It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 382 Beat to death? But we can't let the female fairies succeed, the 'beauty contes

Chapter 382 Beat to death? But we can't let the female fairies succeed, the 'beauty contest' begins!

"The side edges of the tires are completely worn out, the brake pads are all scrapped, the suspension is cracked, and the racing suit has completely lost its protective effect..."

At the finish line, Sergey Luo inspected the damage to the motorcycle and was filled with emotion.

Fortunately, this was already the last lap to cross the line, otherwise if he continued running in this state, it would be a matter of time before the car crashed and everyone died.

"Haha, this is what I call making the best use of everything."

Chen Fei said cheerfully, without any trace of nervousness at all, as if the right-angled bend that could have killed him if he was not careful did not exist at all.

"You are awesome!"

Flory gave him a thumbs up from the side, and recalling the scene of the game just now, his legs were still shaking a little.

But on the other hand, Chen Fei looked nonchalant. He really brought out the essence of "Red Bull doesn't care about life" to the extreme.

After receiving the award and enjoying the cheers and excitement of the crowd, Chen Fei returned to the hotel with the others.

"When is the flight scheduled?"

[The blind box is opening...]

"Director Chen! Come back to China and make a movie! I haven't seen your movie for a long time. I miss you so much!"

"Come on, let's get started and open a blind box gift package for me to play with!"

[A total of 113695 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

And there are a lot of videos about your matches stored there. We have to make a copy and use them for promotion. "

After looking at these scripts, it didn't take long for Chen Fei to have various appropriate arrangements in his mind.

"I want Brother Fei to participate in boxing!"

"Huh? So many reputation points?"

Chen Fei did not refuse. After all, he gets more than 100 million U.S. dollars in endorsement fees from Red Bull every year, so he should help attend several events.

"Good guy, brother, don't make trouble. Brother Fei has real kung fu. When he was a martial arts actor, he was called the No. 1 martial arts instructor in the mainland. If you go to a boxing match, you can't beat others. die?"

[SS level blind box reward ×2 has been distributed successfully. 】


[Ding: We are opening a super high-quality script gift package for you. 】

As one of the shareholders behind these companies, he has learned how capital can make money.

The task has been completed, and now comes the harvest time!

The sweet prompt sound immediately rang in my ears.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Flory explained specifically, "There will be an official event for the Isle of Man TT tomorrow morning. You are our Red Bull brand spokesperson, so you have to attend it.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the mission (participating in the new Isle of Man Tourist Cup - World Superbike Championship and winning the championship). 】


But these guys seem to be very busy recently, so let's wait and see who is more lucky and can take the first piece of meat from him.

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】


At this moment, not only fans in the mainland are having heated discussions, but foreign platforms such as Twitter and YouTube are also full of various clips about Chen Fei's competition.

For a time, these videos became extremely popular on the Internet!

Some netizens and fans who had no time to watch the broadcast were shocked after watching the broadcast video, especially Chen Fei's "violent braking" at the right-angle corner at the end, which gave people a sense of extreme operating pleasure.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: a super premium script gift pack, skill: Ski Mastery (Lv5). 】

"I just wondered, what else can he not do? He can win the Isle of Man TT League Championship on a motorcycle. If he goes to participate in the WRC World Rally Championship, he has to defeat all those gringos? "

Sure enough, you still have to participate in such a large-scale event. The audience for the knockout + final is already as high as 11. Isn’t this just high-quality wool?

"Hey, another double blind box."

Playing with the bright silver trophy in his hand, Chen Fei looked at Flory. The actors in Los Angeles were all here, waiting for him to go back to audition.

It just so happens that there are so many directors in the company who are "waiting for support". How good would it be to distribute a few scripts suitable for them and let them shoot them?

"Ok, deal!"

If it is someone else, it may be time to contact the brokerage company to ask for advertising fees from these platforms.

Although the entire video of the game took two days to be edited, the audience's own recorded video quickly spread as the game ended.

Looking at the reputation reward of more than 11, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This strength is truly incredible. It's so powerful."

[The gift package has been opened. Congratulations to the host for winning the script rewards: "Hunting", "Embroidered Spring Knife", "Painted Skin 2", "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage", and "Gravity". 】

He definitely wouldn't be able to finish the photo by himself. After all, he's not a robot. He can spin around after winding up a clockwork and swallowing a battery.

In the hotel room, after briefly browsing various news on the Internet, Chen Fei focused his attention on the system in his mind.

But Chen Fei ignored it. Anyway, the various platform traffic fees incurred would eventually fall into his pocket.

The next second, the body that was slumped on the sofa suddenly collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Fei had a suitable candidate in his mind.

It is indeed a super high-quality product. This award does not bury these three words. Not a single script is bad!


After taking a sip of tea brewed with lucky orange peels, Chen Fei sat down on the sand tea and snapped his fingers.

After briefly sorting out the script rewards, Chen Fei briefly set his sights on the subsequent skill "Ski Mastery".

"Lv5" is already considered a full level, but according to the nature of the system, if he is suddenly rewarded with a skiing skill, he may have to start refining his life again!

As the rewards are distributed, various "skiing" skill operations and applications have begun to come to mind.

Chen Fei didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, it takes at least 12 hours to master the skills. During this period, he could completely concentrate on doing his own thing.

The Isle of Man TT League has ended, it's still early to go to bed, and there's nothing he needs to deal with now.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei simply opened the personal panel of the system and briefly sorted out his current skills and various script gift packages.

Host: Chen Fei

Age: 25

Power: 199

Speed: 99

Stamina: 199

Constitution: 199


Reputation value: 553681

Some script rewards that he had received from the system a long time ago, such as "Crazy Stone", "Buried Alive" and other scripts that had been produced and released, Chen Fei directly put them at the bottom of the script library.

Scripts such as "Hunting" and "Gravity" that I just got are all placed at the top of the script library for easy access at any time.

After doing all this, it was getting late.

After taking a shower and throwing the key cards and business cards that he had stuffed through the cracks in the door into the trash can, he went straight to bed and fell asleep.

That's how it is after becoming famous. There are always some female fairies who dream of eating his Tang Monk meat in order to achieve immortality.

We must not let these female fairies succeed!



The opening ceremony of "Let the Bullets Fly" went smoothly. Except for Chen Fei who was far away from the Isle of Man and did not come back, other actors were present.

Lao Jiang is very happy today. The media has spoken highly of his ability to invite Ge You, Chow Yun-fat and Liu Jialing to participate in the filming of the movie.

Although he lost every movie he made in the past few years, his status in the industry has never been reduced.

"This horse riding is strength!"

While sipping a glass of wine, Jiang Wen ate the vegetables and vividly described to his wife Zhou Yun how he had tricked Ge You and Zhou Yunfa into coming here with the help of two autographed letters.

"My husband is really awesome." Zhou Yun is very good at complimenting her. She praised Lao Jiang so much in just a few words, "So you are going to join the crew tomorrow? Then we won't be able to see each other for a long time?"

Although they are no longer a newlywed couple, Zhou Yun still likes to stick to Jiang Wen all day long.

There is no way, his personal charm is too high, and most people just can't stand it. For example, when he was filming "Looking for a Gun", Lu Chuan even wrote a "love letter" to him.

"No rush." ​​Jiang Wen drank another glass of wine, waved his hand and said: "There is a "horse-drawn train" scene in the script. I am going to build a 10-kilometer railway in the suburbs of Beijing, and I have to train eight horses to run on it. Running on gravel-covered railway tracks requires a long preparation time." "Ah? Is it so grand?"

Zhou Yun was slightly stunned, remembering her husband's previous operations, and immediately reminded her tactfully: "You have to spend every money wisely this time. We have invested a lot, so don't lose everything."

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Jiang Wen kept promising on his lips, but he didn't care in his heart.

Recently, news has come out in the industry that after the failure of "Mei Lanfang", Chen Kaige is reviving and preparing to make a commercial film. He is also preparing to build a "Spring and Autumn and Warring States" movie theater covering an area of ​​152 acres and a construction area of ​​43000 square meters. city".

He can even build a film and television city, I just built a train track, what's the big deal?

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Wen saw Zhou Yun walking out of the kitchen, holding a plate in her hand.

"What is this? It smells so good?"

"Isn't this the green mushroom you want to eat? I specially asked a friend to bring it from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. It took a lot of effort."

As Zhou Yun spoke, she moved the plate towards Jiang Wen.

This dish was a waste of effort for me to make. The mushrooms were extremely difficult to cook and she stewed them for a long time.

"Let me try it." Jiang Wen suddenly moved his index finger. He had heard Chen Fei say before that eating this mushroom would give him the feeling of watching an IMAX 3D movie.

However, after he cleared half of the mushrooms on the plate, nothing changed in front of him.


After burping, Jiang Wen put down his chopsticks, touched his overstretched belly, drank the wine in the cup, stood up and said:

"I'm full. Let's go to the study to read the script first. You can clean it up. Remember to spread the mattress on the bed. We will sleep together later."

"Oops!" Zhou Yun's face turned red, and she reached out and slapped him, "What are you talking about, you are so dishonest."

Lao Jiang chuckled, leaned in for a kiss, and leisurely entered the study amidst Zhou Yun's scolding voice.

Turning on the computer, he was just about to click on the memo when he saw a push from Sina appear on the computer interface.

[Recently, Chen Fei, director of a commercial film with a box office of 100 million yuan from the Mainland, participated in the Isle of Man TT League and won the individual competition championship! Break multiple world records and win glory for the country! 】

"Huh? Why is this kid going to participate in motorcycle racing again? Why can't he be left behind?"

With a chuckle, he clicked in.

It starts with a video of Chen Fei riding a motorcycle on the track, which is so cool.

However, just looking at it, Jiang Wen suddenly realized that something was not right, "Why did the computer screen suddenly start shaking?"

He reached out and patted the screen, thinking it was stuck.

But it’s okay if I don’t shoot, but if I shoot, it will cause big trouble!

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the engine filled his ears, and he watched helplessly as Chen Fei rode his motorcycle out of the computer screen, and the front of the motorcycle aimed straight at him and hit him!

"What the hell?!"

Jiang Wen was stunned. What was going on with the horse riding? Why did the car run out of the computer screen?

He was immediately frightened. Seeing the front of the car getting closer and closer to him, he crawled and ran out of the study room, still howling.

Zhou Yun, who was in the kitchen, heard the noise and ran out quickly.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

At the door of the study, Jiang Wen, who was leaning against the door, had cold sweat on his forehead, "Chen Fei wanted to hit me on his motorcycle, but I blocked him in the study."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was stunned, her face full of astonishment, "What are you talking about? Are you drunk? How could someone be riding a motorcycle in the study?"

After Zhou Yun said this, Jiang Wen also reacted immediately.

"Yes! How can there be a motorcycle in the study?"

He was talking to himself, but the next second, his expression suddenly changed again.

Because he suddenly discovered that whether it was his own words or the words spoken by Zhou Yun opposite him, there were subtitles in the air!

"Good guy? Is this the power of the Green Mushroom? You can really experience the effect of IMAX3D immersively!"


When he received a call from Jiang Wen, Chen Fei had already returned to Los Angeles.

"What? Damn it! Did you really eat that mushroom? How do you feel?"


Jiang Wen's reply was very interesting. From what he meant, it seemed like he wanted to give it another try?

"One time is enough. My movie will be released in the mainland soon. You don't need to torment yourself like this. Eating too much will burn out your brain..."

It took Chen Fei a long explanation before Jiang Wen gave up the idea of ​​continuing to eat Qing Qing.

Who knows if there will be any side effects if you eat too much of this stuff. If you eat old ginger and develop something wrong, that would be a sin!

"When are you going to join the cast? You don't have many guest roles, so you can come over as soon as possible to finish filming."

"Just wait, I will go back in two days. I have to attend the Shanghai International Film Festival. We will meet and chat then."

Until now, Chen Fei didn't know what role this old boy Jiang Wen had arranged for him. He had always said that he wanted to keep it a secret, but he didn't tell the truth.

If nothing else, he is definitely not a serious character.


Wen Ziren has been waiting for Chen Fei at the company for two days. The actors who participated in the audition for "The Hunger Games" have all had their schedules available, waiting for him to go back to audition.

But he never expected that as soon as he walked through the door of Waltons Pictures, he would see Natasha first in the elevator.

"How's Twilight doing at the box office now?"

"The situation is great!" Natasha said very excitedly: "It has been ten days since it was released today. Now it has received US$2.95 million in North America, and the global box office has reached US$5.97 million. It will be available tomorrow. It’s over $6 million!”

"Oh, so fierce?" Chen Fei was a little shocked. This is not even a Class A production!

"Fan support is very strong. In addition to North America, the box office growth trend in China, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and Neon countries is very strong. I predict that it may eventually exceed 8 million US dollars!"

"Okay, let's keep up the good work!"

In Hollywood's June schedule, there are currently not many competitors that can compete with "The Twilight Saga". Although "Transformers 2" is released on June 6, the audience overlap rate between the two is not significant. high.

The only "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" that can pose a direct threat is not even in July, and there is currently no direct competitive relationship between the two.

Although Warner has recently launched a promotional campaign, the popularity is not very high, and it is still being suppressed by Twilight.

After all, in comparison, the "Twilight" series is much more stunning in the hearts of young people, and "Harry Potter" has begun to feed on emotions, and the number of movie fans who have escaped the trap is increasing day by day.

"A lot of female stars came to the company today, are they all here to audition for "The Hunger Games"?" Natasha found another topic.

"Yes, are you coming to participate?"

"Can I go?"

"What's wrong with this?"

"Then I'll take some time off and join in the fun." Natasha was very excited. After all, there were some actresses she liked very much among the actresses who came today.

After finding Wen Ziren in the audition area, Chen Fei got a form from him.

"Huh? Are these people here to audition for the female lead?"

"Yes, don't be too picky." Wen Ziren joked with a smile.

The list contains the names of six actresses, all of whom came to audition for the role of "Katniss Everdeen".

The most important thing is that this is the list decided by Wen Ziren after careful selection!

Jennifer Lawrence, Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, Gal Gadot, Anne Hathaway, Britney Spears!

"Good guy? This horse riding is for a beauty pageant, right?"

Chen Fei was a little confused immediately. These...he thought they were all suitable?


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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