It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 383 Beauty pageant? No! This is casting! No! Not right yet! This is the beginning of a fate

Chapter 383 Beauty pageant? No! This is casting! No! Not right yet! This is the beginning of a fate with beauties!

"Who should be called in first?"

In the audition room, Wen Ziren smiled cheerfully.

He himself is married, and his wife at home is very strict, but Chen Fei doesn't have a serious girlfriend yet, so he might be able to find someone he likes this time.

You know, the actresses who can be left to the end are all very good-looking, and they are definitely worthy of him.

"Whatever, it's fine." Chen Fei waved his hand and didn't care.

"Okay, then I'll call you casually." Wen Ziren stood up, pushed the door open and walked out. After a while, he led an actress in.

"Hello director, my name is Britney Spears, and I am very happy to participate in this audition."

Chen Fei suddenly remembered her nickname.

Compared with her acting career, Britney's success in her music career is obviously more outstanding. She has appeared on the covers of major magazines such as "Rolling Stone" many times. With her sexy and cuteness, she won the title of "Britney" Nick name.

She just released her sixth solo album "Circus" not long ago and achieved very good sales.

"You're quite casual."




Unfortunately, precisely because her performance style was too fixed, she also failed to show the kind of "hard yet soft" image that Chen Fei wanted.

"Hey, are there no promotional activities today?"

"Haha, it's a deal!"

Chen Fei did not start the audition immediately. He had to first determine the purpose of the other party's coming here. It is true that singers turn to actors from time to time, but auditioning for "The Hunger Games" is not that simple!

It's a pity that she is not a professional after all. Even the escape performance or the emotional catharsis are very flawed in Chen Fei's opinion.

For the role of "Katniss Everdeen", Chen Fei's requirements are extremely high. It can't be decided just by fame, but also with enough outstanding acting skills.

Megan Fox is the kind of actress with a relatively flamboyant personality, so she is better at performing tough roles with a relatively strong image. In "Transformers", she is sexy and beautiful, and she complements those super sports cars.

Hearing this, Chen Fei's heart moved and he turned to look at Wen Ziren, "Go and call Scarlett Johansson back and let them try out the show."

Now that she was finally on the right track, she suddenly wanted to break away from the status quo and try a new life.

Chen Fei teased her with a smile. Michael Bay attaches great importance to "Transformers 2". He has dragged several leading actors to appear on shows these days, which can be said to be very busy.

Being able to persist until the last round of auditions means that she also has two skills, otherwise she would not have passed the test of Wen Ziren.

Chen Fei smiled slightly and did not comment too much on her idea. He just said that she could start her performance.

But at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly called her out, "I wonder if you are interested in participating in the soundtrack work of this movie? I really like the song you sang. I feel it matches the atmosphere of this movie very well." .”

Compared to those outside, her advantages are indeed small.



Britney's eyes lit up, obviously she didn't expect that she would still have the opportunity to work together after failing the audition.

It's just that you, a singer in the Grammy circle, why do you suddenly want to make a movie?

Previously, due to the deterioration of her family career and mental state, she was plagued by negative news and made a lot of efforts and sacrifices.

Chen Fei waved his hand to stop her performance and shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, your performance is far from what I expected."

Faced with his doubts, Britney Spears' reply was also very direct, "I just want to try to get in touch with some new life."

At some point, advantages turn into disadvantages.

"Haha, I suggest you complain to the Directors Guild about him."

The third person who walked in was Gal Gadot. The two had some interactions while filming Fast 4, so they were not strangers.

The second person who walked in was Megan Fox, who had met Chen Fei several times.

Gal Gadot obviously understands that her image does not fit the role, but she still wants to make some efforts, "My action scenes are very good."

Britney Spears was not too disappointed. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, bowed and prepared to leave.

Since there were no other suitable audition subjects at the scene, she needed to demonstrate the skill of performing without physical objects.

"No! No! No! I am still planning to continue to play the role in the third part. If I offend him, I will have no chance."

However, when those straight beautiful legs stood in front of Chen Fei with a height of 178cm, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Megan smiled heartily, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank you very much. It was precisely because of today's audition that I got a half-day leave from Director Michael."

"I'm extremely happy." She smiled brightly and movingly,

It just so happened that "The Hunger Games" started a full casting process, so she came.

"It's a shame, but I hope we can have a chance to work together next time."

After shaking hands, Megan Fox turned and left the audition room.

Britney chose to audition for "The Run". She felt that the fear the heroine showed when facing the pursuit was very similar to her past scenes of escaping reality.

"Okay, stop for a moment."

There was a flash of excitement in Wen Ziren's eyes. Two beautiful girls were acting in a fight scene. This scene felt great just thinking about it!

After a while, Scarlett Johansson walked in from the door, followed by Natasha who came specially to join in the fun.

"Fei, good morning."

As soon as she entered the door, Scarlett greeted Chen Fei familiarly.

When filming "Iron Man 2" last year, Chen Fei often went to the crew to supervise the production, and the two became familiar with each other after going back and forth.

Scarlett used to be a literary goddess, but after receiving the role of "Black Widow", she changed her past image and began to gradually develop into action dramas.

In order to shape the image of the super heroine "Black Widow", she carried out rigorous physical training on herself, and was finally recognized by the director, who commented that she "thrown her entire self into this movie."

When filming the scene of fighting "Happy" in the ring, her crisp and neat strangulation moves amazed many people present and won a lot of applause.

As for Gal Gadot, she has only made a stunning appearance in "Fast and Furious 4" so far, and it's hard to say what her skills are.

"You two try an action scene?" Chen Fei still asked for Scarlett's opinion.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Scarlett nodded confidently. She has been training seriously since filming "Iron Man 2" last year.

Although the actress opposite has very long legs, action scenes do not rely on long legs. The key is to be handsome and neat enough.

Wen Ziren acted as a temporary referee, stood between the two, and called start.


The next second, an unexpected picture appeared.

As soon as the two exchanged blows, Scarlett's straight punch was firmly locked in Gadot's hand, and then she was knocked down with a sweeping kick.

"Huh? Professional?" Chen Fei looked at Gal Gadot in surprise.

"I was a border guard for several years."

Hearing this, Scarlett was also stunned.

He had only learned boxing for a few months. He was definitely no better than someone who had joined the army and served as a border guard. Their strength was not on the same level at all.

Chen Fei was silent for a moment and said directly: "Your skills are very good, which is indeed a plus point in the arena shooting session of "The Hunger Games".

But your image doesn't quite match the heroine. After all, the heroine came out of the barren District 12. She shouldn't be as you. "

Gal Gadot gave a helpless smile. Her advantage suddenly turned into a disadvantage. How could this make sense?

"So I failed, right?"

She pursed her lips, said thanks, and turned around to leave.

But at this time, Chen Fei stopped her, "Actually, there is another role in the play that is quite suitable for you. Although she may not have many scenes, she has an amazing appearance. I suggest you give it a try."

If the person standing in front of her was Megan Fox, Chen Fei would definitely not say such things. With her current status, it would be difficult to match her.

But Gal Gadot is different. She has just debuted and is lacking opportunities.

As expected, after hearing Chen Fei's words, her eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly responded: "I am willing to give it a try!"

Wen Ziren focused his gaze over, and after receiving Fade Chen's signal, he nodded slightly.

There is a "blonde girl" image in the play that suits Gal Gadot very well. At that time, the actor's background and character image can be slightly adjusted. At this time, Scarlett on the side suddenly said: "So, it seems that I am not suitable either?"

For the role of "The Widow Sister", she specially gained muscle mass, and recently she has been working hard to modify her body contours, just so that she can make a stunning appearance in "The Avengers", which has already begun preparations.

Now if the decision is made to play Katniss Everdeen, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

"There is a role for you to make a cameo. Do you want to come and play?"

"Extremely happy!"

With a slight twinkle in her beautiful eyes, Scarlett immediately responded.

Regardless of whether he is the protagonist or not, being able to cooperate with Chen Fei is already a worthwhile trip.

She heard from the staff at Marvel Studios that Chen Fei would direct "Avengers" himself. Now that she has a good relationship with him, she might have the opportunity to let him add some scenes to her in the future.


After the two girls went out, Anne Hathaway walked in.

When he saw her, Chen Fei's mind naturally jumped to the classic transition in "The Devil Wears Prada" where he changed clothes five times in 28 seconds.

Just like Andy in the movie, Anne Hathaway now has the honor of being nominated for Best Actress at the 81st Academy Awards and nominated for Best Actress in a Drama Series at the th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. It can be said that it shines all over Hollywood!

However, the confidence in her made Chen Fei secretly shake his head.

The Anne Hathaway in front of him is already a grown up delicate rose, but what he really needs is a budding flower.

"Hi, good morning, Miss Anne."

Chen Fei greeted her with a smile, and did not ask her to audition directly. Instead, he asked a question, "If the audition can be passed, our movie will start filming in July, and the filming will last for two to three days." Yue, can you accept it?"

Hearing this, the smiling Anne Hathaway's face suddenly froze.

She just recently signed a contract with Disney and decided to play the role of the "White Queen" in "Alice in Wonderland".

Filming over there has started now. If the audition here is passed, there will inevitably be a conflict in schedule.

And her current status in Hollywood is not enough to support her to do this kind of behavior. Not to mention her, even Leonardo and Tom Cruise would not do this easily.


Anne Hathaway smiled awkwardly. She had already signed a contract with them, and she really couldn't continue to come here.

Of course, if Chen Fei is willing to postpone the start-up time for her, then she will be very willing.

But how is this possible?

"Looking forward to our next cooperation." Chen Fei stood up, shook hands with her, and sent her out of the audition room.

Wen Ziren raised his eyebrows slightly, "Fei, the schedule shouldn't be a problem, right?"

They are all members of the family, and there is nothing to hide. Chen Fei shrugged and said bluntly: "Judging from the external conditions, she is indeed suitable for this role.

But her current temperament is no longer suitable for playing this kind of growth-type role. She should be a queen who overlooks all living beings, not a Cinderella who grows up from a young age. "

Natasha promptly reminded: "There is only one little girl left outside."

"Well, I know." Chen Fei nodded and read out her name, "Jennifer Lawrence! (Elder cousin)"

At this time, Jennifer Lawrence had not yet starred in the movie "Winter's Bone" that would determine the trajectory of her life. When she came to audition, the only film on her resume worth showing was "The Burning Plain", which helped her get the role. The film won the Best Newcomer Award at the 2008 Venice International Film Festival.

So when she walked in, she showed some timidity.

Facing Chen Fei's scrutiny, she only persisted for a moment and then quickly looked away, not daring to continue to look at him.

"This feels right!"

Chen Fei was so happy that he didn't even give her a chance to introduce himself, and asked directly: "I will designate the scene and you will act, okay?"


"Okay, what I want to see now is that your sister was chosen as a sacrifice to participate in the Hunger Games, and you stepped forward and expressed your willingness to replace your sister as a sacrifice."


Jennifer Lawrence continued to nod.

After a moment, the audition room fell into silence. The three of them all focused on the girl in front of them, waiting for her to make a move.

Performing without physical objects is a challenge for actors, but it is also the most intuitive way to judge the quality of acting.

The eldest cousin did not disappoint Chen Fei.


After the simple emotions brewed, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the blank space in front of her. Her body was trembling slightly, as if she was trying to control her fear, but she gritted her teeth and persisted.

"I would take my sister's place in the Hunger Games!"

She looked stubbornly at the heights, as if challenging the supreme authority, and then she endured her weak legs and ran a few steps forward, hugging the empty air. Actions.

Gently stroking the hair of her "sister" in her arms, she softly comforted the petite figure, but the expression on her face was full of panic, and even her eyes were filled with fear.

How could she not be afraid in the face of death?

But she must shoulder the responsibility of the head of the family. She once swore to protect her sister!

"Okay, great."

Applause rang out, and Chen Fei looked at Jennifer Lawrence with satisfaction.

He is truly a "talented" actor. Although he has not attended a professional art school, his acting skills are pure and natural!

She is like the female version of Wang Baoqiang, with a lot of potential waiting to be tapped!

Wen Ziren's eyes were also shining. He had previously thought that this girl was very good and had great acting talent, so he gave her a chance to participate in the final round of auditions.

I didn't expect that she could break out such superb acting skills!

This is a good seedling!

"Can the schedule be freed in the second half of the year?"


Jennifer Lawrence, who had just left the role, was stunned when she heard Chen Fei's words.

what's the situation? Have I been chosen? impossible? Could it be an auditory hallucination?

She was confused when she heard Chen Fei continue to add: "No doubt, you have indeed been selected. Do you have time in the second half of the year?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Jennifer Lawrence nodded quickly, unable to conceal her excitement, and couldn't help but make a fist-pumping gesture in celebration.

But the next second, when she noticed that the three people in front of her were staring at her, she couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly put away her celebratory movements.

"It's very cute, keep it like this." Chen Fei encouraged her.

"Okay, thank you for your approval."

Jennifer Lawrence quickly thanked her seriously.



The next day, under Chen Fei's instruction, Wen Ziren announced the official candidate for the heroine of "The Hunger Games".

The news quickly spread throughout Hollywood and the mainland film and television circles!

"Jennifer Lawrence?"

Wu Yu, who had just flown back from his childhood, couldn't help but be stunned for a while when he saw the news announced on Sina. He tried hard to look through his memory, but he couldn't remember who the actress was.

Finally, he came to a conclusion. If nothing unexpected happened, this should be a new person!

"Huh? Want to promote newcomers in Hollywood? It's a wishful thinking."

Wu Yu pouted, opened his address book and found the phone number of Su Zhaobin, the director of "Sword Rain", and asked the other party to send a driver to pick him up.

He has been promoting "Red Cliff Part 2" in Xiaoli during this period. If "Sword Rain" was not about to start filming here, he would definitely not come back.

The life there is so comfortable, there are people waiting on him every day, even if he is over sixty, he can be the groom every night, not to mention how happy it is.

If he wasn't worried about being infamy after his death, he would even be ready to change his nationality to neon so that he could enjoy it better.

In addition to participating in the opening ceremony of "Sword Rain" this time, he also received an invitation from the Shanghai Magic City International Film Festival.

They want to invite him to be an award presenter and teach the younger generation of Chinese film directors a lesson.

Naturally, Wu Yu would not refuse such a pretentious scene, and readily accepted the invitation and returned to China before the closing ceremony.

However, what he didn't know was that at the same time he landed in China, Chen Fei, who was far away in Hollywood, also completed preparations for boarding the plane, and the destination was also the Shanghai International Film Festival!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!)

(End of this chapter)

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