It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 414 Come, look at the legs? You play 'Avatar'? Who is so unjust?

Chapter 414 Come, look at the legs? You play 'Avatar'? Who is so unjust?

The filming period of "The Flowers of the Heart" will not be very long, and Chen Fei expects to finish it in about one and a half months.

And during this period, he has to attend the Oscars, which will probably take a lot of time.

"Boom boom boom!"


Huang Bo opened the door and walked in, holding a stack of A4 paper in his hand, "This is the list of today's auditions. Do you want to take a look?"

"No need." Chen Fei didn't answer and stood up immediately, "You try, I'll just watch from the side. I didn't even plan to come today."

"Okay, let's go, we're already waiting over there."

After all, it is a low-budget comedy, and it is destined not to feature too many big-name stars, so most of the people who participated in the auditions were third-tier students, or simply academic students.

"Nortel recommended many new actors, and external training institutions also recommended some people, and some came from Feiyinghuang Economic Company..."

On the other side, the crew of "The Adventures of Li Xianli" is also preparing to start auditions.

"By the way, I have a friend who wants to come over and make a guest appearance."

On the other hand, the star-studded period drama "The Legend of Sun Tzu" is also on the air.

"Director Chen, Director Huang, I am Lei Jiayin. I graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Drama. I have appeared in film and television dramas such as the TV series "The Beautiful Lady" and the movie "College Entrance Examination 1997"..."

"You mean "The Biography of Sun Tzu"?"

"Jing Tian? That's okay! It's just that something happened to her recently. I wonder if it will be affected?"


Chen Fei originally didn't have much expectations for this audition, but after Huang Bo said this, he really became a little curious.

"After all, it's an audition..." Lei Jiayin scratched his head, with a simple smile on his face.

Li Yang suggested: "What do you think of Zheng Shuang? He's pretty, his acting skills are pretty good, and he's very popular. The box office should be guaranteed!"

Chen Fei waved his hand casually, indicating that he should get busy.

"I don't have it, but Mr. Chen should have it. Let's ask him if he wants to go?"

"There are many young actors with superb acting skills at the Chinese Theater Company. Some of them are quite popular. I have their contact information. How about I contact them?"

"Jiao Junyan, if you and Huang Bo were asked to play a couple, would you accept it?"

Auditions for this kind of low-budget comedy are really easy. Most of them just come back and chat for a few words, and it's almost settled on the spot.

"Chinese Opera? Are you kidding? We are both directors from Nortel. What do you think of looking for actors from Chinese Opera? Will you go back to school later? We can't let this trend continue!"

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Jiao Junyan, who was standing in front of him, was slightly startled, and his thoughts suddenly changed, "Of course... of course, I am worried that I am not worthy of Teacher Huang Bo."

He has been to the Magic City Drama Academy several times, and has met Lei Jiayin several times, so he naturally knows his nickname "Big Head".

Recently, the domestic television industry has completely shown a strange polarization.

"Oh? Who?"

His temperament is quite special in the industry, and he is particularly suitable for playing the role of a "slapped doormat", which can be considered a unique style.

"Okay, no need to try, he's just a gang member, just come over when the time comes."

Huang Bo talked nonchalantly, strictly performing his duties as assistant director.

"Hey? Lei Datou, why are you so polite?"

Guo Fan pouted, "Looking for Zheng Shuang? Why not look for Jing Tian! I like her appearance in "Mulan"..."

"Uh...what you said does make sense, but Nortel...who are you looking for?"

"Okay, I heard that "Heart Blossoms" is casting, and there are a lot of female celebrities coming. We can also join in the fun, hehe!"

Many people in the industry were confused by this wave of manipulation, and most people were wondering if Starlight had offended someone?
"Do you have Jingtian's contact information? How about...asking?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"That's okay, but the male and female protagonists can't be cast by veteran actors, right? That's not appropriate either?"

Guo Fan and Li Yang gathered together and murmured at a list of actors.

"Haha, I'll give it a try first. She'll be here shortly. You can see if it's suitable. If not, just pretend she never showed up."

Looking at the big head in front of him, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

At the same time that Guo Fan and Li Yang were rushing to the audition area like dogs, Chen Fei's audition had already begun.

"Although Mr. Chen gave us a lot of money, we have to save some money and try to find veteran actors with low pay and good acting skills. We can also ask them for advice during filming."

"Oh, I love hearing this so much."

It was quite popular at first, but later it was taken off the shelves. The reason was that the scale of the adaptation was too large, the fictional historical characters were fictional, and the plot was inconsistent with common sense...

"Okay, thank you, Director Chen, and thank you, Director Huang." Lei Jiayin quickly bent down to express his thanks, "Then you go ahead and I'll go out first."



Although "The Myth" directed by Emperor Ying is a complete hit, the protagonist has received a lot of abuse. On the other hand, "Zhao Gao" who appears as a supporting role in the drama has a very charming personality!

Huang Bo was immediately happy. The emotional intelligence of the girl in front of him was almost as good as his.

Chen Fei also laughed immediately, "Okay, in that case, the role of 'Xiao Bei' will be given to you. If you trim your hair a little, you will play a girl with a literary temperament."

"Okay, thank you two directors!"

Jiao Junyan quickly bowed to thank him, with a bright smile on his face.

After she walked out, Chen Fei turned to look at Huang Bo and asked, "Which role will you audition for next?"

"Siqing, urban mature woman, long-legged hottie, Jiquan Tiancai... Well, I don't understand your description of this character. What does Jiquan Tiancai mean?"

"Don't worry about this. Call back all the actresses who are interviewing for this role, and let's try it out together."


Huang Bo nodded, turned and left the audition room.

After a while, the door was pushed open again, and five young actresses with a height of at least 170cm filed in behind Huang Bo and lined up.

"Hello, Director Chen, hello Director Huang..."

Damn it? ? ?

Behind the audition table, Chen Fei's brows twitched and he almost thought he had entered a mass-market KTV!
I have to say that the director's identity is really good. How is this scene in front of me different from the ancient concubine selection?

Absolutely not!

"Hello director, my name is Zhang..."

"There's no need to introduce yourself." Chen Fei interrupted the first girl's words directly and said straight to the point: "Have you read the character description in advance? Come on, let me take a look at the legs."


The five girls in front of them didn't react for a moment when they heard Chen Fei's words, and Huang Bo, who was sitting next to him, suddenly widened his eyes with surprise on his face!
Look at the legs?
Damn it? What is this going on in broad daylight?

He became nervous instantly, and looked out the door uncontrollably. He couldn't help but think, if the police uncle comes later, how can he explain himself in order to escape successfully?
Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a girl in the crowd suddenly move!
She just took off her windbreaker jacket, then lifted up the sweater on her upper body without hesitation, and took off the denim trousers on her lower body in a few clicks.

A pair of straight, well-proportioned legs without any fat were exposed to everyone!

The flesh-colored leggings cover the waist, creating a slim waist. Together with the long legs, they directly form a perfect body and torso arc!

"Well, not bad." Chen Fei looked at it carefully for a moment, then nodded with satisfaction and asked, "What's your name? Have you learned dancing before?"

"My name is Li Xibing. I am from the School of Music of National University for Nationalities. I have been studying performance and physical education."

"Okay, very good." Chen Fei nodded again, glanced at the other girls who were still indifferent, and said directly: "Go and sign the contract, the role of 'Siqing' is yours."

"Okay, thank you, Director Chen, thank you, Director Huang, thank you very much..."

Li Xibing thanked him, pulled up his jeans to his ankles, and happily followed the staff to sign the contract.

Seeing this situation, the other girls suddenly felt annoyed, but they were helpless.

I blame them for taking off their clothes too slowly and being too reserved. I can’t blame anyone else!
Watching several girls walk out, Huang Bo smacked his lips and couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of a great director, this audition method is really rare. Look at the legs? Hey, why didn't I think of that..."

"Stop your dirty thoughts and prepare to call the next wave of people in. Art is greater than life, understand? Don't wear extra colored glasses."

"Oh fine."

Huang Bo twitched the corner of his mouth, murmured something in a low voice, looked at the phone again, stood up and said: "My friend is here, wait a moment, I will pick her up."


After watching him leave, Chen Fei picked up Li Xibing's information on the table and took a look at it. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, outlining an arc.

The main feature of the character 'Siqing' is her long legs, which is a bonus for movie fans.

And during the filming process, the actress must also show off her beautiful legs 360 degrees without blind spots.

If he doesn't take it off, how can he pass the "leg" test?
Although this Li Xibing is not from a professional school, since he was able to reach the final audition, his acting skills must be good, otherwise he would not be able to pass Huang Bo's test.

It just so happens that she is bold enough and has a pair of beautiful legs. This is called the right time, right place, and harmony!
If she doesn't play Siqing, who will? Is it possible to let Jia Ling go?
Even if she loses weight, she still can't meet the standard!

"People are coming!"

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Huang Bo walked in cheerfully, and waved his hand behind him.

Chen Fei looked over curiously, and then his eyes suddenly lit up!
Fan Bingbing!
"Hello Director Chen, long time no see..."

Seeing Fan Bingbing, Chen Fei couldn't help but have adjectives popping up in his mind.

The first lady in domestic entertainment, with the best looks, a naturally charming body, a template for plastic surgery, she can be pure or controllable...

"Bing Bing wants to play a guest role. She is currently seeking transformation and wants to try out a few different character styles."

Huang Bo helped explain that the two met on the set of "囧囧" and had a pretty good relationship in private.

"It doesn't matter what the salary is. I hope Director Chen can give me a role so that I can enjoy the feeling of working with a great director, hehe..."

This man... is really charming, his every frown and smile has a seductive feeling, and I always feel itchy in my heart when I look at him a few times.

Chen Fei looked at Huang Bo, preparing to give him face, "Who are you going to let her play?"

"Avatar, how's it going?"

Chen Fei touched his chin, Huang Bo, this kid is a bit interesting. Is he going to give himself benefits?

In the play, "Hao Yi" and "Avatar" played by Chen Fei have several passionate scenes!

"The style is indeed very suitable, but Miss Fan, are you willing?"

Fan Bingbing was not dissatisfied at all, and chuckled: "I can do it, no problem. I haven't tried this kind of scene before, it's just a challenge."

"Okay, then it's settled."

In a few words, the scene was settled.

Although this role is a supporting role, Fan Bingbing is not dissatisfied at all. After all, the opportunity to play with Chen Fei is not something that ordinary actresses can get. She is very satisfied with this role.

If word spreads in the future, it can be described as a "friendly guest appearance."

As for whose friendship it is? Then let others guess!

After a few more rounds of auditions, the roles were almost cast, and now only "Small Town Killer Girl Zhou Lijuan" was left.

Huang Bo stretched out, turned his head and glanced at Guo Fan and Li Yang who came to join in the fun, and asked cheerfully: "How is it? Do you have any actresses you like? Give your crew two of them too?"

"No." Guo Fan shook his head and said bluntly, "We are looking for Jing Tian to star, and we want Mr. Chen to help contact him."

Jing Tian? ? ?

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look at these two people with admiration.

He is worthy of being the contracted director of Feiyue Film and Television! Bold enough! Enough courage!

"Who are you going to choose as the male lead?"

Li Yang spoke up: "Zhu Yawen is pretty good, and his image fits him very well. He has also become very popular in recent years, but we don't have his contact information."

"Okay, I'll help you contact these two people, so you don't have to worry about them."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Guo Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he knew in his heart that the matter was done.

Chen Fei personally called and contacted him. As long as he was not a fool, no one would refuse!

At this time, the office door was pushed open again, and a girl timidly poked her head in, asking in a low voice: " it my audition time?"

"Well, come in." Huang Bo waved to the girl to come back first.

"Hello directors." The girl bent down and bowed to say hello, while introducing herself: " name is Gulinazar Baihetiyar, from WLMQ, you can call me Gulinazar, I am 19 years old, professional model and actor..."

Looking at the exotic appearance of the girl in front of him, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Master Zuo Zongtang really deserves to enjoy the Ancestral Temple!"

Let’s just say, the move to accept XJ was definitely the right one.

Although it is important to open up new territory and expand the territory, although grape wine is also very important, the influx of beautiful women is the real "welfare"!

At this time, Huang Bo suddenly came over and whispered: "This is an actor recommended by teacher Zhang Songwen. Didn't he hold a training class? This little girl is the best in his class."

"Oh, I see."

Chen Fei nodded and asked Gulinazha a few performance requirements for assessment.

Although the little girl's acting skills are a bit green, she can still express herself accurately. In addition, her face is indeed very beautiful, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, it's up to you, go sign the contract."

Chen Fei issued the final announcement.

"Thank you! Thank you, Director Chen! Thank you, Director Huang! Thank you... the two directors sitting over there, thank you..."

She didn't know the last names of Guo Fan and Li Yang, so she could only use the word "over there" to summarize them.

There was a burst of laughter in the room.


The audition ended, and the next day, Feiyue Film and Television announced the cast and production information of "Heart Blossoms".

"With an investment of 3000 million, Chen Fei directed and acted. Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, and Fan Bingbing joined the cast. Most of the remaining characters are newcomers in the industry. The cost control is extremely low. Another classic masterpiece of low-cost road comedy is about to come..."

Once the actors are in place, the preparations are officially over.

There was still some time before the Oscars, and while there was still time, Chen Fei simply announced that the crew would officially start filming in five days.

At the same time, while the logistics team was preparing, he sat in the office and made two separate phone calls.

"Dududu... Hello, Director Chen, please wait a moment. Brother Yawen is filming a scene right now. This will be over soon."

The person who answered the phone was a girl with a very familiar voice. She was obviously the assistant who had been with Zhu Yawen for several years.

"Well, there's no rush." ​​Chen Fei didn't hang up the phone, looking through the emails while waiting for Zhu Yawen to answer the phone.

On the set of "The Flying Eagle", Zhu Yawen had finished filming her part and was about to take on the next one when she saw her assistant running over like a gust of wind.

"Brother Yawen! Hurry... Hurry, Director Chen's call!"

This voice directly stunned Yao Di, Guo Yina, Liu Jing and others at the scene.

Director Chen?

"Is it Director Chen?"

While everyone was thinking, they saw Zhu Yawen taking the call, "Brother Fei, what are you doing? Haha, do you miss me, brother?"

"You are a grown man, what is there that I should miss?" Chen Fei sneered at him and said directly: "There is a role for a movie hero. Although the investment is not big, it is a test of your acting skills. Do you want to give it a try?"


Zhu Yawen couldn't hold back on the spot, "I want it! Of course I want it! You must keep it for me. I can play the role of a eunuch."

"Okay, I'll let the director contact you."

After chatting for a few more words, Chen Fei immediately cut off the call.

"Li Xianli" in the original time and space was played by Prince Fang. Chen Fei didn't see any acting skills from him. This time he gave it to Zhu Yawen. I hope he can have a good performance.

On the other side, Zhu Yawen started howling excitedly after hanging up the phone.

After this guy who forgot his friends after seeing sex made Liu Yifei famous, I finally thought of him!

However, he didn't know that Chen Fei turned around and called Jing Tian.

"Ah? Director Chen? What's the matter?"

"Busy lately?"

"I'm not very busy. The TV series has been removed from the shelves, and the promotion work has stopped. Uncle Lu is thinking of a way, and the preparations for "Warring States" have not yet been completed, so I can only stay at home."

"I have a movie here. Do you want to try it? Although the investment cost is not high, it will test your acting skills. You play the heroine."

"Okay! It just so happens that I have nothing to do!" Jing Tian agreed without even thinking about it.

"Then you talk to Mr. Lu first? Then I ask the director to contact you?"

"Yeah, no problem! I'll tell Uncle Lu right now."

After hanging up the phone, Jing Tian couldn't help but jump on the bed several times, and couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

Chen Fei actually called her personally and invited her to play the leading role. This is really...

"That's great! My acting skills are finally recognized by him!"

The girl jumped directly to the ground with her bare feet, picked up the little dog lying under the bed, and ravaged her. She couldn't hide her excitement and joy!

(PS: Third update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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