It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 389: Make a 'cake' embryo first, the first meeting between the little expert who b

Chapter 389: Make a 'cake' embryo first, the first meeting between the little expert who begs for alms and the little expert who skips work!

In the theater, after the show ended, the lights slowly turned on!

Just like the previous premiere in Los Angeles, thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience, as if it was about to overturn the entire auditorium.

Although China Film Group, one of the producers, does not have a large share in the film, there is no doubt that this film is the kind of film that is guaranteed to make money!

"Made is a lot better than "Transformers 2". No wonder this guy made such nonsense in the interview, saying that those imported film records will become a thing of the past."

Wang Zhonglei murmured secretly in his heart, and his envy was almost beyond words.

Especially when the names of companies such as "Feiyue Film and Television", "China Film" and "Shanghai Film" appeared on the subsequent subtitles, he almost went crazy with greed.

Huayi is not like China Film. It is difficult for their company's funds to go overseas. The previous "The King of Kung Fu" co-produced with Chen Long and Li Lian was a mess.

It’s fine if it’s difficult to get funds to go overseas, but the key is that it’s also difficult for actors to go overseas.

Don't look at what they are promoting all day long as "the first sister in domestic entertainment", but whether it is Li Bingbin, Zhou Xun, or the previous Fan, in fact, they are just little Karami after going abroad.

Han Sanping's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't listen to the second half of the sentence at all. The first six words were enough.

"I'm afraid the main role is not suitable for you, but I can leave you a supporting role with a heavy role."

Liu Yan, “Thank you very much, Director Chen, for bringing us such a dream-like work. Just now I felt a sense of unreality, and I couldn’t even tell whether I was in reality or in a dream. "

"China Film will fully support the development of mainland commercial blockbusters!"

The General Assembly Hall was booked for the whole day, and by the time the event ended, it was already afternoon.

Yu Dong, Wang Changtian: "..."

Chen Fei said, "Haha, this is the effect I want."

A group of mainland actresses were so envious that their eyes almost turned red, but they didn't even have a chance to fight for it.

They have already made an internal decision, so why bother arguing!

"No, we have to think of a way. There is such a steering wheel right in front of us. If we can't send one or two people aboard, it would be such a waste of resources!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the audience was shocked!

Good guy, he is worthy of being a top international director. He earns 100 million U.S. dollars when he exports. The noodles are so easy to fill up!

Several film and television production companies have begun to think carefully. Chinese science fiction and an investment of US$100 million sound magical, and it may be a good opportunity to make money.


Han Sanping took the microphone first and spoke directly to Wang Zha, "I heard that you made a bet with Wu Yu at the Magic City International Film Festival. Soon you will make a science fiction film based on a pure Hollywood industrial film model. What do you think about the current situation in the Mainland? Are there already basic resources for you to shoot?”

Seeing that his girlfriend was also very excited, Lu Chuan snorted sourly, "Return to Chinese science fiction? I can't forgive you!"

"Haha, it's settled, I'll wait for the news."

Chen Fei nodded without hesitation. This was a set stage, and the momentum building must continue.

Liu Dehua is very excited. He is a model worker in the entertainment industry. He loves martial arts and special effects very much. He has expressed his favor for special effects blockbusters more than once.

Brother Chen Kai also had the same idea. Wanting to make a return on a large investment of US$100 million in the Mainland was simply nonsense. He didn't take Chen Fei's words to heart at all, and regarded it as bragging.

Chen Fei said concisely and comprehensively, "The foundation is already there, but it is definitely not enough to make a movie like "Inception". There is still a long way to go."

"The film is called "Gravity" and it tells a story about space."

However, before they could take action, Chen Fei had already turned around and went to Han Sanping and the others, and they couldn't get in at all.

He took the microphone from Han Sanping and said, "SIFF will also provide full support. We welcome directors with ideas to come to our company to discuss cooperation!"

Liu Yan and Xie Nan, who acted as temporary hosts, made a stunning appearance, which made Wang Changtian in the audience nod. "Look at our relationship with Chen Fei. We use our artists for every premiere. Which of you?" Can it be compared?"

Xie Nan said from the side: "I really can't imagine that this is a movie that our mainland directors can make. I believe there are many people in the audience who have the same idea as me. Director Chen has ideas and other directors. , producer, would you like to communicate?”

"Director Chen, is there a role suitable for me in your new movie?"

The two eldest brothers have started begging for food! ?

"The bottom line is $100 million."

After the media started interviewing, the actors in the play became the subjects of the interview, and Chen Fei just took this opportunity to take a break.

Ren Zhonglun rolled his eyes at the side. Are you so anxious to express your position now?

The actors also became excited at this time. This kind of film is naturally suitable for promoting celebrity status. If you can participate in it, it will definitely be a huge improvement to your reputation and strength!

"How much will the investment be?"

The talk about the new movie quickly stopped, and everyone returned their attention to today's protagonist.

But on Chen Fei's side, as soon as Liu Yifei's "Super Body" came out, the details of the "big heroine movie" were immediately announced.

"I heard that the script has been written? What's its name?" Wang Zhongjun revealed the core of what many people want to know.

After the applause ended, Chen Fei once again led the main creators on stage.

"of course can."

Since many people came from Hong Kong, Chen Fei specially prepared a dinner party.

It’s no secret that China Film Group likes to invest in blockbusters. A group of film and television company bosses are a little greedy after hearing this. They are about to start making cakes!

This is also the reason why he chose to join "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire". The various special effects in it were one of the biggest reasons that impressed him.

Liu Dehua suddenly felt happy. He actually just came here to ask questions, but he didn't expect that he actually got a role!

It doesn't matter if you have supporting characters. If the story is good enough, even supporting characters can show great popularity with the audience!

There were many actresses around who heard the conversation between the two, and immediately became eager to move forward and ask for a role.

Everyone who comes is a guest, and it is impossible to let guests come here hungry and then run back hungry. That would be a bit immoral.

Space? Sci-fi?

When people hear the word space, they subconsciously think of science fiction, which is notoriously expensive!

Even until the end of the event, they could not find a suitable opportunity to talk.

Watching the bus drive into the distance, Zhang Jingchu thought for a while and then called her agent, "Sister, please find out which floor of the hotel the crew of "Inception" lives on, and see if you can Can’t you book me a room closer to them?”

She belongs to that kind of action person. Once she has a goal, she must achieve it by any means necessary!

Unfortunately, her idea was doomed to fail.

Among the crew members who came this time, there were three people who had a close relationship with Chen Fei. Even if everyone passed the turn one by one, it would not be her turn to play Zhang Jingchu!

What's more, Chen Fei has always been very cautious in this regard. He rarely opens rooms in hotels in the mainland. Only when he goes abroad can he be more liberal.

There are so many people out there, and if you are discovered by someone or a hidden surveillance camera, you will be in a lot of trouble!

Brother Guanxi's career has only been a few years ago, and he doesn't want to become the second "lead character in a third-level film."


Time soon came to the next day, and news about the premiere of "Inception" spread directly on major mainland portals and social media.

Those fans who were lucky enough to watch the film directly praised the film as one of a kind, and coupled with the praise from major film critics and industry professionals, the expectations were raised to the highest level!

"Let it be released quickly! Let it be released quickly!"

"Damn it, I've never seen anything like this before. Everyone is praising how great this movie is."

"My favorite stars have all recommended this movie on their blogs. Mad, you will regret it if you don't watch it!"

People are talking about "Inception" everywhere on the Internet, but some people are also focusing on the new film plan announced by Chen Fei.

"Gravity" is a Chinese-language space science fiction film with an investment of no less than US$100 million.

These three key messages alone are enough to attract the attention of most people!

But because there is only one name leaked online now, even if everyone wants to discuss it, they don’t know where to start. They can only continue to wait for more news to be exposed.

Many film and television production companies in the industry are paying attention to the film bureau, looking forward to learning the inside story first.

But they never thought that instead of waiting for "Gravity", they received the news that "Painted Skin 2" had been approved!

Ning Hao did not hide the news that he would continue to direct the second film. Instead, he immediately announced that he would produce a 3D version of the painting, leading the trend of the "new 3D era". Suddenly, there was another sensation in the industry. Countless actors came directly to the downstairs of Feiyue Film and Television with their resumes, mainly for self-recommendation!

Even many media spontaneously gathered downstairs in the Feiyue Film and Television Building, wanting to know more about the inside story, such as actors, investments, etc.

However, they didn't see either Chen Fei or Ning Hao, and they couldn't even get through on the phone!

"Haha, it's so funny. I can even picture those people going crazy now."

On the plane, Ning Hao looked happy, enjoying the feeling of running away with just one shot.

He had already left all the work on "The Great Cause of Party Building" to Kang Honglei and followed Chen Fei directly to Los Angeles, preparing to learn the application of lMAX cameras.

"Just wait, the troublesome time is still to come."

No need to think about it, Ning Hao’s cell phone will definitely be exploded after landing!

"How do you think we should choose the actors for this second part?"

"After all, it is a sequel. It is best to stick with the previous choice for the protagonist. Zhou Xun's acting skills are quite reliable and she can definitely be ranked among the top three actresses in the industry."

"Okay, then let's continue to use the original team. I happen to be able to use it smoothly, so I can continue to adjust it without any trouble."

In just a few words, many actresses' hopes and expectations were shattered.


It seems that "Inception" has inspired some kind of trend. As Ning Hao announced that "Painted Skin 2" will be released in 3D version, Feng Xiaogang also announced that the new movie "Earthquake" will also be released in 3D version!

Suddenly, the noise in the circle started again, and the bosses of the major theater chains were all crazy with joy.

Lu Chuan excitedly announced the news that he was going to direct and film "The King's Feast" and also held an open audition event.

But there is "Nanjing!" Nanjing! Movies like "A Chinese Ghost Story" are at the top of the list, and netizens are not very enthusiastic about his new movie. Even "A Chinese Ghost Story" is gaining popularity over him, and "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is even more popular than him. !


In the bedroom, Lu Tailang cried with snot and tears, and refused to open the door despite Qin Lan's persuasion outside.

On the other hand, Lao Mouzi really fits the profile of a "model worker". He just announced that he was going to film "Hawthorn Tree Love" a few months ago, and now less than a month has passed and the actors have been selected, and they are already in a hurry. It's powered on!

The industry is paying a lot of attention to the new "Mr. Girl". Of course, this is also the reason why Zhang Weiping's marketing is very good.

The film took a long time to select the actors. In order for the characters to cater to the "young" characteristics of the film, the director team had extremely high requirements for the actors when selecting the heroine. They mainly pursued the natural beauty of the actors.

After failing to find suitable candidates among the applicants in the capital, the production team decided to conduct selections at art schools in Hangcheng, Minshan, Shanghai and other places, and positioned the target candidates between 90 and 94.

Finally, new actor Zhou Dongyu makes his debut!

As for the male protagonist Dou Xiao, he was discovered at Nortel. It is said that he was recommended by a certain teacher, and he was chosen by Lao Mouzi at a glance.

Of course, during the filming of "Hawthorn Tree Love", Zhang Yimou still did not put down his "The Thirteen Hairpins". From time to time, many mainland actresses would receive news of auditions, but unfortunately many of them failed.

He has to be a native of Jinling, he has to be able to speak English, and he has to be able to show off his energy. These conditions are not something that can be achieved easily!



After landing in Los Angeles, Chen Fei first introduced Ning Hao to Wen Ziren and sent him to follow him to learn various preliminary preparations.

Later, he began to cooperate with Xiao Lizi and others to launch a global publicity plan.

Britain, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea... these countries all need to be run through.

Although the whole team will not be dispatched, the leading actors and the director Chen Fei will definitely have to go there, and the fans cannot be disappointed.

Time has passed day by day, and the scene construction of "The Hunger Games" has finally been completed. At the same time, the release date of "Inception" has finally arrived!

The mainland has made a lot of efforts to welcome this movie.


Among them, Pan-Asia Cinemas, which is wholly owned by Golden Harvest, has played a huge role in promoting this, followed closely by Wanda, China Film, and Shanghai Film. As for cinemas such as Bona and Hengdian, they are in the third echelon.

This is just an ordinary 3D screen. As for the more high-end lMAX giant screen halls with better viewing effects, there are very few.

Except for Pan-Asia Cinemas, which worked hard to get 25 yuan, the remaining Wanda, China Film, and Shanghai Film Cinemas only had one piece each, totaling 30 yuan.

There is no way, the investment is too large, and the terrain also has very high requirements, and ordinary theaters simply cannot afford it!

Pan-Asia Cinemas also pays for all income except salary, otherwise it would not be able to afford it.

Of course, high quality naturally means high specifications and high prices. The ordinary 3D ticket price is about 50, but the ticket price for the lMAX giant screen hall has doubled to over !

But even so, when the pre-sale started, all the seats were snatched up in less than three minutes!

"Made, this ticket is really hard to grab! You have to be fast enough, otherwise you won't be able to watch it."

Although he spent more than 100 yuan, Guo Fan didn't care much. He already had an almost obsessive pursuit of science fiction movies, and finally came across a Hollywood masterpiece that claimed to usher in the "new 3D era". So what did he do? Maybe give up?

"Good boy, you really don't leave yourself a way out!"

The classmate Gong Geer standing next to him was amazed. He knew Guo Fan's financial situation very well. Spending this 100 yuan would mean that it would be difficult for him to eat in the future.

When he watched "Transformers 2" before, he had advised him to just buy a pirated disc and watch it, but he had to go to the theater.

Now, luckily, as soon as "Inception" was released, his meal money for a week was completely wiped out!

"Aren't you my good brother here?" Guo Fan chuckled and patted his friend on the shoulder, "I'll be relying on you for the next week. Don't worry, I have a small appetite and can't eat you. How much."

Gong Geer: "..."

"Damn you, you were like this in high school, asking for help everywhere. Why can't you change this bad habit when you go to college?"

"Donor, the poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty..."

The two of them walked into the imax theater while joking.

When he came to the designated seat and sat down, Guo Fan snatched the snack from Gong Geer's hand without blushing and placed it between the two of them, ready to eat together later!

He is notoriously thick-skinned, but because he is very loyal, he has many friends, and everyone is willing to help him when he is in trouble.

But soon, his hand that frequently reached into the snack bag stopped, because all his attention was attracted by the picture on the giant screen.

Zhuang Zhou dreams of butterflies, city folding, dreams and reality...

When cool special effects are combined with a wonderful story, the resulting chemical reaction directly triggers many people's intracranial orgasms and completely ignites the passion and excitement in their hearts!

"This film... is a masterpiece!!!"

After the more than 100-minute video ended, Guo Fan finally couldn't hold it back and let out a true emotion from deep in his heart.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in my ears, "It is indeed a masterpiece. If my work can be handed over to such a director, then I believe that Chinese science fiction movies will be able to reach a higher level!"

Guo Fan turned his head curiously, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses and slightly bald appeared in his sight.

Inexplicably, he felt that the person in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember his name for a while.

"Uncle? What do you call me?"

"The surname is Liu and the given name is Cixin."

"Damn it! "The Wandering Earth" and "The Three-Body Problem" are your works?"

Guo Fan jumped up from his seat. He really didn't expect that he would gain such a huge harvest from this trip!

"Yes, it's me."

Liu Cixin nodded, his eyes not lingering too much on Guo Fan. He just thought that the other person was just an ordinary reader of his.

At this time, his eyes happened to fall on the subtitles at the end of the film.

Looking at the four words "Director Chen Fei", he couldn't help but express deep expectations and expectations in his heart!

"Chinese science fiction needs exactly this kind of outstanding director to lead it!"

Buzz! ! !

A sudden vibration in his pocket drew Liu Cixin's attention back. He subconsciously took out his cell phone. When he saw the name marked on the caller ID, his expression suddenly changed.

It’s over, I was caught skipping work again!

(End of this chapter)

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