It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 406: Praising a mountain eagle? Water bed water snake splashing ink door?

Chapter 406: Praising a mountain eagle? Water bed water snake splashing ink door?
After Cameron took the stage and gave an "impassioned" speech, the premiere of "Avatar" officially began.

Chen Fei has naturally seen this movie, and even in his memory, this movie has been remade and even re-screened many times.

The story of the movie is very simple. It mainly tells that in the future, humans fly to the distant planet Pandora to mine resources. Jack Sally, a former navy soldier who was injured in the battle, decided to come to Pandora for his dead brother and manipulate Dr. Grace to use human genes to The story is about an "Avatar" hybrid creature created by combining the genes of the local Na'vi tribe. After meeting the local Na'vi princess Neytiri, Jack finds himself in a dilemma in a war between humans and the residents of Pandora.

This is a standard Hollywood movie story. It is simple and even very cliché. You don’t need to think deeply about it at all. You can easily accept it after going through it in your mind.

Compared with "Inception", which is as complex as a multiplication table, Cameron's "Avatar" is like addition and subtraction, and it is a simplified version of addition and subtraction within five!
But the clever thing about this movie is not the story, but the stunning "panoramic 3D visual spectacle"!
"This picture feels..."

Liu Yifei opened her mouth, but suddenly she didn't know how to evaluate it.

She subconsciously wanted to say it was smoother than "Inception", but she was afraid of hurting Chen Fei's face, so her face turned red for a while.

"There's nothing I can't say. In terms of 3D special effects and graphics, this movie is truly top-notch and worthy of the high investment."

Chen Fei didn't mind at all.

"Avatar" was shot using a 3D camera independently developed by Cameron's team, which simulated human eyes to make the three-dimensional image more realistic.

From "Titanic" to now "Avatar", he has always been at the forefront of the film technology era!
"Clap clap clap!"

"Director Chen Fei came to the scene and had a cordial conversation with James Cameron, talking about the glorious future of 3D movies."

"Fei, congratulations, "Inception" won the first place in film history..."

"The premiere of "Avatar", a grand event in Hollywood..."

A reporter from the "Washington Daily News" curiously asked: "Fei, can you briefly predict how much the box office of "Avatar" can reach?"

Could it be that the first movie in film history to break $20 billion is about to be born?

Traditional live-action shooting equipment such as handheld photography and crane photography has great limitations. Using the virtual camera developed by Cameron, he can not only preview the picture that combines the actor's performance and the virtual scene, but also lay out the director's vision. All camera movements required.

What's even more outrageous is that Cameron even developed a virtual camera to more accurately preview when filming live performances.

And during this process, the movement trajectory can also be captured by the system and synthesized into later image processing...

Faced with the encouragement from everyone, Cameron kept bowing and thanking him with a bright smile on his face.

This statement immediately aroused the curiosity of many reporters.

I have to say, this guy is indeed a talent!

In the category of "3D", the two of them really have a lot in common, and they can't stop chatting all day and all night!
It's a pity that the activities are limited, so we can only stop temporarily.

This kind of camera can observe the actors' movements and interactions with the virtual world in real time, allowing the director to adjust and direct each scene in real time.

Moreover, according to estimates by a professional evaluation team, each frame of "Avatar" consumes an average of 4 man-hours, 60% of the content is synthesized by CG, and 40% is performed by actors. This is a pioneering act in the history of film.

Although the release of "Inception" took away his reputation as the "Father of New 3D", he believed that he would not lose too much. At least in terms of visual spectacle, he did not feel that he lost to Chen Fei.

While the actor is performing, Cameron can preview the effect of the actor "incarnating" into a nearly 3-meter-tall blue Na'vi walking on Pandora through the LCD screen on the side.

In the audience, Quentin, who was already dizzy with 3D, felt stars starting to pop up in his eyes, and couldn't help but complained viciously in his heart:

After the 178-minute extended version screening ended, everyone took off their 3D glasses, looked at Cameron on the stage with burning eyes, and gave a very warm applause without hesitation!

But even so, the reporters couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise at his prediction!
No need to guess, the unit with the suffix 20 billion must be US dollars.

The host called Chen Fei up from his seat. This was the part that was prepared in advance today.

The two of them didn't care about other people's expressions. They just went back and forth and chatted one by one.

After making Quentin sick for nearly ten minutes, Cameron and Fade Chen stopped still, feeling quite sympathetic to each other.

"Director Chen Fei predicts that the global box office of "Avatar" will exceed US$20 billion. Let's share the 3D event..."

"Cough cough!"

In the New Picture Company, Zhang Weiping threw the newspaper brought by his secretary into the wastebasket, curling his lips with disdain.

Can it even surpass the US$18.53 billion? Is the potential of "Avatar" so high?

This virtual camera can be regarded as a technological precedent at present, and it has brought a new breakthrough in the fields of motion capture technology and expression capture technology!

On the stage, the smile on Cameron's face became even brighter.

In the afternoon of that day, news about the premiere of "Avatar" flew around the world, and all major media were rushing to report it, for fear that they would not be able to drink that thick bone soup.

“It’s easy to break 20 billion.”

"Fei? It's your turn to speak next."

After the premiere, Chen Fei was blocked outside the venue by a group of Hollywood reporters.

"Your "Inception" is also great. I watched it again last night. It triggered a lot of deep thoughts and gave me a deeper inspiration for the future..."

The sedan chair is used to carry people, and everyone praises each other. This is also a relatively unique means of publicity.

"Haha, your congratulations are too early." Chen Fei stopped the other party and said bluntly: "I'm afraid I won't be the number one in film history for a long time. "Avatar" directed by Cameron will probably surpass me soon."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"That's it, right? Are you just complimenting me so hard? Isn't this the end of it for you two? I feel sick for you..."

Chen Fei didn’t say anything extra. After all, the 3D market has been taken away a lot by "Inception", and everyone’s enthusiasm for the new 3D has also cooled down a lot. Whether it can still achieve the original box office record is still unknown. .

After clearing his throat, Chen Fei said seriously: "It is undeniable that it is great, great, whether it is the extremely far-reaching foreign space, the suspended mountains, the flying waterfalls, the luminous forests, the flying Jellyfish, or the blue Na'vi, the Klingon language used by the Na'vi, etc., all make me feel very incredible, very dreamy, like a beautiful dream..."

However, the two of them naturally didn't care about him.

"He is so obvious. How come he is everywhere? Flies are flying everywhere..."

He complained for a long time and finally vented the depression in his heart.

"Zhang...Mr. Zhang, there are more and more bad reviews online. How should we deal with it now? The public relations department can no longer handle it."

The secretary asked tentatively. He had also watched "Three Guns" himself. The horse-riding man was really bad. No wonder it received such bad reviews.

But as a member of New Picture, I can only keep these words in my heart and never say them out.

“How is the box office growth going?”

"Yesterday, there were only... 1100 million."

"What!? 1100 million? Are you kidding me? How can it only be this little?"

Zhang Weiping immediately couldn't sit still and felt a burning pain on his face.

When the box office of "Three Guns" exceeded 1.5 million two days ago, he boasted boldly in front of the media that the movie's box office trend was extremely good. It was easy to break 2 million, to break 3 million was like picking something out of a bag, to break 4 million, and to break 5 million. That is to say, just by clapping your hands and stamping your feet, you can break the 6 million box office gap of "Mulan" with just a few gestures...

But now?

A single-day box office of 1100 million?
According to this trend, it is already considered very good to break through 2 million, not to mention "easy", "finding things", "breaking the gap"...

The cows that he blew out before turned into crisp slaps and came back to slap him in the face!
It hurts so much!
"Why is this happening? Is it because the film schedule has been affected? Is someone suppressing us?"


The secretary blinked blankly, suddenly at a loss.

Suppressing domestic films during the Lunar New Year? Who would be so bored as to do such a thing?

He was about to deny it, but when he saw Zhang Weiping's bulging eyes, he didn't dare to refute.

"This... maybe, I'm not sure. I'll arrange for someone to investigate..."

"No need! Is this worth investigating? The box office has been cut in half. In addition to the film schedule being affected, what else will happen? Isn't it just bullying that the new picture has no theaters? You Han Sanping, you have pinkeye again! What? You also want to get involved..."



Chen Fei, who was attending the premiere of "Three Idiots in Bollywood" in India, suddenly heard the biggest "joke" from the mainland.

[The box office of "Three Shots" was cut in half. The reason is actually due to the impact of film schedules. China Film "favors foreigners", "leads wolves into the house" and "suppresses domestic films"...]

Ren Zhonglun and Han Sanping can be regarded as a pair of happy enemies. They often cooperate with each other and suppress each other. The eldest brother and the second brother have always had conflicts. "Let me tell you, Zhang Weiping gave Han Sanping a nickname, "Mountain Eagle", hahaha, it's such a bad image, I even liked it on Weibo."


Chen Fei couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Sure enough, real business wars are always so plain and simple, and they go straight to "mental attacks". This is not leaving any face to Han Sanping at all!

"It's good now. The two of them are completely separated. I'm just wondering what this Wei Ping was thinking..."

Ren Zhonglun couldn't help but complain. He had actually watched "Three Guns". The colorful clothes and vulgar and abrupt lines were really "two-parter".

Overall, the producers have to bear a lot of responsibility for the box office plummet!

Zhang Weiping's behavior of biting whoever he catches and being tough-mouthed is indeed a very stupid behavior in the eyes of many people.

"Who knows, just ignore him and let him fiddle with himself. Without Zhang Yimou, he is actually nothing."

Chen Fei also complained a few words and stopped the topic in time.

He was also a theater owner himself, so Zhang Weiping actually took him along when he fired the map cannon, but he didn't care at all.

That man is a bully, and there is no point in laning with him. If you have that time, you might as well dance more in India.

When it comes to hosting premieres, Brother Asan is the one who knows how to play.

At the premiere of "3 Idiots in Bollywood", everyone celebrated on the spot after watching the movie!

Hand-made rice, barbecue, campfire... these are all prepared in advance and can be used as soon as they are brought over. It really makes Chen Fei feel like an eye-opener!
"Fei, how are you? Is this place very different from Hollywood?"

Deepika Padukone held his hand and led him to dance in circles around the bonfire. Accompanied by the sound of music, the belly dance twisted like a water snake.

"Well, the difference is indeed very big. It's more lively here."

"Then how many more days do you want to stay?" the girl asked excitedly.

"No, I have to go back tomorrow. There is still a lot of work waiting for me at the company."

"Ah, that's it!"

The belly dance suddenly stopped, and the girl with an exotic flavor took Chen Fei's hand and pulled him directly out of the bonfire team.

"Huh? You don't want to dance anymore?"

"You're leaving tomorrow and I can't wait. Let's go to the hotel and I'll dance for you alone, okay?"

Naturally, Chen Fei would not refuse such a request.

However, when he followed the girl to the hotel, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he looked at the unique bed.

"Is this...a waterbed?"

"Yes!" Deepika nodded slightly, her dexterous tongue gently circling her red lips like a snake apricot, "Want to experience a new feeling? Lord... human?"

"With great pleasure."

Life is all about enjoyment!
The cold water bed combined with the warm soft feeling, coupled with Deepika Padukone's water snake dance and step-by-step thrusting, this night, Chen Fei had an unparalleled novel experience!

If he hadn't been strong-willed enough, he might have been trapped in this snake's nest the next day, making it difficult to get out.

"Fei, are you leaving?"

It is undeniable that the water bed and the water snake really go well together. The smooth and uneven body curves are looming in the rippling blue waves, which can give people a strong visual impact!
However, the temptation in front of you is nothing at all in the "sage mode".

"Well, see you later."

Chen Fei nodded, put on his pants, and zipped up the zipper without any nostalgia or hesitation.

It wasn't until he left the hotel door that he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, secretly feeling that he was so awesome.

Faced with such temptations, he can resolutely pull away. What else can stop his success in the future?
Who else! ?

Of course, regardless of who else is among them, there will definitely not be a person like Zhang Ziyi.

Back in Los Angeles, before Chen Fei had time to inquire about the subsequent release of "Avatar", the "Ink Splash Incident" spread in China.

On the phone, Ning Hao told him the details vividly, "Paparazzi notice in advance, live media broadcast, mistress position, Beach Gate incident..."

After listening for a long time, Chen Fei couldn't help but asked, "Sister Na isn't next to you?"

"No! I'm at the company. I'm auditioning some important supporting roles in "Painted Skin 2" today. If she was next to me, how could I dare to call you and talk about such a thing?"

"Hey, look at your skills."

Chen Fei immediately despised him. This guy Ning Hao was just "raking his ears"!
"We're not going to make any personal attacks, we're just going to say how about this 'melon', isn't it fresh enough?"

"It is true that the paparazzi in Xiangjiang are indeed professionals in this regard."

Speaking of which, Zhang Ziyi also has a certain amount of "luck" in her life. A series of foreign operations can be said to have completely destroyed her audience popularity. Moreover, she herself has not had any popular TV series, nor has her national reputation. Very high.

Logically speaking, with so many sexy tricks, she should have been on the verge of withdrawing from the circle, but with "The Grandmaster", she was able to pull herself back from the edge!
I have to say, this person's fate is really weird sometimes!


Returning to Volton Pictures, Chen Fei had just sat down for a while when his secretary brought him a cup of coffee and a new box office data report.

"Fei, these are the opening weekend box office figures for Avatar."

"Thank you."

Chen Fei thanked him softly, took a sip of coffee, and then turned his attention to the data report.

Three-day opening weekend: $1.54 million.

"Ouch? Not bad!"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up slightly, this data was much better than the original time and space.

This also means that the number of 3D theaters in North America has begun to surge, which is great news for other 3D movies to be launched by Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures!

Only by continuously enlarging the plate can more cakes be placed inside, and you can enjoy it more happily in the future!

After looking away from the box office results, Chen Fei continued to look down.

But soon, something unexpected happened!

This data report also includes reviews from other professional film critics, as well as ratings from Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb.

Surprisingly, according to the evaluation of movie fans, the various rating data of "Avatar" are not as high as the rating data of "Inception"!
And there is only one thing that has been mentioned many times: [Plot]

This is the flaw of "Avatar", but it is the biggest advantage of "Inception"!
"The world of imagination is breathtaking, but the plot is really bad. The whole story made me want to curse! It's so childish!"

"Why? Why? Why? Why can't we combine "Avatar" and "Inception"? That will definitely create a classic!"

"The scenes are magnificent and the plot is vulgar. This is a movie that can only be watched in an IMAX theater..."


After briefly looking at the first few comments, Chen Fei shrugged and threw the report aside.

No matter how low the rating is, no matter how bloody the story is, no matter how cliche the plot is... but in the eyes of capital, it is an excellent commercial movie!
At least in terms of box office performance, it is qualified and even exceeds expectations!

However, when Chen Fei watched this movie, his perspective was somewhat different from that of normal viewers and those capitalists.

He can personally feel the "Little Jiujiu" in James Cameron's heart.

When all the Hollywood blockbusters were showing off their visual effects, James Cameron just sat in a dark corner and sneered, and then threw out such a film that made everyone say "Fuck, it's so fucking awesome!" Movie!

Although the early release of "Inception" has affected the effect of "Avatar" after its release, Cameron does not mind.

Because...he is already so happy!


(ps: Third update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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