It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 395: How much black money does Disney charge? Aren't you bullying honest people?

Chapter 395: How much black money does Disney charge? Aren't you bullying honest people?

"The guy who wrote the article has completely retired."

Han Sanping personally called Chen Fei to inform him. Her tone seemed to be asking for credit, so she probably put a lot of effort into it.

"Who is it behind Lu Chuan?"

"What are you thinking about? How is it possible? That guy can't go down unless he is willing to retreat."

"Oh fine."

Chen Fei didn't say anything more. He thought he could kick Lu Tailang out of the film and television industry completely, but now it seems that it is still very difficult.

But it’s quite normal if you think about it, it can make “Nanjing! Nanjing! "successfully passed the review and was released, and also won the "Outstanding Director Award" at the Huabiao Awards ceremony, which is something that ordinary people cannot do.

Han Sanping didn't bother him too much. It was enough to express his thoughts clearly. Everyone is smart and has a clear mind.


Since Enlight and Wanda announced their entry into the production business some time ago, many outsiders seem to have seen signs of something.

As soon as I got through the phone, the person on the other end said directly, "Mr. Chen, Zhou Yi can't hold on any longer!"

What is the situation in the mainland film and television industry?
Why are the monsters and monsters starting to show their faces?

In order to keep up with the progress, he could only increase the intensity of his work a lot.

He thought for a while and then ordered: "Keep watching, and notify me immediately if there is any new news. In business negotiations, we have to be the ones who help in times of need!"

He plans to finish filming the film before the end of October, and then prepare for domestic and international Lunar New Year and Oscar awards.

In addition, these animated characters that are familiar to Chinese people can actually settle in the "Ready Player One Dream Theme Park" and regain their vitality. In the future, this branch of Chinese comics can also go faster and further!
"Havoc in the Sky", "Nezha", "Feng Shen", "White Snake", "Xia Lan", "Bad Man"...

"Okay, I understand." Su Guohai responded.

"Didn't you say it before? Zhouyi only has three chances left. The first part has already lost a lot of money. Now even the first-tier TV stations are unwilling to buy the second part. Only some small local stations are left. And the website is willing to bid, and the price is extremely low!”

"What about the third part?" Chen Fei asked.

There are currently too few copyrights released by Volton Pictures. If it can be completed next year, there will be no areas worth visiting.

In addition, he planned to see if he could find a chance to chat with the person in charge of Shangmei Factory the next time he went to Shanghai.

After all, most of the people present are newcomers who have just debuted a few years ago. They finally have the opportunity to participate in a commercial blockbuster directed by Chen Fei. Who would be stupid enough to give up this great opportunity?

"Seven Weapons"

A very reasonable "foreign exchange inflow" cooperation was reached.

After learning about the specific location of Disneyland in Shanghai, she immediately arranged for a professional negotiation team to go to Shanghai and get in touch with the investment promotion office in advance.

Good works should be unveiled in advance!

Chen Fei specially called Ren Zhonglun and his "big boss" fellow, asking them to put in some effort, and the matter was quickly settled.

"Haha, is Liu Zhenwei collecting illegal money? Isn't he afraid that the money will be spent uneasily?"

After all, this is a huge improvement for the development of tourism in the Magic City!

Waltons Pictures is responsible for paying, and all workers and building materials will be provided by the local Magic City. The two parties will cooperate to build this paradise.

Chen Fei was silent for a moment, and a drama suddenly popped up in his mind - "Peacock Feather"!
In his memory, the quality of this drama was quite good, but unfortunately it was not produced at the right time.

When they learned that Volton Pictures was interested in building the first "Ready Player One Fantasy Theme Park" in the Magic City, the people at the Investment Promotion Office almost went crazy with joy!

Perhaps seeing the popularity of the film and television industry, more and more people are pouring in with the idea of ​​"making big money".

On the other side, Natasha's "cutting off" work also went quite smoothly.

"There is not much news about the third part yet. I heard that Shi Xiaolong, Mu Tingting, and Yu Bo were invited to adapt it from Gu Long's novel "Seven Weapons". I don't think it will work anyway."

But Chen Fei is different. Everyone is willing to pay more for him from the bottom of their hearts.

After Volton Pictures went public, Chen Fei only accepted two interviews before he once again devoted himself to the filming of "The Hunger Games".

If this had been a film by another director, the actors would have complained long ago, and some of them might even have complained directly to the Film Association.

Ning Hao nodded and said: "Ang, he is one of the leading actors. Many Xiangjiang artists are supporting him."

No, Lao Guo, with the enthusiasm of Deyun Club, actually broke in in full swing!
Partner Liu Zhenwei, restart "Yueguang Treasure Box", let the classics be passed down forever...

However, because the construction of the park is too complex, the first phase of the project is expected to be completed around 2014 at the earliest.

Chen Fei said he didn't care about this.

As time goes by, when he gets more superheroes from Marvel, the park will be more lively.

Even though Chen Fei was abroad, the jokes from the mainland music industry still reached his ears.

"What??? He plays Cao Cao!!!"

He has been coveting those "national treasure" cartoons for too long. If the two parties can reach a cooperation, then the future business landscape of Leap Film and Television can be more complete.

On this day, Su Guohai called several times one after another. Chen Fei didn't see his missed calls until he finished filming a whole night scene.


After hearing about the lineup of "Yueguang Treasure Box" from Ning Hao, Chen Fei almost choked on his own saliva.

"Huh?" Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "Tell me more carefully?"

The Hou family's lawsuit finally started.

Regarding the matter of eating a dead household, some people expressed support, while others expressed denial. It seemed that the entire folk art circle was wrangling over this matter, which is shameful!
"Never mind them, they have nothing to do with us anyway, just watch the fun."

Ning Hao's mentality is quite good. Whenever he eats melon, he just looks at the excitement and never speaks out personally.

If the situation didn't allow it, he would have grabbed a handful of melon seeds and went to the court to observe.

These cross talk talkers are very smooth-talking, I think it will be very lively when they come to litigate!

After months of preparation, Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" finally started shooting in the suburbs of the capital.

This time, he vowed in front of the media that he would definitely finish filming this movie around the Spring Festival of 2010, and would not delay the filming of other movies like before.

The reason is also very simple. The salaries of people like Uncle Ge and Chow Yun-fat are not low. Finishing the filming early can save some money for post-production.

Moreover, his plan for this film is to be a purely commercial film, so naturally it cannot be as polished as making an artistic film.

After the opening ceremony was successfully held, Chen Fei received an email from Jiang Wen, which contained the script for his guest role.


[Huang Silang’s confidant, who offered suggestions and suggestions for Huang Silang, was ruthless and ruthless, and planned to frame Lao Liu and induce him to commit suicide...]

Looking at the character names and detailed introductions of the characters marked on the script, a line came to Chen Fei's mind unconsciously.

"Aren't you bullying honest people?"

The villain?

"Hey? You Jiang Wen, don't play according to the routine!" Chen Fei suddenly became happy.

He had actually been mentally prepared before. According to Jiang Wen's character, since he was asked to make a guest appearance, he would definitely not be assigned a role that ended in three or two scenes.

Now that the character "Hu Wan" appears, this old boy's thoughts are just like Sima Zhao's, and everyone knows it!

This is to give the audience a different experience!
You know, since his debut, Chen Fei has never played a villain role at all. Whenever he appears, he must be a positive role at the male protagonist level.

But Jiang Wen did the opposite and arranged a villain for him.

If the news gets out, it will definitely attract the attention of fans, which will definitely be of great help to the box office.

Chen Fei didn't care about the time difference and called him back directly.

The call was quickly connected, and the next second, Jiang Wen's iconic laughter rang through his room.

"How is it? Did you receive the email? Is this role very challenging? I am actually doing this for your own good. As an actor, you should try more different roles..."

Before Chen Fei had time to speak, he had already finished all his words.

"Let's agree first. I've accepted this role, but I won't be able to go back in a short time. At least it won't be until October."

"No problem, as long as you agree to play Hu Wan, you can come anytime."

Jiang Wen agreed very quickly. If he could convince Chen Fei to play the villain, it would be great. He didn't dare to ask for anything else.

If Chen Fei was forced to run away, where would he find someone to play Hu Wan?

With the blessing of the mature Hollywood film industry, Kathryn Bigquin's filming progress is extremely fast. On this day, the news that "Super Body" was about to be completed reached Chen Fei's ears.

Recalling that he was so busy that he never had time to visit the class there, he simply gave himself a day off and drove to the set of "Super Body" alone.

Today is the last day of filming. Once the last scene is over, it will be officially finished.

Chen Fei did not pass anyone in advance and just appeared outside the crew quietly.


The security guard responsible for guarding the outfield was even stunned for a while when he saw him.

"I'm here to visit the class." Chen Fei explained.

"Ok! I'll take you in right now!"

The movie "Super Body" has a lot of action scenes, which is indeed a big challenge for Liu Yifei.

Liu Xiaoli was a little worried about her daughter, worried that she would be injured on the set, so she flew over from China after the movie started to take care of her daughter's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

As soon as Chen Fei walked into the set, he saw Liu Xiaoli standing on tiptoes and looking worriedly at Liu Yifei, who was filming an outdoor scene.

He didn't bother anyone, and later he took half a step behind and looked into the distance.

In order to make this movie, Liu Yifei really suffered a lot.

After all, if an actress wants to pull off all these action scenes, she needs to put in at least twice as much effort as a male actor!
Seeing her vigorous posture knocking down all her opponents, Chen Fei nodded subconsciously, "Yes, this action is really neat."

Liu Xiaoli, who was paying full attention, was attracted by the voice behind her. She turned around subconsciously, and her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw that the person coming was Chen Fei.

"Eh? Director Chen? Why are you here?"

"Aren't we going to wrap up today? I'll come over and take a look."

A clever steward quickly moved a chair over and placed it behind Chen Fei.

He was not polite. After sitting down, he motioned for Liu Xiaoli to sit down too.

The two of them just watched Liu Yifei filming and chatted casually.

Liu Xiaoli took the initiative to ask for advice: "Sina contacted me and wanted to make Sissi one of the first celebrities to join the network, and they would also provide certain resources for promotion. Do you think I should agree to them?"

"I can agree, and I will be the first one to move in."

"Okay, then I'll reply to them when I get back."

"I have a certain proportion of the share in it. If anything happens, call me in time and I will handle it."

"it is good……"

Liu Xiaoli nodded, her eyes quite complicated.

She still clearly remembered that when she first met Chen Fei, he was just a small group actor. Apart from being better-looking, he had no other advantages.

But now?

In just 8 years, he has become a top international director with two different styles: commercial and literary. At the same time, he is also a young rich man with a net worth of more than 200 billion yuan!
At this point, she had to admit that she had indeed made a mistake.

This is not a poor boy from the countryside, this is a real potential stock!
"Clap clap clap!"

The sudden sound of applause in the distance attracted the attention of Chen Fei and Liu Xiaoli. They both turned their heads and saw that the filming over there had been completed.

"It's done!"

Liu Yifei rushed back. When she saw Chen Fei, her eyes suddenly lit up, and a bright smile burst out on her face, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to visit your class."

"But we've finished filming? You can't see it anymore."

"Then I treat you to dinner?"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going to a five-star hotel! Kill the local tyrants!"

Liu Xiaoli looked helpless at the side, and wanted to remind her several times, but when she saw that Chen Fei's face was not dissatisfied at all, but full of smiles, she immediately fell silent.

She is old and can no longer understand the world of young people, so let's leave it at that.

In the evening, Chen Fei not only called Liu Yifei, but also invited the entire "Super Body" crew to a five-star hotel and rewarded them well.

When Catherine Bigquin came over to toast, she still had an expression of disbelief on her face, "Fei, Natasha said she wanted to push me to run for the Oscar for Best Director? Is this true?"

Chen Fei smiled and nodded: "It is indeed true. I watched the finished film of "The Hurt Locker". It is very suitable for the Oscar style. Maybe there will be a lot of gain."

"Oh! This is unbelievable!"

Katherine Bigquin's face was full of excitement. She never thought that after working for Waltons Pictures, her future would undergo such earth-shaking changes!

You know, since the inception of the Oscars, no female director has won the Best Director Award.

If she can become the first female director to win an Oscar, it will be unprecedented big news!
The news that "Super Body" has been completed has caused a lot of heated discussion in Hollywood.

By this time, everyone has actually come to the understanding that any script written by Chen Fei will never disappoint movie fans.

Therefore, many American fans of Chen Fei and Liu Yifei have already begun to look forward to the final film of "Super Body"!



In China, on the day Sina Weibo went online, Liu Xiaoli immediately registered an account for Liu Yifei.

After receiving the registration information, the Weibo backend also completed the "star" certification for her as soon as possible.

With blogs as the foundation, coupled with portals to attract traffic, as well as celebrities and stars, fans immediately flocked in, bringing a very high online number to Weibo in a short period of time.

As the most popular actress among the new generation of actresses born after 85, Liu Yifei's account has naturally been followed by many people.

Soon, fans were surprised to find that their idol posted his first Weibo post the day after the account registration was completed.

"Dear fans, "Super Body" is finished filming!!!"

There is also a group photo below this text, which contains information about all the members of the crew in front of and behind the scenes.

However, after seeing the group photo, many fans' attention was attracted by Chen Fei standing on the left side of Liu Yifei.

Handsome men and beautiful women, extremely eye-catching.

"What's going on? Why is Chen Fei also in the group photo? Did he also star in this movie?"

"The guys upstairs may not know it well, but Director Chen is the screenwriter of "Super Body", so he must also take a group photo."

"They match well..."

"No! The fairy sister is mine! Only I can match her!"

"Hey, Director Chen Fei has actually opened a Weibo account. You must follow him."

Sina Weibo did not break its promise, and various promotional resources were provided. The news about "Super Body" finishing" quickly reached the top of the hot search list.

Many female celebrities paid attention to this hot search, and many thoughts suddenly came to their minds.

"We are both four young ladies, so why is there such a big gap between her and me?"

In the crew of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", Yang Mi clenched her fists and secretly swore that one day she would definitely climb to the same height as Liu Yifei.

In the crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Jing Tian was also quite envious.

However, she still has some knowledge of herself. After all, she debuted a few years later than Liu Yifei, and the gap between the two cannot be equalized in a short time.

But she believes that this time will not be too long, because Lu Zheng has already started preparing a new drama for her.

"This is a costume war drama with an estimated investment of 1.5 million yuan. You play the female lead Tian Xi..."

Recalling what Lu Zheng said to her on the phone, Jing Tian couldn't hide the smile on her face.

She especially liked the background introduction of the character "Tian Xi".

[Tian Ji’s daughter, fighting bravely like Mulan, with beautiful face and moonlight...]

"Isn't it just an action scene? I can do it too!"

She raised her chin proudly, glanced at the group photo, and secretly made up her mind, "Humph, one day, I can stand next to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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