to overturn it and do it again, the production cost will definitely increase, and it will be difficult for Huayi to agree."

Chen Fei found Chen Long. After all, he must know more about female celebrities than Huo Qigang.

And it is a great blessing for him to finally be able to cooperate with Feiyue Film and Television. If he loses the help of Doanjing Digital, I am afraid that the filming of his movie will be directly cut in half by Huayi!

Even Chen Fei thought it was impossible to make a movie, so where did Huayi get the confidence?

However, Chen Fei didn't give him much face.

"After all, it is a movie, so some changes must be made..." Xu Ke looked a little embarrassed.

"Didn't she withdraw from the circle?"


In this way, an internal change quietly began within the crew of "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire".

After a brief tour of the various filming scenes and various props in the crew, Chen Fei pulled Xu Ke aside and directly pointed out the biggest problem with this drama.

Xu Ke nodded, his face slightly red.

"I got divorced and ran out of money, so I came out again."

"All filming work has been suspended and will be postponed until June 15th to restart."

After the trip to Xiangjiang is over, the next step is the adjacent mainland.

The crew had to visit all four publicity spots: "Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen". After all, these four places in the Mainland have contributed the most to the box office so far.

After coming to the mainland, Chen Fei stopped participating in activities with them.

With the influence of the words "Twilight" in the mainland, even if he doesn't follow, the event will be packed with enthusiastic fans.

Of course, he would definitely not be idle. Taking advantage of the ample time, he went to attend several movie events.

The first was the press conference for "A Chinese Ghost Story". As the screenwriter and producer, he attended the press conference together with Lu Zheng and Su Guohai.

In addition, those who attended the press conference were director Ye Weixin who came from Hong Kong, Louis Koo who played Yan Chixia, and Jing Tian who played Nie Xiaoqian.

Compared with the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", this version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" has made major changes in the plot and character relationships.

In the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Ning Caichen is the first male protagonist, and Yan Chixia, as a supporting role, is the witness of the love between Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

But in this version, the story revolves around Yan Chixia.

It is precisely because of this that Ning Caichen was demoted to a third role in this version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", and Weixin Ye finally decided to cast a new actor from Nortel after searching for a long time with the Feiyinghuang Agency. Come play this role.

"Hello, senior brother, I am Zhu Yilong, who is in the 06 undergraduate performance class at Nortel."

"Hello." After sizing up the appearance of the handsome young man in front of him, Chen Fei quickly guessed his identity, "Ning Caichen?"

"Yes." Zhu Yilong nodded quickly, "I would also like to thank my senior brother and Director Ning for giving me this opportunity."

To be honest, even though he was at the movie's press conference today, Zhu Yilong still felt like he was in a dream!

He had just joined Feiyinghuang's agency, and he was already mentally prepared to play a small role in various film crews for a long time.

But I never expected that I would be chosen to play Ning Caichen in a blink of an eye!

You know, the target of his role is Leslie Cheung in the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story". Just thinking about it makes him feel a lot of pressure!

"Don't be nervous, just shoot well and show your true ability. If you have time, talk to Director Ning and Gu Tianle more. They have more experience than you and you can learn a lot."

"Okay, thank you, senior brother, for reminding me."

While the two were chatting, Jing Tian on the other side came over and greeted sweetly, "Brother Chen Fei, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be here today!"

She was wearing an antique white dress today, which made her skin look even whiter. Her long black and smooth hair was tied back, and her hair was dyed all over her body to give her a youthful feeling.

Although there is still a big gap between Wang Zuxian and Wang Zuxian, he still has his own shining points.

Chen Fei looked at her with a smile, "Let me see how well you have mastered the role of Nie Xiaoqian." "Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Jing Tian is very confident. She has made a lot of efforts recently, and even specially invited an acting teacher to give her guidance to the group.

It's just that her teacher recently went to attend the Cannes Film Festival, and it will probably take two days to come back.

The press conference was very successful, thanks to Lu Zheng's private use of his money skills, so the media and reporters who came to participate only had good things to say.

And Chen Fei's presence is also something worthy of attention.

"The press conference of "A Chinese Ghost Story" was a complete success. Top international director Chen Fei came to the scene in person to encourage the actors..."

"The new generation actor Jing Tian is back in a new movie. I look forward to her stunning appearance in the drama."

"Except for Gu Tianle, two new-generation actors, Jing Tian and Zhu Yilong, both graduated from the undergraduate program of the Nortel Acting Department, which means that the teaching results of the Nortel Acting Department are extremely excellent..."


"What? Jing Tian was chosen? She plays Nie Xiaoqian?"

Zheng Shuang, who was in school, was confused when he heard the call from his agent!

She had just submitted her resume to the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story" not long ago, and they gave her a clear answer, asking her to wait for a specific audition time.

In order to get this role, she made a lot of efforts, including finding connections and various behind-the-scenes operations.

But she never expected that before she even had time to audition, the crew had already held a press conference and promoted Jing Tian as the heroine.

"Isn't this a joke?! Why don't you even give me a chance to audition!"

Zheng Shuang immediately lost her guard. She had made so many preparations just to get this role, but in the end she didn't even get a chance to audition!

In front of Jing Tian's abilities, she seemed like a clown, unable to compete with him no matter what.

"Xiao Shuang, don't be angry. Mango Channel has confirmed the filming plan for "Watching the Meteor Shower Together Again". This time you will still be the heroine..."

"No! I want to act in movies! I don't want to just be in the TV industry!"

The agent was in a dilemma for a while, so he could only try to persuade her, "But Jing Tian has already been cast in "A Chinese Ghost Story" and we have no chance."

"Isn't there another movie called "Beautiful Heart"? We can fight for the heroine of this movie!"


The agent was at a loss for words. She just wasn't here, otherwise he would have to touch this silly girl's head to see if she had a fever.

"Beautiful Heart" is a work directed by Chen Fei. How could she, an actress who has only filmed one TV series, be asked to star?

Zheng Shuang seemed to realize that his idea was a bit whimsical. He changed his mind and said immediately:

"Since movies can't work, TV series should work, right? I remember that Feiyue Film and Television also has a show called "Bu Bu Jing Xin". We can try this show!"

Although the drama "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" made her an instant hit among young audiences, she doesn't want to make a sequel with Zhang Han and Yu Haoming.

Those guys are so stupid and have no acting talent at all. Working with them is extremely tiring.

However, the next second, her manager poured cold water on her, "It's too late. The crew of "Step by Step" has already announced the female lead candidate this morning. It's Liu Shishi from Tang Dynasty. We have no chance."

"Then I don't care. I want to make a movie anyway, and I don't want to be outdone by Jing Tian. You must find a chance for me to make a movie!"

Perhaps out of anger, Zheng Shuang finally stopped maintaining the innocent little white lotus persona in front of the audience and started acting out.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find a suitable script, and we will definitely let you make a movie next year at the latest..."

The agent persuaded her in every possible way, and finally managed to stabilize her mood.



Chen Fei knew that there would definitely be a problem with Zhou Yi, but he didn't expect that it would come so quickly!

""Bao Sangu Gaiden" was sold at a loss. I heard that the film studio was very aggressive about the price. Jiang Xuerou probably couldn't make money, otherwise he would never have sold it so quickly."

Su Guohai has always been enthusiastic about the acquisition of Zhou Yi, so he pays great attention to it, and he got the news as soon as possible.

"Then let's add fuel to their fire." Chen Fei made a decision.

If it was based on friendship, he was indeed willing to help Jiang Xue. After all, she was the one who helped him when he was down.

But this method of help is limited to him personally, and does not include Zhou Yi.

In his opinion, Zhou Yi can no longer be regarded as going downhill, but has hit rock bottom.

If you want to climb back up, you must make drastic reforms!

It's a pity that although Jiang Xueruan is a thoughtful person, he is not a good helmsman.

Her persistence will not bring Zhou Yi back to life, but will make the company step into a deeper abyss!


The Cannes Film Festival finally came to an end on the 26th. Lou Ye, who was full of confidence, failed and returned, and the directors on Hong Kong Island and Wanwan were completely wiped out.

Chen Fei glanced at the report and saw that with so many people there, only Jia Zhangke won the Best Screenplay Award, which looked shabby.

The media did not report too much on this matter. After all, there is nothing to report about this thing. It is really embarrassing.

Many people are paying attention to the Venice Film Festival.

Li Jian is the chairman of the jury for this year's Venice International Film Festival. Many directors from the Mainland have submitted many films with a backdoor mentality, but they just don't know if they have a chance to be shortlisted.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Fei. Anyway, he has no works to participate in the selection.

New Picture recently released some clips and filming clips from "Three Guns". He paid special attention to them, but in the end he came back disappointed.

"What's going on? Has Lao Mouzi been taken away? Or is he planning to break the pot?"

This was Chen Fei's first impression after watching the sample film.

Netizens were even more outrageous, commenting directly: "Isn't this just a murder caused by an extramarital affair?"

In an instant, there was a huge stir on the Internet. Many people even dug out "The Promise" and said that there were similarities between the two.

"That makes sense!"

Chen Fei silently gave a thumbs up behind the computer screen, but that night he flew to South Korea with the crew of "The Twilight Saga".

As expected, reporters blocked the entrance of the company the next day, wanting him to share his thoughts on Zhang Yimou's new movie.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Director Chen left the country last night. If you have any questions, we can talk about it next time when we come back."

Su Guohai personally came forward to send these reporters away.

The reporters were originally a little regretful that the trip was in vain, and they secretly thought about hacking Chen Fei to vent their hatred.

Unexpectedly, Feiyue Film and Television announced the cast of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that morning.

For a time, the news about Chen Fei's overnight departure was forgotten by everyone, and the media and netizens all focused their attention on the actor.

"Sun Li and Chen Jianbin? They don't seem to get along well, right?"

"Cai Shaofen? Hahahaha, I feel so happy when I think of her Hong Kong Pu."

"Wow! There is also Jiang Xin. My favorite part was her previous role in "Dragon", especially the scene where she takes aphrodisiacs. I always think about it over and over every night..."

"Hey! There are so many actresses in this drama!"

"Kan Qingzi, Tan Songyun, Zhang Xiaofei, Jiao Junyan, Li Ruojia, Song Yi, Mao Xiaotong, Jiang Yilei, Zhang Jianing... Aren't these all new actors signed by Feiyinghuang Agency? How come they have become palace maids? This is to let them take advantage of this Is there an opportunity to hone your acting skills?”


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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