It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 379 Chinese trainee? The basket gets bigger and bigger! Oh! My dear Brother!

Chapter 379 Chinese trainee? The basket gets bigger and bigger! Oh! My dear Brother!

Yoona Lin and Lee Ji-en did not participate in the "Twilight Saga" fan meeting the next day. The relay race last night really made them a little exhausted. In the morning, both girls had huge dark circles under their eyes and just relied on Can't stand the bed.

Driving to the CGV Cinema, Chen Fei found that a red carpet had already been laid out at the entrance of the theater, with fans on both sides coming to support him.

When he got out of the car and walked onto the red carpet with other actors, there was a roar of screams!

In this country with a very enthusiastic fan effect, such situations often happen, and Chen Fei himself is already used to it.

Celebrities can always be surrounded by enthusiastic fans when they walk in the airport, let alone this kind of fan meeting event.

CJ arranged an iMax giant screen theater for "The Twilight Saga 3". CGV Cinema is a subsidiary of their company, which is very convenient for holding various activities.

Chen Fei focused on observing the various infrastructures in the theater. After all, as the biggest competitor of Pan Asia (Jiahe) Cinemas, the development of CGV is also the focus of his attention.

The equipment here is constantly being updated and iterated in line with the development of the times. Except for the iMax screen, which is not the latest model, the others are almost all the latest equipment in the world.

"This is a very strong opponent." Chen Fei thought secretly in his heart.

The cinema was also crowded with people, and several leading actors were surrounded by the audience after entering the theater, asking for various autographs.

"Hello, Director Chen, my name is Song Qian. I'm so glad to see you here. I like your film "Mulan" very much..."

"I am Lu Han."

As soon as the girl stood in front of him, she started chattering, and the familiar Chinese made him feel more friendly.

"Are you a trainee too?"

"There are a lot of them. There were quite a few people here today."

"Why does Director Chen feel so aloof?" Zhang Yixing muttered in a low voice.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that it was probably CJ and ShowBox who invited the show to support the show. After all, the presence of celebrities is also a publicity strategy.

Several girls bowed quickly to thank him, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. Apparently they didn't expect Chen Fei to be so approachable.

"Yes, we are an Fx group and will be debuting soon. These are my teammates."

Chen Fei subconsciously looked behind Song Qian. Behind her were several girls wearing the same tops as her.

As Song Qian spoke, she looked up at the back of the theater and kept waving.

"It's normal!" Lu Han didn't take it seriously. "He is a great director who wants to be famous internationally. It's a big honor to be able to say a few words to us."

Huang Zitao was very happy and didn't care about this, "After our debut becomes a hit, I also want to try acting. The status of an actor is much higher than that of a trainee. Look at Lin Yoon'er in her girlhood, she is about to enter Zhongwu Road. .”

However, while responding to Chen Fei, his eyes would glance at Cui Xueli standing next to him from time to time.

"Hello, Director Chen, my name is Huang Zitao."

"Do we have many domestic trainees here?" Chen Fei looked at Song Qian curiously.

"Hello, thank you for your hard work." Chen Fei stood up and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Director Chen Fei, I am the host of today's event, Liu Zaishi. Welcome to our South Korea."

Chen Fei nodded, and while replying in English, his eyes stayed on one of the little girls for a moment.

The host is a popular MC who is well-known in South Korea. Chen Fei has known him before because he is currently cooperating with SBS on a variety show called "Sunday is Good - The Birth of a Family".

After a while, several boys came to him.

This is a pretty good-looking little girl, with bright sunshine and a sweet and energetic temperament all over her body.

This little girl really appealed to him, so he decided to try asking her later to see if he could add her contact information or something.

The event started soon, and the few men and women who came over wisely returned to their seats and started watching the movie.

Chen Fei noticed a very interesting phenomenon. The guests attending the event today all seemed familiar. He had even seen some of them at the cocktail party last night.

"My name is Zhang Yixing."

Chen Fei did not join in the fun. Under the arrangement of the theater manager, he sat in the front row and waited for the movie to start playing.

"Well, hello."

Chen Fei's expression was slightly startled, and he looked at the boy who specially introduced himself in English, "Are you...Chinese?"

"Thank you!"

"Oh." Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to him. He didn't like the American dog-licking.


What he didn't expect was that some idols were also brought to the scene, probably to gain popularity.

"My name is Wu Yifan."

As the event approached its opening, more and more audiences came in from outside the cinema.

"Yes!" Wu Yifan nodded proudly. His identity always made him superior in the entire group.

However, he couldn't take any time off. Occasionally, some fans would come over and ask for his autograph.

"Hello director, my name is Cui Xueli." The girl noticed his gaze and showed a bright smile.

This move made Yoo Jae Suk very happy, and he quickly promised that he would do his best to promote the movie.

However, some small discussions are unavoidable during the movie viewing.

"I wish you a smooth acting career." Chen Fei gave appropriate encouragement.

"Isn't it because she climbed onto a high branch?" Wu Yifan curled his lips, feeling a little unhappy.

News in South Korea spreads very quickly. The relationship between Lin Yuer and Chen Fei is no longer a secret in private. After all, the scenes of the two going in and out together have been photographed by many paparazzi.

But most people don't ridicule her, but envy her very much.

From an ordinary trainee to an actor close to Chungmulu, this is no longer a simple class promotion, it can be described as a step to the top!

But, what makes Wu Yifan most unhappy is not actually this.

He had met Li Zhien at an event before, and he fell in love with her at first sight. He asked friends everywhere to find connections, and finally got the contact information of the other party.

But before he could start a relationship, someone told him that someone behind Li Zhien was actually pushing her!

And this person is Chen Fei!

This was the reason why he was really unhappy with Chen Fei. Why were all the high-quality resources taken away by him and he could only eat some of the leftovers?

He secretly made up his mind that after his debut became a hit, he would also eat good and tender food!


The promotional activities in South Korea ended quickly. Chen Fei did not follow the other members of the crew to fly to Little Life, but set sail directly to Los Angeles.

The Isle of Man TT event is about to start and he has to go back to make some preparations.

Wen Ziren also called. After the first two rounds of casting activities for "The Hunger Games", several candidate roles have been identified, and they are waiting for him to go back and make the final decision.

While waiting to check in his luggage at the airport, he received a call from the Emperor. The premiere of "Overheard 3" was a great success.

The director combination of Mak Zhaohui + Zhuang Wenqiang, plus the cast of Gu Tianle, Wu Yanzu, Liu Qingyun, and Zhou Xun, it can be said that the popularity is overwhelming!

"The box office on the mainland on the first day was 2095.79 million yuan, but the box office in Hong Kong was still weak and only received 169 million Hong Kong dollars."

Yang Shoucheng's tone was very exciting. This data was something he never expected. It can be said that each one is better than the other!

"Continue to increase publicity and play some emotional cards when appropriate. After all, this is the last part of this series."

"Okay, I understand." Yang Shoucheng nodded and asked curiously: "Are you coming to the celebration party?"

"We'll see when the time comes, I may not have time to go."

The TV series "Myth" produced by Chen Long and "Let the Bullets Fly" directed by Jiang Wen are now waiting for him to join the filming. "The Founding of the Party" also requires him to play a guest role, and there is also that film that has not yet started casting work. "Heart Blossoms on the Road"...

There are at least 4 dramas waiting for him in the mainland alone, not to mention the Hollywood A-class production "The Hunger Games" that he is currently preparing.

The schedule was so full that he had no free time to attend any celebration banquet.

Yang Shoucheng quickly hung up the phone and went to work on the follow-up promotion of the movie.

It's just that in the past few days, the popularity of the mainland film and television industry has been focused on Lou Ye, and the films of other directors have been suppressed by him.

This person is also famous for being a tough guy. He violated the rules and went to the Cannes Film Festival the year before last. Although he was successfully shortlisted, he didn't win the award.

After returning from the Cannes Film Festival, he and Jiang Wen naturally ended up with exactly the same ending. They both received administrative penalties of a five-year ban from directing issued by the Film Bureau.

But this person didn't pay attention to the administrative penalty at all, and regardless of it, he filmed "A Night with a Drunken Spring Breeze", which was co-produced by Xiangjiang and French Capital. The main theme is that there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

I don’t know where the confidence comes from. Before returning from the film festival, he publicly appealed to the film bureau in front of the media, hoping that his film could be released in the mainland. Not only that, he seems to have some thoughts of "forcing the palace", using foreign self-respect to try to force the film bureau to lift the administrative penalty against him.

The basket gets bigger and bigger, and the incident gets out of hand!

How could the film bureau compromise with him? On the day he returned from Berlin, a document was issued, not only blocking the film, but even criticizing him by name!

This incident shocked Zhang Songwen, Chen Sicheng, Qin Hao, and Tan Zhuo. They almost thought they were going to follow Tang Wei's path.

Thanks to the good attitude of a few people and not commenting on the matter in front of the media, and Lou Ye carrying the firepower in front of them, they were not greatly affected.

"I have to keep a low profile these days, and I can't be regarded as a typical example." Qin Hao's tone was full of fear.

Chen Fei couldn't help being happy, and deliberately teased him on the phone, "The little prince of literary and artistic films is still afraid of this? In the worst case, he will go abroad to develop."

"Hey! Then you think too highly of me. My friends just blew my name when they were drinking. I'm just a noob in front of those leaders."

"Haha, okay, then you should settle down for a few days and come and help me play a role when my new movie starts filming."

"Yo! That's my honor!"

Qin Hao suddenly became excited. This mahjong game was not in vain. He actually got a role.


Back in Los Angeles, Chen Fei first went to DreamWorks.

There is less than half a month left before the release of "Transformers 2", and the promotional activities are in full swing.

It just so happened that the main creative team of the movie were all here today, so Spielberg planned to hold an internal viewing event to experience the finished film effect for himself.

Chen Fei also happened to have the opportunity to watch the movie.

"Fei, haha, I finally meet you in person. I have admired you for a long time."

As soon as he walked into DreamWorks, Michael Bay was the first to greet him, holding hands with Chen Fei tightly with his big hands.

He himself has a background in commercial films, and has created many outstanding commercial works such as "Jedi Men", "Bravely Entering the Island", "Escape from the Island" and so on.

It is precisely because of this that he is envious of Chen Fei's current achievements in Hollywood.

He has commented on Chen Fei many times in front of Spielberg, "This is simply a son of God sent by God to create miracles in Hollywood!"

"Hello, Director Michael."

Fade Chen greeted him with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand and waved to Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf.

Everyone is already an acquaintance, and he often attends those drinking parties.

Spielberg didn't arrive until the end. After expressing his apology to everyone, he quickly arranged for the film to be screened.

It wasn't until Dreamworks clips started flashing on the screen that he breathed a sigh of relief and sat next to Chen Fei and Michael Bay.

"What have you been busy with recently?" Chen Fei turned to look at him curiously.

"Well, I not only have to be responsible for the filming of "War Horse", but I also have to be responsible for supervising the filming progress of "How to Train Your Dragon". I have been so busy these days."

Lao Si is 63 years old this year, and this workload is indeed a big challenge to his physical fitness.

"Oh, then you should pay more attention to rest and don't collapse from exhaustion."

"It's okay, I can still handle it for now."

The two chatted quietly while watching the movie. The production of "How to Train Your Dragon" was indeed a bit complicated, and some modeling work was indeed a big challenge for DreamWorks today.

Even if Spielberg starts poaching people from various companies at high prices, it will be difficult to get them together in a short period of time.

"It is estimated that the filming will not be completed until next year, and the release, release, and promotion will probably have to be postponed until March or April."

"It doesn't matter, we still have to ensure the quality first."

"Yes, I think so too."

Spielberg is still very satisfied with his cooperation with Chen Fei. At least he is not like other capitalists who keep pushing for the filming progress.

The video soon reached its climax, and Chen Fei devoted all his attention to the screen.

The advantage of the Transformers series is the large number of real-life shooting and high-level special effects production, which allow the audience to experience the visual shock immersively, which is the key to its high box office.

As for the core of the story, there is nothing remarkable. This is just a pure popcorn movie.

Looking at the cool special effects shots in the final battle, Chen Fei suddenly came back to his senses, "Were the special effects done by Industrial Light and Magic?"

"Yes, their professionalism is very high," Spielberg said, adding: "The price is also very high."

"Haha, next time I film the third part, I'll ask them to give you a discount."

"Oh? Are you related to Industrial Light and Magic?" Spielberg suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Yes." Chen Fei didn't hide anything from him, "It won't be long before you know the news that Lucasfilm and Industrial Light & Magic were successfully acquired by Volton Pictures."


Old Si was immediately confused. Industrial Light and Magic was actually acquired by Walt Disney Pictures?

What kind of naughty operation is this? Is this independent production company really planning to develop in the direction of the New Seven?


After the movie viewing event, Chen Fei followed Spielberg to visit the filming location of "How to Train Your Dragon".

For his arrival, the two animation directors Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders expressed a very warm welcome!

Both said they were fans of Chen Fei. One said he liked "Kung Fu Panda" and the other had a soft spot for "Wall-E".

Dean DeBlois originally worked at Disney, but he was poached by Spielberg with a high share of the profits, which can be regarded as cutting off a very strong arm of Disney.

Chen Fei has a good impression of him because the first animated film he directed was "Mulan"!

When the two directors who worked on "Mulan" met, they naturally had a lot in common, so much so that Chen Fei didn't leave the crew until very late.

Early the next morning, he originally planned to go directly to Wen Ziren, but after calling, he learned that several actresses were not able to attend the audition yet.

"Then just wait. I happen to have other things to do here. You can make an appointment with them for an audition first, and try again when I come back from the Isle of Man."

"it is good."

Wen Ziren nodded and hung up the phone.

But he quickly reacted, with a bit of confusion on his face, and subconsciously said to himself: "Why are you going to the Isle of Man? Is there anything fun there?"


When he saw his Red Bull partner Florian Gallenberger again, Chen Fei obviously found that he had become much more haggard, as if he had stayed up many nights.

"My dear Brother, what's wrong with you? You seem to have become much older?"

Chen Fei opened his arms and gave him a big hug.

"Oh, don't mention it, because I'm so worried about custom-making this motorcycle for you that my hair is almost falling out."

The track of the Isle of Man TT is very different from the ordinary track. The requirements for motorcycles are extremely high. If there are any flaws in the body parts, you will lose your life in minutes!

Chen Fei himself was very confident, but Flory was under great psychological pressure, especially as the competition approached, and he was so worried that his hair was falling out!

"Haha, relax, I believe you can do it."

Chen Fei patted his shoulder and took him out without any explanation, "I'm treating you. You pick a place. Let's wash our feet first, get a massage, relax, and then study the modification work of this motorcycle when we come back.

There’s no need to save money for me. I’m so poor now that all I have left is money. Let’s just go to expensive places! "

Flory was not polite to him, threw away the tools in his hand, and directly called the other people in the studio to get ready to call it a day.

In fact, he was a good boy when he was young, but his mentality quickly changed after he started eating porn in high school.

There is no need to put too much psychological burden on foot washing and massage. After all, the water washes away the mud of walking in the world, while the small hands pinch away the edges and misfortunes that have been smoothed by time.

Flory himself has a female technician whom he knows quite well. He would often visit her business and recharge his card from her place.

He cherished the fate of that girl very much. She was supposed to have great years and youth, but she was burdened with heavy responsibilities. She had a gambling father and a younger brother who was less than one year old.

She shouldn't have to bear all this, but she still has no hesitation!

Every time he went, the girl would put down the small box in her hand, stand up and tie up her scattered hair with her hands.

At that moment the light just reflected on her body, making her look extremely beautiful!

It didn't matter whether it was love or not. Flory only knew that the moon was full that night and the girl's soft voice was so beautiful that he fell in love with it.

He is no longer young, and he no longer wants to dream back to that moment when he had no hesitation for love.

The only thing he can do now is to leave an insignificant brushstroke in the girl's confused life when she is at her best, nothing more.


(Ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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