It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 408 At the end of 09, the era of big traffic is about to begin, the rising star of Chinese-l

Chapter 408 At the end of 09, the era of big traffic is about to begin, the rising star of Chinese-language movies!

The new week has officially started, which also means that "Zodiac" has officially launched in North American theaters.

Although Chen Long's popularity in North America has declined sharply, he still has box office appeal. Coupled with Chen Fei's support, he still managed to earn 4000 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend!
Natasha walked into his office with a form and began to analyze this week's North American box office data.

""Zodiac" is quite good, ranking fourth. The top three are "Avatar", "Sherlock Holmes", and "Rayblade 2", all of which have excellent results..."

"How's it going over there at Sansha? Still tepid?"

"Yes, compared to "Slumdog Millionaire", the box office performance of "3 Idiots in Bollywood" in North America is not very good, and it is even below the passing line."

"What about the box office situation in India?"

"Firmly occupying the No. 1 spot! It has already exceeded US$4000 million and has great stamina. It is already a reserve for major awards."

"Okay, that's fine. After all, it's a foreign language film, so don't have high expectations..."

Chen Fei waved his hand, not really caring about this.

"People look like monkeys and have similar personalities, hahahaha!"

Chen Fei originally planned to go to "The Hunger Games" and "Super Body" in the afternoon to check out the post-production progress, but unexpectedly, Mr. Woody Allen stopped him.

The media didn't want to let him go and pressed hard.

"When it's time to do post-production, do post-production. When the finished film is released, show it to CCTV first. If they want it, they will sell it. If they don't have it, they will throw it to the video website. The copyright must be secured. This cannot be packaged and sold..."

That afternoon, the news spread online.

Su Guohai called and asked how to arrange it.

The morning was quite fulfilling. The two of them made a summary of the various movie plans that would be launched in the future. Before they knew it, it was already twelve o'clock.

"Three Guns" is a topic that every commercial film director cannot avoid. Ning Hao was quite cautious in this regard and avoided answering it directly.

Natasha, "I'm afraid it's not until the end of March. After all, this is SBS's first time contacting theatrical movies, and it doesn't have much experience in this area."

Hollywood's Lunar New Year stalls are still firmly controlled by "Avatar", while Mainland China's Lunar New Year stalls are firmly dominated by "Zodiac".

Everyone wants to see, in the mainland movie box office market, which one is "Inception" stronger? Or is "Avatar" stronger?
However, while waiting, some strange hot searches appeared on Weibo.

"Are you paying attention to SBS? How is the filming of "Train to Busan" going? How long will it take before filming is completed?"

After listening to "Roar of the Dragon", domestic audiences have begun to look forward to "Avatar", which is known as a "3D epic masterpiece".

Su Guohai nodded, knowing it well.

""Xiuchundao" is launched, Zhouyi production team joins, new mainland martial arts, new chapter..."

This "melon" was so fresh that when Chen Fei attended the "New Year's Day Party" held within Volton Pictures, he even logged into Weibo and took a big bite!

Ning Hao simply went against the grain and announced that "Painted Skin 2" would retain the original cast and officially announced the 3D shooting plan, directly grabbing the popularity back.


""Inception", "The Hurt Locker"..."

"Facts have proven that Feiyue Film and Television's Dianjing Digital will be very successful. "Di Renjie", "Big Earthquake", "Painted Skin 2", "Xiu Chun Dao" will all be involved in some special effects design..."


""Painted Skin 2" announced that it will retain the original cast, Ning Hao will fight fantasy again, continuing the 3D craze!"

The current education system and social atmosphere in China and Sange are relatively similar, and academic and employment pressures are generally very high. This must be a high-quality work that can resonate with mainland audiences.

Chen Fei gave him options and suggestions, and then withdrew first.

"Okay, remember to notify me as soon as you finish filming, and I will go and review it myself."

"Let's arrange it with Fei Yinghuang's agency. If you want to join, you can join. If you don't want to join, let them do it. Just make arrangements for the division of interests..."

Chen Fei has never been interested in the brokerage business, and he doesn't pay much attention to the brokerage company. He only goes there when there is a shortage of people for filming, otherwise he doesn't pay much attention to it on weekdays.

From time to time, new news comes from the mainland, such as the official announcement of the production launch of "Xiu Chun Knife" in Hengdian. Ning Hao came to the stage to support and announced that "Painted Skin 2" will officially start filming after the Spring Festival...


His vote has already been submitted, and he is just waiting for the Oscars to announce the nomination list. I believe it will be another wonderful Shura show by then!

"Haha, okay." Su Guohai immediately laughed and said: "Huang Bo has been to the company several times during this period, what a rush!"

Chen Fei is quite concerned about the filming progress of this movie. After all, he really likes the story of "Train to Busan" and is looking forward to seeing the finished film.

[Han Geng returned to China and sued his original agency...]

"Three Idiots" was used by him to open up the Indian film market, as long as he ensured that he would not lose money.

"okay, I get it."

"Fei, have you received your Oscar nomination votes? Which movie is the company planning to promote this year? I still have the qualifications to recommend it."

Moreover, China Film Group has confirmed that it will introduce it. When the time comes, if you go to mainland theaters to show your face, you can definitely make another fortune.

And with the official launch of "Xiu Chun Dao", it also means that Zhou Yi's last TV series "Peacock Ling" has officially been completed.

I bought Zhouyi just for their behind-the-scenes production team, Chen Fei didn't care about the rest!
"By the way, you talk to Huang Bo and let him arrange the preparations for "Heart Blossoms on the Road" first. I'm busy here and don't have much time, so let him be my assistant director."

New Year's Day is approaching, which means that 09 is coming to an end.

"Where are the actors from Zhouyi?"

In the past two years, South Korean girl groups and boy groups have become quite popular, and have even affected the entire Asian region, and the country is naturally also within the radiation range!

However, domestic fans were just fanatically chasing stars at first, and no one went out of their way to understand the "idol insider".

It wasn't until the incident of "Han Geng sued the agency" broke out that everyone suddenly became aware that this trainee training mechanism was so cruel that it could even be described as "perverted"!

Chen Fei felt inexplicably emotional. He had a deep understanding of the cruelty involved.

"That means he is lucky and runs fast, otherwise... he may not be able to come back."

"Is it so scary? I have never encountered anything like this before!"

Liu Yifei came over with a curious look on her face. She had also been in the singing and dancing circle. Although she didn't cause too much trouble, she could be regarded as half an insider.

It's just that she never encountered such messy troubles when she was in the singing and dancing circles.

"You are different from him, and the idol market styles of South Korea and Neon are also different. You two have no basis for comparison at all."

Chen Fei still vaguely remembered that he met Han Geng when he went to South Korea to promote "Inception".

However, at that time, he didn't even have a chance to perform. Even if he did, he could only wear a mask, which was really miserable.

However, after returning to China, everything changed drastically!
His fanatical fan base has bought him a large amount of advertising endorsement fees, and the signing fee has been rising again and again, approaching the level of first-line actors such as Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao.

“So, is the era of big traffic about to officially begin?”

Chen Fei murmured, his eyes showing some deep thoughts.

...After New Year's Day, the competition in the film market not only did not stop, but became even more ferocious!

Waltons Pictures has resisted heavy pressure and sent "The Hurt Locker" directed by Kathryn Bigelow and starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, and Brian Geraghty to North American theaters.

This is a story about William James, a bomb disposal expert in the U.S. Army, who performed his mission while serving in Iraq.

Although the investment in the film was only US$1500 million, Kathryn Bigelow used the money to make an excellent "anti-war film."

In most people's minds, war movies often reflect on the harm war brings to people by showing the alienation of human nature caused by war.

But this movie puts humanity above war!

To achieve this goal, Kathryn Bigelow simplifies war as a kind of human practical activity, that is, a behavior that evolves from human nature.

The film has very little moral judgment on the male protagonist and the war he is involved in. Instead, it focuses on showing the male protagonist's love for war.

Moreover, his love for war is entirely out of the instinct of self-destruction and has nothing to do with the sociological significance of war and its related utilitarian purposes!
By performing nerve-wracking bomb disposal operations again and again, Catherine expresses her attitude towards war and reveals the impact of war on people and humanity...

Based on this, although the film's box office performance was not particularly good among several films released at the same time, it was highly praised by many film critics!

"The Times" critic Kevin Maher said of the film: "In short, The Hurt Locker has a bold and earthy beauty that is not just a war movie but a war poem."

Sydney Morning Herald critic Paul Burns said of the film: "This is a film about why some soldiers love war, a subject that is extremely rare in war movies made by men!"

"Time Out" magazine critic Keith Ulrich commented on the film: "It can be seen that director Kathryn Bigelow did her best to explore traditional suspense, which is worthy of praise!"

First weekend three-day box office: $2800 million
IMDb score: 8.5
Rotten Tomatoes Freshness: 97%
Popcorn Index: 84%
This is an answer sheet delivered to Chen Fei by Kathryn Bigelow.

Faced with such results, Chen Fei naturally did not hesitate to stamp the label of "passed" at the end.

"Very good, let's look forward to its stunning appearance at the Oscars."

"Fei, do you really think this movie has a chance to compete for an Oscar?" Catherine was a little unsure. This was like a dream to her!
"Let's give it a try. Maybe there will be hope?"

Chen Fei didn't give her any guarantee, but his face was full of confidence, and this confidence infected everyone present.


The office door was suddenly pushed open, and Bruce walked in with a swagger, holding out his increasingly heavy belly.

"Fei! The stock price is going to rise again, and your worth is about to usher in a new round of soaring. Are you ready?"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Fei looked at him with a puzzled look. Waltton Pictures seems to have not made any big moves recently, right?

Since "Inception" was gradually released from theaters around the world, the soaring stock price has leveled off.

If you want to see another surge, you may have to wait until the next blockbuster commercial blockbuster appears.

"Hey, of course it's because the 09 box office rankings of major Hollywood companies' commercial films have been released. Compared with last year, we are more eye-catching this year! More brilliant! More unstoppable!"

"Oh? Is it that exaggerated?"

Chen Fei took the magazine from his hand and looked down curiously.

Ranked eighth is the independent production company "Lionsgate Pictures", which has made various small-cost commercial films take off, and the profit rate is quite good.

Ranked seventh is Sony Columbia, which mainly focuses on "Angels and Demons". The box office revenue is not very impressive, and the overall performance is not very good.

Fortunately, it is a member of the Big Six and has a solid foundation. Otherwise, it would have been prepared to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.

Ranked sixth is "Universal Pictures", with a total box office of US$8.3 million, mainly relying on "Fast and Furious 4".

This series of movies has brought a lot of profits to Universal Pictures, which has now announced that it will officially start filming "Fast and Furious 2010" in 5, and the original cast will still be used.

Ranked fifth is "Twentieth Century Fox", which naturally relies mainly on "Avatar".

In fact, in addition to "Avatar", "Ice Age 3", "The Wolverine", and "Night at the Museum 2" also contributed to the film, which can be regarded as increasing the company's overall profitability.

Ranked fourth is "Disney Pictures", which mainly relies on "Up" and the animated feature films produced by Pixar Studio.

In third place is "Paramount Pictures". Although it parted ways with DreamWorks, its self-developed "Star Trek" and "The Rise of Cobra" have created good results, which can be suppressed. Disney's meteoric rise.

As for the second place, it is "Warner Bros. Pictures". The "Harry Potter" series is like an evergreen tree, helping them to stand firm for many years!
In addition, Warner Bros. also has a series of films such as "Terminator", "Watchmen", and "Death", all of which have achieved very impressive results.

It's just that, compared to Walton Pictures, which is leading the way, several other companies look a little too shabby!
"Inception", "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse", "Transformers 3", "Slumdog Millionaire"...

During this time period in 09, Waltons Pictures alone created a total box office of US$37.44 billion!
If you look at the data performance alone, Universal Pictures + Sony Columbia + Lionsgate Pictures + half of 20th Century Fox can be on par with the box office results created by Walt Disney Pictures!

After reading this data report, Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief, stood up, nodded in agreement and said:

"Bruce, you are right, the stock price should indeed continue to rise."

"Hahaha, I have to celebrate. Go to my new villa tonight and I'll throw a party."

"Ok, I'll be there on time."


The media response in North America was no worse than that in the mainland. This data report spread throughout Hollywood immediately.

The chain reaction was that Chen Fei's net worth soared by hundreds of millions in just one afternoon!
Note that the unit behind is-USD!
Seeing this situation, several production companies headed by Disney became red-eyed and wanted to tear "Inception" off Chen Fei!

At the same time, the news was spread back to China via Sina that night, once again causing a violent sensation!

You know, as the total box office results for the whole year in North America were announced, the mainland also announced the total box office results for Chinese-language films in 09.

87 billion RMB!

If this data is converted into U.S. dollars, according to the current exchange rate, it would be almost 13 billion U.S. dollars!
If compared with previous years, this result is enough to make the leaders of the film bureau smile from ear to ear. After all, the total box office in 08 was only 40 billion yuan.

But if you compare it with Hollywood, the gap is simply not that big!
Waltons Pictures alone has achieved a box office of US$37.44 billion, which is three times the total box office of Chinese-language films!

However, although Chinese-language films are still suppressed by Hollywood, the smile on Han Sanping's face did not fade away for a whole day.

So what about $37.44 billion?
That horse riding is an achievement created by our Chinese directors. No matter how awesome your Hollywood company was in the past, are you still being suppressed by our Chinese directors now?

To put it another way, this is equivalent to Hollywood being suppressed by Chinese-speaking filmmakers!
"Haha, that's interesting."

Thinking secretly in her heart, Han Sanping herself was amused by this idea.

But soon, another bold idea suddenly burst into his mind!

According to the current film market structure, the basics of Chinese-language films are being continuously improved, and the box office results of commercial films are constantly improving.

So is it possible that one day, the mainland film market will overtake Hollywood?

In the past, he would never have had such an idea, but now that Chen Fei, a talented director who constantly creates "miracles", the future seems to have become confusing!

"Is it possible that this kid...will really become a rising star in Chinese-language movies?"

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Han Sanping raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Vaguely, he seemed to see the reflection of the floors of the 'Feiyue Film and Television Building' rising upward against the backdrop of the rising sun!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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