It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 410: Marvel is out of money? Fire up the map cannon! crazy! Completely crazy!

Chapter 410: Marvel is out of money? Fire up the map cannon! crazy! Completely crazy!

For Chen Fei, returning home is almost as simple and convenient as eating and drinking.

Especially when Red Bull sent a private jet over, the convenience skyrocketed. The main theme is "leave whenever you want"!
In order to promote the event, Chen Fei also interacted with Red Bull on Weibo, Twitter and other social platforms.

[Thanks to the 'Red Bull brand' for sending the private jet. I hope that Red Bull drinks will be sold around the world and sales will increase dramatically in the future...]

For Chen Fei's current net worth, it is not unusual for him to buy a private island, let alone a private jet.

But because of his celebrity effect, there are too many fans and media paying attention to his every move. The slightest movement can cause a sensation in the entertainment industry!
No, not long after he posted this Weibo, the media were like wild cats that smelled something fishy, ​​and they all came together one after another.

"Director Chen Fei once again won the American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Picture. Red Bull sent a congratulatory message and sent a private jet..."

"There is another celebrity in China who owns a private jet!"

"Wonderful overseas, how many private jets can be purchased with the dividends from "Inception"..."

The Internet is a mess, with news about everything, and all kinds of "ghosts and ghosts" have appeared one after another, trying to get some attention.

"Full production is expected to be completed by the end of April."

"Ok! Ok!"

Both of them came to the conference room today, ready to listen to Chen Fei's next work arrangements.

The reason is simple...Marvel is out of money! ! !
Until now, Marvel has been completely divided into two major sectors.

It can be seen from the current Hollywood movie market that excellent series of movies are the key to increasing the box office!

Because today is a head office meeting, high-level representatives from Industrial Light and Magic, Digital Domain, Lucasfilm, DreamWorks, Marvel, etc. are all here.

Chen Fei did not respond too much to the outside world. Isn't it just a private jet? How much is it worth?

Kevin Feige, who was sitting on Chen Fei's right hand, nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of eagerness to move.

The first few companies have nothing to say and can just develop step by step, but Marvel's business must follow up.

In the second half of the year, there will be "Super Body" and "The Hunger Games". These are also works that need to be taken seriously, especially the latter, which must be an instant hit to facilitate the advancement of the sequel...

Then there is "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", which will be our main promotion in the first half of the year, and we can take the opportunity to reap the benefits of 2D.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. I just arrange some of the work at hand and express the post-production pictures I want to the people under me!

At this time, Natasha suddenly thought of something and added aloud, "Fei, I have contacted Tsuburaya Co., Ltd. over at Neon. They are also willing to sell the company's shares, but..."

"The copyright structure of their company's works is very complicated and may require many lawsuits to resolve. This cannot be sorted out in a short time."

"Ok." Chen Fei nodded, and after a moment of silence, he said bluntly: "At present, Netflix and Hulu have become our partners, and the business scope can be further expanded.

If possible, who wouldn't want to read "Harry Potter" for the rest of their lives?
But this thing will eventually run out one day, so it is urgent to launch a new work!
“The fourth and fifth parts of the ‘Twilight’ series must be released this year. If it weren’t for the length of time, I would even prepare to send them to theaters together.

"but what?"

But the fans are quite pure-minded, they simply want to join in the fun!

Then I will send you a new TV script and shoot it next year at the latest, making sure to send it to the TV screen. "

It’s just throwing it away anyway, so why not take a photo of it.

"Ok, I will follow up." Isaac Perlmutter nodded, indicating that he had received the message.

In the conference room, Chen Fei was seriously planning the launch of his future works.

There were constant messages online, and some people even called him to congratulate him on successfully acquiring an airplane.

As a film and television production company, only by continuously innovating and bringing out good enough works for movie fans can this be the foundation for the company to survive!

Preparations for "Avengers" can begin, and I will personally direct the latter. It is expected that by the end of next year, we will complete the first phase of laying work..."

"Then it has to be skydiving. We already have planes, why don't you do a parachute jump to show off?"

Below, a group of company executives clicked on the keyboard, recording everything Chen Fei said.



In the conference room, Chen Fei and Isaac Perlmutter, the former president of Marvel Entertainment, looked at each other.

They are the film production business headed by Kevin Feige, and the TV series production, peripheral sales and other businesses headed by Isaac Perlmutter.

"Huh? Boss? What are the arrangements?"

The script "Shameless" has been lying in the script library for a long time. If he hadn't seen it while sorting it out last night, Chen Fei would have almost forgotten it.

"We will focus on "Iron Man 2", with "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" as auxiliaries, and we will start to recover costs.

Chen Fei, "I would like to know the post-production progress of Season 2 of Game of Thrones and Spartacus: Blood and Sand."

The two subsequent series of "Twilight" will end completely in 2010, that is, this year. In order to maintain the popularity, "The Hunger Games" must be continued immediately.

After contacting the captain and informing him of the flight information, Chen Fei began to make preparations before returning to China.

"When are you going to do another extreme challenge? I want to watch surfing!"

Currently there are "Kung Fu Panda 2", "How to Train Your Dragon", and "Transformers" series. Whether it is produced individually or in collaboration, efficiency and quality must be guaranteed..."

He can't wait to bring out the entire Marvel Universe. He can't imagine what a sensation and shock the Hollywood film market will be by then!

"Please! Director Chen! I'm begging you! Make another movie similar to "Inception", okay? The story of "Avatar" is too bad!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei nodded slightly to express his understanding.

The copyright thing is purely about fighting with each other. Except for Disney, other companies in the industry are more or less involved in this kind of situation.

But for the subsequent film shooting plan, this must be handled properly!

“Expand the legal team, file lawsuits when they arise, demand compensation when it’s time to ask for compensation, spend money for acquisitions when it’s time to spend, and strive to achieve zero copyright disputes and avoid subsequent wrangling incidents...”

"Ok, I will be responsible for following up."

Natasha nodded, her right fist under the conference table clenched slightly, and she had clearly made up her mind.



January 1st, a very ordinary day.

Chen Fei landed at Xiangjiang Airport on his private plane and got into Yang Shoucheng's special car.

The sense of smell of the paparazzi in Xiangjiang is no less sensitive than that of the "roaring dog". Almost as soon as Chen Fei arrived at the Emperor, the news had spread throughout the entire Chinese entertainment industry!
"Director Chen Fei returned to China and chose the Emperor as his first stop..."

"Chen Fei visited the crew of "Ip Man 3" and had a great chat with Donnie Yen. Female model Xiong Dailin was by his side..."

""Anti-Drug" was a hit at the box office, and Chen Fei appeared at the celebration party!"


Holding the wine glass and looking at the newspaper handed over by Huo Qigang, Chen Fei couldn't help but marvel!
"The paparazzi here are so awesome. I even wonder if there is a camera installed on me. Why can I be photographed wherever I go?"

"Hahaha, how about it, isn't it interesting?"

"What's so interesting! I'll withdraw tomorrow. There's nothing interesting here. If I stay any longer, I always feel like there's no telling when my nude photos will be posted online."

"You sleep naked at night?"

"What the hell? Is it none of your business? Be careful if I sue your wife!"

Da da da……

The sound of footsteps coming from behind forcibly interrupted the conversation between Chen Fei and Huo Qigang, followed closely by the sound of greetings.

"Director Chen, Mr. Huo, long time no see."

Chen Fei turned around curiously. When he saw the person coming, his expression was slightly startled, and his eyes instantly became complicated.

Zhang Ziyi...

It can be clearly seen that the international chapter's recent state is not very good.

At the end of last year, we were involved in the "Splashed Ink Scandal" incident, and at the beginning of this year, we were deeply involved in the "Fraudulent Donation Scandal" incident. In addition, he was removed from the "Snowflake Secret Fan" project, and the wealthy husband who got it also flew away...

To be honest, Chen Fei even doubted whether she had entered the "Mercury retrograde" period in the past two years, otherwise she shouldn't be so unlucky! ?

Obviously he was still famous in Hollywood a few years ago, but just now, he couldn't even survive in the mainland and was kicked directly to Xiangjiang.

This gap is really big!

"Indeed, long time no see." Chen Fei smiled and did not deliberately neglect her.

The entertainment industry is actually quite realistic. Things like "a tiger falls flat and is bullied by a dog" happen quite often, so it's not surprising.

However, Chen Fei would not do this. At his current height, there was no need for him to imitate the postures of those in high positions. Others would naturally express their respect for him.

What's more, when he was just an extra, Zhang Ziyi introduced him to many crew members, which was considered a support.

"I heard that Golden Harvest will continue to release "Chilling 2". I wonder if I will have a chance to audition?"

Her mother and brother dug holes for her everywhere, so Zhang Ziyi had no choice but to save the situation by herself. The filming cycle of "The Grandmaster" was too long, and the sunglasses king was really inked. He wanted to shoot a scene more than ten times, which made Zhang Ziyi very annoyed.

Therefore, she planned to work hard and win some roles for herself from the outside, so as to at least stabilize her position in the industry.

A chance to audition?
Chen Fei was slightly startled and looked at Huo Qigang subconsciously.

He didn't pay attention to the preparations for "Cold War 2". Even other Hong Kong film projects were handled internally by Emperor, Golden Harvest, and Media Asia.

He only looks at the results, not the process.

"The audition hasn't started yet." Huo Qigang added.

He always seeks stability when doing things, and must consider all aspects before making an official announcement.

"If you are interested, you can come over and give it a try after the audition starts." Chen Fei decided to give her some face.

"Okay, thank you very much, Director Chen!"

Zhang Ziyi was very happy. She was quite confident in her acting skills. If she took the initiative to lower her salary when the time came, she might be able to get a female lead.

But, since she had the opportunity, she still wanted to try harder.

"I heard that Director Chen is planning to make a road comedy movie recently?"

"Let's talk about this later, and most of the roles have been decided..." Chen Fei said a few perfunctory words and directly turned the matter over.

Zhou Xun has already confirmed that she will play the female lead. She is enough, there is no need to involve Zhang Ziyi.

What's more, he likes to control the overall situation when filming and doesn't like to dominate the Shura field.

What if the international stamp is inserted and the two of them fight on the set?
"Well, I'm still thinking of finding an opportunity to cooperate with Director Chen. It seems I can only find another opportunity."

Zhang Ziyi smiled, the expression on her face did not change at all, but the desire in her heart to "return to Hollywood" did not diminish at all!

Without staying in Xiangjiang for too long, Chen Fei took a plane back to the capital that evening.

The General Administration has been waiting for him for a long time!

On the morning of the 23rd, a meeting unique to the mainland film circle began under the leadership of the Film Bureau.

Starting at eight o'clock in the morning, commercial vehicles with various license plates appeared outside the film bureau, and familiar directors, producers, and film and television company CEOs arrived one after another.

"Mr. Chen, you're fine!" Wang Zhongjun shouted with a bright smile.

As the first listed company in the Mainland, Huayi has already gathered a lot of communities of interests and is surrounded by many people.

"Well, morning."

Chen Fei smiled at him from a distance and walked straight to Ren Zhonglun and Ye Ning.

Regarding the introduction of "Kung Fu Panda 2" to mainland theaters, he had to talk to several theater chain bosses.

Unlike the first season, which was only released in 2D, "Kung Fu Panda 2" also uses a 3D version. The theaters will definitely have to do some work in arranging the film in the mainland!

"Avatar" is still in its hot release period at this time. If it weren't for Han Sanping's strong request, Chen Fei would have prepared "Kung Fu Panda 2" to be released at a staggered time.

"Don't worry, Wanda will never let Mr. Chen down in this regard."

Ye Ning said there was no problem, not to mention Ren Zhonglun. The relationship between the two companies was in the honeymoon period, and the film schedule would definitely not be greatly affected.

"Mr. Chen, take Bona with you if you have the chance to make a fortune!" Yu Dong said cheerfully, which was a small request.

Chen Fei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely contact Mr. Yu if there are suitable investment opportunities."

After a few words of conversation, the staff began to arrange admission.

While walking forward with the flow of people, Chen Fei observed his surroundings.

Wu Yu, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou, Gu Changwei, Jiang Wen...all the mainland directors were absent.

Zhang Weiping also came, but he was walking alone, and no one wanted to talk to him.

He may be used to blasting the map, so he will do this from time to time, which makes everyone not very happy to see him!
Entering the main venue, Chen Fei sat in the second row under the arrangement of the staff.

On the left is Jiang Wen, on the right is Zhang Yimou, and in the front row are a group of official bosses from the film bureau. They are all the kind who often appear in the news. You can imagine how important today's meeting is.

"How was the filming of "Let the Bullets Fly"?" Chen Fei touched Jiang Wen's arm.

"It's coming soon. It's expected to be completed before the Spring Festival."

Jiang Wen touched his head and smiled. This movie was the fastest one he had ever made. He personally felt it was great.

"What have you been busy with lately?"

"Let's do the later stage..."

Chen Fei was originally planning to chat with Zhang Yimou, but before he could speak, he started coughing.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to give up.

The person who presided over the meeting was Tong Ju. The first sentence he spoke brought Chen Fei out, "Last year, the box office performance of imported films far exceeded the box office performance of domestic films. Among them, "Inception" and "Avatar" were the main representatives. The former Breaking through 15 billion, the latter is expected to reach 10 billion..."

After the words fell, the scene fell into silence.

Except for Chen Fei, several commercial film directors lowered their heads.

Especially Liu Zhenwei, his "Roboman" simply rushed to grandma's house!
"We want to change the status quo! We cannot sit still and wait for death. If this continues, Chinese-language movies will not be able to see the future..."

After the theme of the meeting is pointed out, the next step is for everyone to "brainstorm".

People kept getting up and expressing their views.

Feng Xiaogang, "If you want to make a blockbuster movie, you must first have sufficient funds. You will definitely not be able to make a good movie if you mess around, especially with special effects. This thing is too expensive..."

The post-production of "Earthquake" is still in progress. Feng Xiaogang was obviously frightened by the special effects. The money flowed like running water and disappeared in the blink of an eye!
A leader nodded and said: "Don't worry, the bureau will support this. The next step is to fully liberalize the financial industry and allow funds to enter the market. You must seize this opportunity and strive to make big strides forward."

Many people in the audience suddenly brightened up after hearing this.

It’s good to have money!

If you have money, you can make blockbusters!

Xu Ke secretly murmured in his heart, "Do 3D, do special effects, do IMAX..."

Wu Yu, who has finished the production of "Sword Rain", couldn't help but said: "I suggest that some of the funds can be diverted to the Hong Kong Film Market. There is a mature production team there with mature experience, and it will definitely be able to regain its glory. , reappear..."

Chen Kexin, who was sitting next to him, nodded slightly. He and Wu Yu had the same idea.

It’s good to have funds enter the market, and you can make money again…

At this time, Tong Ju, who was presiding over the meeting on the stage, suddenly turned his attention to Chen Fei.

The meaning is so obvious!
Don't let him blow it, it's your turn!
Naturally, Chen Fei would not let him down, and immediately stood up and interrupted Wu Yu's impassioned speech, "In my opinion, film technology and high-quality story core are the essence of a commercial film that can achieve high box office.

If we can put more effort into combating piracy and infringement, we will definitely achieve results...

As for the production team and shooting experience, these can actually be trained later, and are not the real core of achieving high box office. "

Wu Yu: "???"


He had already been severely dominated by Chen Fei once at the Magic City International Film Festival, and now that feeling appeared again!
He subconsciously wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth several times but didn't know how to speak.

After all, Chen Fei has successful experience, and he is still the holder of the box office crown in global film history. A few days ago, he also won the American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Picture...

But what about yourself?

After being "driven out" by Hollywood, he made several movies that were a complete loss, and his reputation continued to decline.

Under such circumstances, he had no capital to argue with Chen Fei!
In the venue, Chen Fei's voice still did not stop.

After leaving Wu Yu speechless, he started firing map cannons again.

“It is important to invest large amounts of money, and special effects are indeed the key to increasing box office, but this does not mean that there is no market for low-cost movies.

I started my career by making low-cost films, so I attach great importance to low-cost films. Who says that low investment cannot be exchanged for high box office?
For example, my company is about to start filming "Heart Blossoms". Although the investment is less than 3000 million, I am very confident that the box office will reach more than 10 billion yuan!

High investment focuses on the quality of the picture, while low investment focuses on the story. Although Hollywood movies are a scourge, we must also have our own pride and come up with better stories and pictures to fight back..."

On the stage, Tong Ju, who was still there, swallowed subconsciously, his eyes full of confusion.

He did have the idea of ​​asking Chen Fei to "wake up" the others, but the actual intention was not to ask him to fire map cannons wildly!

And this is no longer a map cannon, right?
Why does this horse riding feel like you are bragging?
Invest 3000 million? Can it be exchanged for more than 10 billion in box office revenue?

Is this a joke?

At the same time, many companies including China Film, Shanghai Film, West Film, Ningying, Changying, Wanda, Enlight, Huayi, Orange Sky, Emperor, Media Asia, New Picture, Galloping Pony, etc. All the bosses looked at Chen Fei blankly, filled with doubts and confusion in their hearts.

Is this guy... maybe he's crazy? ? ?


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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