It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 413: Use me as a springboard? "Painted Skin 2" starts filming, who will play &#039

Chapter 413: Use me as a springboard? "Painted Skin 2" starts filming, who will play 'Avatar'?
"Movies? TV? Special effects? Animation...Brother, why do I think this development model of Feiyue Film and Television should be called diversification?"

In Huayi Company, the two brothers Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun were chatting again.

The recent establishment of Feiyue Film and Television's animation department and imported equipment has caused quite a stir in the industry. As the "leader" in the industry, Huayi is naturally paying attention.

"No! They don't call this diversity!"

Wang Zhonglei shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Do you still remember the time you visited Relativity Media and Lionsgate Entertainment? Do you feel that the development direction of Feiyue Film and Television is very similar to these Hollywood companies?"

"Huh? They really look alike!"

Wang Zhongjun had a sudden realization. Isn't this the development model of the six major Hollywood companies? They are doing almost all film and television-related businesses.

"This is called the film industry." Wang Zhonglei made a sharp comment.


Wang Zhonglei took a breath and suddenly couldn't sit still. "So, the slogan he shouted at the Shanghai International Film Festival last time is true. He really wants to build the film industry and pursue all-round development?"

As he spoke, he looked at Chen Fei, "Director Chen has experience, how about giving me some advice?"

As long as you can produce good works, let alone making tens of millions, you will be able to maintain your prosperity and wealth throughout your life. "

"Mr. Han?"

"Jingle Bell!!!"

Zhou Xun suddenly remembered something and turned to look curiously, "By the way, is your contract about to expire? Are you planning to renew it?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Huang Xiaoming shook his head, with a bit of expectation in his eyes, "Actually, I also want to open a studio, be my own boss, and invest in movies and TV series, but I'm not too sure."

Many people called Chen Fei on the pretext of celebrating the New Year and asked about the preparations for the film.

"Then what should we do? Just sit back and wait for death? No! We can't let him take away the market. We can do the same with special effects and animation!"


Wang Zhongjun nodded heavily, full of expectations for Huayi's future!

"I read a book called "The Adventures of Li Xianli", and I don't think it's very good?"

For a time, the media could no longer contain their restless mood!
"A new script from Feiyue Film and Television is coming, adapted from an animated short film, and is about to open a new chapter..."


"Hey, let alone buying stocks, I'm not even going to touch the lottery tickets."

If you have that spare money, why not invest in real estate or new Internet businesses? What else is better than making movies? De-filming is the way we should go in the future...

"Hey? You signed a director contract again?"

The few people present were not short of money, they just wanted to have fun and enjoy the atmosphere. It only cost a few hundred yuan, and it would be gone if you sprinkled it with water.

Huang Xiaoming sighed helplessly, picked up a few hundred-dollar bills from the side and handed them over.

"Pah! Five barrels!"

"Well, I'm going to try to become a commercial film director. My talent is quite good."

"I'm at the film bureau. Your company sent another script?"

Guo Fan's screenwriting skills are pretty good, and he finished the script in half a month.

"New director? Co-director? Will it be another low-budget masterpiece?"

Of course, the main thing at the moment is the plan to go overseas for the film. We can’t keep this money in our hands, we have to spend it. Wendi Deng is a good springboard, so we must seize it! "

Chen Fei curled his lips and said with great disdain, "Whatever, let them guess. Isn't it just setting up an animation department? It's not like they developed an atomic bomb. Is there anything to guess?"
bump! What a fool! Come on, come on! Give me money, give me money, haha, Huang Xiaoming, you’ve already lost 700 yuan. Don’t buy stocks today, or you’ll lose all your money! "

Huang Xiaoming nodded, thoughtfully.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to it."

"Which one are you talking about?"

Wang Zhonglei's face darkened and he said sternly: "Have you forgotten? This is China, not Hollywood. Where is the market to accommodate these?


"Haha, you are very leisurely. There are rumors outside that you Feiyue Film and Television are going to do something big. I didn't expect you to actually play mahjong here." Zhou Xun said jokingly.

"Okay, I understand!"


"it is good."

In the courtyard, mahjong was played again.

Special effects and animation are all projects that require crazy money to be made, and we can't touch them.

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted several people's poker game. Chen Fei held back a glance at the caller ID, was stunned for a moment, and then picked up.

The bureau was also very considerate, and it was reviewed and approved in two days, and then uploaded directly to the filing website.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fei casually replied while counting the cards: "I won't say anything superfluous, but the above-mentioned policies that will benefit the film and television industry are definitely coming.

"Yes, your analysis is correct."

"Oh, you're talking about that!" Chen Fei laughed, "That was a notebook created by the two newly signed directors of the company. It was purely for practice and to let them get familiar with the lens."

However, after learning that it was for training for new directors, no one wanted to explore anymore, and the interest was quickly withdrawn.

Guo Fan and Li Yang were very interested. After receiving the investment, they started preparations excitedly.

Chen Fei gave them a very wide range of authority. He would not take care of the early preparations or casting, and let these two guys do whatever they wanted.

Again, what he wants is the result, the process is not important.


Although there was no "Not Short of Money" in the 10 Spring Festival Gala, Uncle Benshan brought his new sketch "Fraudulent Donation" and also brought "Liu Neng" with him.

Xiao Shen Yang was not defeated by "Three Guns", and he still performed at a very high level in sketch performances!

On New Year's Day, Shu Chang and Liu Yifei came to pay New Year's greetings. After playing in the yard for most of the day, they called out Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin and went straight to the cinema. "Which movie do you want to watch?" Liu Yifei held her mobile phone and prepared to book tickets online.

"What's there?" Zhu Yawen asked curiously.

""Avatar", "Kung Fu Panda 2", "The Golden Guard", "Confucius", "The Agent Next Door", "Little Soldier"..."

Luo Jin murmured in a low voice, "Chen Long is simply a model worker in the film industry. He has filmed one film after another. At this age, isn't he tired?"

"He can't stop."

Chen Fei smiled and said something meaningful.

Chen Long looks very cool, but he is actually quite pitiful.

The children in the family are useless, and their relationships are in a mess. Although their careers are quite successful, their lives are extremely empty!

When filming "Twelve Zodiac Signs", when Chen Fei came to guest star, he could often be seen sitting alone in a daze, like a dying old man.

Perhaps it was during filming that he could temporarily forget the pain and devote himself wholeheartedly to it...

"It's decided, let's watch "Kung Fu Panda 2"!" Shu Chang finally made the decision.


As soon as the sixth day of the Lunar New Year passes, the flavor of the New Year slowly dissipates.

Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" was finished, but he didn't hold any wrapping party, but directly devoted himself to post-production.

"I am not going to pursue awards for this movie. I have to increase its box office, otherwise it will be difficult to attract investment in the future."

"Haha, okay, then come on, remember to let me know when the finished film is released. I have to see how I am doing as a villain."

"No problem! I still have to rely on you for publicity, haha..."

The filming of "Xiu Chun Dao" is still going on. Shu Chang took Liu Yifei to Hengdian. The two girls said they wanted to train for fighting scenes together and become a fighting girl!
Ning Hao is having a good time this year, and he has actually gained several pounds since the beginning of the new year!

After Xing Aina complained a few words, he actually ran to Hengdian in a hurry.

The next day, the press release appeared online.

"The new 3D masterpiece "Painted Skin 2" has been officially announced to be shot, directed by Ning Hao, with Zhou Xun, Chen Hao, Jiao Enjun... the original cast to fight magical love again!"

""Confucius" failed at the box office, Zhou Xun returns to "Painted Skin"..."

"It is reported that the 2D special effects pictures in "Painted Skin 3" will be followed up and produced by DotDing Digital. This will be the first 'pure Chinese 3D movie' in the Mainland!"


On the other side, Feng Xiaogang was confused on the spot after seeing the promotional draft online.

Obviously his "Earthquake" is the first Chinese-language 3D movie, and the post-production is almost finished, so why is "Painted Skin 2" the first?

It’s understandable to grab the topic, but you can’t grab it head-on!
Even though he was depressed, he had no choice but to complete the post-production as soon as possible, release the movie as soon as possible, and win back this title as soon as possible.

Kang Honglei's speed is quite fast. As soon as "Painted Skin 2" was launched here, he announced that "The Great Cause of Party Building" has officially been completed!

"Bring the post-editing back to the company, and I'll arrange a few professional editors for you to assist you."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I understand..."

Kang Honglei kept responding on the phone, obviously impatient.

At the same time, the resource exchange between Feiyue Film and Television and China Film is still in progress.

Han Sanping sent him an email, which marked China Film's investment projects this year, letting him pick and choose as he pleased.

Chen Fei glanced briefly, and finally fixed his sight on "Thirty-three Days of Love".

"Written by Bao Jingjing? Directed by Teng Huatao? That's it!"

He changed hands and sent the email back to Han Sanping.

But I never expected that Han Sanping's phone call would come within a short while.

"Are you determined to only invest a small amount of money? Don't you even watch those high-investment movies? Do you really not believe in my vision?"

"Mr. Han, to be honest, your really not very good."

Han Sanping: "..."

If "The Promise" is a stain on Chen Kaige, and "Three Guns" is a stain on Zhang Yimou, then "Red Cliff" is a stain on Han Sanping's investment!
And since "Red Cliff", the few high-cost movies invested by China Film Group are indeed not very good. It is reasonable for Chen Fei not to believe him.

"Oh, you!"

With a helpless sigh, Han Sanping quickly changed the topic, "How are the preparations for "The Flower of the Heart" going? When are you going to start filming?"

"It's almost time. There are only a few supporting roles left. I'll start filming after I finish the audition."

"Okay, hurry up then. I'm still waiting to see how I can get 3000 million investment in exchange for 10 billion box office. Don't let me down!"

This person really doesn't want to suffer any losses. No wonder he was called "a mountain eagle" by Zhang Wei.

Chen Fei didn't mind either. After hanging up the phone, he started to contact Huang Bo.

"How are you preparing for the audition?"

"Everything is ready. Starting tomorrow morning, they are all small roles. Just go through them once."

"Well, okay, I'll try it with you. It'll be fine anyway."


The main roles of "Beautiful Heart" have been decided. Huang Bo will star in "Geng Hao", Chen Fei will star in "Hao Yi", and Zhou Xun will star in "Kang Xiaoyu".

After the first, second, and third roles are decided, all that's left are the supporting roles.

The post-90s killer girl Zhou Lijuan, the nightclub girl Shasha, the Avatar girl, the mysterious white-collar worker Siqing, the music teacher Xiaobei...

Chen Fei tapped his right hand on the table a few times and thought secretly in his mind.

There are so many female stars in the industry, who is more suitable for the role of "Avatar"?

(End of this chapter)

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