It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 399: It’s a matter of course? ! Forbes Rich List Announced, Buying a Plane? Send a plane?

Chapter 399: It’s a matter of course? ! Forbes Rich List Announced, Buying a Plane? Send a plane?
"Fei, I feel a little dizzy, can you help me back to the room?"

"Would you like to listen to the interlude I wrote for "The Hunger Games"? How about I sing it to you? Just enough to see if it's appropriate."

"I feel a little hot in the room, and my mouth is still dry. I'm going to get a bottle of water. Do you want to drink it?"

"I'll help you twist the bottle cap. To be honest, I'm very strong!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, the water spilled on you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. Take it off quickly and I'll give you a blow..."

Emma Roberts's methods were really bad. After she lured Chen Fei into the room, she started to use various reasons to keep him, deliberately not letting him leave.

Later, she even used a common trick in movies and TV dramas to "accidentally" spill water on Chen Fei's pants.

With the excuse of helping Chen Fei dry his pants, she finally achieved her first plan tonight.

[Take off your pants! 】

Chen Fei certainly understands her little thoughts, because since he won the Oscar for Best Director, he has seen all kinds of temptations.

Old Chen glanced at the busy construction workers in the film and television city, and his mind was filled with confusion.

After learning that Chen Fei's movie was finally completed, the American media finally found a suitable opportunity and swarmed downstairs of Volton Pictures, intending to "contain" him.

The difference in worth between the two is US$7 million, which is 56 billion in RMB!
Once the data was released, it immediately aroused widespread attention, and the media swarmed in, wanting to interview this 25-year-old billionaire.

Especially Brother Chen Kai. The construction of his film and television city started in July, but it has not been completed yet!

But among so many people, Chen Fei takes the lead, ranking first with a net worth of US$32 billion!

It's a pity that all the media who came to the company door early to block Chen Fei's journey were in vain.

Just the day after Huayi went public, Forbes just announced the ranking of the world’s billionaires under 30 years old.

The news of the completion of "The Hunger Games" not only spread throughout Hollywood, but also caused quite a stir in the mainland.

Emma Roberts was obviously panicked and waved her hands quickly, "No! No! It's so late, so don't disturb others. Everyone is very tired. How about you sleep here with me? I can sleep on the sofa."


"Or you can go to my room." Chen Fei smiled and took out a room card from his suit pocket.

Sometimes, he would pretend that "he is in the world and can't help himself" and spend the night with the other person half-heartedly.

At this point, the third step of the plan: [Follow it all], a complete success!


"Yes, yes! I'm afraid of the dark!" She nodded quickly and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. This is a good reason!
"Then what should we do?" Chen Fei pretended to be distressed, and after thinking for a while, he suggested: "How about I call Jennifer and ask her to accompany you?"

But on Chen Fei's side, they have already finished shooting the movie!
"Is the Hollywood film industry so awesome?"

Emma was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting this to happen.

However, he is still quite curious, what method will Emma Roberts use to "attack" him next?
After drying her pants, there should be no reason for her to keep him and not let her go, right?
Just as Chen Fei was thinking about it, he saw her walking out of the bathroom with an embarrassed look on her face, pretending to be embarrassed, "Sorry, the hair dryer is broken."

"Emma is a great sluice maintenance technician." - Chen Fei personally certified it!
After one night, Emma Roberts finally successfully obtained the maintenance technician certificate and achieved her goal of drinking sweet mountain spring water.

When desire takes over, it is difficult for reason to prevail.

"The largest proportion is naturally the shares of Volton Pictures, and then there are the shares of Xiangjiang Jiahe Pictures, Pan-Asia Cinemas, Huayi and many other companies. This also includes the commercial value he carries, and Many film and television copyrights in hand..."

The same is true!


He is a very healthy and normal man. Of course he will have physical needs, and the other person happens to have them too, so this is just a mutual consolation, and neither party will get involved with too much emotion.

All plans were disrupted, and she didn't know how to proceed.

Ranked second is Yang Huiyan of China Country Garden Real Estate, with a total asset of US$25 billion, age 27, and a gift from her father.

"No! I want you to accompany me...install the faucet!"

It's a pity that she is obviously too new. Apart from checking the quality of faucets, she knows nothing about other things.

She finally took off her disguise, made her purpose clear, and rushed over aggressively.

The online guide clearly states that as long as you take off the other person's pants, everything will fall into place.

I have to say that these media are indeed very powerful!
If "Longxiang Capital" hadn't hidden most of Chen Fei's wealth, and the media continued to dig deeper, he might even have been sitting on the position of the world's richest man for a few days!

Everyone knows that Chen Fei is a famous fast shooter, but the speed at which he completed the filming of a major A-level production in three and a half months still shocked a lot of people's jaws.

However... the water was poured out, and the canal was indeed completed, but how should the faucet be installed?
She was holding the room card handed over by Chen Fei in her hand, suddenly at a loss.

For example, those few times with "Ball Flower" Monica Bellucci...

Some media even announced Chen Fei's current asset composition online in advance in order to warm up.

But at this moment, Chen Fei pointed out a clear path for her, "Don't you dare to sleep alone?"

On this list are the heirs of German plutocratic families, even the son of the French president, a second-generation oil prince from the Middle East, and some young and promising entrepreneurial elites who are famous all over the world.


And tonight...

She wanted to install the faucet and the drain together, but she tried several times without success. She was so anxious that she was sweating profusely and her face was red.

"I can call the front desk and ask the front desk to send another one." Chen Fei decided to make her strategy task more difficult.

Because it wasn't until the employees of Volton Pictures started working that they learned that Chen Fei had actually left the United States last night and took a flight back to the country!
This news was told to them personally by Natasha, so it was definitely not false.

"WTF? What happened? When did he leave last night?"

"I don't know! There are people watching at the airport all the time, and there is no news at all!"

"Oh! Shift! Did we lose someone?"


Just when a group of reporters were scratching their heads and depressed at the entrance of Volton Pictures, Chen Fei successfully landed at Xiangjiang Airport.

The reason why he was able to avoid being followed by reporters and paparazzi was of course because he was flying on a private plane!
The Huo family has high influence and wealth around the world. It is naturally no problem to buy a private jet, apply for several routes, and transport some personal belongings.

It just happened that Huo Qigang was in Los Angeles recently to discuss the acquisition of movie theaters. When he returned to China, he took Chen Fei with him, which saved him from having to hide from reporters.

"You said you are so rich now, why don't you buy a private jet? It's convenient to travel. You can leave whenever you want..."

While driving, Huo Qigang was still talking nonchalantly.

"Stop nagging. I'm annoyed if you don't bother me. Didn't I just rub against your plane? I don't know why the Diving Queen fell in love with you?"

Chen Fei said something back to him, then crossed his legs and said leisurely: "You don't have to worry about the plane. Someone has already ordered it for me."


Huo Qigang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly tsked, "Let me tell you, you don't look like that kind of miser. It turns out you ordered it! What brand is it? Gulfstream? Or Sikorsky?"

"Red Bull."

"What? Red Bull? Red Bull has also started making airplanes?"

"I'm not sure about this. Anyway, they promised to send me a private jet."


After a moment of silence, Huo Qigang couldn't stand it any longer, "God is so unfair! How can any good thing happen to you? Why didn't anyone send me a private jet?"

Chen Fei turned to look at him, "What? You want it too?"

“Who wouldn’t want something for free?”

"Then get ready. Come with me to climb Mount Everest without oxygen in a few days. As long as you can successfully climb up, I can make the decision and give my plane to you."

Without oxygen?

Climbing Mount Everest?


After a moment of silence, Huo Qigang finally shook his head, "Forget it, I haven't lived enough. Red Bull did the right thing. I really should send you a plane." "Hahahahaha!"

In the car, Chen Fei smiled unscrupulously.

I finally made this guy speechless!


Driving all the way to Golden Harvest Pictures, the two of them did not feel jet-lagged, and directly began to calculate the revenue of the theaters, as well as the next development direction and strategy.

Chen Fei even took the time to review the finished film of "Chill". The film will be released in less than five days, but nothing can go wrong.

As for the United States and "The Hunger Games", he temporarily left all the work to Natasha, and she first arranged for the editing team and special effects team to conduct preliminary rough cuts and screen renderings.

As for other follow-up work, naturally we have to wait until he returns before continuing.

The paparazzi's "sense of smell" in Xiangjiang is extremely sensitive. Chen Fei had just arrived in Jiahe in the morning, and even before the afternoon, the news of his return to China had already spread throughout the entire circle!

Emperor's side heard the news and called immediately.

"Haha, Director Chen, welcome to Xiangjiang. As your host, I have prepared some wine. You can't refuse this time, right?"

"Okay, if Director Yang invites you, I will definitely go to the appointment."

Chen Fei did not refuse. After all, we are also partners. It is always beneficial to have the opportunity to communicate more.

It's just that it's okay if I don't answer the phone, but once I answer it I can't stop!

Media Asia, Xinghui, Andy Lau who just returned from their honeymoon, Donnie Yen, Liang Jiahui...

Working during the day and socializing at night continued like this until the day "Chill" was released, and finally stopped.

The premiere of the movie was held in Shenzhen City. After all, this is the headquarters of Pan-Asia Cinemas, and it is also the territory that Golden Harvest is most familiar with.

After all, this is a film with a pure Hong Kong style, so the scale of the premiere is not large. Therefore, Huo Qigang mainly invited those companies in the industry that he often collaborates with.

China Film, Shanghai Film, Guangguang, Wanda...

But what he never expected was that when the red carpet ceremony started, people in the industry would come one after another uninvited!

"Haha, you are finally back. You have missed a lot of good shows in the past few months since you were gone!"

Han Sanping had a big forehead and very little hair.

After assuming the position of chairman of China Film Group Corporation, his pressure has increased a lot. In addition, hair loss has become serious in middle age, and baldness may not be far away.

Chen Fei smiled slightly, shook hands with him, and said casually: "What fun can there be? Isn't it just the three-way back and forth? It won't affect your and my future development."

If we were to rank the events that have occurred in the film and television industry in the past few months, the establishment of "Wanda Pictures" would definitely be ranked first.

Unlike those fledgling film production companies, Wanda's theater business has become the most important cornerstone for them to develop their production business!
Su Guohai went to attend the cocktail party they held. When he came back, he called Chen Fei and told him that Wanda had "big plans!"

At that time, Ye Ning, as the general manager of Wanda Pictures, said that all directors, screenwriters, and producers in the film industry were welcome to discuss cooperation with them.

Wanda lacks everything but money!

Such a "heroic" gesture has directly enabled Wanda Pictures to reach a level comparable to that of Raytheon and the like right after its establishment.

Although it may be difficult for them to achieve results in a short period of time, when actors' salaries skyrocket and the era comes when theaters are king, Wanda will definitely be able to ride on the trend!

But as Chen Fei said, this will not have any impact on Feiyue Film and Television and China Film.

No matter how high Wanda flies, it can't suppress the Pan-Asia theater chain and China Film Group's theater chain that have expanded to a large extent. Therefore, Chen Fei and Han Sanping can just sit back on Diaoyutai and wait and see what happens.

"Haha, as expected, you are like a mirror in your heart."

Han Sanping smiled extremely happily. He liked to cooperate with smart people like Chen Fei. Every step in the plan went very smoothly.

Moreover, both of them are the kind of people who habitually take one step and see the other. As long as they are willing to help each other, the domestic film market will never be overturned!

"Director Chen, long time no see!"

A sudden voice from beside him attracted Chen Fei's attention. He subconsciously turned his head to look, and what came into view was a pair of acquaintances.

Lu Zheng, Jing Tian.

He immediately started joking, "Huh? Mr. Lu has been very proud of himself recently. He has become Wanda's major shareholder? I'll ask you to take more care of me in the future."

Lu Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth, "Hey! Look at what you said, are you trying to make fun of me? Compared to your abilities, who am I? You are worth almost 30 billion, and you have to take care of me too. Will you take more care of me?"

"Then take care of each other?"

"As it should be."


The two looked at each other and laughed, saying nothing.

"Director Chen, long time no see."

Jing Tian also said hello at the right time, his voice still had a sweet feeling, and it sounded like he was coquettish.

Chen Fei nodded towards her, carefully looked at her current makeup, and finally turned to look at Lu Zheng.

"Mr. Lu's resources are quite generous. "A Chinese Ghost Story" has just been completed not long ago. Is the new movie about to start shooting again?"

Lu Zheng nodded and responded: "Director Chen has good vision. The new drama "My Beautiful Boss" is an urban love-themed movie, produced by Starlight and Wanda.

how? Director Chen, are you interested? If so, what percentage can I share with you? "

Chen Fei shook his head and refused quickly, "Forget it, I can't handle our company's films. I'll wait until I have the opportunity in the future."

Hearing this, Jing Tian's face darkened a bit, but Lu Zheng didn't take it seriously.

He is now a shareholder of Wanda, with one hand holding money and the other hand resources. His status in the industry has risen several levels, and his mentality has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, he always felt that Chen Fei was a head taller than him, but now he thinks that the two of them are on the same level, and there is no need to be as respectful as before, just treat them as equals.

"Then let's go in first?"

"Okay, see you later."


The time soon came to eleven o'clock in the morning, and all the guests who were supposed to come had already arrived. Although there were a few more uninvited people, there was still room for everyone in the cinema.

Aaron Kwok, Tony Leung Jiahui, Peng Yuyan, Lin Jialong, Qian Jiali... all the main creators took the stage to express their thanks under the leadership of director Lu Jianqing.

After the standardized process, the movie officially started.

It is still the familiar Hong Kong style, and in a 90-minute period, the guests at the scene were presented with a police and gangster battle with a compact plot and superb acting skills.

Coupled with the presence of actor Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, and Tony Leung Ka-fai, the atmosphere of a Hong Kong-style police film is quite tense.

And because the storyline is more about internal battles of wits than external gunfights, the quality of the film also makes the film look slightly higher than ordinary Hong Kong police and gangster movies in the past.

Overall, this is a fairly complete and high-quality Hong Kong police film!



Just after being interviewed by the media, Chen Fei noticed a shock in his pocket before he even returned to his seat.

After looking to the left and right to make sure no one was paying special attention to him, he took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID screen.

Zhouyi - Jiang Xueran!

The next second, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

"What is supposed to come has finally come!"



(PS: Today’s update, I have a toothache! The pain makes me roll all over the bed! Damn it! It hurts all day long! Is there any good way? The kind that can take effect immediately!)
(End of this chapter)

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