It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 381 Red Bull doesn’t care about life, Devil’s Claw is technically tough!

Chapter 381 Red Bull doesn’t care about life, Devil’s Claw is technically tough! (asking for monthly ticket)

"Oh, I'll go! Director Chen is so handsome, look at his riding action, it's so cool!"

"Where do you think he gets so much time? Actor, director, screenwriter, extreme sports...and now suddenly there is a motorcycle rider, a master of time management?"

"Damn it, look at the numbers on the display, the speed is still increasing!"


The live broadcast room and the audience were talking a lot, but this did not affect Chen Fei's driving at all.

With his ultimate performance in the corner area, he quickly reached the first echelon, and was only less than 30 meters away from the popular drivers competing for the championship.

Looking up at the distance between him and the riders in front, Chen Fei's attention was suddenly attracted by their clothes.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Toyota, Ferrari, Porsche...the logos of major manufacturers are clearly printed on these drivers.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there was actually a huge class division in motorcycle racing.

Manufacturers like Ferrari and Porsche have strong financial strength, so they will put a lot of effort into training players without considering the cost at all.

I originally thought that this year's Isle of Man TT League was already in Ian Hutchinson's bag, but I didn't expect that such a dark horse would appear. Now it seems that I am afraid I have to use some "tactics"!

Once a mistake occurs, overturning is inevitable.

Therefore, Chen Fei obviously found that when approaching this section of road, many riders would choose to slow down.

This is already a speed with an extremely high fatality rate. If the vehicle encounters some gravel and the tires slip, it can range from being seriously injured to evacuating, to death!

Sergei Luo suddenly became nervous, so much so that Flory and other motorcycle maintenance technicians on the side had their hearts in their throats.

The scene was full of screams, discussions, and cheers!

"Come on, Director Chen! Come on, Director Chen!"

The moment they left the forest area, they were greeted by a dazzling light that could cause temporary blindness!

Don't just withdraw from the knockout round, that would be too embarrassing!

But then, under everyone's gaze, Chen Fei seemed to be favored by the goddess of luck. He did not encounter any obstacles along the way, surpassed many riders one after another, and easily climbed to second place.

After smoothly changing gears, he began to twist the accelerator and chose again - accelerate! ! !

"Fuck? What is he going to do?"

Sergey Luo was immediately confused. According to the original plan, what Chen Fei should do most when encountering this devilish track is to slow down!

"Damn it, Brother Fei is favored by the goddess of luck. Just turn the throttle and leave the rest to God."

But at the same time, another section of road appeared that all drivers had to be cautious about.

Ian Hutchinson didn't dare to guarantee his ticket. After all, the guy racing on the field was so ruthless. He passed the devil's track at a speed of nearly 400km/h. This was completely risking his life!

However, what he didn't notice was that after hearing his answer, a sharp look flashed in the team manager's eyes.

"A slight miss can make a difference a thousand miles", this sentence is not just said casually!

The roar of an engine brought his attention back to reality. When he looked up, he found that a new track had appeared in front of him, and his expression suddenly became more solemn.

But those small manufacturers are different. Their lack of financial strength means that their motorcycles are very different from these top large manufacturers.

If you make a mistake, it is very likely that the car will be destroyed and people will be killed!

" indeed very strong!"


Therefore, this route is also the section where accidents occur most frequently. Almost 3 to 5 people end their lives here every year.

Different from other sections, what Chen Fei will face next is the devil's track located deep in the forest.

The team manager nodded slightly. He knew very well about Chen Fei's identity. After all, the word "Red Bull" was too loud in the circle.

Both women worked very hard, their voices almost hoarse from the shouting, as if this could help Chen Fei continue to accelerate.

Faced with such a route, Chen Fei naturally would not take it lightly.

"Haha, I rushed to second place, so damn strong!"

But looking at the speed displayed on the screen, he had already raised the speed to over 350km/h.

"Ian, do you have the confidence to face him?"

This is just the knockout round, not the final moment. Most people are holding on to the idea of ​​not being eliminated, at least to save their own lives.

Because of the protective device of the eyeballs, temporary blindness will inevitably occur when moving from a dark place to a bright place.

The speed of a motorcycle is already very fast. Once the line of sight is blocked, the ability to respond to some emergencies will be greatly reduced.

On the sidelines, Sergei Luo stood up subconsciously, "The devil's track is coming!"

Off the field, people from all walks of life had different thoughts, but on the track, Chen Fei didn't think so much. He just kept accelerating, accelerating, and accelerating again!

At this stage, there is only two car bodies between him and the Ferrari in front. As long as the other party shows a slight tendency to slow down, he can easily overtake him.


At this time, in the front row of the audience, Ian Hutchinson, who had won four consecutive championships, had a serious expression on his face and said to the team manager on the side: "This may be what I encountered in this event. The strongest opponent!"

Seeing this scene, many people's eyes were full of doubts.


Zhu Zhu and Wan Qian each held a small flag in their hands and shouted wildly to encourage Chen Fei.

"Are you so lucky? No obstacles at all?"

The reason why it is called a devil's track is because there are tall trees on both sides of the road, and the light refracted down will greatly affect the players' sight.

Although this time period usually lasts less than ten seconds, for the two people's current speed, it is a very fatal crisis moment!

"I'll do my best."

Listening to the roar of the engine next to his ears, the Ferrari driver gritted his teeth, but in the end he did not dare to make the decision to accelerate.

He just needs to ensure that he is not eliminated. There is no need to risk his life with the guy behind him.

So, under the attention of the audience, he loosened the accelerator, causing the speed to drop slightly.

On the big screen, watching the speed of the car continue to decrease, the commentator immediately captured this message!

"The situation is clear now. The Ferrari driver has decided to slow down and pass the current section of the road and is ready to take a stab at it. So how will the Red Bull driver make a decision next?

If we can successfully overtake, there will be no need to say more about the outcome. "

At this moment, everyone in the audience turned their attention to Chen Fei, waiting for him to make a decision!

Not everyone could see the competition scene, so some people focused their attention on the speed monitor on the big screen.

And when they saw that his speed did not slow down at all, but continued to increase, the audience suddenly burst into excitement!

"What the hell? Are you really desperate?"

"Good guy, this is an extreme athlete. Others rely on technology to win, but you are playing with your life!"

"Hey! This scene is comparable to roulette!"


boom! ! !

The roar of the engine resounded on the track. Without any hesitation, Chen Fei accelerated and overtook the Ferrari driver, rushing from darkness to light!

When his eyes changed from dark environment to strong light, his pupils began to shrink violently uncontrollably. This was a precursor to temporary blindness.

However, what everyone didn't know was that the state of temporary blindness did not actually appear on him. This was due to his physical attributes as high as "199" points!

If it can't handle even an ordinary light, then why does this system still have a thread to use?

Seeing that he passed the current section of the road very smoothly without making any mistakes, the netizens who were watching the broadcast were excited again!

"Good guy, I finally discovered it. Sacrifice your life to the sky, your luck is boundless!"

"So, the essence of motorcycle racing is risking your life + having good luck?"

"As expected of Red Bull. In order to win, he really risked his life. No wonder he can become the global spokesperson of Red Bull. We can't compare with him on this alone!"


The elimination round ended quickly. In Chen Fei's crazy racing state, the group of drivers behind him were directly left behind by him, and he almost couldn't even see the taillights of his car.

After the game, Chen Fei was the first to get a spot to advance to the finals.

The Ferrari driver even took the initiative to ask him for an autograph, probably because he was afraid that Chen Fei would be defeated in the finals and would never have another chance in the future.

"Fei, your behavior is not advisable. Being lucky once does not mean you will have such good luck every time."

Serge Luo came over to persuade him. He was really afraid that something would happen to Chen Fei in the finals.

Chen Fei asked with a smile: "If I said that it was not luck, but my true strength, would you believe it?"

"will not."

Serge Luo shook his head directly. What system had he used? How could he accept such an existence that was like cheating?

"Haha, let's wait and see in the finals."

Chen Fei didn't explain too much. He just took the lucky orange peel and made tea and drank a cup of tea. He didn't even eat the pulp inside.

Wait until the finals, and you will truly understand what "the blessing of the God of Luck" means!


Chen Fei was not at the scene to watch the subsequent second round of knockout matches. He went directly back to the garage to debug the motorcycle based on today's game data.

That afternoon, Flory brought back the news, "The winner of the second round knockout is Ian Hutchinson, who is also the leader."

This result did not surprise everyone. After all, in the previous four years, the individual champion of the Isle of Man TT League has always been Ian Hutchinson.

If it weren't for Chen Fei's appearance this year, Ian Hutchinson should have easily won the five crowns!

"Fei, you must remain highly attentive in the final the day after tomorrow. I'm worried that Ian Hutchinson's side will use tactics against you."

"Don't worry, I've been prepared."

Chen Fei waved his hand and didn't really care.

So what if there are tactics? In the end, motorcycle racing relies on one's own overall strength, and everything else is just passing by.


The next day, after taking some free time, Chen Fei had lunch with Zhu Zhu and Wan Qian, who came specially to watch the game.

"You mean, you two went to see the movie "Mulan" starring Zhao Yanzi?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhu Zhu has a more unrestrained personality, so it is inevitable that he will be a little arrogant, "The filming of that film is simply terrible, just like a crudely made third-level film. It tells the story of the love between children on the battlefield. Look, It’s particularly hard for people, because such a good cast was lost in vain.”

"How could she even think of going to Bordeaux for a premiere?"

Chen Fei couldn't understand Zhao Yanzi's operation. Could it be that there was no room for her in Xiangjiang?

Wan Qian on the side lowered her voice and whispered: "I heard that her husband bought a winery in Bordeaux. He is very rich. I guess he has good connections there."

A name suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

Huang Youlong? !

This guy is indeed a talent, but his heart is as black as a horse!

The conversation soon returned to racing.

Wan Qian asked with a look of surprise: "Director Chen, when did you learn to ride a motorcycle? I've never seen you ride one before?"

Zhu Zhu responded and added: "Yes, yes, I've only seen you play racing, just flying on that bridge."

"I learned it when I was filming "The Fast and the Furious". I haven't shown it much before, so of course you won't know."

Chen Fei just found an excuse and dealt with it. After dinner, the two women did not leave, but returned to the hotel they had booked in advance. They agreed not to go back until the Isle of Man TT League was over.

"There are quite a lot of people here. Please pay attention to your own safety. Remember to call me if anything happens."

Chen Fei gave them his private number and went back to continue preparations for the finals.


On the morning of the third day, the weather was clear, and the sun shone on the track, reflecting patches of mottled light and shadow.

The finals have officially started!

After Chen Fei said hello to the Ferrari driver who also advanced to the finals, the next second, his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the other person next to him.

Ian Hutchinson, a member of the HM Plant Honda team and one of the spokespersons of Mozhao Drinks.

As we all know, Red Bull is life-threatening and Demon Claw is technically tough!

As the spokesperson of Devil's Claw Drink, Ian Hutchinson is naturally known throughout the motorcycle industry for his "hard skills". It can be seen from the fact that he has won four consecutive individual league championships how high his level is. high!

Today's weather is relatively hot, but this still cannot stop the enthusiasm of the audience.

Especially when they saw Chen Fei in the front row wearing a Red Bull logo helmet, and Ian Hutchinson wearing a Devil's Claw logo helmet, excitement boiled in their hearts!

"Oh yes, Red Bull vs. Devil's Claw, this is so cool!"

"Haha, what a famous scene!"

"Come on, come on, the market is open. I bet on Devil's Claw to win. The technology over there is strong."

"No more words, just place your bets, I bet Director Chen will win, Red Bull is risking his life!"

"Hahaha, it's so exciting to ride a horse. This competition is so exciting."

The screams and cheers from the audience never stopped, but the racers at the scene were not disturbed by external sounds, and almost everyone focused on the track.

Compared with the weather on the day of the knockout round, today's temperature was obviously much higher.

The occurrence of this kind of weather is not a good thing for most people. In addition to aggravating physical exertion, tire wear will also rise in a straight line, which is likely to cause some mistakes during the game.

However, the event organizers will definitely not postpone the race because the weather is too hot, so the drivers can only accept this situation.

Under the arrangement of the staff, everyone placed the motorcycle in a suitable position, and the riders also came to the waiting area.


As the starting gun sounded, the red light at the starting point changed color instantly, which also meant that the largest and most entertaining individual league of the year had officially begun.

The next second, all the racers started from the waiting area and ran towards the position of their motorcycles.

This distance is not too long, only about thirty or forty meters.

Judging from past experience, the gap will not be widened here, because everyone's physical fitness is not much different, and the main thing is the subsequent track competition!

However, this year an outlier emerged.

When the starting gun sounded, all the riders watched helplessly as Chen Fei rode away from the three of them!

The result of this behavior is that the "tactics" prepared by many drivers in advance are nipped in the bud.

Because by the time they started the vehicle and were about to set off, Chen Fei had already increased his speed and steadily entered the first echelon position.

Seeing this scene, the manager of the HM Plant Honda team showed confusion on his face.

How many legs have you grown? Why does Mao run so fast?

But he wasn't too worried, because there was a back-up team he prepared in the first echelon, and he spent a lot of effort to protect Ian Hutchinson!

The drivers soon arrived at the first corner. However, just when Chen Fei was about to overtake from the inside corner, an unexpected situation occurred.

A BMW driver suddenly slowed down and hit his area, forcing him to rush to the outer bend to avoid the opponent's obstruction.

If you don't change the lane, it's very likely that the two cars will collide and both will be disqualified from the competition!

"Is this coming?"

Under the helmet, Chen Fei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, not panicking at all, because he was already prepared!

Shift gears, refuel... He reacted extremely quickly and completed the entire acceleration process in the blink of an eye, galloping on the outer circle of the track at a speed of nearly 400km/h.

The tires had been pressed to the extreme by him, and both sides of the hot-melt tires were being worn crazily at this moment, and the knee pads were rubbing against the driveway, creating bright flames!

With extremely precise and bold maneuvers, the BMW driver's obstruction did not slow down Chen Fei, but allowed him to complete the process of accelerating and drifting around corners.

Many viewers at the scene and those watching the broadcast could not suppress their inner shock and surprise when they saw this scene!

"Good guy, this operation is absolutely amazing!"

"Damn it, he is indeed an extreme athlete from Red Bull. He has been seeking death and has never been surpassed!"

"Grandma, it seems that the devil's claw is just like that, right? Ian Hutchinson didn't seem to have done any amazing cornering skills just now, right?"

Some people are amazed, but others are worried.

"The tires were worn like this just after setting off. If we go into the rest area to change the tires later, will it waste a lot of time?"

"The operation is indeed awesome, but the braking performance behind it may be reduced."

"Come on, I hope you can get the second place. If you win the championship, I think there is no hope."

On the field, Chen Fei successfully promoted himself to the fourth position after passing the first corner.

At this time, in front of it were Ian Hutchinson, the Ferrari driver, and a Mustang driver. These three people occupied the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions respectively.

Everyone communicates well in private, but when it comes to the track, it's all about rivalry, and no one will let him.

Facing the strict defense of the three people, it was very difficult for Chen Fei to complete the overtaking. The space was blocked by them, leaving him no chance at all.

However, he was not anxious because of this. It was still early and there were plenty of opportunities ahead!

Just when the game was on the third lap, the opportunity finally came!


The sound of brakes suddenly sounded, and Sergei Luo and others who were waiting in the rest area swarmed over and successfully replaced Chen Fei's front and rear tires.

"What are you going to do next?" Sergey Luo asked slightly anxiously.

However, what responded to him was an engine roar like a wild beast!

By the time the Mustang driver and Ferrari driver reacted, Chen Fei was already directly behind them with a speed of over 400km/h.

This time, after changing the tires, Chen Fei once again turned on the violent mode. After forcefully pulling his opponents into the inner circle, he relied on his skillful skills to once again surpass them from the outer circle with extreme cornering.

Although this will increase tire wear, I have to say that the effect is really good!

In less than 20 seconds, Chen Fei was already behind Ian Hutchinson and was waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

As a professional motorcycle rider, Ian Hutchinson is naturally very experienced. Although he is not as bold as Chen Fei, his skills are top notch!

And under the opponent's skillful blocking position, Chen Fei was indeed unable to surpass him in a short period of time.

But the opportunity will come soon!

That's a right-angle turn area.

When going through a right-angle corner, many players will reduce their speed before entering the corner in order to avoid being thrown away.

In many previous championship races, everyone competed for who could perform better on this corner.

This is a corner that can determine victory or defeat!

After overcoming this difficulty, the next step is a smooth straight line.

As the old saying goes, who can’t accelerate in a straight line? Fast corners are really fast!

Chen Fei and Ian Hutchinson obviously know this, and both sides are very confident in their own strength.

Needless to say, Ian Hutchinson has practiced this right-angle corner at least a hundred times.

And Chen Fei's advantage is also obvious, because he is a cheat!

"The moment to decide the outcome has come." The commentator became obviously excited. He had seen too many famous scenes on this right-angled corner.

After hearing his words, the audience at the scene and other viewers watching the broadcast also became excited.

"The decisive battle is coming!"

"Who can win if you are not afraid of death or if you are technically strong?"

"My standing skills are strong this time!"

"I also stand for technology!"


The two completed the turn almost in tandem.

Ian Hutchinson chose his usual approach, holding the clutch slightly and reducing some speed to ensure that he could pass this corner as safely as possible.

In his experience, in fact, as long as he makes no mistakes, it is considered a victory. Those who are more impatient usually speed up here, causing them to roll and lose their qualifications.

Judging from the previous data analysis, Chen Fei is this kind of person with a rather impatient temper.

What happened at the scene was not beyond his expectation. At the same moment when he slowed down, he could clearly hear the roar of the engine coming from Chen Fei's side.

Obviously, the opponent did not choose to slow down, but continued to speed up!

"What a stupid act. This is a right-angled bend, not an arc. It will definitely roll over and be thrown out..."

laugh! ! !

Just when Ian Hutchinson was about to watch Chen Fei being thrown out from the rearview mirror, the sudden sound of brakes made his heart tremble!

what's the situation?

What is he doing?

"What the fuck? What is this? Violent braking!!!"

Seeing Chen Fei's extreme operation, the on-site commentator jumped on the table with disbelief on his face.

Under the gaze of all the spectators, it was obvious that Chen Fei was almost thrown out by the powerful centrifugal force when he passed the end of the curve.

But at that critical moment, he suddenly stepped on the brakes hard, completely locking the front and rear wheels. At the same time, he pressed his body firmly against the frame, relying on his own strength to resist the terrifying force. centrifugal force.


In a flash of lightning, he successfully completed an extreme corner.

Although the side edges of the tires and the friction points on the racing suit were almost worn away, even so, he successfully passed Ian Hutchinson and returned to the final long straight.

The next second, the sound of the accelerator sounded like a roaring beast, and the motorcycle under Chen Fei accelerated like a wild horse!

The speed did not decrease but increased, successfully breaking through 400km/h again!

At this time, Ian Hutchinson behind him had just managed to turn the right-angle corner. When he tried to increase the speed, all that was left for him was the flash of the car's taillights.

In an instant, the auditorium exploded!

At this time, the audience who were watching the broadcast could no longer contain their excitement and cheered like crazy.

In the temporarily formed QQ group for motorcycle enthusiasts, new messages appeared in the chat interface like a barrage.

"Holy shit, Red Bull beat Devil's Claw in terms of skill?"

"Made, I have to take back what I just said. The skill of riding a red bull on a horse is no worse than that of the Devil's Claw!"

"I just want to ask, how can a motorcycle driver who is very skilled and willing to risk his life beat him?"

"No solution! No solution at all!"

"Hahahaha! You are indeed my idol! Director Chen is so awesome! Champion of the individual category of the Isle of Man TT League! We are the pride of China!"


(PS: Second update, 7000 words, please vote for me! If there is still time in the evening, there will be another chapter.)

(End of this chapter)

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