It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 400 A script that is difficult to adapt! According to Zhouyi's conditions, the Tang peo

Chapter 400 A script that is difficult to adapt! According to Zhouyi's conditions, the Tang Dynasty...has no cards to play!
"What's the box office on the first day?"


"Okay, we can continue to increase the publicity intensity. Let Aaron Kwok and Liang Jiahui each lead a team of people to set off separately. I have already said hello to Guangguang and Mango Stage. Someone will make arrangements when they go."

"it is good."


After handing over all the follow-up work after the release of "Cold War", Chen Fei didn't pay too much attention to it.

Where does the quality of the film lie? There is no need to worry about the box office. You just need to wait for the final total box office data to be released. I believe this will be another high-quality Hong Kong film that can win both box office and awards!
After returning to the capital, Chen Fei first went back to the courtyard and paid attention to the old man's health.

After making sure that he was still eating well, he felt much relieved.

"Go and do your business. Old man, I'm living a good life and I don't need you to worry about me at all."

The old man was holding a Tai Chi sword and was busy going to the park to play. He didn't even want to look at Chen Fei.

"It's a bit complicated." Ni Xuelin smacked his lips, "I communicated a lot with the original author. He showed a kind of unconstrained thinking about the characters and scene settings in the script. Sometimes it's really hard for me to follow. His thoughts..."

Su Guohai went to arrange manpower, while Chen Fei strolled over to the screenwriting department.

"By the way, I have a script here. It was originally intended to be filmed in Hollywood, but now something else has happened. Please revise it and change the background to our country."

Since he can put forward opinions, we can accept them first. As for whether they can be realized, this is the task of the special effects company, and you don’t have to worry so much. "

After chatting for more than half an hour, Chen Fei poured out all his thoughts.

After coming out of the screenwriting department, Chen Fei went to visit other departments.

Chen Fei took out the script he had prepared and handed it to him.

Once upon a time, they were hailed as equals to companies such as Tang Dynasty and TVB.

"Chen Fei personally leads the team, and Feiyue Film and Television is suspected of making another big move..."

As the company expanded, a lot of people were added to the screenwriting department. In addition to Nortel, students from China Theater and Shanghai Theater also became recruitment targets.

He is on the crew of "Peacock Feathers", and the filming there is going quite smoothly so far, and nothing special happened!

Pushing up his glasses, which were as thick as the bottoms of wine bottles, Ni Xuelin turned his head away with a confused expression.

"What's the subject?" Ni Xuelin looked over curiously.

Su Guohai quickly gathered people, and after booking their tickets, a group of people headed straight to the airport!

However, even if there was no chance for an interview, the press release still appeared on Weibo and other platforms immediately.

"okay, I get it."

Chen Fei waved his hand and felt quite happy watching the old man walking like a tiger.

"Yes, let's change the female protagonist into a male protagonist. After all, we are going to space. It is more reasonable for a man to be the protagonist. The basic storyline should not be changed too much. The role of the master has been confirmed by Liu Dehua..."


After so many years, I can’t even get a grandson back, so what’s the use of having this grandson?
If he had known this was the case, he would not have gone back to pick it up and let the wolf pick it up!
"Okay, if you ever need something, call me."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Don't rush, take your time and listen to his ideas and suggestions.

Speaking of this, he even felt an inexplicable sense of frustration.

After walking through the messy aisle, Chen Fei came behind him and patted him on the shoulder, "What are you busy with?"

Ni Xuelin is a kid with a very high level of understanding. He is very good at modifying scripts, and Chen Fei feels more at ease with the scripts he has written.


"Haha." Chen Fei smiled, but he didn't take it seriously, "Everyone who writes novels is like this. If you don't have unconstrained thinking, how can you independently create a magnificent fantasy world?

Jiang Xuerou, who was waiting to be picked up at Haikou Airport, saw the news and couldn't help but smile bitterly, feeling full of melancholy.

According to this situation, it will definitely not be a problem for the old man to live forty or fifty years!
After driving to Feiyue Film and Television Building, Chen Fei directly approached Su Guohai, "Jiang Xuerou called me the day before yesterday and invited me to Zhouyi to have a chat. Is there any special situation there?"

Since the filming of the TV series went smoothly, it must be Jiang Xuerou's personal problem.

Many reporters spotted Chen Fei and others and watched them walking in a hurry. Even though their interest was aroused, when they caught up with them, they were all stopped at the entrance of the VIP terminal.

Since its establishment in 95, Zhouyi Film and Television has launched many excellent works, such as "Qinghe Juelian", "Li Wei is an Official", "Water Moon Cave", "Legend of the Spiritual Realm", etc.

However, as time went by, all the glory finally turned into nothing, hidden under the quiet darkness, and no one knew it in the end!
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fei met Jiang Xuerou who came to pick him up at Haikou Airport.

"Let's make arrangements and ask a few professional people from the Legal Department and Copyright Department to come over to me. If nothing goes wrong, this should be the last time. Jiang Xuerou and Zhou Yi are probably at the end of their rope."

"I'm done with my work in Hollywood, let's come back for a walk." As he said this, Chen Fei looked at the computer screen in front of him, "How is your tomb-robbing book perfected?"

He had always thought that Jiang Xueruan might hold on until the filming of "Peacock Feathers" was completed, but looking at it now, it seemed that there was something wrong in the middle?
"I didn't receive any news." Su Guohai frowned slightly.

"Science fiction, space, disaster!"

Ni Xuelin nodded, his psychological burden inexplicably relieved a lot.


After staring at Chen Fei for a long time, he finally reacted, "What the hell? Brother Fei! Why are you back?"

Although Ni Xuelin was successfully promoted from team leader to department boss, the nature of his work meant that it was difficult for him to exude a "domineering spirit"!
His hair, which was like a chicken coop, was messed up by his scratches, with some scraps of paper mixed in. His whole body looked haggard, as if he hadn't slept for three days.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see." Jiang Xuerou glanced at the team following Chen Fei with complicated eyes.

"It's true that we haven't seen each other for several months. How are you doing, Sister Xuerou?"

"Excuse me for worrying about it, it's not bad..."

Jiang Xue rubbed her head and forced the fatigue on her face to disappear.

In the past few months, she had been carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders, which once caused her to toss and turn late at night, making it difficult to sleep.

I heard that on the day Chen Fei returned to China, she stayed alone all night, but the phone call was finally broadcast.

Zhou Yi has now reached an irreversible stage. She alone is unable to make a comeback. No matter how reluctant she is, she must make a choice now.

There are also many reporters staying at Haikou Airport all year round. When they saw Chen Fei and Jiang Xuerou meeting together, they suddenly felt like they had discovered a new world!

Shortly after the pair left the airport, the press release appeared online.

"Director Chen Fei went to Haikou and met with Jiang Xuerou, general manager of Zhouyi Film and Television. The two parties got along well and it is suspected that there will be cooperation..."

After arriving at Zhouyi Film and Television Company, Chen Fei could clearly see the traces left behind by "time" within Zhouyi Company. The decoration has long been out of date, and all kinds of equipment are old and dilapidated. There is an old and dilapidated feeling everywhere.

Even the mental state of the internal employees is extremely poor. Several young men and women are sitting lifelessly at their work stations, their eyes full of confusion about the future.

Chen Fei's arrival caused quite a stir within Zhou Yi, especially when he saw Jiang Xuerou leading a group of Zhou Yi's senior executives into the conference room with him, the discussion was endless!
Everyone knows very well that the company has been on a non-stop decline in recent years, and there is no telling when it will not be able to survive.

Now that Chen Fei suddenly appears, there are so many meanings!

"What's going on? Why did Director Chen Fei come suddenly?"

"I don't know! I didn't receive a notice before. Are you here to invest in a new drama for us?"

"Hiss?! Do you think he came here specifically to acquire Zhou Yi?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out..."

"If we can really join forces with Feiyue Film and Television, we will have great potential in the future!"

The discussion outside the conference room continued, and the discussion inside the conference room also did not stop.

Chen Fei is not very good at negotiating this type of acquisition cooperation, so he brought a lot of professionals when he came here this time, and their main task was to negotiate.

He has always felt that professional things should be done by professionals, and he just needs to wait for the final result.

The bargain that was imagined did not occur, because Zhou Yi's financial situation was already very bad, and it was even forcibly supported by various loans.

If Chen Fei hadn't come today, I'm afraid it wouldn't be long before Jiang Xuerou had to submit a bankruptcy liquidation protection document.

"Given the current financial situation, you are still filming "Peacock Feather"?" Chen Fei felt inexplicably complicated. Is this true love?
Jiang Xueruan forced a smile, "No matter what, we can't let everyone go hungry."

Chen Fei silently gave her a thumbs up. Regardless of her personal life, her character was definitely not bad.

If this were another film and television production company such as Chengtian, in this situation, all the employees would have been gone long ago!

"Then, please put forward the conditions first." On Feiyue Film and Television's side, a supervisor in charge of negotiations chose to get straight to the point.

The next second, several department leaders from Zhou Yi's side unanimously focused their attention on Jiang Xuerou.

Zhou Yi belongs to a couple. They are just part-time workers at best. Even if they ask for conditions, it is not their turn.

"I would like to ask Feiyue Film and Television to take over all the employees of Zhouyi. I know that most of the managers are useless to you, but they all have families. It will be difficult to live without this job, even if some people are indeed useless. But I also hope that I can give them a bite of food first..."

In the conference room, several Zhouyi executives looked at Jiang Xuerou with gratitude in their eyes.

Chen Fei smiled and didn't mind, "Feiyue Film and Television lacks nothing but excellent talents. As long as their abilities are not too poor, I can arrange suitable positions for them."


Jiang Xueran let out a long breath and said seriously: "Thank you!"

There are no particularly troubling conditions in the future. It is simply that Feiyue Film and Television will be responsible for repaying Zhou Yi's current debts and successfully completing the filming of "Peacock Feathers".

In addition, since the other person in charge of Zhouyi, Jiang Xueran's ex-husband, is no longer prepared to take care of this mess, he still has to get a sum of money.

Perhaps for Zhou Yi, these are urgent issues at the moment.

But for the wealthy Chen Fei, these are just drizzle. As long as they can be solved with money, they are nothing to him!
The originally reserved negotiation time was three days, but I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It almost took less than three hours to finalize all the details.

In the afternoon, when Chen Fei signed his name on the drafted contract and stamped it with the official seal of Feiyue Film and Television, the acquisition ended.

At this point, Zhouyi, which has produced many excellent film and television works, has officially changed owners, and the glory of "Water Moon Cave Sky" has become a thing of the past!

Because they were bought in a package, all contracted artists under Zhouyi, including all staff at the front desk and behind the scenes, now belong to Feiyue Film and Television.

Even Jiang Xuerou himself signed a contract with Feiyue Film and Television.

Chen Fei is going to let her be in charge of the production of TV series, while Su Guohai can devote all his energy to film production.

Men and women are matched, so the work is not tiring...

Jiang Xuerou did not refuse, because she just needed a job, and in comparison, Feiyue Film and Television could indeed give her more opportunities to show off her skills!

And after going there, she will be able to obtain far more resources and connections than she currently has!
If your marriage fails, your life can't also plummet, right?

Not long after the contract was signed here, the news spread, which immediately caused a huge sensation within Zhouyi!

"Good guy, I guessed it right. Feiyue Film and Television acquired our Zhouyi!"

"Let me tell you, if there is any cooperation, Director Chen Fei has to personally start it. It turns out that it is an acquisition cooperation!"

"Hahaha, it's so fucking cool. Feiyue Film and Television has so much money that they bought our entire company and equipment, so we also become employees of Feiyue Film and Television!"

"Can someone pinch me? I'm not dreaming, am I? Is this real?"

"Zhou Yi's future...has great potential!"


After the news spread within Zhouyi, naturally it could not be hidden from the outside world.

However, Chen Fei had no intention of hiding it. Dang even arranged for the public relations department of Feiyue Film and Television to issue a press release and spread the news immediately.

"After friendly negotiations between our company and Zhouyi Film and Television, it is now officially announced to the outside world that Feiyue Film and Television has successfully completed the acquisition of Zhouyi Film and Television on November 2009, 11, including all its film and television copyrights, current employees, and film and television investments project……

We welcome Ms. Jiang Xuerou to take up the position of director of the Feiyue Film and Television Production Department. We also welcome all colleagues from the former Zhouyi Film and Television to join the Feiyue Film and Television family. Let us create brilliance and build a better future together! "

As soon as the press release was released, it spread directly throughout the entire film and television industry, causing a huge shock!

The acquisition of Zhouyi is not a trivial matter. After all, this company is well-known as a high-quality production company with all kinds of technical personnel.

Now, Zhouyi has been acquired, which also means that Feiyue Film and Television's layout in the TV drama sector has become a little more complete!
"The opponents are getting stronger and stronger..."

Wang Zhongjun frowned, and the pride and complacency brought by Huayi's listing disappeared in his heart.

On the other side, the Tang people, who were competing with Zhou Yi, also received the news immediately.

Cai Yinong's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and many ominous premonitions suddenly emerged in her heart, "I'm afraid the last trace of the connection between Tang Dynasty and Feiyue Film and Television will be severed..."

In the past two years, as Feiyue Film and Television has improved its TV series segment, its cooperation with Tang Ren has been deteriorating, and the number of film investment opportunities left for Tang Ren has also been decreasing.

Now that the acquisition of Zhouyi has been successful, the last flaw has been filled, and the Tang people naturally have no use value...

"We're in big trouble!"

Cai Yinong stood up suddenly and subconsciously wanted to do something, but he froze in place before taking two steps.

In a daze, she suddenly realized that she had no cards left to play!

(ps: please vote for me)
(End of this chapter)

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