It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 388 won praise: the father of new 3D! Shocking domestic premiere, scalpers show up!

Chapter 388 won praise: the father of new 3D! Shocking domestic premiere, scalpers show up!

The video is coming to an end, and a battle that combines multiple elements such as "special effects", "visual effects", "dreams", and "disillusionment" is going on in full swing.

In the auditorium, Nolan was watching many dream-like visual wonders in the film, such as the "folding city" and the "rotating corridor", while secretly sighing in his heart.

He didn't know why, but looking at the scene in front of him, he felt inexplicably very familiar.

"These... seem to have appeared in my dreams?"

He murmured softly, feeling a little envious for no reason. When would he be able to take such a dreamlike picture?

Most importantly, he loved the story!

Through the construction and nesting of multiple dreams, the story is as sophisticated and complex as a maze, but it does not make the audience confused. The person who created this script is simply a genius!

As the film wound down, he couldn't help but think of the final film in the "Dark Knight" series, "The Dark Knight Rises."

Otherwise, do something about this sequel?

It's just an IMAX camera, but he can actually do it. In Hollywood, this is not exclusive to one person, and almost most directors are good at it.

However, what he didn't know was that Li Xian on the other side thought the same way.

But unlike his desire to write about a sequel, Li Jian was thinking about the story that had just appeared in his mind not long ago.

After encountering a shipwreck, Pi and the Bengal Tiger survived together on the sea for 227 days...

This kind of modern adventure movie can be regarded as an attempt of his. Originally, he was only planning to make it into a 2D version, but now he suddenly had a bold idea.

"Haha! Thank you Director Nolan for your recognition."

"Has anyone got a ticket for the public screening? Can you give me one? The North American pre-sale has been sold out!"

On a sunny day, Chen Fei led the creators of "Inception" and the few girls who were clamoring to travel with them, and chartered a flight across the ocean back to China.

"Fuck! Did I just spend money to be a grudge?"

Some media also focused on Nolan, Cameron, Spielberg, Li Xin and others, asking them what they thought after watching this movie.

Although the specific content has not been exposed, the descriptions of "special effects", "story", "influence", "screenwriting techniques" and other dimensions are almost unanimously praised. Not even a media said that this movie is not good. nice!

The comment about Spielberg was also added.

This will naturally attract a large number of movie fans to the cinema. It is a win-win situation for both the producers and the cinemas!

For a time, many theater managers secretly thought that they must schedule more films for this movie, and all publicity and distribution must be in place.

Although there were a lot of key cards in his pocket, he was old after all and was beyond his capabilities. He could only pretend he didn't see them tonight.

At the Capital Airport, even though China Film Group had found connections to get a VIP channel early, some powerful movie fans and media still broke in.

He and Chen Fei have worked together in the disaster movie "2012", so he naturally knows how popular Chen Fei is in the crew, and those Chinese actresses can't wait to cling to him.

There are many theater managers in the audience who are enjoying themselves like fools. If what Chen Fei gets is "fame", then what they get is countless "profits".

"I think Fei can be called the "Father of New 3D". He has created a new 3D era. His step will lead Hollywood and even global movies to a new journey!"

For a moment, netizens in the United States went crazy!

"'Father of New 3D'? Did Spielberg say this? Damn it? How good does this movie have to be?"

There is no need for modesty in the United States, no matter how arrogant you are, if you are too humble, others will say you are cowardly and afraid of getting into trouble.

The next second, thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience!

"It's great to be young!"

Many people actually have no idea about the development of 3D. In the eyes of most people, 3D is just like that, except that the visual effect is slightly better than 2D.


What do you call the old stinky shit you ate before?

Whether you can make a nice profit or not depends on this wave!

The room card was almost too full to hold, and he even doubted whether his pocket would be bursting!


"This is called the power of talent." Christopher Nolan came over and joked with a smile.

Such a high-quality blockbuster cannot be seen by just buying a disc and throwing it into the disc player. Only by spending money to go to the cinema can you experience the shock and mystery!

But after watching "Inception" today, they realized that this was not "slightly better" at all. This horse riding was simply a world of difference!


"Oh! shift! All major websites have been occupied by this movie!"

The more than 100-minute film ended successfully. When the final subtitles appeared in front of everyone's eyes, many people reacted belatedly.

"How about I try 3D too?"

Others are more restrained, but as Chen Fei's close partner, Spielberg has raised him to a new level.

Everyone chose to stand up at this moment and applauded without hesitation, giving high praise to the entire production team.

In the audience, although the boss of 20th Century Fox and Cameron forced their smiles, their hearts were already bleeding.

What's more, Chen Fei doesn't need to be modest, because his strength has been verified!

Spielberg clinked a drink with him and glanced at his jacket pocket subconsciously.

For the same ticket price, if they were asked to make a choice again, 99 out of 100 people would definitely choose "Inception" instead of "Ice Age" which was just released not long ago.

Although Chen Fei has sworn not to drink in the near future, he can't help him in this kind of situation. People are here to give you face, so you can't show off, right?

Thanks to his good physical condition, he could drink several bottles of red wine in a row and still look like he was fine.

After the premiere, the dinner that follows is naturally essential.

The big bones with meat finally appeared!

"Thank you, thank you very much for your encouragement and recognition." On the stage, Chen Fei led a group of actors to take a curtain call, and also accepted interviews from many reporters.

All this should belong to them!


When the time came to the next day, even though Volton Pictures did not specifically say hello to those media, they included Twitter, Facebook, "New York Entertainment News", "Los Angeles Times", Rotten Tomatoes Movie Group, lMDb website, etc. , all released reviews about this movie at almost the same time.


As a last resort, Chen Fei had to ask everyone to sign autographs for the fans who broke in, and then he was able to escape.

"The fans here are so enthusiastic!" Kate Winslet couldn't help but sigh while sitting in the bus and looking at the fans waving flags and shouting on both sides of the road.

"It's normal."

Chen Fei replied lightly.

Where is this? In the future, when those idol trainee programs start airing, it will be a crazy time!

Now fans just wave the flag, but in the future there will be some fanatical female fans who will wear wedding dresses directly to their idol's concerts, and even sell their bodies and kidneys to buy tickets. That is the real madness!

When everyone arrived at the hotel, Chen Fei opened his laptop and took a look. Sure enough, the news that the "Inception" crew came to the mainland to hold a premiere had spread to all major portals!

"Who has the tickets? I'm willing to pay twice the price!"

"I'll spend three times!"

"Ten times!" Huh?

Looking at the posts on the forum, Chen Fei was shocked.

Have money to burn? It's just a premiere. The movie will be fully released in a few days, so it's not too late to support it then!

However, he couldn't influence other people's thoughts at all, so he could only watch scalpers selling movie tickets.

"Looks like we need to talk to Huo Qigang about strategies to deal with scalpers." He thought to himself, closing the Tieba interface and switching to the Sina interface.

There hasn’t been much hot news in China recently.

In terms of TV dramas, "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" and "Snow Leopard" are still the best, with ratings crushing other TV dramas in the same period.

The popularity of the movie is concentrated on "Transformers 2".

The box office performance exceeded 4 million yuan, which directly broke the record set by "The Twilight Saga", causing quite a shock in the mainland. At the same time, it also defeated many domestic movies!

"Next, it's Inception's turn."

Chen Fei had a very confident smile on his face. His films have always been highly ranked domestically. With the support of China Film, Shanghai Film and Pan-Asia Cinemas, it would be easy to break 4 million at the box office!

After resting for a night, Chen Fei led everyone to the Great Hall of the People the next day.

China Film Group attaches great importance to this film and specially installed a temporary IMAX screen in the auditorium just so that the premiere can be grand enough!

The red carpet ceremony started in the morning.

Media reporters, major film and television companies in the industry, actors and stars... what a bright and endless stream of stars!

Various types of promotional posters were even pulled directly from the roadside to the entrance of the city hall, and the queue was so full!

"Huh? That's it? It's not as good as my Wuji!" Looking at the foreigners present, Brother Chen Kai muttered sourly, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

He didn't plan to come originally, but in the end he couldn't suppress his curiosity and brought his wife to the premiere.

New Picture, Huayi, Emperor, Guangguang, Feiyinghuang Agency... and even Chengtian also came to join in the fun.

Wang Jinghua led a group of artists and passed by the two big and small kings of Huayi. The two parties even greeted each other, which made some media who were waiting to watch the excitement suddenly show expressions of disappointment on their faces.

The film and television industry is like this. Even if everyone is doing shit behind their backs, they still maintain their dignity in public. It's a good thing to keep that fig leaf covered.

"Mom, when can I act in a movie?" Dong Zijian followed Wang Jinghua, looking at those glamorous stars with envy.

"Wait a minute, I'm already choosing a script for you. At your age, you are suitable for starring in a youth idol drama. Good scripts are not so easy to find..."

"Oh, okay!"

Dong Zijian nodded slightly, but he had his own thoughts in his heart.

As a teenager, he now wants to act in kissing scenes. It would be best if he can shoot kissing scenes with experienced actresses. He will definitely learn a lot.

"Hey, Lu Dao is in the nest?"

Jiang Wen and his wife Zhou Yun were getting ready to walk on the red carpet. When he rolled his eyes, he saw Lu Chuan, who was still a little blue in the face, and his silly sweet girlfriend with an extremely plump figure standing next to him.

Lu Chuan snorted when he heard the joke and ignored Jiang Wen.

He believed that he was definitely no match for Jiang Wen in terms of bickering, so it was better not to bring trouble upon himself.

In fact, he didn't really want to come today, but the old man at home disliked him and almost stunk him staying at home all day, so he forcefully asked him to go out for a walk.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. If you don't even know what your opponent's directorial works are like, what's the point?

It lasted until noon, and the creative team finally appeared on the stage under the spotlight.

Chen Fei and Natasha walked in the front, Leonardo, Kate Winslet, and Monica Bellucci walked behind them, and behind them was Hollywood who had a cameo role in the film. Four little flowers and a bunch of supporting characters.

Seeing this lineup, the audience immediately burst into warm cheers!

Who says celebrities stop chasing stars? Facing an international superstar like Leonardo DiCaprio, few people can remain calm.

Liu Shishi, Yang Mi, and Tang Yan in the back row almost gave up on their image. On the contrary, Jing Tian and Zhao Liying kept following Chen Fei's eyes.

Interviews, telling interesting things during filming, introducing the plot...

After the very old-fashioned "three-axe" session ended, the movie-watching session that everyone was looking forward to finally began.

Everyone in the audience put on 3D glasses at this moment, waiting with great anticipation for the movie screen to appear.

Act 1, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie!


The exclamation was a neat one.

Lu Chuan silently took off his glasses. He suddenly found that he was dizzy in 3D. The scenes in front of him made him dizzy!

Jiang Wen was not dizzy. He was looking at it with great interest. He even compared it in his mind with the scene after eating Jianshou Qing that day.

"Made, why do you feel that this 3D is not as effective as Hand Qing?"

Sitting close to the front row, Feng Xiaogang looked at the scene on the screen and couldn't help but started swearing in a low voice, "Fuck! Such a great shot!"

He suddenly discovered that the sense of immersion in this 3D movie was really strong. The immersive feeling was completely unmatched by 2D movies!

"No, I have to revise "The Great Earthquake" to catch up with this wave of 3D craze!"

When the mirror-folded image appeared on the screen, Zhang Weiping subconsciously raised his hand. He inexplicably felt that this flipped city made him extremely stressed!

"Facing such a top commercial masterpiece, even if it bundles "Three Guns", "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" and "The Thirteen Beauties" together, can it withstand it?"

He almost didn't think deeply, and gave a negative answer as soon as his thoughts came to his mind.

It’s weird to be able to resist!

On the other side, Brother Chen Kai had already started to look at the corner of his mouth.

His current film "The Orphan of Zhao" is still following in the footsteps of "Mulan", but Chen Fei has already made the leap to become a 3DlMAX commercial masterpiece.

Can this horse still catch up?

As the old saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried.

Several directors in the back row were enjoying the shock while feeling the bitterness and sadness in their hearts.

But the theater chain owners in the front row and the shareholders who control the shares of major theater chains showed bright smiles, especially Wanda’s Ye Ning, China Film’s Han Sanping, and Shanghai Film’s Ren Zhonglun.

They installed the lMAX giant screen early, just waiting for Chen Fei's "Inception".

Now that they have watched the film, several of them have put their minds at ease without even communicating.

The video quality is simply unmatched!

This huge investment can definitely recoup the cost steadily!

But at the same time, everyone couldn't help but start to look forward to it. What kind of box office results will "Inception" achieve?


(Ps: Third update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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