It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 405: The Lunar New Year holiday is full of smoke, 3 shots are released, only a ghost will li

Chapter 405: The Lunar New Year is filled with smoke and three shots are released. Only a ghost will like this broken broom!
After landing in Los Angeles, Chen Fei could even feel that the entire Hollywood was enveloped in the excitement of the upcoming release of "Avatar".

Fox is really ruthless. It spent 1.5 million US dollars on publicity and distribution expenses alone, which was even enough for Marvel to make "Iron Man 3"!

At the same time, the entire North American theater chain is also ready to welcome "Avatar". The 3D theaters have been cleaned spotlessly and are waiting to open their doors to receive customers.

Chen Fei did not return to the company immediately. The few movies released by Volton Pictures had already made all preparations before their release, so there was no need for him to follow up on them.

He first went to DreamWorks to check on the filming progress of "How to Train Your Dragon," then chatted with Spielberg about the future prospects of the animated film, and then returned to the company the next day.

Some rough cuts of "The Hunger Games" have been completed, and Chen Fei took over the work and began to help.

Taking advantage of his free time, he also paid special attention to the post-production progress of "Super Body".

Kathryn Bigequin is currently busy promoting the movie "The Hurt Locker" she directed, and the movie also has to compete for Oscars, so she feels like she is too busy to touch the ground!

At the same time, here in China, the smoke of the Lunar New Year stalls has officially been ignited!

Five consecutive movies have formed a hot search trend that dominates the list!
The first is "Anti-Drug" co-produced by Emperor, Feiyue Film and Television, and Golden Harvest. It is directed by Chen Musheng and stars Louis Koo, Zhang Jiahui, Liu Qingyun and others.

Originally because of "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "In this movie, he has already been severely beaten at the airport, and now he has a "broken broomstick". Isn't this horse-riding purely disgusting?

But now?

Chen Fei is not arrogant when he says this. He owns the three major special effects companies Industrial Light & Magic, Digital Domain, and Dot Eyes Digital. In addition, he is also a loyal partner of Weta Digital, so creating this kind of effect is naturally no problem.

There hasn't been much movement at Huayi this year. The series "If You Are the One" has been temporarily suspended. Feng Xiaogang is currently studying the later stages of "Earthquake". He is also very busy and has not shown his face for a long time.

In addition to the above three movies, there are two more that are strong contenders for the No. 1 box office spot during this year’s Lunar New Year!
"Twelve Zodiac Signs"

Lu Chuan directly stopped the filming of "The King's Feast" because he was in no mood to continue filming.

As a police movie, "Anti-Drug" focuses on brotherhood!
The film revolves around Ma Haotian, Zhang Ziwei and Su Jianqiu, anti-drug policemen who are brothers. It tells the story of Ma Haotian who was forced to abandon Zhang Ziwei during an operation, which caused a rift in the relationship between the brothers. However, in the end, Zhang Ziwei reconciled with Ma Haotian and Su Jianqiu and defeated the big drug dealer together. The story of the Eight-faced Buddha.

"Three Guns Surprise"

The former stars international action star Chen Long and is written by Chen Fei. It tells the story of a group of thieves led by the male protagonist JC. In order to obtain a high bonus from an international cultural relics trading group, they went to find the four lost bronze heads among the twelve zodiac signs in the Old Summer Palace. , was finally moved by overseas patriots, desperately protected the dragon head, and returned the found bronze head to China.

However, the smile on Zhang Weiping's face did not last long.

Everyone wants to poop on his head!
Where in the world can such truth exist?

"Three Shots" topped the list, followed by the new movie "The Tomb" starring Jay Chou. The most unexpected thing is Lu Chuan's "Nanjing!" which has been released from theaters! Nanjing! 》He was actually taken in.

There are some technical difficulties that need to be overcome in terms of 3D cameras. I heard that Cameron’s team also developed a self-developed camera for filming. This operation is indeed quite impressive!

Because just as the competition for the Lunar New Year festival was just about to begin, the domestic film magazine "Youth Film Handbook" suddenly announced that it would hold the first "Golden Broom Awards" and announced the nomination list in advance.

"Stop filming today, I'm going back to Kyoto."

Feng Xiaogang, who was doing post-production work on "The Great Earthquake", broke through the defense directly.

That is to say, Chen Fei, Chen Kaige, and Feng Xiaogang did not participate, otherwise this year's Lunar New Year festival would be much more interesting!

Obviously, this is another "fan-oriented" film.

Judging from some promotional clips released online, the quality of this movie will definitely not be any worse!
As for the latter, that is, "Three Guns Surprise", that is even more amazing.

News soon spread in the industry, and people familiar with the matter said that the "Golden Broom Awards" are imitating the "Golden Raspberry Awards" in Hollywood and are used to ridicule those movies, directors, and actors with extremely poor quality.

However, at the same time, the promotional trailer for "Avatar" was released in the mainland, directly dropping another bombshell in this chaotic movie market!
With just a few minutes of promotional video, the domestic film market once again saw what a "Hollywood blockbuster" is!
" this a 3D epic masterpiece?"

Zhang Weiping didn't pay much attention to it at first. He felt pretty good about himself and didn't think this award would have anything to do with him.

This movie is adapted from Ma Rongcheng's best-selling comic "Wind and Cloud". It is also the sequel to the movie "Wind and Cloud" directed by Liu Weiqiang. It tells the story of the villain Jue Wushen who plots to seize the imperial power of China and the martial arts led by Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng. The struggle between humans and absolute gods.

Chen Long previously said in promotions that "Zodiac" will be "his last desperate film" and the film will continue his iconic action comedy style.

Everything was over. Facing "Avatar", he actually had the thought of being unable to resist for the first time.

The invitations to the premiere of "Three Guns" were overwhelmingly distributed by him, and it felt like "there are no tigers on the mountain, but the monkey is the king"!

This film was also hailed as "the biggest lineup of Hong Kong films in the past 30 years". Its luxurious cast made the film a lot of hot when it premiered at the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival!
Immediately following is "The Tomb" starring Jay Chou, Lin Chi-ling, and Chen Daoming. The film tells the story of two groups with different purposes going on a treasure hunt expedition in a lost ancient city deep in the desert.

Zhang Weiping personally went out and fired, expressing his extreme dissatisfaction with the "Youth Film Handbook"'s main programmer and demanding that he quickly withdraw the nomination list and publicly apologize.

Xu Ke even called Chen Fei directly. The first thing he said was, "Director Chen, can you achieve this effect?"

Jay Chou's fans also expressed their strong dissatisfaction on Weibo, Tieba and other places. The promotional video for "Chou Ling" is obviously so good, why should they use a "broken broom"?
As for Lu Chuan, who had suffered a terrible disaster, he was even more angry!


For many fans who love the "Wind and Cloud" comic book, the appearance of this movie has given them a lot of surprises.

After the list was announced, it immediately received critical comments from many parties!

Because of a "broken broom", there has been constant discussion in the industry.

"of course can."

However, Zhang Weiping has become more controversial recently and frequently appears on major social media.

But when the nominations for the first Golden Broom Awards were announced, he was completely confused!

At the same time, there is also a fantasy action-adventure film "The Storm 2" directed by the Pang brothers (Peng Shuo and Peng Fa) and starring Aaron Kwok and Cheng Yijian.

Zhang Yimou, who just won the title of god in the Olympic Games last year, directed it personally, and also led Xiao Shen Yang, Ya Dan, who became famous overnight in the 09 Spring Festival Gala, as well as Sun Honglei, Zhao Benshan, Yan Ni and other acting talents in the circle to create, shout out The slogan is to "refresh the box office record"!

He originally wanted to catch up with "Inception" and leave a strong mark on the 3D market.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell that this is definitely not a good prize.

" much does it cost?" Xu Ke asked tentatively.

"Don't think about it. I don't dare to bother now. This can't be done casually. The capital investment is enough to wipe out several domestic companies, and I'm afraid it's not even enough."

Chen Fei's words directly made Xu Ke give up his thoughts.

He has already taken over the job of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", and will devote himself to it after the filming of "Detective Detective" is completed, but the special effects aspect is still a difficulty.

You must have enough financial investment to make a good special effects movie. This is a dead end that can never be avoided!


China Film Group announced the weekly box office of "Mulan". The box office result of 3055 million yuan was almost equal to the investment cost.

Zhao Yanzi took the opportunity to do some marketing, and even said that he would go overseas and sell copyrights...

Unfortunately, her operation didn't create much of a stir.

With Chen Fei's "Mulan" in front of her, she is an unpolished stone, with a cheap smell everywhere.

On December 12, "Anti-Drug" will be released first.

The box office on the first day was 2163.69 million, the next day was 3164.66, and the third day was 2724.40. The total box office in the three days successfully exceeded million, directly leading the Lunar New Year stalls!

Yang Shoucheng was already preparing for the celebration banquet. Chen Fei promised him that he would definitely attend and asked him to prepare good wine and food.

At that time, you can also visit the crew of "Ip Man 3".

On December 12th, "The Tomb" will be released.

The box office on the first day was 1010 million, which was an instant hit and shocked a group of people's jaws. At this moment, many singers in the music industry who thought they had reached the top and were preparing to move to the film industry were suddenly discouraged.

This is not about making money, this is about going out for a living, and the risk is too high, right?

On this day, many singers gave up the idea and shouted in their hearts: "Be careful and don't go. It's better not to get involved yet!"

At the same time, Chen Fei received a call from Huo Qigang.

"'Chilling' was officially released from theaters last night, with a cumulative box office of 2.6 million yuan. The response has been pretty good, and fans' expectations for the sequel are particularly high."

"The important thing is to have high expectations. I will send you the script for the second part tomorrow. Next year we will focus on "Chilling 2"."

"it is good."

Huo Qigang nodded, which coincided with Chen Fei's thoughts.

For this kind of sequel to be effective, it is necessary to keep the popularity high. It is naturally much better to be able to launch continuously than to have too long an interval.

The release date of "Wind and Cloud 2" is only one day different from that of "Chilling", which is scheduled for December 12th.

This position is quite embarrassing. The two Peng brothers were even ready to make a big splash, but they didn't expect that the box office on the first day was 75 higher than "The Tomb", earning 1085 million!
"So, the money of comic book fans is actually better than the money of fans?"

The two brothers have already begun to think about whether they should continue to produce "Wind and Cloud 3" so that everyone can make a quick buck?

Although Chen Fei didn't have time to attend the premiere of "Three Guns", and he didn't have a good impression of Zhang Weiping, for Lao Mouzi's sake, he still sent Su Guohai to go instead of him.

After returning from the premiere, Su Guohai called Chen Fei in surprise.

"This film may be the commercial film with the smallest investment by Zhang Yimou. It's less than 3000 million. Zhao Jiaban almost didn't receive any high salary, which is just a symbolic labor fee..."

"For the sake of flattery, Lao Zhao is quite courageous in this aspect. I can't accept this."

There is a saying in the circle that goes like this, "After passing Shanhaiguan, look for Zhao Benshan." This is not a smooth saying, but it has been authenticated by Lao Zhao himself!

On the 11th, "Three Guns" was officially released in mainland theaters.

Brand-new headlines have appeared on the headlines of major portal websites.

"Zhang Yimou's new film! It's coming! It's aiming for the box office record of domestic movies!"

"The new work of the national master, three years of sharpening a sword..."

"The day of return, the time of becoming a god..."

You don’t need to guess to know that Zhang Weiping must have bought these press releases. Zhang Yimou, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, would never be able to brag about himself like this.

On the 12th, China Film announced the first-day box office data of "Three Guns".

2300 million!
This data just surpasses "Anti-Drug", which seems to indicate that the throne of the Lunar New Year movie this year will soon belong to Zhang Yimou.

For four consecutive days, the box office has successfully exceeded 100 million, and everything seems to be going well.

Even though he was in Hollywood, Chen Fei actually saw the news of congratulations on CCTV news.

However, whether you are a person or a person, you cannot just look at the surface of this thing, you have to carefully study the core.

Chen Fei opened Douban and saw a very dazzling scene.

Rating: 4.3 points!
"Damn it, as expected, I didn't even reach the passing mark!"

Although he had expected it before, Chen Fei was still a little surprised when he actually saw the Douban score and the complaints and negative reviews from fans.

Sure enough, the greater the expectations, the more disappointment comes like a tide, it will inevitably lead to an irreversible outcome!

"From an objective point of view, this movie was really not well-made. It looked weird and felt like it was very out of place. The logic of the story seemed to be messy. I can only say that Zhang Yimou and several comedians were playing tricks. It was smashed!"

"I don't know why, but I can't see Zhang Yimou's style at all. Isn't this just a sketch that has been stretched out?"

"Obviously, this work wants to metaphor many real-life problems and use historical themes to show this theme. However, the story is full of loopholes, the plot cannot stand up to scrutiny, and the actors' performances are too exaggerated and ridiculous. In short, it is a movie that cannot be enjoyed. …”

"Zhang Yimou, I...I am really disappointed in you!"

"Forget this movie, I don't even know how to praise it. I heard that there will be "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" and "The Thirteen Beauties" in the future. I hope I won't be too disappointed..."

Although Chen Fei couldn't see Zhang Yimou now, it was not difficult for him to imagine that Lao Mouzi's mood must be very complicated.

From "Red Sorghum" to becoming a god, to "Hero" becoming famous overseas, and then "Three Guns" falling from the altar, the entanglement in this will definitely make people cry uncomfortably!
I heard before that when filming this movie, Zhang Yimou had very little say in the crew, and Zhang Weiping almost had the final say.

Now that the finished film is released, it is probably very different from this rumor...

"You can't wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. He has to wake up on his own!"


Chen Fei has attended fifty if not one hundred premieres since he came to Hollywood, but this was the first time for him to see such a grand premiere as "Avatar"!

Looking around, there is no one missing from the Big Six, and big-name directors, superstars, and producers can be seen everywhere. If you drop a brick casually, you will probably scratch an Oscar winner.

Unfortunately, Leonardo is not included.

Since the global box office of "Inception" officially surpassed "Titanic", DiCaprio's salary has reached the top, and there is no room for any increase in the future.

After changing his girlfriend again, he suddenly felt boring.

More than half of my life goals have been achieved, and now I am just waiting for the "Oscar winner" to fill the remaining emptiness.

However, that little golden man just hasn’t come yet!

"Are you... almost fatter than Bruce?" Chen Fei felt inexplicably as he patted the suit that was held up by his big belly.

We haven't seen him for a month, how could he gain so much weight?

"Almost, hehe, it's almost done." Leonardo didn't care at all. For the sake of the Little Golden Man, why not be a little fatter?

"Oh, I'm really too fat."

Chen Fei sighed helplessly, and after comparing the image of the male protagonist in "Hunting" in the script library with the current Leonardo, he suddenly shook his head in disappointment.

No, the gap is too big! We still have to find a suitable actor!

Soon it was time for the guests to enter. Liu Yifei, who was being interviewed by reporters on the other side, ran over and found Chen Fei.

The two of them will walk the red carpet together today, and they should be creating a wave of momentum for "Super Body" in advance.


Standing at the entrance of the venue were two rows of female staff members wearing blue Avatar costumes and Avatar makeup.

When they saw Chen Fei and Liu Yifei walking on the red carpet, these female avatars bent down to thank them. Their plump white flowers were extremely conspicuous under the flashlight.

Chen Fei walked into the venue without squinting his eyes and smiled, but what he thought of was indeed the plot in "The Flowers of the Heart".

"What I want is the Avatar!"

This is not just to gain popularity, this is called a mutual tribute between director and director, and if word spreads about it, it will be regarded as a good story!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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