It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 392: Zhang Dabeard cheated? Holding Shang Fang’s sword in hand! She looks like a lady!

Chapter 392: Zhang Dabeard cheated? Holding Shang Fang’s sword in hand! She looks like a lady!

If we were to rank the most explosive gossip news in the Mainland in August, then the news about Zhang Jizhong going shopping with a sexy girl in his arms on the streets of the Czech Republic would definitely rank first!

Chen Fei really didn't expect that this old guy was really good at having fun. He was almost 60 years old and he was still having sex abroad, so he wasn't afraid of being tricked?

"Oh, look, Director Zhang's little life is really nourishing."

Ning Hao sighed repeatedly while holding the phone, feeling quite like his life had been in vain.

Chen Fei did not forget to tease him while filming, "What? Envy? Then you can go too? The customs industry in the Czech Republic is very developed. As long as you are willing to spend money, let alone a sexy hot girl, even if you are holding ten It doesn’t matter if you go out on the street.”

"Forget it, I'm afraid your sister Na will twist my head off."

Ning Hao waved his hands repeatedly, and he just said a few words of emotion. If he was really asked to do something to regret Xing Aina, he would never do it.

Otherwise, with his current status in the film and television industry, a lot of girls would be willing to lean on him just by waving his hand!

"What do you think he thinks? How can he let the paparazzi secretly photograph him if he doesn't restrain himself when he goes to play?"

He is one of the top TV drama directors in the country, and he went abroad to make a third-level film. Isn't this just because he is full and has nothing to do?
Discovering that he was blind, Zhang Jizhong became so angry that he prepared to return to China overnight to continue filming his "New Journey to the West".

"TMD, I wouldn't have gone there if I had known."

Recalling the explicit scenes when he watched the first film, Zhang Jizhong suddenly felt a little itchy.

On the other hand, "Love Apartment" initially rose to prominence, but because it was broadcast on a local station, it did not cause a lot of response and popularity.

Putting into Cai Yinong's vision, Chen Fei himself felt very angry. After all, betrayal is a behavior that is shamed by many people.

"Rong Xinda is having a breakup with the Tang people."


"Brother, what are you talking about? No matter when, I will stand firmly by your side!"

He really hasn’t spoken yet! At that time, appearing on the streets was just to cultivate feelings and brew emotions.

Zhang Jizhong, who had returned to China, couldn't help but feel angry when he saw the tidbits about him on the Internet.

So he turned around and refunded the ticket, ready to enjoy the colorful Czech style and taste the taste of the Ocean Horse.

"Hey? Li Xiaowan is really capable."

Chen Fei did not continue to follow up on the tidbits about Zhang Jizhong because he knew that the matter would eventually go unsolved.

In this non-mainstream era, her appearance has become the white moonlight in the hearts of many people.

"Brother Zhang, please stop being angry. Drink a glass of water and calm down. I believe you have never done anything wrong to your sister-in-law. Let's think of a way together to see if we can suppress the heat of this matter."

"Hey, who knows? Maybe this is the excitement that people want."

After Zhang Jizhong's troubles, Fan Xinman, who had only the name of husband and wife with him, finally found an opportunity and immediately began to accuse him on the Internet of his immoral, disloyal, and shameless behavior!
Zhang Dabeard was also panicked. He posted a message overnight saying that he was just auditioning for an actress in the Czech Republic and there was no such thing as "cheating or soliciting prostitution" and asked the paparazzi to apologize!

"In the final analysis, it was due to the issue of interests. Rong Xinda went back on his word and suddenly disagreed with the price of the "Mengzhu" promotional video that had been set. He directly took over the work of the rival game company and put Tang Ren in trouble."

Lao Zhang's main job is a director, not an actor. Cheating or cheating will not affect his career as a director at all, and may even become a source of discussion for him at some point!
In August, apart from Zhang Jizhong's cannon fire, there were no other splashes in the mainland TV industry.

The entertainment industry is a mess.

But after thinking about it, he discovered that this is not the third-level film that the director of Xiangjiang often made in the past? !

A few days ago, the news that the second part of "Game of Thrones" was completed appeared on domestic portals, causing a lot of enthusiasm.

"First: I'm not pulling, I'm angry! Second: My name is not Hey, my name is Chu Yuxun! Third: Please don't play such boring games with me, otherwise, I will definitely make you real Pig head!"

Looking at the hot tea appearing in front of him, Zhang Jizhong subconsciously raised his head and fixed his gaze on Du Xinglin.

However, "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" produced by Mango Channel is unexpectedly very popular among young people!

As Chen Fei spoke, his eyes were still focused on the shooting scene, focusing on "drawing a circle with the left hand and a circle with the right hand."

In the above film and television resources, she occupies one or two roles. The only thing that makes her depressed is that she has to partner with the "Oil King" in the first two films.

Mango Channel gave her a lot of resources, such as "Watching the Meteor Shower Again", "Unlimited Danger Express" and "Painting on the Wall", the first film led by Enlight Media after officially announcing its entry into the film production industry.

Logically speaking, this kind of publicity activity will greatly increase the actor's popularity. There is no reason for Yang Mi not to participate!
After learning about this situation, Chen Fei first called Su Guohai. After confirming that it was not due to the schedule problem of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", he called Hu Ge.

But after he bought the ticket, he felt unwilling to spend the money and travel for nothing. Isn't this just a big complaint?

From the development of the incident to this day, she is still the first person to express her unconditional trust in her!

To be honest, Shuangzi still has some acting skills. At least in this drama, he didn't act as awkwardly as others.

He secretly thought, since foreign TV dramas are so bold in filming and can even show naked scenes, why not give it a try? Maybe he can become famous in Hollywood too!
So, he soon appeared in the Czech Republic, a country known as the most developed custom industry in the world!
After some research, he found that the actresses here are indeed very bold, not to mention taking off their clothes and appearing on camera, even having sex with real swords and guns!
Zhang Jizhong was quite excited at first, thinking he had discovered a new business opportunity.

However, there seem to be some problems with "Sword and Sword III".

But I never thought that before I even took my first bite, I would be photographed by domestic paparazzi and posted on the Internet!
Where is the reasoning behind this horse?

Many netizens suddenly discovered that Yang Mi, one of the heroines, seemed to have left the publicity team, and she could no longer be seen in various roadshows and variety shows.

Zhang Jizhong was suddenly moved, "Xinglin, fortunately you are by my side to help me take care of everything. Believe me, I will never treat you badly."


Currently, the most discussed dramas in the TV circle are "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" and "Snow Leopard". These two dramas left a deep impression on domestic audiences during the summer vacation!

The reason why he appeared in the Czech Republic was actually influenced by Chen Fei.


"How is it? You should be satisfied this time, right?" The agent said in a matter-of-fact tone.


Zheng Shuang nodded slightly, but what he was thinking about was her imaginary enemy.

"The Legend of Sun Tzu", "A Woman's Epic", "A Chinese Ghost Story", Jing Tian's resources are much better than hers!

6 million...7 million...8 million.

The domestic box office of "Inception" is moving step by step towards the 10 billion that everyone is looking forward to.

Han Sanping has already said that the key period of this movie will be extended indefinitely until fans no longer watch it.

However, as time enters August, several movies have officially entered the hot promotion stage.

Taking the lead with "Robot" directed by comedy master Liu Zhenwei, followed by "The Founding of the Republic" scheduled for September 9th, and "The Wind" scheduled for September 16th.

The former was very lively. After all, the slogan shouted by Liu Zhenwei was "New Chinese Science Fiction", which aroused the curiosity of many people.

As for the latter two, everyone is paying more attention to "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". The boss of China Film Group personally took the lead and hundreds of first- and second-tier actors starred in it for free. This gimmick alone can attract a large number of people.

Many movies originally scheduled to be released in September have been postponed.

You don’t need to guess to know that if you push it hard, the film arrangement will definitely be a mess!
The news that "Cinema of the Blind" was going to participate in the Busan Film Festival did not attract much attention at first, but when the shortlist was announced there, many people in the industry were still scared!

"Not only was it successfully shortlisted? But it also got the chance to premiere at the film festival?"

Lu Chuan's eyes turned red with envy. He was just a newcomer, and he made a movie with millions of dollars, and he was shortlisted for the Busan Film Festival?

"There must be that guy's help in this!" Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and said this. Although he didn't say who it was, Qin Lan knew that this person was definitely Chen Fei!

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether he is shortlisted or not, it has nothing to do with us? Just make our own movie."

Qin Lan comforted her boyfriend in a soft voice, but the shadow of Chen Fei in her mind couldn't go away.

Lu Yang, who was far away in South Korea, took into account the time difference and made a cross-country call to Chen Fei.

"Director Chen, I finally succeeded!"

"Haha, okay, I will send you a call later. If you have any difficulties in South Korea, just call this number and say that I arranged for him to take care of you." Chen Fei said with a smile.

"No, no, no! It's fine now!" Lu Yang quickly refused.

Before going to South Korea, he didn't know how much influence Chen Fei had there.

But after he went there, he discovered that Chen Fei's name had become as "Prince Regent" in the South Korean film and television industry!
Film and television companies such as CJ, Showbox, and SBS, which account for half of the South Korean film and television industry, actually have a close relationship with him!
During the time he came to South Korea, he was like an imperial envoy holding a sword, with a bunch of minions following him wherever he went.

He even attended the closing banquet hosted by CJ for "One Man". The banquet was attended by many celebrities and politicians who could only be seen on TV.

But what he didn't expect was that these celebrities and politicians were extremely respectful to his arrival, and they wanted to invite him back as a mascot!
Although Lu Yang refused the care, Chen Fei still sent him the phone number.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. Being alone in a foreign country, who knows if there will be any emergency, this phone call can be regarded as a guarantee.


The filming of "The Hunger Games" went very smoothly. The eldest cousin did not disappoint Chen Fei. Her acting skills were on point and Ng rarely appeared.

In addition to his guest role in the movie, Wu Jing also served as a martial arts instructor, responsible for instructing other actors in various fighting moves.

Chen Fei's requirements are not high, and his main focus is "neat".

How can a life-and-death duel give you so much time to "swing forward with skills"? Just go up and do it. What you are pursuing is a sense of fun.

When filming progressed to August 8, Emma Roberts' cameo in the film also ended.

However, she was not in a hurry to leave, because Chen Fei felt that her voice condition was very good and he could stay for later dubbing and vocal production.

"If I compose a suitable song, can it appear as an episode in this movie?" the girl asked looking forward to it.

She didn't have much idea about the theme song and the ending song. After all, Chen Fei had invited James Newton Howard, Taylor Swift and the Jihad Band to co-create the theme song and ending song for "The Hunger Games".

Even Britney Spears just came in to do an interlude!
Emma has no confidence that she can compete with the four top singers above!

"Of course." Chen Fei did not refuse her and agreed directly.


The girl ran over excitedly and gave him a big hug. She even stood on tiptoes and left a sweet kiss on the right side of his cheek.

Ning Hao and Wen Ziren, who had been sitting behind the monitor, saw this and subconsciously turned to look at Liu Yifei who came to visit the class.

To their surprise, the girl just looked at this scene calmly, without even frowning.

After all, Wen Ziren couldn't hold it back. He leaned close to Ning Hao's ear and asked in a low voice: "Fei and Crystal haven't gotten together yet? I remember that Chinese girls are very fond of... jealous?"

"I do not know!"

The fire of gossip was also burning in Ning Hao's heart, but Liu Yifei's expression didn't change at all, and he couldn't tell whether there was any collusion between the two.

If this doesn't matter, there is no reason why Chen Fei would arrange a role for her in a movie with a female protagonist like "Super Body".

But if it's relevant, as a girlfriend, when you see your boyfriend being kissed by another girl, shouldn't you be indifferent?
After observing for a long time, Ning Hao couldn't see anything, so he could only sigh secretly, "This girl looks like a lady!"


Time flies to August 8th. Just when the North American box office of "Inception" is about to exceed 7 million US dollars, Paramount Pictures enters the market aggressively with their new movie "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" .

The first-day box office was US$2000 million, accounting for one-sixth of the first-day box office of "Inception."

Chen Fei and Liu Yifei, who came to visit the class, went to watch the movie together in the evening.

The graphics are stunning and the fights are fun. It's a very good Hollywood heavy-industrial popcorn movie.

But as a comic adaptation, it is unqualified, and the original fans will probably scold it very loudly!

Except for the black and white ninjas that are related to the original cartoon, the plot of the movie is basically an upgraded and random fabrication of other character relationships. There is no logical relationship in the story, and not even a character's transformation is in line with human behavior. Everything is purely for the sake of Have an orgasm and create an orgasm.

Liu Yifei shook her head after walking out of the cinema, "I still like to watch "Inception", this movie is not to my liking."

"Haha, thank you for your recognition and support." Chen Fei smiled.

Because the streets of the United States are not suitable for walking at night, after coming out of the cinema, Chen Fei drove Liu Yifei to Beverly Hills.

Looking at the direction of the car, Liu Yifei opened her mouth. She wanted to remind Chen Fei that she had already booked a hotel, but in the end she didn't say it.
"Anyway, I won't sleep in the same bed with him. He has so many guest rooms, which saves me money. Besides, it's not safe for a girl to be alone outside..."

Secretly looking at that handsome side face, Liu Yifei quickly found a reason for herself in her heart.

But what she didn't notice was that Chen Fei had noticed that she was staring at him.

The Rolls-Royce stopped at a traffic light intersection. He turned his head and looked at her with a smile, "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Liu Yifei's face suddenly turned red. Only then did she react belatedly. She was actually dumbfounded!

However, when faced with Chen Fei's question, she quickly thought of a suitable answer, "How did you feel when that white girl kissed you on the face?"

Ok? ? ?
Chen Fei's heart was inexplicably tense. Why did he suddenly feel nervous about being caught and raped in bed?
"It's not like you don't know that Americans are like this. It's just a kiss on the face. How does it feel? It's very common, very ordinary."


Liu Yifei responded lightly and looked forward, feeling a little happy in her heart.


Paramount Pictures' announcement is very good, and the major media are almost full of news about "Special Forces: The Rise of Cobra".

However, Paramount's publicity team's smile did not last long.

On the day that the first weekend box office of "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" was announced, the total global box office of "Inception" officially exceeded US$10 billion.

At this point, the fifth film in global film history to reach a global billion dollar amount has appeared!
The top ones are "Titanic", "Lord of the Rings 3", "Jurassic Park", and "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest".

As soon as the news came out, it spread directly to portals all over the world!
Not only the media in Hollywood began to report vigorously, but the mainland media circle also started to report this major event worthy of universal celebration from all angles, just like the Chinese New Year.

"The global box office of Director Chen's Hollywood masterpiece "Inception" has officially exceeded 10 billion US dollars. Let us congratulate him."

"The fifth billion-dollar film in film history makes its grand debut!"

"Throughout the years of Director Chen's career, he has never failed in any of his works, and has won both box office and awards!"

"Chinese directors finally stand up globally!"

"At the age of 25, he created a miracle in the history of film. Today I can finally say that with pride. He is from China, and his name is Chen Fei!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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