It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 412 Animation department is established, new mission is a fatal challenge? This is a Pixiu t

Chapter 412 Animation department is established, new task... fatal challenge? This is a Pixiu that can only go in but not come out!
"What? 6400 million? Are mainland audiences so supportive?"

Listening to Han Sanping's notification on the phone, Chen Fei didn't react for a moment!


Chen Fei's original intention was for this animated film to reach the final stage of the Lunar New Year period and enjoy a wave of benefits around New Year's Eve.

During this period of time, most people who go out to work have gone home, and elementary schools, high schools, and universities are all on vacation. In addition, the audience of "Kung Fu Panda 2" is these students, so there will definitely be a box office Brilliant performance.

But when the box office came out on the first day, he realized that he could no longer use the word "dazzling", it was just "dazzling"!

An animated film actually broke the domestic film market's first-day box office record during the Lunar New Year period? !

You know, even the much-anticipated "Avatar" only had a box office record of just over 4000 million on the first day in the Mainland!

I can't mention "Inception", which had a box office of over 100 million on its first day. However, since it was not released during the Lunar New Year period, it cannot be compared.

“Quite unexpected!”

Li Bingbin, on the other hand, has a feeling of "turning out to be a serf and singing". In the afternoon, it was officially announced that he had won the leading role in the Hollywood movie "The Secret Fan in the Snow" and that he would join Jun Ji-hyun in Hollywood...


The bureau just held a meeting last month and made it clear that it would vigorously develop the film industry, but Huayi came up with a move to "do the opposite."

However, the deal is already done, and she is not planning to renew the contract, so the two parties can only get together and break up.

The division of labor between the two is quite clear. One is responsible for animation production, and the other is responsible for the work of the producer, including attracting investment, doing logistics, etc.

"Generally speaking, if there is no script with a sequel planned in advance, the second part will not be filmed well, but "Kung Fu Panda 2" did not fall into that curse. Director Chen's screenwriting is very good!"

There was a little noise on the other end of the phone. Su Guohai apologized softly and walked a few steps to a quiet place before continuing: "I have already met the person in charge of "Diao Keli Animation Studio", a man named Yang Yu , one is named Liu Wenxiang.

"As an animation major, I personally think that many of the plot designs, action designs and editing techniques in "Kung Fu Panda 2" are worth watching and learning over and over again, especially the part where Po practices Tai Chi and interweaves past memories, it's simply It’s so exciting! The combination of music and fighting in the opening scene where the wolves enter the village to search for metal and the Five Heroes fight is not only clever but also full of laughs. This is definitely a well-designed animated movie!”

Many people in the industry have set their sights on the two Wang brothers, and are waiting to see how they achieve this "diversification"?

"I can respond positively to all kinds of suspicions and comments online. Huayi and Zhou Xun do not have any financial disputes or conflicts. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, we will still cooperate again. Here I I wish Zhou Xun a bright future..."

"Lao Su? How are the preparations for the establishment of the animation department?"

"Okay, China Film Council will support it in terms of film arrangement."

After listening to Su Guohai quietly, Chen Fei added, "When you go back, tell Yang Yu and ask him to send an email to my mailbox, marking the equipment that needs to be used, and I will buy it from here. .

It's a pity that diversification has not yet come, and the first thing to wait is the news of "Zhou Xun's contract termination"!

According to your previous instructions, I directly recruited both of them, including the equipment in their studio, and I am currently sorting out the equipment..."

Han Sanping couldn't help but feel a bit envious in her tone. If a domestic animated film could achieve such results, then the film industry would be "celebrated"!

"It's lively, funny, and has a family atmosphere. It's suitable for the whole family to watch together. I highly recommend it!"

Looking at the many comments, Chen Fei's heart moved, and he called Su Guohai considering the time difference.

Huayi's annual meeting invited many media and reporters. Someone discovered that night that Huayi's first sister Zhou Xun did not show up at the annual meeting!
This situation is naturally very problematic, just like the company's top seller did not appear at the company's annual summary meeting.

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping was also a little confused.

Just sell the equipment that can't be used. Making animation and special effects are the same thing. At least the "tools" must be properly configured. "

The appearance of this sentence is very interesting. After all, as a leader among private film and television companies, Huayi's development affects almost the entire industry.

Speaking of which, the two Wang brothers are quite interesting.

He has always admired live-action, special effects, and large-scale productions. He doesn't know much about animated films, so he doesn't pay much attention to animated films imported from abroad.

That is to say, the theme of "Kung Fu Panda" is quite special. After all, it tells the story of the "Panda National Treasure", so he gave it a certain amount of attention and publicity.

"According to this growth rate, it should be easy to exceed 5 million."

"Okay, I'll tell them when I get back."

After ending the call, Chen Fei logged on to Douban and briefly took a look at the domestic audience's evaluation of this animated film.


"The only pity is that this is a Hollywood animated film. When will Director Chen return to China to boost China's own animated film market?"

Wang Zhongjun's speech was quite bold, and it directly suppressed the disputes on the Internet.

Huayi was holding an annual meeting and invited many people in the industry. Chen Fei couldn't go back, so Su Guohai had to attend in his place.

"Thank you..."

This happened to be the time for the annual meeting, so there was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone.

The next day, when various suspicions began to appear on the Internet, Wang Zhongjun held a media meeting and directly announced the news of Zhou Xun's termination.

Chen Fei chuckled and said: "Haha, if you work hard, you should be able to break 6 million. Fans will have money around New Year's Eve. Plus this is a family movie, so it may have a brilliant performance."

This is Mainland China's first "Three Golden Movie Queens". Zhou Xun's termination of contract is definitely something Huayi doesn't want to see.

"To put it bluntly, I like "Prince Shen". The portrayal of this villain is simply amazing. The shape is very artistic and not stupid at all. He is so handsome!"

But I never expected that this movie would be so powerful!
6400 million!

At this point, the new sister of Huayi officially takes over!

"Based on the film and television industry, we will expand into other peripheral industries and seek diversified development..."

"My studio has been established, when will you come back? I'm treating you! From now on, we will eat and drink, and we will make our own money and spend it ourselves..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Xun's tone was quite brisk. He said he would be his own boss in the future. Although the speed of making money might not be as fast as when he signed with Huayi, at least he would be free enough!
She has already decided that she will have a great time going to the Maldives for New Year’s Eve this year!

"Haha, congratulations." Chen Fei smiled, "Just wait a few more days, the Oscar nominations will be announced soon. I have to plan for the subsequent awards, and then I can go back."

"Celebrating the New Year in the country?"

"Yes, let's play mahjong together then."

"Haha, okay, then I will wait until New Year's Eve before going to the Maldives. When you come back, I will go and celebrate the New Year at your house this year..."

After speaking carelessly, Zhou Xun hung up the phone directly, without even asking Chen Feifang if it was inconvenient.

"Hey, why do you look like a kid?"

Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, tapped his fingers on the desktop, and his consciousness fell into the system interface.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the system suddenly joins in the fun again and actually releases a new task!

[Challenge mission: (Complete a downhill skiing in the Alps), difficulty level 9 stars, complete the mission to get SS-level reward blind box. 】

[The task is limited to 24 hours, complete it within the specified time, and there is a certain chance of triggering double blind box rewards]

Alps, downhill skiing…

Looking at these two keywords, Chen Fei let out a long breath and subconsciously murmured to himself: "Another fatal challenge on the edge of life and death!"

As a very exciting extreme sport, downhill skiing is one of the best in the entire ranks of extreme sports, both in terms of viewing and technical aspects. Even to a certain extent, even downhill sports such as "bicycle falling down the mountain" are somewhat insignificant in comparison!
The biggest reason why this sport is dangerous is its uncertainty.

Especially in places like the Alps, they are even more dangerous!
The title of "Roof of Europe" is not for nothing. Its main peaks are all excellent ski resorts, not even one of them. Many of the slopes are ridiculously difficult!
But even so, during the annual ski season, there are still many extreme skiers from all over the world going to the Alps, wanting to experience the excitement and pleasure.

Although there will always be people who pay a heavy price for this, the vast majority of people still have no hesitation and will only experience that moment of "exhilaration"!
And now, he is about to become one of those people who "have no hesitation".


After heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei called Flory.

"I'm going to go skiing in the Alps, so get your gear ready."

"The specific time?"

"To be determined, you prepare the equipment first. I will inform you when the time is determined."


After a simple conversation, Chen Fei took the initiative to cut off the call.

Everyone already has a tacit understanding, and there is no need to understand too much, just do what each of them should do.

On the other hand, Red Bull officials were very excited. When they heard that Chen Fei was preparing for a new challenge mission, they called him to express concern and said that they would make all logistical preparations...

“How was the private jet experience?”

"It's not bad, but the space is a bit small. Can you give me another one?"

Red Bull: "..."

"Hahaha, just kidding, don't forget this year's endorsement fee. It's already 2010, and I'm still waiting to use the money to buy new year's goods."

Red Bull: “???”



As New Year's Eve approaches, with the attention of many Hollywood stars, the Oscars finally announced the nomination list.

Chen Fei got a list immediately.

Compared with the past, this year's Oscars are called "brilliant". The number of Best Picture nominees has soared to 10, far exceeding the previous five!
Among them, Waltons Pictures has two shortlisted films, namely "Inception" and "The Hurt Locker."

Then came "Avatar" produced by 20th Century Fox and directed by Cameron, "Weakness" produced by Warner Bros. and directed by John Lee Hancock, and "District 9" produced by Sony and directed by Neill Blomkamp. ", the war movie "Inglourious Basterds" produced by Weinstein Films and co-directed by Quentin Tarantino and Eli Roth.

In addition, there are also "A Serious Man" directed by the Coen brothers, "Precious" directed by Lee Daniels, and "Up in the Clouds" directed by Jason Reitman.

The most surprising thing is that Disney's "Up" was nominated for the two major awards of Best Picture and Best Animated Feature Film as an animated film. It was obvious that a lot of public relations expenses were spent.

Unfortunately, due to schedule and release time, "Kung Fu Panda 2" did not participate in this year's Oscar selection, but is preparing to compete for next year's Oscar.

Chen Fei devoted more attention to "Inception" and "The Hurt Locker".

The former was shortlisted for nine nominations, namely: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Effects, Best Visual Effects, and Best Art guide.

It can be seen from the nominated awards that "Inception" is purely based on technical awards.

The latter is mainly about artistic awards. Although it also has nine nominations, it has the top award of Best Actor.

Interestingly, "Avatar" also received nine nominations!
As soon as the list was announced, the media began to hype up the emotional entanglement of James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow, the "ex-couple".

It is human nature to eat melons, especially for this kind of entertainment melons, which attract a lot of attention in the industry!

Even Bruce tentatively asked Catherine at the party if she was interested in trying to get married to Cameron again?
"I don't want to sit in the passenger seat of a truck anymore." Catherine rejected the proposal with a humorous reply.

After reading the list, Chen Fei has nothing to do in Hollywood. He is preparing to return to China for the New Year.

Before leaving, he went to see the screening, filming and production of several movies in the company.

The box office growth of "Kung Fu Panda 2" is very good. Just continue to follow up and maintain publicity.

The release date of "War for the Planet of the Apes: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" is set at March 2, which is still early and the promotion plan can be steadily advanced.

Woody Allen's filming progress is quite fast. "The Twilight Saga 4" is almost finished, and only some finishing work is left.

He plans to finish filming the fifth film in one go and then directly announce his retirement!
Chen Fei promised to help him organize a grand closing banquet, which made the old man feel happy and unwilling to miss his childhood. This was called a very motivated person.

DreamWorks has also produced "How to Train Your Dragon". Chen Fei took the time to watch the finished film. The quality is very good. I believe it will achieve good results after it is released!

In addition, the total box office data of movies released at the end of last year are also compiled.

The number of moviegoers for "The Alone Agent" exceeded 750 million, which translates to a box office of approximately US$7000 million. ShowBox held a grand celebration banquet for this purpose. Unfortunately, Chen Fei did not have time to go, and he also missed many fans who admired him. Female idol...

The total global box office revenue of "3 Idiots in Bollywood" has exceeded US$100 million. The rate of return is guaranteed, and now it's time to go crazy for prizes!

Many trophies were awarded to Chen Fei by the organizers of major awards, but he did not have time to go, so he had to ask Rajkummar Hirani to collect them on his behalf.

Although this return to China cannot be described as "returning rich and rich", the commotion Chen Fei made was still quite big!
No way, who asked him to get back a large number of "animation" and "special effects" production equipment.

Yang Yu was not polite at all. After learning that Chen Fei would buy equipment from abroad, he sent him several equipment lists at once, and each one was the best in the world!
In other words, Chen Fei is very wealthy. If this were an ordinary company, just buying equipment would go bankrupt!

Perhaps because the movement of moving equipment was too loud, it was directly noticed by the group of reporters who have been squatting downstairs of Feiyue Film and Television Building all year round.

That afternoon, the press release was posted online.

"Feiyue Film and Television has received a new batch of equipment, which is suspected to be special effects production equipment..."

"English spoken, foreign brands..."

"Following the establishment of the special effects department, Feiyue Film and Television has once again established an animation department, and the equipment has officially entered the market. Is the spring of domestic animation about to come?"

During the Chinese New Year, this wave of press releases attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

No, Wang Changtian was the first to come, and he still said he was here to "learn lessons."

"Mr. Chen? Do you think there is still hope for our domestic animated films to rise?"

Lao Wang was in a state of confusion during this period.

The huge sales of "Kung Fu Panda 2" gave him hope, but the disastrous box office failure of "Astro Boy" made him feel that domestic animation has no future at all!

This wave of investment by Guangwang has lost all its investment, and Xiangjiang Yima Animation is almost going bankrupt. He truly feels that domestic animated films are a big pit!
But Chen Fei's operation made him really depressed. He was opening a new animation department and buying equipment. This was obviously a trend to do something big!
But... where did he get his confidence?
Looking at Wang Changtian's troubled expression, Chen Fei smiled and said, "There is definitely hope for rising, but it is difficult. I just want to give it a try and learn from Huayi's "diversified" development."

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Chen is still rich and powerful!"

Wang Changtian sighed with emotion, and after briefly visiting Feiyue Film and Television's new batch of equipment, he immediately made an excuse and left.

Can't touch!
Do not!
You probably wouldn’t dare to touch it at all!

This horse riding can no longer be described as burning money. It is completely like a brave animal that can only go in but cannot get out, swallowing big golden lumps in one mouthful!
As for when it can be pulled out...

Who knows where to step on the horse?


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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