It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 407 "Hold on! Hold on! Listen to the dragon's roar!"

Chapter 407 "Hold on! Hold on! Listen to the dragon's roar!"

As previously predicted by major professional institutions and film and television production companies, "Avatar" has officially entered "wreak mode" since it entered the Lunar New Year file!
Although the performance of "Inception" is excellent, it still showed a weak posture under the "butcher's knife" of the latter.

Seven days! Three hundred million dollars!

This is James Cameron’s answer to the entire Hollywood market!
At this point, the cost of the film no longer seems so important. 20th Century Fox is determined to make this film "the number one in global film history" and teach other film companies a lesson!
But at the same time, as the box office figures continue to rise, its plot flaws have been criticized by many film critics.

From a Chinese perspective, Cameron created the dumplings of "Avatar" just for the sake of "3D-IMAX".

From the outside, the dumpling skin looks so tender and delicious that you can’t help but lick your fingers!

But if you bite it open and look carefully, you can clearly see that the stuffing inside is no longer so fresh. Although it can be eaten, I always feel that there is something different in my heart.

As the old saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

At this time, the ratings of "Inception" on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb become particularly valuable!

Different from "Avatar" which starts with "7", the two indicators of "Inception" both start with "9".

"Inception" will definitely participate in the selection of major Oscar technical awards. Chen Fei will definitely come to participate, and then leave a little star on the Avenue of Stars. Even if his trip to Hollywood is not in vain .

"Let's go, hurry up, you must support Uncle Long! He is my childhood idol!"

And in "Zodiac", Chen Long did not disappoint the audience!
The film continues its iconic action comedy style, integrating smooth and exaggerated movements into the thrilling plot. The seemingly long show of tricks actually enhances the film's narrative and promotes the development of conflicts and plots.

"Zhang Yunlong, don't judge a book by its appearance. Who says girls can't like action scenes? I have practiced Taekwondo, and you may not be able to beat me!"

"Hold on! Hold on! Listen to the dragon's roar!"

Natasha gave a very positive answer.

The slogan of "Zodiac" is not to break any mainland movie box office record like "Three Guns". Uncle Long has no intention of doing so.

Moreover, the theme of this movie is "protecting cultural relics", which perfectly complements his status as "ambassador for the return of cultural relics".

Lao Mouzi actually has a pretty good attitude. When being interviewed by reporters, he could even say the words "Swear me, you can't stop me". It felt like a broken jar!

However, at this time, Chen Long jumped out at the right time.

In the film, Chen Long also made full use of roller coasters and terrain, climbing over walls and crossing many obstacles. At the same time, he used props such as motorcycles and large trucks to show thrilling fights one after another.

Of course, these are actually things for later, the most important thing right now is the Lunar New Year stalls!

Avenue of Stars?

A group of boys and girls walked into the theater chattering and went straight to the VIP room without hesitation.

Zhang Weiping was still criticizing the organizers of the "Golden Broom" before, but in the end he lost his temper.


Since we are watching Chen Long's movie, most people naturally support it with the idea of ​​watching an action scene.


As a student in the 09 undergraduate class of Nortel’s performance department, among all the people present, not one of them came from a poor family.

If Chen Fei agrees, he will become the fifth pure-bred Chinese director to leave his exclusive mark on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

On the mainland, "Anti-Drug", which was invested by Feiyue Films, successfully exceeded 20 million yuan in box office after a 1.8-day release period, with a target of 3 million yuan!
On the other hand, "Call of Heaven" and "Wind and Cloud 2" have already seen little movement at this time, and were completely submerged in the craze of the Lunar New Year movies.

In addition, the script was written by Chen Fei, which invisibly promoted the movie!
The time, location, people and people were all taken over by him. Isn't this wave easy and easy to control?


During the promotion period, he mentioned many times that this was his last "fighting film" in his life. Movie fans and fans who like action movies must not miss it.

"Fei, the Oscar organizers officially informed me yesterday that they will leave a mark of your own on the Avenue of Stars. The ceremony will be held together with the next Oscar Awards Ceremony."

He is quite interested in this, after all, there are not many Chinese who can leave their own mark here!

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded, "Hollywood Walk of Fame? Is it the same mark as Jackie Chan?"

At this point, the battle for the Lunar New Year stalls in the Mainland in 09 seems to be coming to an end.

Lao Mouzi's "Three Guns" is still going strong, but its daily box office growth is really bleak, and its reputation is completely ruined!

He is old, and in order to attract the audience, he takes the "emotional" route.

At the same time, it also incorporates the comedy action characteristics of Hollywood silent films, allowing the audience to smile knowingly while nervously watching the thrilling fights.

"Wu Jinyan? Didn't you see that you, a girl, actually like action scenes?"

He also had no confidence. He couldn't even suppress the ridicule on the Internet. At this time, he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

In the capital, outside the Pan-Asia Cinema, a group of young people in their 20s were making noisy noises.

"Ok, please help me reply to the Oscar organizer. If there is a process that requires my cooperation, you can send it to me in advance."

Taken together, the latter can be said to take into account both the "plot" and "special effects" elements, and Chen Fei is worthy of the title of "Father of New 3D"!
As the pioneer of "new 3D", his leading role can be recorded in the global film history archives!
Natasha found Chen Fei and told him good news.

As an actor, whether it is a commercial film or a literary film, you must watch it with a serious attitude towards study. At this time, it is no longer suitable to continue playing with friends.

"Hey!? Then I have to stay away from you. Don't kick me in the face again."

It was hard to organize a game today, and everyone was naturally not stingy. Although there were only a dozen people, they still directly booked a small VIP screening room!
When the familiar "dragon mark" appeared on the screen, the noise stopped abruptly.

As for the "Mulan" that took advantage of the popularity of the Lunar New Year movie, the box office was finally fixed at 7136 million, and in the end it was directly squeezed out by major theaters.

So far, there are only 4 people who have records, namely: Huang Liushuang, Bruce Lee, Wu Yu, and Chen Long.

And because it is a commercial film, the investment amount is huge, so the scenes are naturally huge and magnificent, and one of the fighting scenes cost tens of millions!

In order to perfectly present the thrilling visual effects, the actors overcame huge difficulties, challenged dangerous spectacles, and shot on location...

When it comes to "working hard", Chen Long is absolutely right!

Among them, during the filming of the scene of "Rescuing the Dragon's Head from the Crater", he needed to parachute from a helicopter, and during the fall, he had to release his parachute until he could save the dragon's head. This classic scene was all performed by himself.

And this scene also left a group of boys and girls at the scene stunned!

"He is indeed a Kung Fu superstar! He is over 50 years old, and he still fights so neatly and neatly. It's so admirable."

"Indeed, Uncle Long has always been very ruthless in acting ever since he entered the entertainment industry. Not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself!"

"That actress has such long legs!"

In the slightly dim environment, Li Chun suddenly let out a sigh, causing many girls to nod frequently.

Now that they have been admitted to Nortel, everyone is still somewhat confident in their appearance and figure. However, they were still a little shocked when they saw the scene of "a horse stealing the key".

Those legs... are really long!

"She is from the Beijing National Sports Academy and was the gold medal winner in the 2004 Taekwondo competition. Naturally, she can do these moves easily."

Hearing this explanation, Li Chun turned his head curiously and looked at the only student from Nortel's Class of 09 who was still involved in the 'martial arts route'.

"Xie Yunshan, are you familiar with her?"

"I'm not very familiar with her. I just happened to work with her once when we were filming an advertisement. She was still a graphic model at the time." "Oh, that's it..."

Li Chun responded and stopped replying, but he couldn't help but feel a faint longing in his heart.

The word "famous" is too tempting for people like them who come from acting backgrounds!

Zhang Yimou's "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was currently casting for the film. She didn't tell anyone and secretly signed up. Although she didn't know if she would be selected, this was an opportunity not to be missed!


The gaze shifted to the ordinary hall.

At this moment, Guo Fan, who had already won the title of "Alchemy Master" among his classmates, took his classmates and friends to the cinema again!

While shamelessly groping for the popcorn in his friend's arms, Guo Fan praised the various special effects of "Zodiac".

"Zodiac" should be regarded as the first of Chen Long's kung fu comedy movies to use high-tech methods in a large area. The film combines a large number of high-tech technologies with martial arts actions, which can be said to be an imaginative experience.

Through their wild imagination, the production team brought science and technology that is currently impossible to achieve through artistic processing and put it on the big screen, perfectly displaying it in front of the audience, attracting the audience's attention and forming the ultimate visual feast.

For example, the glove-type 3D printer at the beginning of the film transmitted and printed the scanned data of the animal head in minutes. This unique special effects technology is quite eye-catching!

After walking out of the screening room, Guo Fan looked up at the sky and thought for a long time...

"What? Are you sick again? Are you still thinking about how to spend your next living expenses? I suggest you soak steamed buns in water and eat them twice a day, just enough to eat..."

"Lao Gong, have you ever thought about making a movie yourself?"

Ok? !

Seeing that Guo Fan's words didn't seem like a joke, Gong Geer was slightly stunned.

"You don't have a fever, right? Filming a movie? How much does it cost to ride a horse? We probably can't even make enough by selling our kidneys and our bodies together!"

"We can find investors! We can come up with a complete story and let them contribute money, people, and efforts. After the film is completed, they will make money and then share the dividends in proportion..."

Guo Fan became more and more excited as he talked, and his eyes even started to light up.

Why did he want to take the postgraduate entrance examination of Beijing Film Academy majoring in management? Isn’t it just for the movie dream in my heart?

" you have a story?" Gong Geer looked at him in surprise.

Guo Fan nodded and said seriously: "I recently saw an original animation on called "The Adventures of Li Xianli". The director, screenwriter, and main voice actor are all a young man named Li Yang. I I think this story is great and could be adapted into a live-action movie!”

"The Adventures of Li Xianli"?
Gong Geer was slightly startled. He had heard of this name before. It was an original domestic animation and had a very high number of views on

Before that, what impressed him deeply was the domestic animation "Hit a Big Watermelon" released in 08.

Although these two animations both feel a little shoddy, it is undeniable that their core and stories are great, and it is inevitable that they will become popular all over the Internet!
But... is it possible to adapt a cartoon into a live-action movie?

Seemingly seeing the doubt on Gong Geer's face, Guo Fan patted his chest and said with confidence, "I'm quite good at screenwriting. I'll go back and write an outline now.

Then do me a favor and find out to which company the copyright of this cartoon belongs. Let's take the outline script and fight for it. Maybe we can get the authorization. If we can take the opportunity to raise another investment, then It’s even better!
Okay, it’s settled, let’s split up and meet in the cafeteria tonight. Remember to bring your meal card, I’m poor again! "

Gong Geer: "..."



The next morning, with the attention of many film and television production company bosses, China Film announced the first-day box office results of "Zodiac".

4500 RMB!

In this wave, Chen Long can be said to be "the king returns, the dragon sings in China!"

On Weibo, Tieba, Douban and other websites, many fans are voluntarily promoting the film.

"Why don't you watch Uncle Long's movies? Watching his movies is a must! There is no reason! I just support! I just support!"

"In the beginning, the equipment that Brother Chen Long showed up on was simply perfect. In the middle, the search for the lost animal heads of the twelve zodiac animals was even more exciting and humorous. In the end, the part where he jumped into a volcano to save the dragon head from destruction was even more heart-wrenching. Highly recommended!”

"Anyway, it's better than "Three Guns". Just rush in and it's over. I won't let you down."


At the same time, many film critics even took it personally, saying that a truly high-quality commercial film for the 09 Lunar New Year holiday was finally here.

[The 'late but arriving' of "Twelve Zodiac Signs" is better than the "shoddy production" of "Three Guns"! 】

Looking at the many headlines on the Internet, Zhang Weiping's face became increasingly ugly, but he had no choice but to let the wind and rain wash away his broken pride.

With intense publicity and ample film schedule, "Zodiac" successfully exceeded RMB 6000 million in single-day box office on the third day after its release, Saturday, setting a record for the highest single-day box office for a Chinese-language film!
Before that, the record holder was still the movie "Mulan" directed by Chen Fei.

The former is 5300 million, while "Zodiac" continues to push this figure forward by 700 million!
When the time came to the fifth day after its release, the film's box office successfully exceeded 1.92 million, surpassing Chen Long's previous "Kung Fu King" of million!
Faced with the rising and record-breaking box office results, Chen Long, who was still promoting in France, did not hesitate to return to China and launch a new round of publicity plans in the mainland.

He can finally see that this is a trend that will break through to 5 million or even 6 million!
"Chen Fei, are you nervous now? "Twelve Zodiacs" will probably break your record of "Mulan". The throne of the box office record in Chinese film history will soon belong to me! Hahahahahaha!"

Listening to Chen Long's hearty laughter on the phone, Chen Fei shook his head helplessly.

You said you can't show off in front of anyone, but you have to show off in front of me?

"The screenwriter is me, the producer is me, the producer is me, the producer is me, and I also make a guest appearance..."


The phone was hung up immediately. There seemed to be something strange mixed in with the dragon's roar?

However, Chen Fei was not ready to let him go, and directly played the call back.

"Brother, the mainland film market is important, but the scale there is too small. Even if it exceeds 5 million or 6 million, it can barely recover the cost. The main thing is the global film market. This is our focus!"

"Don't worry, I understand this."

When it came to talking about business, Chen Long became much more serious and even said proactively on the phone: "I'm going to visit South Korea, Neon, and Singapore.

You must also exert some strength. In the North American and even global film markets, you have a stronger say than I do, and capital has much higher trust in you than I do. "

"Don't worry, Volton Pictures' global promotion channels are almost in place, and we will do our best."

Chen Fei has always been serious about making money.

He treats every movie like his own son, working hard to make it rejuvenated, radiant and have a bright future!

Even for some movies with relatively low investment costs, such as "The Lonely Agent" that is currently raging in the Lunar New Year festival in South Korea, he will check the box office performance from time to time.

According to the email replied by ShowBox, this movie has already achieved a box office record of more than 600 million viewers, making it the highest-grossing South Korean movie in 2009!
And this also means that his small coffers can become fuller again.

That's why Park Bucheng is a bit "annoying". Every time he sends him an email, he will always mention the various newly established female idol groups under his banner, and occasionally even include a few photos of the idols, body measurements, etc.

Chen Fei told him several times not to post these useless things, but he just didn't listen!

In the end, there was really no other way. Chen Fei could only wait for the next meeting to continue to persuade him, and carefully check the photos and measurements he sent to see if they were... accurate? ? ?


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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