It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 391: Scene acceptance passed a new record for Chinese-language movies. A woman’s greed must

Chapter 391: Scene acceptance passed a new record for Chinese-language movies. A woman’s greed must be matched with superb methods!
After giving himself a two-day leisurely vacation, Chen Fei drove to the set of "The Hunger Games" to prepare to inspect the construction of the studio.

Set designer Philip Messina led his team and waited in the studio early.

If he can successfully pass the review, he can then buy the villa he likes, because this business can bring him a huge fortune!

After parking the car and walking into the studio, Chen Fei immediately saw Philip Messina, as well as Wen Ziren and Ning Hao standing next to him.

"Fei, you're here." Wen Ziren raised his hand and said hello.

Philip Messina walked towards him, gave him a hug with a smile on his face, and the two exchanged greetings.

"Let's go? Show me the results of your hard work?"

"Ok! Let's go!"

Phillip walked at the front, leading Fade Chen around the outside of the studio while introducing him to the scene in front of him.

The first thing that caught Chen Fei's eyes was the depressed and dilapidated District 12.

What’s even more shocking is that the box office trend of “Inception” is still rising, approaching the HK$100 million of “Titanic”.

As for "Up", it's even worse!

For this reason, Chen Fei was not vague with them. If any movie theater had the most rampant piracy, then he would directly remove the movie from that area!
Although this will lead to a decrease in box office revenue, only by cracking down on scalpers can we better help the film industry to improve step by step.

["Inception" officially broke the 6.37 million yuan record set by "Mulan", ranking first in the Chinese movie box office rankings with 6.5 million yuan. 】

"Want to fight for the cake? Then you have chosen the wrong person."

Of course, this does not mean that everyone in Philip Messina’s team will leave. Several engineers will stay and cooperate with the crew to complete the filming.

Even if someone "steals" and deliberately leaks the 2D version of the picture, not many people will pay attention to it, because if you don't watch this kind of 3D special effects blockbuster in a theater, you won't feel the strong shock at all!

Han Sanping happily joined in the fun and cast a valuable vote on the "10 billion" option.

According to media reports, the two formats, 3D and lmax-3d, have become crazily sought after by movie fans. Even though it has been released for nearly half a month, it still maintains a very high attendance rate.

Chen Fei curled his lips, full of disdain.

In addition to Hong Kong and the Mainland, "Inception" has also gained countless fans in Bay Area, Neon, South Korea, Singapore and other places, and has been dominating the charts for two consecutive weeks.

Is it possible that the president of Disney's distribution department has lost his mind if he wants to pit an animated film against a science fiction masterpiece?
How dare you?

The desolate and monotonous buildings and low-saturation colors clearly show the "poor" characteristics of District 12, and the heroine "Katniss" walked out of such a place.

Disney's distribution department can only set its sights on the global scale. China is also among its choices, and it also has a 3D format. Its purpose is self-evident.

This is also to prevent possible scene changes during shooting and the emergence of certain details that need to be repaired.


Who would have thought that this movie would create such brilliant results!
Previously, Hong Kong's annual box office champion was "Transformers 2" with 4800 million Hong Kong dollars, but this figure was quickly surpassed by "Inception".

There was "The Twilight Saga" before it, followed by "Transformers 3", and then there was "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Finally, "Inception" directly amplified it and destroyed it. What a mess!
It has been more than a month since its release, and the North American box office of "Up" has barely exceeded 3 million US dollars. After that, there has been no increase, and the number of films scheduled has dropped again and again.

There is no way, who made his director be Chen Fei!

Especially lmax-3d movie tickets cost just over 100 yuan at the cinema, but scalpers dare to sell them for 500 or even 800!

It has only been released for two weeks and has already received 6.5 million yuan. No need to guess later, you will know that it will definitely exceed 8 million yuan easily, and it is even possible to exceed 10 billion yuan!
Although this is an imported film, its director is from China, and China Film Group also occupies 10% of the film. If the box office can exceed 1 billion, he will be proud of it!

Although there is no lavish party, no red carpet, dress, champagne and other high-end basic equipment, the media did not dare to underestimate this movie.

For this reason, Chen Fei specially said hello to the bosses of several theater companies, and directly changed to buying tickets with his ID card. One ID can only buy one ticket, and this suppressed the rampant scalpers.

On the day when "The Hunger Games" was launched, Chen Fei directly invited various media and held a not particularly grand opening ceremony on the set.

After spending a whole morning checking the internal and external details and construction quality of each scene, Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction and signed his name on the acceptance contract.

However, as piracy disappeared, scalpers suddenly became rampant again.

At this time, only two weeks have passed since its release.

Han Sanping expressed unconditional support and held three meetings in three consecutive days to implement the matter directly.

Otherwise, all the money will be taken away by scalpers, and the theater chain will have no development?
And movie fans will definitely be dissatisfied, which is obviously not conducive to a movie's subsequent reputation and ratings.

After saying goodbye to Philip Messina, Chen Fei turned to look at Wen Ziren and arranged: "Contact all the actors, we are going to start filming."

Yang Shoucheng, Huo Qigang and others who were far away in Xiangjiang all voted for the "10 billion" option, their faces full of amazement.

The day before "The Hunger Games" was launched, a piece of news reached Chen Fei's ears from the mainland.

The media in Hong Kong have even begun to prepare promotional materials. When the box office of "Inception" exceeds 100 million Hong Kong dollars, they will definitely publicize it!
This big ship has been weighing on the Hong Kong film industry for too long. It is difficult to overturn it. We must give our full support!

Some people even initiated voting online and made box office predictions, setting a total of 8 options ranging from 20 million to 13 billion.

Different from the overall gray tone of District 12, the capital area is filled with dazzling colors, new and regular tall buildings, high-tech display screens suspended in the air, and bustling and crowded streets.

As for the arena of "The Hunger Games", it is the main place where the story takes place. It is designed as a beautiful jungle, but in the seemingly peaceful natural environment, it also coincides with the cruel rule of "survival of the fittest"!

"it is good."

In fact, the reason for the rampant scalping is that some people "steal by themselves" and engage in arrogant operations in order to put money into their own pockets.

Especially lmax-3d, because of its scarcity, even if the ticket price is very expensive for ordinary people, it still maintains % attendance!
In the past, 2D movies had to be protected against tampering and piracy when they were released, but this movie doesn't need to at all.

Among them, Jiahe is the one who works hard, and their promotional strategies are one after another without stopping at all!

Judging from the movie's various ratings and box office data in various countries, this movie has become a top global commercial blockbuster, and has won countless praises for Chen Fei!
As for "Harry Potter" on the other hand, although the box office growth is not bad, its popularity has not been rising, and the box office trend has not been in line with Warner's expectations.

Today, the total box office of "Inception" in North America has exceeded US$5 million, and it is still launching a fearless charge towards US$6 million, crushing many commercial blockbusters in the same period.

Chen Fei, the "Father of New 3D" designated by Spielberg, has proven his own strength. He used solid box office data to weld this title on his head!
And in addition to the extremely impressive box office data, the ratings of this movie on major websites also confirmed its excellence.

Especially on lMDb, it directly occupied the fourth place in film history with a score of 9.0, crushing films such as "Pulp Fiction", "Lord of the Rings 3", and "Schindler's List" under its feet.

Although there is still a slight gap between the three movies of "The Godfather Part II", "Oshank Redemption" and "The Godfather", many people are quite confident in it and think that it has great hope of ranking first!

"Thank you very much for coming to support..."

At the opening ceremony, Chen Fei pulled out the actors from the crew one by one and made them make a wonderful appearance in front of the camera.

There are no big-name stars in the starring team of this movie. The most noteworthy heroine, Jennifer Lawrence, is still a newcomer who has just debuted for a few years. As for the male protagonist who plays a supporting role, he is not much different from a newcomer.

But the supporting cast of the movie is truly luxurious!
Monica Bellucci, Morgan Freeman, Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, the Four Little Flowers of Hollywood...

Looking around, the entire supporting cast simply overwhelmed the protagonists!
Some media curiously asked Chen Fei during an interview, how come there are so many big-name stars appearing in this movie? Is it going to be another masterpiece similar to "Inception"?

Before Chen Fei could say anything, Xiao Li Zi happily took the microphone and said, "We are just here to make guest appearances. Each of us only has a few seconds of footage. Fei didn't even discuss the pay with me! It was obvious that he wanted to We’re here to work for free!”

After a burst of laughter, the topic was dropped.

After the opening ceremony, the filming of "The Hunger Games" officially started.

Just like Leonardo said, many big-name superstars did come to guest star for one or two scenes, but were sent away by Chen Fei after the filming.

As for treating guests to dinner, he planned to do it together with the celebration party of "Inception", so that he could save money on the meal.

The next day, news about the start of filming of "The Hunger Games" spread throughout Hollywood and the mainland. "Director Chen's new film has started production. It is still written and directed by himself, with an investment of up to 1.5 million US dollars."

"Many Hollywood superstars made guest appearances. Leonardo joked that they were all free laborers and did not receive a dime in salary at all."

"A Chinese actor appeared on the set, and Wu Jing's journey to Hollywood has officially begun!"


Wu Jing's appearance is a very special highlight for many people, especially those in Xiangjiang. Many people reacted belatedly. No wonder they haven't seen this mainland boy in the past few years. It turns out that he is Hold it on your lap to win Oscar!
However, some people are focused on going abroad, but some people can't survive outside and have no choice but to run back to the country in despair.

Zhang Ziyi was originally confirmed to play the heroine in "The Secret Fan in the Snow", but for some reason, it was suddenly announced that the heroine would be South Korean actress Jun Ji-hyun.

As soon as the news came out, many people were speculating whether there was a conflict between Zhang Ziyi and Wendy Deng?

But within a few days, the Hong Kong media announced the news of Zhang Ziyi's return to the Chinese-speaking world.

"Recently, director Wang Jiawei announced that filming of "The Grandmaster" will officially start soon, and the heroine will be played by Zhang Ziyi."

As soon as the news came out, all previous speculations disappeared without a trace.

Wang Jiawei's "The Grandmaster" has received a lot of attention since the beginning of preparation. After many years, it was finally decided to start filming, which naturally aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

Many people previously thought that Zhang Ziyi was driven back by Hollywood, but now the media is bragging about her patriotism.

"For the sake of the development of domestic films, we have not hesitated to reduce our film salaries and even abandoned our Hollywood acting career. This is admirable and admirable..."

The announcements were flying all over the place, and even reached the ears of Chen Fei, who was filming on the set of "The Hunger Games".

Ning Hao was a gossip in private, so he talked to Chen Fei about this matter with a mysterious look on his face.

"Have you heard? Zhang Ziyi is not as glorious as the media reported. She and Wu Yu suffered similar experiences, both were driven back."

"Oh?" Chen Fei looked at him curiously, "Do you still know the inside story of this?"

"of course!"

Ning Hao patted his chest and explained in detail: "You should know the news about her engagement last year, right? Didn't she say that she would get married within a year at the latest? But now she has blown it! They don't want her anymore! I slept with her for a year in vain!"

"Hey? Aren't these two very affectionate?"

"Oh, it's just that everyone gets what they need. The man wanted to sign a prenuptial property agreement and have the property notarized, but her brother interfered with it, saying that after getting married, it will be the joint property of both husband and wife.

Zhang Ziyi listened to her brother's words and wanted to force her, but she was dumped without even looking at her. "

The United States does not attach great importance to marriage. Divorce often happens. Most men will have two or three wives in their lifetime.

In particular, executives who are very strong in their own right place far less emphasis on marriage than on interests.

What's more, the two of them were just engaged and didn't even get a marriage certificate.

The man simply walked away, causing Zhang Ziyi's resources and connections abroad to plummet. Even Wendy Deng quickly drew a clear line with her.

"Women can be greedy, but their methods must be superb enough, otherwise they will have to suffer the consequences of failure."

These are Wendy Deng’s original words, and they are also Zhang Ziyi’s reason for returning to China for development.

Her plan failed, and the "International Chapter" was no longer worthy of its name. If she wanted to go out again, she would have to find a new golden thigh.

"The Grandmaster" became her new opportunity. While filming, she was also looking for better resources, and Chen Fei's name was naturally on her watch list.

After chatting with Ning Hao, Chen Fei called the Emperor.

"Preparations for "Ip Man 3" can begin."

"Okay, I know."

Yang Shoucheng smiled, and suddenly recalled Wang Jiawei's ridicule of the "Ip Man" series in a previous interview with the media.

Now that I finally found the opportunity, let’s compare!


In early August, the news that "Game of Thrones" and "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" were finalized caused quite a stir in the Hollywood film and television industry.

Most of everyone's attention is focused on the former, and the investment of US$700 million per episode is the only one in the entire television industry!

Time Warner's television unit, which controls HBO, is already nervous, suddenly reminded of the pain of being dominated by the "Game of Thrones" TV series last year.

Now the opponent has not only made a comeback, but also brought in a little brother. This is the rhythm of killing!

Although Chen Fei didn't have time to attend the closing banquet, he asked Natasha to make the trip on his behalf, and specifically stated that the post-production of these two TV series must be done in accordance with the specifications for making movies!
Either you don't get caught, or your colleagues will be caught to death, and you must not leave any way for them to survive.

He also had "Shameless" in his script library. Chen Fei decided to give this script to Isaac Perlmutter when he had time to go to Marvel and let him do the preliminary preparations.

With the support of Longxiang Capital, Hulu's market share in North America and even the world is constantly increasing, and it already has the strength to compete with HBO.

Of course, the business atmosphere of Longxiang Capital is definitely more than that.

In addition to the continuous improvement of various layouts in North America, the layout in the mainland is proceeding in an orderly manner.

For example, Sina Weibo, which is about to be launched in the near future, is also within the investment scope of Longxiang Capital and has a lot of say in it.

Although Chen Fei doesn't have a good impression of this platform, he has to say that Weibo still has a way of deceiving people!

He does not expect to have full control. As long as he has a certain right to speak and ensures that no unfavorable news appears on the platform, it is enough.


"Congratulations, Monica, the project was successfully completed."

Monica Bellucci didn't have many scenes in "The Hunger Games", so after contributing a wave of acting skills, she successfully ended her scene.

The crew specially ordered a bouquet of flowers, and Chen Fei personally held it and handed it to her, hugged her tightly, and wished her good luck in her future acting career.

"Can I get an advance payment in advance?"

"of course can."

"Tonight, Conrad Hotel, room 1403, I'm waiting for you. I want my salary, and I want you..."

Chen Fei didn't expect that she would say so bluntly in public that she had already booked a room.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked around, only to see many people applauding and cheering. It was obvious that he did not hear the whispered conversation between the two just now.

Looking at Monica's eyes, he secretly sighed, this kind of ripe peach is really bold!
"She must be punished!"

In the evening, he happily went to the appointment and not only brought the salary to Monica Bellucci, but also gave her many exquisite gifts.

In front of the 27-story floor-to-ceiling window, Monica's upper body was pressed against the glass, and a pair of dough balls on her chest were directly pressed into cake shapes. It took more than two hours to collect all the items sent by Chen Fei. Exquisite little gift.


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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