It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 380 Tactics? We don’t do that, we rely solely on our strength!

Chapter 380 Tactics? We don’t do that, we rely solely on our strength!

After returning to the studio the next day, Flory specifically told Chen Fei some details that needed to be paid attention to during the competition.

“There is actually a qualifying event at the Isle of Man TT. This is also the best way for players to familiarize themselves with the track in advance.”


Chen Fei was slightly startled, "No one informed me? Don't I need to participate?"

"You don't have to." Flory waved his hand and explained to him, "When I contacted the event official to sign up for you, the other party was very excited and offered to give us a place in the official competition, so you don't need to. Went to participate in some qualifiers."

"Then you have to thank them."

Chen Fei enjoyed the convenience brought by this privilege. After making a little joke, he asked: "When will we go to the Isle of Man?"

Although he is very confident in his driving skills, the most basic work, such as getting familiar with the track, still needs to be done in advance.

"Let's set off in the afternoon. We have already checked in a lot of motorcycles to the stadium. We have to make adjustments in advance based on your actual operation."

The job of a motorcycle maintenance technician goes beyond simple repairs. They also have to help Chen Fei analyze track data and formulate a game plan for him. They are the best partners for motorcycle riders!

An excellent motorcycle mechanic can even help riders maximize their speed, and their presence is extremely crucial.

The regular meeting ended very late. Chen Fei returned to his room, went to bed early, and prepared for the data analysis process the next day.

Chen Fei spoke softly, but every word was ringing!

Some drivers will do anything to win. They don't think about how to improve their speed and skills. Instead, they think about how to disqualify their opponents from the competition.

Compared with other motorcycle races of the same level, the schedule of the Isle of Man TT is not long, but due to the special nature of its track, at least 3-5 racers lose their lives here every year...

"Haha, Fei, I'm your fan. When "Iron Man 2" is released, you must give me a movie ticket for the premiere."

The charm of sports events is to use your hard power to fight, conquer, and defeat all opponents who dare to compete.

Isle of Man TT, full name: World Superbike Championship.

"This is Sergey Rowe. I have been friends for 25 years. He used to be a very good racing driver. He has now retired and became a professional motorcycle repairman. He will do this for you. Guarantee the next game!"

Because of the celebrity effect, as soon as the news came out, it was directly posted on various large portals such as Twitter, Sina, Sohu, and Facebook!

At the same time, there is also a popular science content about the "Isle of Man TT League".

He has always adhered to the principle of "I will not offend others unless they attack me". As long as no one uses tactics against him, everyone can rely on their own strength.

"Okay, let's get ready to go."

The competition will officially start on the third day, and at that time he will also officially step onto the field, launching a fearless charge and challenge to the finish line and to countless pioneers!

On the other side, after more than half a month of communication and cooperation with the officials of the Isle of Man TT event, Red Bull officials finally obtained the live broadcast rights.

Chen Fei was a little unresponsive at first, but when he saw the complicated and tangled expression on Serge Luo's face, he immediately understood what he meant.

Looking at the man in front of him wearing a gray overalls with wrinkles on his face, Chen Fei solemnly extended his hand to him.

However, he was lucky. After treatment, even if he could no longer drive a motorcycle, he was able to return to the track as a motorcycle maintainer.

After resting for a night, Chen Fei pushed out several motorcycles prepared by Red Bull and tried them one after another.

The next day, in order to build momentum for the live broadcast, Red Bull and the Isle of Man TT officials announced that Chen Fei would participate in this year's "Isle of Man TT League".

After landing on the Isle of Man, everyone began to race against time to get ready.

"We don't do that. We rely solely on our strength."

This is actually the regret of Sergei Luo's life.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sergey. I hope we can get along very happily in the future cooperation."

"Fei, do we need to prepare any tactics?"

"Okay, let's talk about the next case."

At the regular meeting in the evening, Sergey Luo took the initiative to mention this matter.

The reason why he retired early was because he suffered a "tactical blow" from his opponent, so that he had to leave the arena he loved early!

Over the course of a full day, he ran nearly 15 laps, providing Sergey Rowe and his team with a lot of data.

Due to helplessness, Red Bull had to invest a large sum of money and conceal the video recorders throughout the game to ensure that it would not affect the performance of the players.

This is called "tactics".

This process is very difficult. After all, the existence of the video recorder is likely to affect the performance of the players and lead to major changes in the game.

The effect of money making ability is very terrifying. After testing by many experts, the live broadcast can finally be officially carried out!

And the ending of more pioneers is - their souls die in heaven!


To put it nicely, it’s called tactics; to put it worst, it’s just a way to trick people!


Because there were many motorcycle maintenance technicians going to the Isle of Man on this trip, Red Bull directly arranged a charter service for them with a wave of their hands.

But if someone wants to cause trouble, I'm sorry. These four words "Chinese Kung Fu" are not just mentioned casually.

Originally held in the 90s, it has a history of a hundred years and is the most dangerous racing competition in the world!

Sergey Luo was very happy and appreciated Chen Fei even more.

Chen Fei's memory suddenly flashed back to the scene during the mixed team 2000-meter relay final of the short track speed skating event at the National Winter Games in later years. Maybe that was the so-called "tactical" application.

Although you can win the game by playing dirty tricks, you also lose the competitive spirit of sports, which is shameful to countless people!

"Very happy to oblige."

In addition to popular science content, a photo of Chen Fei wearing a racing suit, holding a helmet in his hand, and standing next to a motorcycle also appeared on major portals.

Countless people subconsciously flocked to the forum to discuss the news that was suddenly announced.

"What the hell?! Director Chen went to participate in the Isle of Man TT League?"

"Good guy? This is really a blockbuster without even making a fuss!"

"Let me tell you, why hasn't Red Bull launched an extreme sports challenge for so long this year? It turns out it was waiting here!"

"Ah!!! Chen Fei looks so handsome in his racing suit! I love him so much!"

"Gan, so judging from this situation, can we still see the full broadcast of the event online?"

"Oh my god, I just happened to be flying to watch the game today. I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise. I won't say anything anymore and just wait for me to take photos of the game for you!"

The news spread a lot on the Internet. As the center of entertainment news, the entertainment industry was naturally affected.

"A director? Going to participate in a motorcycle race? What did he think?"

Zhang Weiping was very envious and jealous of Chen Fei's ability to repeatedly trigger popular events. Every time he promoted a movie, he had to invest a lot of money.

But Chen Fei was lucky. With just one small move, the entire Internet's attention was focused on him. This ability to absorb heat is unique in the industry!

"Who knows, he just likes to toss, but he always manages to come up with some tricks."

Zhang Yimou, who was sitting opposite Zhang Weiping, shrugged, picked up the pen on the table, and signed his name on a contract.

What the two discussed today was the cooperation plan for "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". Zhang Weiping finally decided to invest in this commercial film to give the new picture a shot.

Out of trust in Zhang Weiping, Zhang Yimou didn't read the contract in detail, signed his name and got up to prepare.

However, watching him leave, Zhang Weiping's mouth curved up.

He habitually made a lot of small moves in the contract, but as expected, Zhang Yimou didn't pay attention, and this also meant that most of the profits after the movie was released would go into his own pocket!


After the data analysis on the second day was completed, what was waiting for Chen Fei was the official start of the third day.

Of course, the official competition will not end in one go. The first thing he needs to face is the knockout round. Sergey Luo held a form in his hand and explained to him: "The competition will be divided into two rounds, and 50 players will compete in each round. According to the official rankings, you are assigned to the first round. "

Chen Fei was chewing an apple in his mouth and asked casually: "Are there any opponents worth paying attention to?"


Sergey Luo's expression became much more serious and he picked up another form.

"Ian Hutchinson, nicknamed "Bentley Bullet", was born on August 1979, 8 in Bentley, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. He is a professional British motorcycle road racing rider.

He officially started his career in 2003 and participated in the Isle of Man TT League for the first time in 2004. In 2006, he joined the McAdoo Kawasaki team and won his first career championship in the North West 200 event - 600cc SuperSport Race.

In 2007, he joined the HM Plant Honda team and won his first Isle of Man TT championship - the Supersport Junior TT championship. In the same year, he won the SuperBike championship in the Ulster Grand Prix!

Fei! He will be your most serious opponent in this Isle of Man TT League! "

"Okay, I will treat it carefully."

Chen Fei nodded seriously. To despise his opponent was to disrespect his own life. He would not make such a fatal mistake.



Hurrying slowly, Zhu Zhu and Wan Qian finally flew from Bordeaux to the Isle of Man.

Both of them had participated in a film festival in Bordeaux and were just about to return to China when they received the news that Chen Fei would participate in the Isle of Man TT League without thinking.

The two women and one girl were about to book a flight, so they simply changed their visas and flew directly to the Isle of Man.

Such a great opportunity, if they don't go to watch the game live, it will be a waste of the funds provided by the crew!

This trip to Bordeaux did not give the two women the best sense. The reason was the appearance of Zhao Wei and the movie "Mulan" she starred in.

The two of them went to see the premiere of this movie by chance, but after watching the whole thing, they only had two feelings.

"bad movie!"

After all, both of them have watched "Mulan" directed by Chen Fei. Compared with Zhao Wei's, the latter is simply a fighter in the garbage!

Taking a taxi to the event site, the two girls found that there were already many spectators here, most of them holding small flags in their hands, and there were even fans waving flags and cheering for their idols.

"Why is Director Chen showing up?"

Wan Qian looked at the lively scene around her with excitement and couldn't help but sway her body gently to the music.

"I don't know! Maybe we have to wait a while?"

Zhu Zhu received a small flag from the side. She didn't care which racing driver's name was engraved on it. She was just here to join in the fun anyway, so she could just shout whatever she wanted.

The live broadcast has begun, and netizens are talking about it while watching the live broadcast.

Many viewers who are familiar with the Isle of Man TT League have even created a QQ group to discuss it enthusiastically.

"Damn it, I just looked at the official event schedule. Chen Fei will appear in the first round of eliminations!"

"It's such a shame that one of my favorite racers, Ian Hutchinson, was relegated to the second round."

"Ian Hutchinson? He's here too? This is a great guy!"

"Yes, Ian Hutchinson has a high demand for winning the championship this time. The team has customized a training plan for him. If nothing else, he will be the individual champion of this year's Isle of Man TT League."

"Hey? Where did you put me, Director Chen? I am his loyal extreme sports fan. Since he dares to participate in the competition, his level will not be too bad!"

"Brother, please stop making trouble. This is a motorcycle race, not an extreme sport. Ian Hutchinson is the most professional, okay?"

"That's not necessarily true. The speed of the motorcycle race has steadily exceeded 200Km/h. This is a category of extreme sports. Chen Fei is a professional in this regard!"

"Then let's just wait and see!"

"Just wait and see, I, Director Chen, will definitely win!"

This kind of discussion is not as good as it is in many places. In the opinion of many people, motorcycle racing requires very high skills, and this also means that a lot of time is needed for training.

But what about Chen Fei?

As a director, where does he have time to do these trainings?

Therefore, in the eyes of the vast majority of motorcycle enthusiasts, his participation in the Isle of Man TT League this time is probably just a performance to promote himself.

When the players participating in the first round of knockout rounds arrived at the officially designated positions of the event, the audience immediately deepened their understanding.

Many people saw Chen Fei holding his helmet and standing next to the motorcycle.

His position at this time is really awkward, right in the middle of all the players. Although it looks like the C position, this position is actually the worst.

Some professionals specially conducted some popular science for others.

“The positioning in motorcycle racing is very critical. Although the middle position may seem higher than the ones behind it, it is actually the worst.

If you accelerate a little, you are likely to hit some vehicles in front, and when overtaking in corners, you often have to choose to overtake from the outside lane. This will cause the speed to be delayed for a long time, which has a great impact on the ranking! "

The person in the group's knowledge of science is only the most basic. As one of the players participating in the competition, Chen Fei actually understands it more thoroughly.

In addition to the gap in positions, there is actually another more critical point in the game!


In the knockout round, it's not just about running fast. In addition, you also need to be prepared for all kinds of blows from your opponents.

Many champion candidates actually have their own "partners". These people do not exist to win the game, but to protect the champion candidates and eliminate threats!

Just like now, although the game has not started yet, Chen Fei has already noticed that several people have their eyes on him, with evil intentions in their eyes.

Obviously, he, the star driver, has been targeted!


By the time all the contestants were in place, the atmosphere at the scene was almost complete.

The referee stepped onto the scene, raised his starting gun and pointed it at the sky.


Following the sound of a gunshot, the roar of the locomotive instantly resounded throughout the venue, directly igniting the atmosphere at the scene!

In an instant, piercing screams echoed in the ears of every player, giving them the greatest encouragement!

Chen Fei was not affected by those screams. He handled the game calmly and according to the original plan, he steadily surpassed many opponents who were performing in the first corner.

When we come to the second echelon, here are the motorcycle racers who are serious about participating in the competition.

Chen Fei's opponents this time are these people!

But this is just a knockout match after all. Many of the favorites to win the championship have not directly exerted their strength. They are preparing to apply their true strength to the final moment, so many people only compete with the mentality of not being eliminated.

But Chen Fei is different. In order to get double rewards from the system in the end, he must ensure that he can get first place in every game.

So when he came to the second corner, he chose to accelerate!

Judging from the values ​​displayed on the monitor, his speed at this time had increased to 300km/h, which was already a very scary speed. There were only about a dozen people at the scene who could barely walk side by side with him.

However, as he increased his speed, the speed quickly reached 350km/h, leaving the other contestants in the second tier far behind.

Don’t underestimate this 50km increase. In addition to making the car faster, it also makes the arrival of death much faster!

The official commentator stood up at this moment and looked at the live broadcast with disbelief.

This horse riding is just a knockout competition! Is it necessary to turn it up right away?

At this time, in the QQ group of domestic motorcycle enthusiasts, they watched Chen Fei speeding and racing all the way. Some people who originally had a lot of doubts about his riding skills felt like they were slapped in the face!

350km/h corner acceleration?

Without sufficient driving skills, who would dare to do this on a horse?

"I'm sorry, I have to take back what I just said. Chen Fei is obviously not playing for fun, he is really awesome!"

In the QQ group, the guy who was very tough at the beginning immediately accepted it.

Anyone who knows a little bit about motorcycles knows that it can reach 350km/h when running around corners, and it can also steadily control the direction and speed. This is already awesome and opens the door for awesomeness - it is extremely awesome!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!)

(End of this chapter)

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