It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 390 "Inception" first day box office announced! Created a new achievement again! E

Chapter 390 "Inception" first day box office announced! Created a new achievement again! Emma! So delicious!

As "Inception" was officially released in China and the midnight show just ended, "3D" and "IMax" became the topics mentioned by many people.

On blogs, many movie fans have posted that this new technology has an extraordinary impact on the movie-watching experience!

Especially those moviegoers who spent more than 100 yuan to watch the movie in the giant-screen cinema said it was a worthwhile trip.

“The more than 100 yuan spent is so damn worth it!”

"Damn it, this movie viewing effect is simply amazing. After so many years of living, this is the first time I have seen such a shocking special effects picture!"

"If you have the conditions, you must go to the giant screen theater to watch it. The viewing experience is completely unmatched by ordinary 3D!"


News spread out one after another, and no one posted any negative reviews online. At most, some people complained that they were dizzy with 3D and were not lucky enough to watch it.

However, from the perspective of the audience, most people will judge a movie by "good" or "not good".

But in the eyes of those professionals, a movie's attendance and box office results are its real strength!

"When will the box office data be available?"

"Haha, sorry, I was so excited that I didn't notice the time difference over there."

Han Sanping apologized and told him the box office results on the first day.

Chen Fei did not show any ugly eating looks. Although the film schedule of "Inception" was very high, it did not affect "Transformers 2" on the other side.

They alone have 20 giant-screen movie theaters, and almost all of them are full. The amount of revenue makes Han Sanping quite envious.

In order to gain popularity, they gritted their teeth and added 3D cameras to the filming of the movie "Earthquake", just to achieve higher results.

The assistant was silent for a moment and looked expectant, "It should be here, right?"


His tone immediately aroused the curiosity in Han Sanping's heart, "How do I find that you are not shocked at all? This is 1.2 million yuan, a new height in the history of Chinese film!"

"Dr. Han! The time difference! Look at the time difference! It's three o'clock in the middle of the night!"

Han Sanping was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, it seemed to make sense.

Good guy, this awesome thing is so loud!

"What's so shocking about this?" Chen Fei replied nonchalantly: "I invested so much in publicity in the early stage, and I also worked on 3D and imax under pressure. I deserve these 1.2 million. , it would be weird if it didn’t exceed million.”

This "box office cake" is enjoyed by both families. As for "Harry Potter", who knows what it is for?


The two brothers of the Wang family started to get busy at this moment, while Han Sanping, who was in charge of the introduction of films and the coordination of national theaters, was sitting in his office at the moment, his expression constantly changing.

"It's not clear yet." The assistant shook his head and hurriedly explained, "Because the movie is released globally in three ways: 2D, 3D, and lmax-3d, so the data statistics are more complicated..."

"Manager, the domestic first-day box office of "Inception" is out!"


Han Sanping: "???"

When he received the call from China, Chen Fei was still sleeping under the quilt.

Wang Zhongjun, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, lit a cigar leisurely with a very complicated look in his eyes.

After thinking for a long time, Han Sanping took a long breath, picked up the phone and called his secretary.


Wang Zhonglei quickly reached out to pick up the phone and put it to his ear, "Hello?"

And now, which pioneer will "Inception" be? Its box office data is crucial to "Earthquake"!

The figure of 1.2 million also scared him, but as one of the people who knew the inside story, he knew that this figure could still go up.

"For domestic purposes, it's simple, let's start with a base of 8 million!"

He and Amanda kept tossing until two o'clock in the middle of the night. He had just fallen asleep for an hour, and Han Sanping's phone calls came one after another like a reminder.

At this moment, no matter how calm Wang Zhonglei acted, he still couldn't help but curse.

Chen Fei responded nonchalantly.

While he was talking, the landline phone in Wang Zhonglei's office suddenly rang.

His vision is still very vicious. Judging from the current situation, 3D is definitely the future development trend of the film industry. China Film cannot afford to miss this wave of dividends!

If you want to say who makes the most money among them, it is naturally Pan-Asia Cinemas.

"How many?"

However, although he felt that Chen Fei was talking big words, he turned around and told the media the news. After all, this was also a publicity strategy.

"How about waiting for Huayi to go public and try to expand into theaters?"

"Then what do you think the highest achievement this film can achieve?"

But Huayi does not have its own theater chain, which is their most fatal flaw. Although he holds shares in several theater chains, he certainly does not have the final say.

"1.2 million yuan!"

"Contact the managers in charge of the theaters below and ask them to come for a meeting in the afternoon."

The box office on the first day was 1.2 million?

If this is released for a month, how much money will it make?

"3D! We also want to do 3D! This path is correct! Chen Fei has already prepared it for us!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhonglei stood up directly. He had to go visit the "Big Earthquake" team. He had to supervise Feng Xiao to make this movie properly and there must not be any mistakes!

In Huayi's office, Wang and Xiaowang stared directly at the assistant. The two paid more attention to the movie than Chen Fei paid to it.

There is no doubt that this movie will definitely make money, and those theaters will definitely make a lot of money from it, making a lot of money!


"The number in the country has exceeded 800 million? Don't be kidding."

Inside New Picture Company, Zhang Weiping looked at the news online and sneered with disdain, "You want to get 800 million for a popcorn movie like this? I think it will be difficult for him to surpass "Mulan"!

It's not like I haven't seen this movie before. It doesn't have any profound meaning at all, and it doesn't even have any impressive clips. If it wasn't well-publicized, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many viewers to watch it. "

Hearing this, the secretary nodded and agreed: "Indeed, a good movie should be like "Hero" and touch people's hearts like our next "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins"!"

As a professional migrant worker, the secretary knows very well what to say in every situation.

Although he was very excited to watch "Inception" last night and decided to take his wife and children to try the giant screen theater today, this did not prevent him from saying things that were against his will.

It's just that it's okay not to mention "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", but Zhang Weiping became angry when the name was mentioned.

"I don't know what Zhang Yimou is thinking? Do you have to choose a newcomer from the art academy? What kind of acting skills can that little girl have? I really can't understand him more and more."

When he thought of the price Wu Kebo offered him for the heroine, he couldn't help but bleed in his heart.

If he had chosen an actor from Cheng Tian, ​​the money in his pocket would have been enough to support an 18th-tier actress. However, Zhang Yimou had a stubborn temper and would not listen to him!


After getting up and washing up, Chen Fei walked out of the villa refreshed.

A new day has begun. He has to go to the company and pay attention to the box office data in North America.

Although the mainland box office has broken many records, 1.2 million yuan is only equivalent to 1500 million U.S. dollars, which really makes him less interested.

The key depends on the global box office situation. The current domestic market is still too weak, and even if it exceeds 8 million yuan, it will not be able to recover the cost.

Arriving at Waltons Studios by car, as soon as he entered the door, before Chen Fei could react, "cracking" fireworks exploded above his head!

"Congratulations to "Inception" for its box office success on its first day!"

The uniform slogans resounded throughout the hall, directly confusing Chen Fei.

Is it so grand?

How much is the box office?

Natasha walked towards him with a smile on her face, stretched out her arms from a distance, and gave him a big hug when she came closer.

"Fei! You are such a talented director! I will be proud of you!"

"???" Looking at her posture, Chen Fei immediately understood that the first-day box office in North America was definitely not far behind!

The previous publicity has been very good, plus he just won the Oscar for Best Director, as well as the super luxurious cast, plus Spielberg's certification as the "Father of New 3D", this film has attracted early attention. It has already reached the maximum value!


"Is it more than "The Twilight Saga 3"? How much more?"

This was Chen Fei's first thought. After all, the former made 7500 million US dollars on the day it was released.

"Of course, and it's so much more!"

Natasha opened her arms and made a gesture, then motioned to the employees behind her and shouted in unison: "'Inception', first day box office in North America, $1.2 million!" "Fuck!"

At this moment, no matter how calm Chen Fei was, he was still shocked.

Are the fans here in the United States so supportive of him?

The first-day box office was US$1.2 million. This figure directly exceeded the first-day box office results of all previous Hollywood commercial blockbusters, and it was even higher!

"Fei, you created a miracle!" Natasha shouted very excitedly.


At the same time, the box office results of "Inception" in North America were quickly reprinted on domestic portals by

When they saw the result of “US$1.2 million”, netizens couldn’t sit still.

"Oh my gosh, it's exactly the same as the one in China? Is this an appointment?"

"Brothers upstairs, don't confuse U.S. dollars with RMB. 1.2 million U.S. dollars is equivalent to more than 9 million RMB. Director Chen has made a lot of money this time!"

"Damn it, didn't news come out on the Internet that morning that Director Chen predicted that the domestic box office could exceed 800 million? How much would the global total box office be? Over 1 billion?"

"Who the hell knows! Anyway, I think this movie is really fucking awesome. I can't help but want to watch it again!"

"Let's go, my brother has made an appointment with three girls, I must support him!"

"Brother, you really deserve to die! Is this the legendary death by drought or waterlogging?"


At this time, inside Chengtian Entertainment Company.

Wu Kebo has been very upset recently. Wang Jinghua is becoming more and more dishonest. He is not even allowed to see the accounts of the brokerage company.

The purpose behind this behavior was almost obvious, which was really difficult for him to accept.

If Wang Jinghua parted ways with Chengtian just like she left Huayi, it would definitely be a fatal blow to Chengtian now!

He was already in a bad mood, but after reading the newspaper presented by the secretary, he suddenly became even more angry.

"The domestic box office on the first day was 1.2 million yuan? The North American box office was 1.2 million US dollars? Why doesn't Yi Ya take off?"

He complained sourly, feeling envious in his heart.

In the past, he had always thought that the movie "Red Cliff" would be able to lead the world in terms of performance for a long time, but he never expected that the anus would burst one after another!

However, something that made him even more angry was still waiting behind him.

As the release days lengthen, the box office of "Inception" also continues to rise!

Domestically, "Transformers 2", an imported film, has just surpassed the box office performance of "The Twilight Saga", but before it has secured its position as the "imported film's 3 million throne", it has turned around. Got kicked hard by "Inception".

Spielberg even called Chen Fei specifically about this matter.

"Fei, at least you wanted "Transformers 2" to stay on the record in the history of imported films for a day or two. Why did you only give it a few hours?"

"Haha, this is beyond my control. You have to go find those fans to reason."

"Just kidding, come and get together when you have time?"

"Ok, I'm more than happy."

The bosses of several domestic film and television companies don't even sleep in. They wait by their computers early every morning, waiting to see what kind of box office results "Inception" will eventually achieve!

Although Chen Fei was also paying attention, he did not miss other work because of this.

"Kung Fu Panda 2" was officially finished. He went to the scene to review the finished film, and then arranged for editing.

This animated film will serve as Waltons Pictures’ trump card for this year’s Lunar New Year season, so it must be taken seriously!

At the same time, Wu Jing, who had been busy at the animation studio for more than half a year, also got his first Hollywood role.

He will star in "The Hunger Games" as a "sacrifice" from District 9.

Although this character would be shot to death by the heroine in the end, Wu Jing was still as excited as a child who had eaten candy, and he could not close his mouth from ear to ear for a long time.

Being able to appear in a Hollywood movie, even if it's just a supporting role, will make you a second-tier star after returning to China!

From now on, the title of "International Superstar" will be on his head.

Moreover, Chen Fei also promised him that he would specially arrange a stunning appearance for him, so that the audience could remember him firmly at a glance.

He was secretly glad that he had not accepted the role of "Roboman", otherwise he would have missed such a great opportunity.

On the other hand, after finishing work on "Kung Fu Panda 2", Li Yang has finally returned from his studies.

He once again took out the script for the cartoon "The Adventures of Li Xianli".

But this time, Chen Fei waved his hand and said very generously that he could use the equipment in the animation studio and shoot whatever he wanted.

"Thank you, Director Chen!" An excited expression appeared on Li Yang's face, and he almost knelt down in front of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and said with a hint, "Have a good job. Next it's time to test your academic performance. If you can pass my review, I will invest in an animated film for you next year."


Li Yang raised his head suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"Is there any benefit to me from lying to you?" Chen Fei smiled and drew a big cake casually, "I have prepared the script, and then it depends on your performance."

"Don't worry! I won't let you down!" Li Yang patted his chest, extremely confident!


The first-week box office of "Inception" was finally released on Monday.

$2.85 billion!

As soon as the news came out, there were gasps of cold air in the major film and television production companies in Hollywood, which directly caused the global temperature to rise several degrees.

"Why are the North American box office figures of "Inception" so stable?"

At the Warner Bros. headquarters, Pablo Cepelini, vice president of the film industry, looked at the newspaper and frowned.

Because the production costs of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and "Inception" are similar, both 2.5 million US dollars, and both movies were released in July, it is inevitable that they will be made by the outside world. Compared.

At this time, with the extended release time, the North American box office performance of "Harry Potter" has been infinitely close to 3 million US dollars.

The company's internal data analysts have made a very accurate judgment. The North American box office of "Harry Potter" will definitely exceed 3 million, but it is estimated that it is impossible to continue to increase. It mainly depends on the support of the global box office.

Therefore, Pablo Cepellini subconsciously thought that "Inception" would not be too different, and everyone should settle on the 300 million range.

But now he discovered that the potential of the latter is far more than that. It has already received US$2.85 million in the first weekend alone, and will easily exceed US$4 million in the future, and even 5 million may be easily reached.

However, how can it be virtuous?

The secretary standing opposite held a report in his hand. He was obviously prepared, "Boss, this is because many people are watching the movie repeatedly."

Repeat viewing? ? ?

Pablo Cepellini was a little puzzled.


After watching the 2D version, many viewers will choose to continue buying tickets to watch the 3D version because the movie has always boasted about the excellent production of the 3D version in its promotions.

At the same time, after watching the 3D version, because the picture is so shocking, most fans will find a suitable time to watch the lmax-3d version again!

This cycle repeats and a new trend is formed, so the North American box office has remained high. "

"Oh! Fuck!"

Pablo Cepellini couldn't help but cursed, how could he still do this?

Are all those movie fans stupid?

After watching 2D, I watch 3D, and after watching 3D, I watch lmax-3d. This is not how you spend your money!

You are so powerful, why don’t you support "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"?

It's just a broken lmax-3d. Is it that good-looking?

"You go and book a ticket for me. I want the lmax-3d version. I want to see it. What kind of magic does this movie have?"

At half past one in the evening, as the midnight screening of "Inception" ended, Pablo Cepellini walked out of the theater in a daze and stood blankly on the road.

Those 148 minutes just now gave him a great shock!

After watching it with his own eyes, he finally understood why those movie fans seemed to have been brainwashed to watch the movie again and again. This is a movie worth watching again and again!

From time to time, a cool breeze would blow through the streets at night. Pablo Cepellini subconsciously turned his head and looked at the poster of "Inception" outside the theater, and suddenly couldn't help but sniff. .

"What is it? It smells so good!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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