It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 398 3 The Golden Movie Queen’s Net Worth Rises Again Ning Hao first met the big gold chain,

Chapter 398: The Three Golden Movie Queen’s Net Worth Rises Again Ning Hao first met a big gold chain, and finally made it happen! !

It was late October, and "The Legend of Sun Tzu" sent Chen Fei an invitation letter. The name of "Starlight Film and Television Production Company" was written in the column of the inviter.

"Tasting party? Hey, this is quite interesting."

Chen Fei muttered something in a low voice, and then sent Su Guohai to attend the event.

However, after Su Guohai participated in the tasting party, he took the initiative to call Chen Fei and complained about several things that made him very uncomfortable.

"Historical research is extremely imprecise, confusing, and confusing. It also adds many fictional characters and fictional plots, weakening the functions of reference, reference, and inspiration that historical dramas should have, and purely reducing it to a 'drama.'" '..."

"This kind of TV series that is specially designed to praise people is actually like this. We must take warning. You tell the screenwriting department to watch this kind of movie as a negative teaching material..."

Although I feel sorry for Lu Zheng and Jing Tian when I say this, the fact is that after this drama is officially launched on the TV station, it will only suffer more criticism.

Chen Fei would occasionally call Weixin Ye to ask him about the filming situation of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Ye Weixin has nothing to say. It is an indisputable fact that Jingtian's acting skills are poor, but the huge room for improvement is also its advantage.

"Acting is the foundation of an actor!"

"Anyway, judging from the current situation, it won't be a problem for her to play "Nie Xiaoqian". At least she looks pretty good in the costume. Movie fans should be able to accept it."

"That's fine, you mainly need to control the story..."

After successfully winning Golden Rooster, Zhou Xun has successfully collected the three major Best Actress trophies for Chinese-language films.

"Someone asked me which of the movies I have made over the years has impressed me the most. I have to apologize to director Cao Baoping here, because what I want to say is - "Shoplifters".

Gu Changwei even started to pave the way for Zhang Jinchu in the industry, introducing her to many directors, but Jiang Wenli has been silent, and I don't know if she is holding back some big move?
As for Zhou Xun, this award is well deserved for her.

Following the Huabiao Award, the Golden Rooster Award followed closely.


Chen Kaige's "Mei Lanfang" won the best picture. He also used this opportunity to promote his new movie "The Orphan of Zhao" and received encouragement from many "old people" in the Film Association.

Mr. Zhou’s lines are still so impressive!

Chen Fei has said this many times, but they don't seem to listen at all.

He just wondered what Lu Zheng's plans for Jing Tian's future were. Was he really going to let her take the path of a resource person?

The Best Director was won by Feng Xiaogang for "Assembly", and the Best Actor was won by Mr. Wu Gang for "Iron Man".

However, the media's attention focused on a key message mentioned by Zhou Xun in his acceptance speech.


Chen Fei didn't care. Although this movie was jointly funded by Feiyue Pictures and Starlight, the majority of the money was contributed by Lu Zheng. Even if he lost money, he wouldn't lose too much.

The heroine appears again with Double Yolk: Jiang Wenli in "The Beginning of Spring" and Zhou Xun in "Li Mi's Conjecture".

Speaking of Jiang Wenli, her recent dispute with Zhang Jinchu seems to be not as big as before.

Although Chen Fei didn't go back, and even no one from Feiyue Film and Television came to attend, the news still reached his ears.

This is the first three-time Best Actress. Her gold content is extremely powerful in domestic entertainment, and her status as the first among the four actresses is unshakable for a while.

"He asked me what I wanted most? I said it was an earth-shattering second..."

At that time, Director Chen taught me some acting methods that impressed me very much. I used them in "Li Mi's Conjecture", and as expected, the effect was great.

I really miss the time when I was filming with Director Chen. We often played mahjong together, but luckily we got the chance again soon..."

In the audience, Cao Baoping smiled happily.

"Shoplifters" was a film that won the Palme d'Or. He didn't mind at all. Instead, he felt happy to be able to bundle "Li Mi's Conjecture" with the former.

However, the attention of everyone else present was focused on Zhou Xun's last words.

Another chance?

Is it...

For a time, media speculation spread all over the Internet!

"Last night, Zhou Xun became the first Chinese-language film to win three gold medals, and revealed in her acceptance speech that she will participate in Chen's new film."

"Will the cast and crew of "Shoplifters" reunite? Will they compete at the Cannes Film Festival again?"

"The relationship between Zhou Xun and Chen Fei has to be said..."

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Chen Fei received an apology call from Zhou Xun.

"Damn it, my sisters were so excited that they accidentally let it slip..."

After listening to her explanation in a daze, Chen Fei was speechless, "Just let it slip. What's the matter? I hung up. I didn't even look at what time it was. If you don't sleep, I'm still sleeping."

Turning off the phone, Chen Fei turned around and slept soundly with Amanda in his arms.

This silly lady actually doesn't know that in addition to "The Flowers of the Heart", Ning Hao's "Painted Skin 2" is also planning to continue using her.

Chen Fei is going to give her two studio opening gifts at once, and it will depend on how she returns the gift.


"What the hell? What kind of look do you have?"

The next day, when the crew of "The Hunger Games" just started working, Chen Fei saw the big gold chain around Ning Hao's neck at a glance, and it made him dazzled!
"Haha, it's fake." Ning Hao casually took it off and put it into his trouser pocket, then pointed at the black guys over there who were resisting the props and explained: "They gave it to me, saying it was some kind of hip hop culture."

Chen Fei was speechless. He couldn't imagine Ning Hao wearing a big gold chain and black sunglasses and singing hip hop. It was really too eye-catching.

He decided that he would have to watch this guy carefully next, and he must not let him get into bad habits, otherwise Xing Aina would definitely chase him to the company!

"Hurry up and shoot. After the filming is completed, send this guy back and let Xing Aina squeeze him dry first. This will save him from not doing his job day by day..."

Chen Fei had already "tortured" Ning Hao on behalf of Aina in his heart.


Time flies so fast, October 10th arrives in a blink of an eye, and Chen Fei is already putting the finishing touches on "The Hunger Games".

However, what he was thinking about that day was another thing that happened in the country.

With the opening of the GEM, Huayi has finally been successfully listed, which also means that the first private film and television entertainment company in mainland China to be listed on the local GEM was born!
At the same time, "The Wind" was also successfully released on this day, earning a box office of 2.5 million.

The two Wang brothers are ambitious and high-spirited and have appeared on the headlines of major media.

The industry has paid a lot of attention to the listing of Huayi, and investors are also very considerate of it. The issue price is only 28.58 yuan, but the highest price has soared to 91 yuan!
The two Wang brothers originally planned to raise only 7 million, but in fact they raised the amount several times and made a lot of money!
Seeing this situation, other companies suddenly couldn't sit still and began to study the possibility of listing their own companies.

Even Su Guohai couldn't help but call Chen Fei to inquire about his intention to go public.

"It's not necessary for the time being. We are not short of money, and going public is not all good..."

After calming down, Su Guohai quickly suppressed the heat and restlessness in his heart.

However, the media were not prepared to let this matter cool down quickly. They once again pulled out the previous list of shareholders, and calculated their worth one by one based on the highest stock price of the day.

Feng Xiaogang 2.6 million, Zhang Jizhong 1.9 million, Huang Xiaoming 1.6 million, Zhou Xun 1.6 million...

The above are not the most exaggerated, the most shocking thing is Chen Fei’s 2000 million shares!

18 billion! ! !
Although Chen Fei's net worth has reached 200 billion yuan due to the listing of Volton Pictures, it is an American company after all, and everyone just feels shocked.

But when Huayi went public, he made a huge profit of 18 billion, which makes people a little envious!

"No? Why is he everywhere? He can make all the money by himself?"

Lu Chuan, who was filming "The King's Feast", heard the news and went crazy with jealousy. This step on the horse made him even more uncomfortable than Qin Lan cuckolding him!
Of course, Chen Fei also saw the shareholder value list released by the media, but what surprised him was that he actually saw the name of Zhao Liying in it.

5 shares, worth 455 million.

Although it is not worth mentioning compared to others, this courage is not comparable to ordinary people!
Huayi has opened artist subscriptions, but with so many artists in the company, not many are willing to spend money, and it can even be said to be very few.

Zhao Liying is also a special "case".

"Jingle Bell!"

The cell phone rang suddenly.

Chen Fei didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who was calling.

After pressing the connect button, he deliberately moved the phone further away even if the speakerphone was not turned on.

The next second, Zhou Xun's excited loud voice completely exploded in his room, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Chen Fei! You are such a fucking business wizard! Fortunately, I listened to you, sister. We have now become rich women worth over 100 million! Hahahahaha..."

Chen Fei could understand her excitement. It was just like how he had taken advantage of the economic crisis to grab more than 2000 billion US dollars. He was so excited that he didn't even fall asleep that night!

However, he still deliberately teased: "Uh-huh? I only have over 100 million and you are so excited? You are a three-time Best Actress, and you are so impatient?"

"Damn, you and I are definitely no match. You already have a net worth of more than 20 billion, how can I be considered a piece of shit?"

Zhou Xun's carefree character may never change in this life. If he hadn't known that her gender was indeed female, Chen Fei would have thought he was chatting with an old man!
"Hey, let's stop talking and hang up. I suddenly feel that the studio location I originally planned is too small. I have become a rich woman, so I will find a bigger one!"


The call came and hung up quickly, catching Chen Fei off guard.

He shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, and then began to plan the final scene of "The Hunger Games".

Arriving on the 31th as promised.

"Jennifer! Pay attention to your tone! Your speech needs to be emotional!"

"What the fuck! Who is in charge of that extra act? What the hell are you looking at!"

"Dubbing! Pay attention to the whistle here. This is an iconic tribute act, which is particularly critical..."

He was busy until six o'clock in the afternoon, and after checking all the materials shot that day, under the gaze of everyone on the set, Chen Fei slowly stood up from behind the monitor, with a smile on his face.

"The Hunger Games! Successfully completed!"


In an instant, cheers and applause resounded throughout the audience!

Natasha had already prepared the venue for the celebration reception in advance. The creative team all went to the designated hotel, and another carnival feast began.

In the crowd, Emma Roberts looked at Chen Fei who was clinking glasses with others, licking his sexy red lips with the tip of his small pink tongue, blinking a few times with his big eyes full of eagerness to move.

She is ready to strike first!

It is said that after a man drinks, his desire will increase several times than usual, and this is her chance!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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