It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 401: Acquisition arrangement, killing four parties! Rich and wealthy! Die for your bosom fri

Chapter 401: Acquisition Arrangement, Killing Everyone! Rich and wealthy! Die for your bosom friend!

"Disrupt all the people from Zhou Yi who are willing to come over and divide them into various departments to guard against the possibility of clumsiness."

"These behind-the-scenes production staff are our biggest gain. The benefits and treatment can be improved accordingly, and then we can throw them into the crew first and let them get familiar with them for a period of time."

"Let's just close the business in Haikou. We don't need a branch. The promised funds will be arranged as soon as possible."

"Zhouyi's film and television copyright library is also a considerable asset. Let Ni Xuelin screen it, and we can take out suitable scripts and redo them."

"Also, for "Peacock Feathers", arrange for a producer to come over and pay as much as you need, and try to finish filming the show. CCTV is very interested and can sell it to them..."


Returning to Capital Company, Chen Fei immediately informed Su Guohai about various arrangements after Zhou Yi's acquisition.

Although Jiang Xuerou became the director of the production department, this would not affect Su Guohai's status in the company. Instead, it helped him share a lot of trivial work.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

But they never expected that before they could take action, Chen Fei suddenly took action again, and even got the entirety of Zhou Yi!

This wave of operations is really impressive, and it really surprised everyone!
At the same time, when Chen Fei was making frequent moves, Chen Long started his publicity work with his "Twelve Zodiac Signs" and Zhang Yimou with his "Three Guns to Surprise".

This time, Yimou returns with "Three Guns". We will kill everyone and let the entire film and television industry take a look at what is the box office record for domestic commercial films! "

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

"Don't worry, I'm not that noble. Can I let China Film Group drink soup along with me?"

Zhang Weiping is a well-known braggart. When interviewed by reporters, he was full of confidence and said bluntly: "Before the Olympics, Yimou and I made a movie called "The Golden Armor", which received a lot of praise.

The industry is constantly shaking, and Feiyue Film and Television’s recent operations have indeed shocked many people’s jaws.

Jiang Xueru looked full of energy, and the fatigue of the past was gone.

At that time, everyone just thought that Zhouyi was completely finished, and several companies were even ready to poach people.

Su Guohai nodded and left in a hurry.

"Jiang Xuerou has been appointed as the director of Feiyue Film and Television's production department, and the Feiyue Film and Television team continues to expand..."

"The prepared manuscript can be sent out."

The reporters standing outside the company saw a group of people entering the Feiyue Film and Television Building in a mighty manner, and they immediately surrounded them.

"The preparation and casting of "Xiu Chun Knife" has officially started. Director Lu Yang is making a high-quality martial arts movie from the mainland..."

By comparison, what kind of life is it like to live on a horse?

Less than an hour after the news was sent out, the entire film and television industry was once again shocked!
Three movies in a row?

"Hey, judging from what you said, we are all doing this with a small budget, just for fun, and we will definitely not be able to catch your eye."

Because of the Olympics, Yimou has not made a movie for two years. Although the domestic box office record continues to rise, I think it is actually very ordinary and just reaps the dividends of the market.

Rich and powerful!

What he said is extremely arrogant!
As long as everyone is not stupid, they all know who is included in the term "killing all directions".

""Painted Skin 2" has officially launched preparations and casting, directed by Ning Hao, full 3D shooting and production..."

Chen Fei, Ning Hao, Feng Xiaogang, Wu Yu, Han Sanping...

In the afternoon of the same day, Feiyue Film and Television’s official Weibo released three announcements in succession!

With the help of a lawyer, the division of property in the divorce was handled properly, and now she feels completely relaxed!

Recalling the days when he was a clerk at Beijing Film Studio, countless clues suddenly came to his mind.

The company is growing again, and the future is bright, which makes him very motivated, without the twilight of middle age at all!

There was news on the Internet that Jiang Xuerou personally came to Chen Fei to ask for investment, but in the end he was directly rejected, so that the subsequent Zhouyi plummeted.

"Everything has been dealt with. From now on, there will be no Zhou Yi. I am now the production director of Feiyue Film and Television. Welcome everyone to come and discuss cooperation..."

"You kid, why don't you stop calming down just after you return to China? You have three movies in one go. Is this a slap in the face to the rest of us?"



In order to counterattack him and deliberately stumble him, Chen Fei specifically contacted the public relations department.

"Zhou Yi's debt dispute?"

"Huh? Do you want to challenge them all one by one?"

Seeing everyone from Yuan Zhouyi entering the company, the reporters immediately sent out the press release without any hesitation.

"The preparations and casting of "Beautiful Heart" have officially started, directed by Chen Fei, a classic road comedy..."

Chen Fei watched the news on the Internet and was very happy. He was quite curious about how this "Three Guns" would break the record. It would be interesting if it didn't make a big joke then.

So arrogant!
All of a sudden, China Film, Shanghai Film, Guangwang, Wanda... the phones were opened one after another, wishing that Chen Fei would be deceived.

"Mr. Jiang, are you officially joining the company?"

The people from Zhou Yi came very quickly. Jiang Xue was debt-free and led some capable people to settle in the company first.

"The Book of Changes is officially closed..."

"It must be possible! If I don't let you drink soup, what should I do if you get stuck in my movie schedule?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"



After talking on the phone with several CEOs of film and television production companies, accepting cooperation from some and rejecting cooperation from others, Chen Fei simply turned off his phone.

There are people waiting in his office.

"I have discussed with the theater chain and the schedule has been set for you until the end of February. Please don't interfere with the Lunar New Year period. This is not something that "Cinema for the Blind" can touch."

"it is good."

Across the desk, Lu Yang nodded slightly, not really minding.

It’s already great if it can be played in theaters. What more bikes do you need? Being too greedy will be annoying.

He was a new director who had just come out of the hospital. If he hadn't met Chen Fei by chance, he might still be looking for investment, let alone getting a high-quality script like "Xiu Chun Knife".

At this time, Jiang Xuerou, who was sitting on the other side, suddenly spoke, "This script seems to be different from traditional martial arts movies? It just feels... quite novel!"

"Yes." Lu Yang nodded. He has quite a lot of research in this area. "The peak era of traditional martial arts movies has passed. Therefore, there are no knights and rivers and lakes in our story, and we do not deliberately create heroes. Instead, we show the life in the world. The real status and life vision of ordinary people in the Ming Dynasty, as well as the spirit of resistance when they were oppressed.

Regarding this point, Director Chen and I have the same ideas!

It’s a pity that I just had this idea at the beginning and haven’t put it into practice yet, but Director Chen has already written the script, so I am far behind him in this aspect..."

While talking, Lu Yang's eyes fell on Chen Fei from time to time, making no secret of his inner admiration.

This script was really to his liking. It had the complex political situation of the officialdom, as well as the tenderness of the feelings of family and country, and the love between children. It had both "bloody" and "romantic" elements, which made him extremely fond of it.

And more importantly, Chen Fei invested 3000 million in him as soon as he opened his mouth.

This trust made Lu Yang couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and he had the impulse of "A scholar will die for his confidant"!

He secretly vowed that he must make this drama a success and never let down Chen Fei's trust and support.

"Haha." Chen Fei smiled and didn't explain too much. He turned his eyes to Jiang Xuerou and said, "You have also read the script. This is an ancient costume martial arts action film. I am in the process of producing and preparing for it. You are a professional, so let you assist him."


Jiang Xuerou was slightly stunned, unable to react.

As the director of the production department, isn't he responsible for the TV drama business? Why did it suddenly become a movie?

Before, she thought that Chen Fei called her over to ask her to give her some opinions, but she didn't expect that such a job was actually arranged!
Make a movie as soon as you come up?

This is going to be a heavy burden!

"My requirements are not high. The only thing I need to pay attention to is that the costumes, shapes, and knives designed in the film must be close to the real history. We will not make up the fiction. One thing I really appreciate about Zhou Yi is the details, which are handled very well. I myself am one of the beneficiaries..."

Jiang Xue nodded, her hands under the desk clenched slightly.

"Okay, I will help Director Lu complete the preparations for this film."

Chen Fei smiled and added, "You don't have to worry about the filming of "Peacock Feather", I have already arranged for someone to go there.

If you have time, you can also go to the screenwriting department. The story of "Seven Weapons" is quite good. If feasible, we can try to film it. "

"Okay!" Jiang Xueru's eyes lit up, "I will follow up!"



Lu Yang and Jiang Xuerou left the office together. Chen Fei turned on his phone again and was ready to go.

The recent listing of Huayi is still one of the hot news in the industry. The stock price continues to rise, and the worth of several shareholders has soared... According to the urine of the two Wang brothers, they will definitely not be able to escape a grand cocktail party.

No, it’s here today.

As one of the shareholders, Chen Fei naturally couldn't run away.

By the time he drove to the scene, many people had already arrived. Ren Zhonglun even flew over from the Magic City. He was chatting with Wang Zhonglei. Judging from his appearance, he was probably asking for advice.

Chen Fei didn't even have to guess. This guy was definitely thinking about getting Shanghai Film to go public. This was a great achievement!

"Director Chen, long time no see."

The voice of greeting suddenly came from the right side. Chen Fei turned his head and saw Zhao Liying looking at him with a smile, with a little respect on her face.

"How are you doing?" Chen Fei asked back.

"Sorry for your concern, it's not bad. I'm currently filming a TV series..."

Zhao Liying didn't stay too long beside Chen Fei. She knew her identity very clearly. It was good enough to come over and say hello. Didn't she dare to come over if she didn't see other people passing by?
"Hey! Director Chen! We haven't seen each other for a while!" Huang Xiaoming shouted, attracting the attention of many people.

"Oh, I can't reach you." Chen Fei deliberately teased him.

Huang Xiaoming has been very proud of himself in recent years. In the spy film "The Wind", he played the villain Nagashin Takeda, whose sinister, vicious and unscrupulous image left a deep impression on the audience.

At the same time, he also collaborated with Chen Kaige and participated in "The Orphan of Zhao", which attracted a lot of attention.

That phrase "It's too cliché" is really impressive. Since Weibo went online, netizens have been excited to tease it again, and you can often see videos on Weibo.

"Zhou Xun didn't come today?"

"No, didn't you know? She is already going through the resignation procedures, and the process is almost completed."

"Hey, no wonder..."

Chen Fei thought about the day when the movie plan was announced, Zhou Xun called him specifically and asked him to extend the announcement date of the two heroines by a few days.

Now it seems that she is probably preparing to start building momentum for her studio.

The reception began, and Chen Fei was arranged to sit among the big guys.

Ren Zhonglun and Han Sanping came over and chatted with him about the details after the listing. It seemed that they wanted to get him to go public together?

"Mr. Han, Mr. Ren, please don't persuade me on this. Feiyue Film and Television has no intention of going public. We have no need and no interest."

One sentence directly blocked all the thoughts in the two people's minds.

According to the current income situation of Feiyue Film and Television, there is really no need to go public to make money. After all... listing is not always a benefit.

After the reception, when they were saying goodbye, Chen Fei went to find Ren Zhonglun.

"Mr. Ren, I have to go to Shangmei Factory in a while, and I have to give you a recommendation."

Shangmei factory?
Ren Zhonglun was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously, "Okay, no problem, but do you... have a new idea?"

"I'll elaborate on it later. I do have a bold idea. I need to visit it first. Whether it succeeds or not is still two different things."

Li Yang's "The Adventures of Li Xianli" has done quite well, and Chen Fei is very optimistic about him. If he can eventually complete his studies and return, Shangmei Factory can also serve as a cornerstone. After all, there are still many professional talents there.


Ren Zhonglun responded, and couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart. Young people are still smart, and their ideas are just the same.

But, what’s so good about cartoons?
Domestic animated movies?

"Xi Yangyang and Big Big Wolf"?
"I don't understand, I really don't understand..." He muttered a few words in a low voice, and finally gave up.


After leaving the reception, Chen Fei did not return to the company, but went straight to the outskirts of Beijing.

Finally taking some free time, he had to go find Jiang Wen and get the guest appearance in "Let the Bullets Fly" first, so as not to have time at the end of the year and have to listen to his ramblings.

In order to realize the "horse-drawn train" scene in the script, Jiang Wen built a 10-kilometer railway in the suburbs of Beijing and spent two months training eight horses to run on the gravel-covered railway track. It can be said that he took great pains !

When Chen Fei arrived at the shooting scene, he saw Jiang Wen wearing a suit with a beret on his head. He sounded "horse-riding" and focused on being casual.

"Yo? Are you here?"

Seeing Chen Fei get out of the car, Jiang Wen immediately called a timeout and ran over in a hurry.

"Damn it, it's Director Chen!" someone in the crew shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Chow Yun-fat was resting in his RV. After hearing the noise outside, he hurriedly got out of the car and ran towards Chen Fei with his assistant.

However, he was still a little late. When he arrived, he saw that Ge You, Jiang Wu, and Liao Fan had already gathered together.

"What's the progress of the filming?" Chen Fei asked Jiang Wen deliberately to see if he was messing around.

Jiang Wen laughed, "I've already taken two-thirds of the photo. I'm waiting for you. Come on, makeup artist! Arrange the makeup for me. He finally got here, but we can't let him escape. Jiang Wu, you are also ready Wait, let’s take the first shot in the afternoon and then head into the city!”


After a shout, the crew immediately became lively.

Chen Fei sat in the dressing room and let the makeup artist put on a wig and style him, while chatting casually with Chow Yun-fat who came over.

"Oh, I really regret it now. If I had spared some time and agreed to film "Inception", I believe it would have added a lot of glory to my acting career!"

"Haha, don't worry, there will be another chance in the future..."

Chen Fei continued talking without dwelling on this topic too much.

Chow Yun-fat was indeed considered for the role of "Mr. Zhuang" at the beginning, but his asking price was too harsh, and it felt like he would be deprived of money, so Chen Fei directly replaced him.

Among these artists in Xiangjiang, few are serious. Just like the waves in the sand, there will always be some who don’t have the last laugh.

In the afternoon, the movie shooting started.

As soon as Jiang Wen came up, he turned up the heat and focused on a trick!
"The movements must be generous, humiliating, and reflect the bad attitude of the person..."

"Just say it how you say it." Chen Fei interrupted him, feeling that this guy didn't hold it in well.

"Grab your crotch and lift it twice. Is this action okay? Is it humiliating enough? This will give the new mayor of Goose City a serious blow!"


For a moment, Chen Fei was speechless.

He knew that this guy didn't hold his shit in well, and sure enough, not only did he want to play the villain, but he also engaged in such a coquettish maneuver.

"Okay, no problem. I am also a professional actor. When filming, you must have dedication."

However, Chen Fei did not refuse, and immediately agreed. Since it was a guest appearance and he also participated in the investment, he naturally had to cooperate fully.

Jiang Wen's face lit up, fearing that he would regret it, so he quickly ordered the camera to get in position and prepare to start filming.

"Master Huang is very busy and has specially asked me, Hu Wan, the chief steward of the Huang Mansion... to welcome Mr. Hu Wan with a hat and polite manners!"


There was a lot of laughter from the crowd of onlookers. The action of Chen Fei and Jiang Wu grabbing their crotches looked so joyful. There was a particularly strong sense of contrast that made people want to have fun.

The filming went very smoothly. Everyone is professional and has more or less one or two actor titles, so filming this kind of scene will naturally not be a problem.

In the evening, in order to welcome Chen Fei, Jiang Wen specially arranged a banquet and even invited several of the main creators from the crew over.

Everyone had a great time drinking and eating together.

Jiang Wen is the kind of person who likes to discuss the plot of a drama at the dinner table. For example, the script of "Let the Bullets Fly" went through the hands of at least a dozen screenwriters in the early stages of creation, and everyone brainstormed before finalizing the script.

Now that the wine had just hit his head, he couldn't help it anymore.

"The official Ma was bought. The purpose of buying an official is to make money. Moreover, Ma doesn't like making money from poor people..."

Ge You and Chow Yun-fat were obviously mentally prepared for his behavior. As soon as the glasses were put down, they immediately started to pick up the words.

Jiang Wu pulled Chen Fei aside, and the two of them drank a bottle of wine, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of cucumbers, and just sat and watched the show.

"This part is not easy to shoot. They often find inspiration when they drink."


Chen Fei nodded, threw a peanut into his mouth, and listened to their show with his legs crossed.

"Isn't he just a little Zhang Mazi? Deal with him!"

"The master is tall! The county magistrate is hard! Mr. Huang is tall and hard!"

"My white knife goes in and my green knife comes out. I'll stab you in the gall!"


Unknowingly, a plate of peanuts and a plate of cucumbers were eaten completely by Chen Fei and Jiang Wu. Listening to Jiang Wen, Ge You, and Chow Yun-fat who were reading their lines in the scene, Chen Fei was very interested and started talking. I'm quite looking forward to the shooting down here.

Jiang Wen, this old boy, is indeed a wonderful person!

(ps: First update, adoptive fathers, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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