It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 409: Falling off the altar? Go for alms! Bah! Go attract investment!

Chapter 409: Falling off the altar? Go for alms...ah! Go attract investment!
As soon as New Year's Day passed, the competition for the Lunar New Year stalls in the Mainland was temporarily announced to have come to an end.

"Anti-Drug" was the first to leave, with a total box office revenue of 2.47 million, which can be called a perfect ending!

As expected, various subsequent awards will definitely be available. At least the Golden Statue in Xiangjiang and the Golden Horse in Wanwan must have been booked.

And "Three Shots", which boasted a lot in the early stage and claimed to break the Chinese film market record, also chose to withdraw from theaters soon after.

From the current point of view, this movie has become a major stain in Zhang Yimou's career as a director, and its level of arrest is comparable to Chen Kaige's "A Murder Case Caused by a Steamed Bun"!
And with the release of "Three Guns", Han Sanping, who was nicknamed "Mountain Eagle" by Zhang Wei, will definitely not give up.

The media was quick to report on the box office gross of "3 Guns."

2.56 billion!
Compared with the cost of less than 30 million, the box office revenue is definitely a huge profit, but the movie's reputation has been completely ruined.

Zhang Yimou was just "conferred as a god" last year, but this year he was changed hands and pulled down from the altar. Zhang Weiping's operation is also unparalleled.

Many people in the industry were laughing at his joke, and the invitation letter for the Golden Broom Award was sent directly to the front desk of New Picture Company, featuring a "mockery"!
Zhang Weiping has not shown up for several days. Many media are looking for him, but they cannot catch him.

Zhang Yimou did not hide or hide, but he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the casting and training of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and did not give reporters a chance to interview him.

"Okay, okay, stop daydreaming. Buy land first and get the right land before you build a cinema."

This kind of famous scene must be performed by the first-generation Ultraman!

Everyone is waiting.

"If you do some research, first acquire Netflix. Streaming media platforms will also be a major development direction in the future. We have to make arrangements in advance."

This can be regarded as an obsession of Chen Fei.

But then again, if the party thing is done well, the effect is actually quite good. At least in the competition for Oscar awards, Chen Fei does not need to invest too much energy.

Damn Warner Bros., there is something wrong with pure horse racing!
"Ok, I know..."

Next day’s box office: 4135 million

Natasha was a little confused, "But don't we already have Hulu?"

Chen Fei didn't explain much, he just asked her to gather a team to do it.

What the hell is Gundam vs. Godzilla?
And whose Gundam can only transform for three minutes?

He just needs to let Bruce keep the parties going one after another, drink one glass after another of red wine, and splash out a lot of dollars...

After calming down, Guo Fan tried very hard to compare "Avatar" with domestic science fiction films.

"Oh, okay, I understand."

That guy Bruce can't hope for anything more than a party.

The theater chain directly made crazy money.

Naturally, Natasha would not ask too much. For Waltan Pictures to develop to its current level, her role as CEO was actually not very effective. The main reason was that Chen Fei was strategizing behind the scenes.

If the first impression brought by the former to mainland movie fans is "amazing", then what the latter brings is - "shocked"!
After all, in terms of visual impact, the 3D-lMAX effect of "Avatar" is much better than that of "Inception"!

Outside the theater, Guo Fan, who had just spent 180 yuan, put down his 3D glasses and screamed to the sky, frantically venting his excitement and shock.

"With Netflix on the left and Hulu on the right, all-round development is the only way to ensure that we remain in an invincible position!"

And his classmate and friend Gong Geer, who was standing next to him, also looked like he had not yet recovered from his trance!
The two originally thought that "Inception" was already invincible, but they never expected that James Cameron actually created a brand new "Planet" as soon as he appeared on the scene!
For domestic science fiction movies, this can no longer even be described as crushing. It is purely a "dimensionality reduction attack"!

It was only released for three days and grossed 1.34 million yuan!


"It's so cool! It's so cool! This scene is so cool!"

Huo Qigang nodded, hung up the phone, and once again devoted himself to the busy work of "buying land" and "planning".

However, compared to the carnival at the theaters, the mainland producers were a little on the verge of tears.

The stock price has soared, and a large sum of money has been added to the company's account. It is useless to keep these things, so it is better to spend them.

For a moment, the interior entertainment fell into a strange silence.

Waiting for a more explosive and eye-catching hot news event!

It’s done!

Under the strong impact of "Avatar", domestic movies are like small paper boats in the storm. Not to mention struggling to stay afloat, just being able to hold on and not be torn apart is already considered very good!

As the second 3D science fiction blockbuster after "Inception", "Avatar" has a full schedule as soon as it starts, with a "menacing" theme.

At the same time, Chen Fei, who was in Hollywood, was studying the next expansion plan of Walton Pictures with Natasha.

Natasha kept nodding and recorded what Chen Fei said in her notebook. She was a doer and action-oriented person, and her work efficiency was much higher than Bruce's.

Huo Qigang called, smiling so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, "Chen Fei, I have decided to invest all this money in the development of cinemas, such as 3D cinemas, IMAX giant screen cinemas, our Pan-Asia Cinemas To monopolize the mainland film market..."

What needs special attention is Neon. There is a company there called [Tsubaraya Co., Ltd.]. My request is that no matter how much money is spent, it must be successfully acquired by me, and then the copyrights can be sorted out for me... …”

As for herself... her main focus is to listen to advice!
"There is another very important thing. Within the next year, you have to open branches of Walton Pictures all over the world.

But here in the mainland, the media finally waited for the big news that can "dazzle people's attention"!
"Avatar" released!

First day box office: 4760 million

After the work arrangements for the future development of Volton Pictures were completed, Chen Fei once again devoted himself to the post-production of "The Hunger Games", and occasionally helped to promote "Kung Fu Panda 2" before its release.

Three-day box office: 4596 million

But after thinking about it, the only movie that came to his mind was "Roboman"...

A damn feeling of depression instantly enveloped his whole body, leaving him unable to speak for a long time!

"Let's go back and eat bran-thick vegetables. All the living expenses have been spent." Gong Geer patted him on the shoulder, indicating that it was time to go back.

Guo Fan nodded slightly, took two steps forward with his fists clenched, and suddenly turned his head, "Old Gong, how did you find out about what I told you some time ago?"

"The copyright of "The Adventures of Li Xianli"?"


"After asking around, the copyright belongs to the original author, Li Yang, but he is a contracted director of Feiyue Film and Television. How could he possibly cooperate with us?"

Leap Film and Television?

Sign a director?

Guo Fan was slightly stunned. Instead of showing a disappointed expression, his eyes suddenly lit up as if he had discovered a new world.

"Let's go back! Let's go back and get the script first! Let's go to Feiyue Film and Television together!" "What are you doing?" Gong Geer looked at him blankly.

"Alchemy... ah! Get investment! Isn't it easy for such a big company to invest in our movie?"




Chen Fei really didn't expect that the release of "Avatar" in China would involve him!
When Han Sanping called, he was busy doing modeling. There was a set of pictures that he was not satisfied with no matter how others made them, so he had to do it himself.

"Child Bureau asked me to notify you and come back for a meeting."

"What are you doing! Can you not go? I'm still busy doing post-production!"

Chen Fei didn't really want to go back. In the past, the film bureau would often call him to meetings, but after he made excuses to refuse several times, they stopped calling him that much.

Now he suddenly started calling him again. What was he doing?

Han Sanping said solemnly: ""Inception" has a box office of 15.68 billion yuan in the mainland, and "Avatar" seems to be able to steadily break through the 10 billion yuan box office mark. On the other hand, dozens of domestic movies at the same time were dead and crippled. , no one can resist, and "Twelve Zodiac Signs" can barely withstand it, do you know what this means?"

Chen Fei, "Should those commercial film directors who are still fooling around in the Mainland slap themselves in the face?"

"Hey! What are you talking about?"

Han Sanping suddenly couldn't hold it any longer. Although it was indeed time to twitch, she couldn't say it openly!

"As a favor to me, come back and teach those guys a lesson and impart some experience, okay?"


"When is it convenient for you? I'll tell the Child Bureau and let him make arrangements."

"Huh? Mr. Guan gives me such face? Is it an honor?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "Then let's put it after the Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. I have to go back with a few trophies first. If anyone doesn't want to listen to me then, then I will What do you think if the trophy hits their heads?"

Han Sanping was used to Chen Fei's generous temper, so she responded calmly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back!"



"In India, the global box office of "Three Idiots in Bollywood" officially exceeded US$8000 million..."

"In South Korea, the number of viewers of "The Alone Agent" has exceeded 700 million. It's true. Director Chen Fei is really a great South Korean citizen!"

"The box office data of "Zodiac" has stabilized. The mainland box office has officially exceeded 4 million yuan. Chen Long has been officially promoted to a member of the 4 million Chinese-language commercial film club."

"The box office data of "Avatar" is gradually increasing, and the total global box office is about to exceed 10 billion US dollars..."

Although time has passed day by day, the enthusiasm for the Lunar New Year stalls has remained at a high point, and it feels like it will last forever.

On January 1th, the 18th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards Ceremony was officially held!

After getting up in the morning, Chen Fei first went to the company to meet up with others, then took more than ten MPVs and went straight to the Hilton Hotel.

In the car, Chen Fei paid special attention to Kathryn Bigelow's condition.

Today, she needs to compete with her ex-husband (James Cameron) on the same stage for the best director. The media has started to warm up very early, and they don’t know who of the couple can win the award?

"Fei, don't look at me like that. The Golden Globe Awards have long since reached the point where they only look at box office and not acting. I'm here to promote it this time."

Kathryn Bigelow looked very indifferent. She didn't think "The Hurt Locker" could compete with "Avatar."

Chen Fei smiled and reassured her, "As long as you are mentally prepared, don't be too disappointed. Waltons Pictures will help you work hard to run the Oscars."

Hearing this, Leonardo on the side suddenly couldn't sit still and came over excitedly!
"Fei, can you help me organize the Oscar? No matter how much it costs, I am willing to do it, as long as you can help me win the statuette!"

"You should just dream. If you want to be accepted by the have to work hard!"

A basin of cold water was poured directly on Leonardo's head, chilling him to the core.

"Oh! My little golden man!"

Leonardo's wails rang out in the car, and everyone couldn't bear it any longer and burst into laughter!

This year's Golden Globe Awards is quite lively, with top commercial blockbusters such as "Inception" and "Avatar" as well as excellent dramas such as "The Hurt Locker", "Inglourious Basterds" and "In the Clouds" , so that the outside world pays great attention to it.

When Chen Fei led the members of the "Inception" crew onto the red carpet, the cheers on both sides were so enthusiastic that they wanted to overturn the scene!

"Director Chen, come on!" Reporters from China cheered Chen Fei on the sidelines.

"Haha, okay, I'll try my best to live up to your expectations."

Chen Fei greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked into the Hilton Hotel.

After the host came on stage and finished speaking as usual, the award ceremony officially began.

The awarding of various awards was actually quite different from what Chen Fei had predicted before.

Best Screenplay "Up in the Clouds", Best Animated Feature "Up", Best Musical/Comedy "The Hangover"...

The most eye-catching ones are naturally "Best Director" and "Best Feature Film"!

As expected, Kathryn Bigelow, who had swept all the awards before, suddenly defused a dumb bomb, which was worse than the accidental explosion of anti-personnel weapons...

After all, the Best Director Award went to "ex-husband Truck Driver James Cameron".

Although Cameron tried his best to hide his ecstasy when receiving the award, the meticulously styled "comma bangs" on his forehead still expressed his inner excitement and excitement!
As for the best drama film, there is not much suspense.

"Congratulations, Fei, "Inception" is well deserved..."

Accompanied by warm applause, Chen Fei stood up and walked to the podium, taking the Golden Globe trophy which means "glory".

He gripped the base of the trophy tightly and flicked his wrist, getting familiar with the cold touch that he had not seen for a long time.

Tomorrow I have to accept the invitation of the film bureau and go back to give lessons to those commercial film directors in the mainland.

If anyone disobeys then, I will smash this trophy on their head!
Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly smiled.

I don’t know if Wu Yu and Chen Kai will go. How about trying their brains first? It should be pretty good!

(ps: Third update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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