It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 394 Hey, Huabiao Award, are you done with it? Ring the bell! The price skyrocketed!

Chapter 394 Hey, Huabiao Award, are you done with it? Ring the bell! The price skyrocketed!

Even though he was banned from directing for five years again, and even won the title of "King of Banned Films" in the industry, Lou Ye still received an invitation letter from the Huabiao Award.

Although he was brave, he was still not as powerful as Chen Fei, so even though he was holding back his anger, he finally agreed to attend.

Speaking of which, he was actually annoyed by those old things.

"Suzhou River", "Summer Palace", "Spring Breeze Night", which of these films is not an outstanding literary film in the world? But it just couldn’t pass the trial in the country!

Many colleagues in the industry feel aggrieved for him, especially Jiang Wen, who has publicly expressed his admiration for him several times, but this still cannot change the minds of those above.

What made him most angry was that he had been banned three times in a row, but another movie that would never pass the review according to common sense actually passed the review!

Yu Feihong - "Love has an afterlife".

This is a romance film about the unresolved love between man and ghost in a modern setting!

Let’s not talk about its story. The subject matter alone is enough to be banned for 180 years, and the director has also been banned for all kinds of pornography.

Lou Ye couldn't hold it back and almost laughed out loud.

Although Lou Ye couldn't hear what they were saying, there was nothing more than "Painted Skin 2". This was a big piece of cake, and everyone wanted to take a bite.

He looked at those people now as if they were looking at clowns. Isn't this just like "there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king"?

The more Lou Ye thought about it, the angrier he became. He was originally going to go to the film bureau to ask for an explanation, but then he thought that he would definitely be kicked out if he went alone.

Of course, the most important thing is that Fan Bingbin is so beautiful. Coupled with Han Sanping's identity, it is indeed easy to make people think deeply.

There was news on the Internet that this year's Huabiao Awards will invite all the billion-dollar box office directors in the Chinese film industry and arrange for them to give speeches on stage.

The Huabiao Awards are just about to be held, so why not go here and give it a try? There are so many directors who have been banned from directing, and maybe someone will come out to support him.

After passing Han Sanping's gaze, Ning Hao's figure appeared in Lou Ye's eyes.

But the strange thing is that the one who stepped on the horse actually passed the trial!

In addition to Zhang Yimou, he also saw Feng Xiaogang who was filming "The Great Earthquake", Brother Chen Kaige who was building a film and television city, and recently "hot" Hong Kong directors such as Chen Long, Wong Jiawei, and Liu Zhenwei.

"Hey, why are you laughing? I've been having fun all night! Why haven't you stopped yet?"

When this guy first came here, he had a dark face, as if he was going to hit someone, but now he suddenly couldn't stop having fun, maybe he was crazy?
"Didn't you notice? Chen Fei isn't here!"

He didn't know the specific inside story. He didn't like gossip that much, but if he only looked at the news on the Internet, he also felt that something was not right about these two people.

If he hadn't been in the forbidden period, Lou Ye would have been interested in getting an investment from them.

While greeting some familiar people, Lou Ye continued to look around the scene.

"Good guy! Chen Fei is not here! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"..." Jiang Wen suddenly realized, "I know! So that's why you can't stop having fun?"


He saw two brothers, Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu, and people from Emperor, Media Asia, Jiahe, and even several Bayan companies.

Domestic bans on "creepy" are particularly strong now. Even zombie films and zombie films are difficult to censor. But Yu Feihong is just a new director, and he shoots such taboo subjects. How can he pass the censorship?
And it’s all scheduled now! This also means that it won’t be long before you can log into domestic theaters!
The one who rides the horse has "Nanjing!" in front of him. Nanjing! "The kind of traitor movies with unclear meanings, followed by Yu Feihong's "Love Is Afterlife" and other taboo movies.

For the sake of "political achievements", those old guys have indeed made a lot of efforts.

At this time, he was surrounded by a group of producers, chatting and laughing.

Jiang Wen patted his shoulder with a curious look on his face.

But what makes him feel strange is that the person who should appear at the Huabiao Awards tonight has yet to show up!
It wasn't until the awards ceremony officially started more than half an hour later that he reacted belatedly.

"Tsk, these gentlemen are quite generous."

Han Sanping is always the one who attracts the most attention among the crowd, but he has also been involved in scandals recently. Just because he had a meal with Fan Bingbin, he was said by unscrupulous paparazzi to be an "unspoken rule" in the industry.

They can all pass the review, why can't my "Spring Breeze Night" pass?

After all, one person's power is still too small.

"Hahaha." Jiang Wen was also happy, "Whatever, we are just here to join in the fun, just wait and see what happens next."

Lou Ye didn't quite believe it before, but when he saw Zhang Yimou, who had not appeared in public for a long time, he immediately believed it.

The cowhide was so loud that it said that this year's Huabiao Awards would bring together all the directors of the billion-dollar box office club in the Chinese film industry to share their experiences on the spot.

Because there was a camera on the stage pointed at the audience, he had no choice but to lower his head sharply, but his shoulders that kept shaking betrayed him.

In particular, Guangwang, which has recently announced its official entry into the film and television industry, and Wanda, which has been rumored to be an upstream producer, are even a bit hungry.

However, he actually didn't have a good impression of Zhang Yimou, especially his partner Zhang Weiping, who was so crazy that he spoke like a thorn.

As a director, Lou Ye pays most of his attention to the directors on the scene.

Lou Ye complained secretly in his heart, and then turned his attention to the film and television production circle.

This year's Huabiao Awards is a grand event. CEOs, producers, first- and second-tier stars, and first- and second-tier directors from various film and television production companies gather here!

So on the 29th, he put on a suit and rushed directly to the awards ceremony with great energy.

When he heard the news, he almost stopped sitting and was ready to go to those old men to ask for an explanation!

But now, it's a good thing. Chen Fei, who is the No. 1 commercial film in Chinese-language films and the No. 2 commercial film in global film history, didn't come. So what's the point of holding this award ceremony?
Especially when he saw Brother Chen Kai, Lu Chuan, Wu Yu and others chatting on the stage, he almost couldn't hold it back.

Lou Ye, "I just want to see the expressions of the old guys from the organizer. They are really bragging, but now it's better to let it go!"

Many people at the scene did not react at first, but as the awards ceremony progressed, everyone gradually came to their senses.

The audience has already started whispering. Chen Fei didn't come. This award ceremony always feels a bit unsatisfactory. The key is that no one can hold the place!
Even though Li Jian and Zhang Yimou both appeared on stage in the end, it still felt like something was missing.

The domestic box office of "Inception" has already reached 11 billion, and it is charging towards 12 billion, and depending on the situation, it is very likely to reach that level.

With such results, others seemed a little embarrassed.

Even though Ning Hao has a movie with a box office of 4 million, others have not even reached 10 million, let alone broken billion.

Celebrities only dared to whisper and whisper, but the media didn't care so much.

After discovering that Chen Fei had indeed not come, many people simply stuffed the original manuscripts into their pockets and wrote Chen Fei's name on their notepads.

The heat of this wave of Huabiao Awards must be on the business director who didn't show up!

Until the end of the award ceremony, Lou Ye didn't go up to do anything, because he felt it was unnecessary. After all, there were "pioneers" in front of him!

The day after the Huabiao Awards ended, news spread all over the Internet!
"The 13th Huabiao Awards was successfully held last night, but Director Chen Fei was not present to participate."

"There were bright stars at the scene, but the biggest 'star' did not appear. Does this mean some kind of mistake on the part of the organizers?"

"Ning Hao, Zhang Yimou, Wu Yu, Li Jian, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang and other business leaders came on stage one by one to share their experiences, but the response was mediocre and everyone was obviously not very satisfied."


Because of the high popularity on the Internet and the fact that various media like to engage in "conspiracy theories", the organizer of the Huabiao Awards had to come forward to explain.

They still used the same method of publishing articles.

The writer is obviously a veteran, and he apologized at the beginning, saying that he failed to meet the expectations of netizens.

However, a lot of "moisture" was added later in the detailed explanation.

The article first made it clear that the organizer had sent invitations to Chen Fei many times, and specifically asked several friends in the circle who were close to him to help, but in the end they still failed to achieve what they wanted.

Although they were sorry, there was nothing they could do.

As for that, this article for explanation is over!

The author obviously puts himself in the position of a "vulnerable group", and the meaning is also very obvious. It probably means that Chen Fei is now very awesome and he doesn't look down on the Huabiao Award at all, so even if the organizer invites him many times He refused without mercy.

There was no explanation from Chen Fei in this article, and even the reasons he used for refusing to participate in the award ceremony were not written out.

When it comes to holding back and causing trouble, these old guys are obviously professionals!

As soon as the article was published, it immediately aroused the indignation of many passers-by!
There are already many anti-fans of Chen Fei on the post bar, as well as some trolls who are starting to set the pace.

"Haha, I finally understand, what kind of Chinese director? What kind of ray of hope? To put it bluntly, he is just a dog of the capitalists in Hollywood."

"You didn't come to support such a big event in the country. The seniors begged you in a humble way and were rejected. It's really shameful!"

"Why don't you check it out? I suspect he is no longer Chinese, right? I'm afraid he has already obtained a green card, right?" "..."

Naturally, Chen Fei's die-hard fans are also arguing against the remarks made by these anti-fans.

But in the face of the tide of trolls, anti-fans and passers-by who have been led to the rhythm, the die-hard fans are not very confident in counterattack. After all, it is indisputable that Chen Fei did not come to participate in this domestic entertainment event. fact!

However, just when the loyal fans were being beaten back and forth, time soon came to August 8st, and a fresh report appeared on the front page of!

[Hot news: On August 8, US time, Waltons Pictures officially listed on the Nasdaq. Founders Natalie Walton, Chen Fei, and Bruce Kovner came to New York to participate in the event. The bell ringing ceremony! 】

This report was published with pictures and text, explaining in detail the various details of the day.

Calculated based on 3 million shares (including options and restricted stocks), Volton Pictures initially planned an issuance price of US$8 per share.

But because there are the Volton family, the Morgan consortium, and the previous year's yields as basic data, many capitals say that this price is too low!

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the final issuance price per share was US$15, and a total of 5000 million shares were offered for sale, raising a total of US$7.5 million in funds and a valuation of US$45 billion!
If compared with those major Internet companies that have just gone public, this data is indeed not good.

If any Internet company could achieve the current rate of return of Volton Pictures, its post-IPO valuation could exceed US$200 billion at least!

But if you make a horizontal comparison, this data is a bit scary!
You know, Lionsgate Pictures, which is often touted as the number one among the New Six in Hollywood, currently has a market value of only $15 billion.

Waltons Pictures is directly 3 times that!
Even DreamWorks, which has been brilliant in Hollywood for a long time, now only has a market value of US$30 billion. This is data generated when "Transformers 2" became a global hit.

Of course, compared with the six established companies such as Sony, Warner, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, and Universal, it is definitely still far behind.

Let’s just talk about Disney now. Even though there have been no blockbuster movies in recent years, the company’s market value is as high as 300 billion U.S. dollars, which is more than 6 times the valuation of Walt Disney Pictures.

But how many years have these established companies been able to survive?

On the other hand, it has been less than 5 years since Walton Pictures officially entered the film and television production industry!
5 years, market value of US$45 billion!
As soon as this data appeared, a lot of people's jaws suddenly dropped!
For a time, this report was wildly reprinted by many media, and it had a tendency to spread throughout China in the blink of an eye.

The reason is also very simple. Who made Chen Fei the CEO of Volton Pictures?
Anyone who is not a fool should know that Chen Fei must occupy a certain proportion of shares in this company, otherwise he would not be so dedicated.


"What? Waltons Pictures went public?"

After hearing the assistant's report, Wang Zhonglei was completely confused.

what's going on? Why did such a big news suddenly come out? I haven't heard that they are preparing to go public before?

"What's the opening price?" Wang Zhongjun asked rationally.

Huayi will be preparing to go public in the near future. He is inexplicably curious as to how big the gap between the two companies will be?

The assistant replied: "$23 per share!"

“What’s the current total market value?”

"$69 million."


As soon as the assistant finished speaking, Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei glanced at each other subconsciously, and both took a breath.

Because Huayi is about to go public, the two of them also pay attention to the market value of foreign film and television entertainment companies from time to time.

Until now, the market value of almost all film and television entertainment companies in the United States has been at its lowest.

As soon as Volton Pictures' market value of US$69 billion is revealed, it can be said that it is firmly within the scope of the new seven major Hollywood companies.

Moreover, the potential of this company is extremely huge. "Inception" is currently being screened around the world, and subsequent movies such as "The Hunger Games", "Twilight", "Super Body", and "Kung Fu Panda" are also being prepared. Released...

It is no exaggeration to say that if these subsequent movies can be successful, doubling the market value will not be a problem!

This is because Marvel has not continued to exert force. If the entire Marvel universe is fully expanded, it will be easy to crush Disney!
Most of the capital is still waiting. After all, after Walton Pictures acquired Marvel, only one "Iron Man 1" has been a big success. It is still unknown whether the success will continue in the future.

But even so, Waltons Pictures' "record" still makes the whole of Hollywood amazed!
Foreign media have even surrounded the headquarters of Volton Pictures, waiting for Chen Fei and others to come back and interview them fiercely!

At this time, inside the China Film Building.

Han Sanping looked at the secretary with interest, "Can I find out now? What is Chen Fei's personal shareholding ratio?"

As usual, the shareholdings of listed companies can be found, but because Volton Pictures has just gone public, Han Sanping is still a little unsure whether there is more detailed information there.

The secretary subconsciously replied: "If we can find out, it has been announced."

"How much?" Han Sanping straightened up suddenly, her face full of curiosity.


"Hahaha, let me tell you, he must have a high say in this company, otherwise he would not be able to make a fortune from China Film and Shanghai Film."

Han Sanping was so excited that she couldn't help herself. According to this situation, China Film's chances of participating in Hollywood blockbusters will be greatly increased in the future!
Under normal circumstances, as long as you hold more than 34% of the shares, you have a veto right at the shareholders' meeting.

The quota held by Chen Fei is exactly 34%, which means that he is one of the company's major shareholders and enjoys a high say in the company.

In addition to his 34%, Natasha controlled 36%, Bruce reduced his holdings to 8%, the Waltons family purchased 5%, and Longxiang Capital also purchased 5%.

As for the remaining 12%, they were naturally sold. After all, the founder's shares must be sold when the company goes public.

Someone online calculated Chen Fei's current worth based on his shareholding ratio and the closing price on the day of listing, and finally came up with a terrifying number!

$26 billion!

208 billion RMB!

When this number was announced, not only the film and television industry was blown into a mess, but even the domestic capital circle was completely shocked!

According to the Forbes rich list released at the end of last year, the number one Liu Yongxing is worth 204 billion yuan.

And now, as soon as Volton Pictures went public, Chen Fei's net worth began to skyrocket like a rocket, surpassing Liu Yongxing in one fell swoop!
Although this year's Forbes rich list in China has not yet been announced, as long as you make a little guess, you will know that Chen Fei can definitely be among the top ten!

At this time, Tieba was already in a state of excitement.

The loyal fans who were still suppressed by the black fans immediately straightened their backs and launched an extremely strong counterattack!

"It's just a Chinese watch award, what's so worth participating in? Director Chen might as well go to Nasdaq and ring the bell if he has that time."

"What? For participating in your award ceremony, can the organizer give Director Chen 200 billion yuan?"

"Haha, you bunch of scoundrels, dance! Keep dancing! Do you know what 200 billion is? I can kill you all with money!"

"To be fair, if it were me, faced with invitations to the company's listing and award ceremonies, I would definitely choose to ring the bell on Nasdaq without hesitation."

"So what if I get a green card? Doesn't Director Chen deserve it?"

Because the pressure in reality is too great, everyone shows a lot of hostility online. The back and forth between the two parties has even evolved into purely personal attacks, and even regional attacks!
At this time, Chen Fei, who was far away in Hollywood, responded to the matter on his blog.

“First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for paying attention to me, but I want to say sorry first. After all, it’s my fault that caused this online scolding war.

In fact, I am also very interested in the invitation from the organizer of the Huabiao Awards. As a Chinese, I should contribute to the development of the Chinese film and television industry. This is also my unshirkable responsibility!

However, because the company was going public, I, the founder, had to be present to participate. In desperation, I had no choice but to refuse the invitation from the organizer of the Huabiao Awards, and explained my failure to attend "carefully, patiently and seriously" to the organizers of the Huabiao Awards. Reasons for participation.

I deeply regret the current consequences. I would like to apologize to everyone here. I should not have occupied public resources for personal reasons. I hope everyone can understand my difficulties.

At the same time, I would also like to say thank you to all my fans and friends. Thank you very much for protecting me, but I hope you can end this unnecessary farce and create a beautiful and harmonious online atmosphere. Thank you all again! "

As soon as the response came out, both parties involved in the scolding war online were stunned for a moment.

"It turns out that Director Chen doesn't look down on us from the mainland. Looking at what he wrote in the article, he also specifically used words such as careful, patient, and serious. This is obviously a modest tone!"

"Look, people say that the development of the mainland's film and television industry is his unshirkable responsibility. This is indeed the case! The films made by Director Chen have indeed promoted the development of the film and television industry!"

"Damn it, Mad, you were careless, there was a big misunderstanding!"

"25 years old, second in the world's film history, with a net worth of more than 200 billion yuan. Damn it. If I were Director Chen, I would like to raise my head to the sky and look at people with only my nostrils. How can they reply to us so humbly? This... is a misunderstanding!"

"Damn it, it's all because of the article published by the Huabiao Award. Why can't you explain it all at once? Do you have to be so confused? Your employer and employees think you've been wronged!"

"Who wrote the article? Come out! I promise not to beat you to death!"


(PS: First update, please vote for me!)

(End of this chapter)

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