It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 415 Partner? No, you have to pay more! The sword points at the golden lion!

Chapter 415 Partner? No, you have to pay more! The sword points at the golden lion!
There are no secrets in the circle. As long as various news reaches the ears of the second person, it will spread throughout the entire circle in a short time.

Such as the friendship between Chen Fei and Fan Bingbing...

Many female stars felt puzzled when they saw Fan Bingbing's "friendly guest appearance" in "Beautiful Heart".

"How did this coquettish fox hook up with Director Chen?" All the actresses led by Li Bingbin, Zhang Ziyi, and Zhang Jingchu secretly complained in their hearts.

On the other hand, the news that Zhu Yawen and Jing Tian will join "The Adventures of Li Xianli" has also spread.

Although the investment in this film is not large, and the director and screenwriter are both newcomers, the producer behind it is Feiyue Film and Television!

Whenever Chen Fei participates, it must be extraordinary!

"Tiantian, I have contacted them. The shooting period is only one and a half months. This film will be completed just in time to be followed by "Warring States". This also means that next year you will have at least two female-led theatrical films..."

Lu Zheng was talking nonchalantly, but if he didn't mention "The Legend of Sun Tzu", this drama would be considered useless and would definitely not be released in a short time.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Lu."

At the end of February, "Avatar" was still killing people in the mainland!

Do you think you are beautiful? Or in good shape? No! you are wrong! There are countless people who are prettier and better in shape than you, so think about it for yourself..."

"Director Chen, has everything been confirmed?"

"Alas! We still have to find more resources, or in other words, let ourselves become the controller of resources?"

The resources she has at hand are really poor recently. A small-budget movie is enough to make her happy, let alone a movie that leaps into film and television investment.

"Yeah, director Guo Fan called me and will go back to sign the contract as soon as my scene is over."

Huayi had contacted her many times and was very interested in her as a young actress, and the contract terms they proposed were also very generous.

But what she never expected was that at this last moment, she received a call from Li Shaohong!
"Opportunities, connections, backers..."

"Huh...that's good!"

"Indeed, these are indeed important, but you, Rong Xinda, can no longer give me what I want. Who doesn't want to climb up? I now need a bigger and more spacious springboard to support my ambitions!"

She is in the brokerage business, and her main job scope is to promote stars and artists in her hands and give them to major film and TV series.

She used to be a popular presence in the industry, but now, she feels vaguely rejected and isolated!

Her agency contract with Rong Xinda is about to expire in March, and she has decided not to renew it, so she plans to wait until the contract expires before looking for other job opportunities.

At the same time, Zhu Yawen, who was cheering for joy, also received a call from Wang Jinghua.

She murmured softly, and her eyes gradually revealed a look of unwillingness to admit defeat!

At this time, the classic line from Zhao Gao in the TV series "The Myth" happened to be heard in the TV series, "I just want to climb to the highest step by step, step by step, and I want to do it-Zhao Gao!!!"

But now, as the financial industry continues to enter the game, these big names in her hands seem to be less popular all of a sudden.

Wang Jinghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if a big stone in her heart suddenly fell to the ground.

He might be a good partner!

"Gong Lock Heart Jade" was completed. Yang Mi did not immediately go to other work, but stayed at home, waiting for the arrival of March.

“There is never a shortage of capable people in this circle. There are at least thousands of people at Nortel, China Theater, Shanghai Theater, Drama, and Beijing Dance Theater waiting to soar into the sky!
But opportunities and resources are fixed. If you have no opportunities, no connections, and no backing, why should others choose you?

Wang Jinghua let out a long sigh and suddenly remembered Ren Quan who had come to see her a few days ago.


"Isn't it just resources? I will fight for it myself."

Wang Jinghua murmured softly, recalling the days when she broke up with Huayi and Chengtian, she always felt a little regretful in her heart.

In the past, with the big-name stars in her hands, she could have dealt with the major producers to seek more and greater benefits!

Many producers turned away without hesitation after being unable to negotiate a cooperation, leaving no room for negotiation.

But after careful consideration, she finally decided to join the "Feiyinghuang Agency".

With the backing of Feiyue Film, China Film and Emperor, who in the industry can rival him?

As for "The Hurt Locker", it has officially been cancelled. The North American box office barely exceeded 1 million US dollars, and the global total box office stopped at 2.5 million US dollars.

Especially those big directors, it is completely easy for them to promote a newcomer, and there is no need to talk too much nonsense with the agency...

Jing Tian nodded obediently, but secretly thought in his heart, whether he would have a chance to meet Chen Fei on the set?

"Okay, Sister Hua, I'll go and get busy first!"



In particular, the large number of artists under her banner were originally willing to follow her everywhere, but now they seem to be showing signs of wanting to leave.

Wang Jinghua nodded, hung up the phone, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Could it be that the future will be an era where production and resources are king? Are the days when actors are king coming to an end?"

She knows that there are too many first- and second-tier big names in this company, and the competition for various resources will be very stimulating, but correspondingly, the various opportunities are unmatched by other companies.

In Hollywood, the North American performance of "Kung Fu Panda 2" has successfully exceeded the US$2 million mark and is heading towards 3 million.

Although the mainland box office performance of "Kung Fu Panda 2" was beaten by the former, it also successfully broke through the 5 million yuan mark and is launching a fearless charge towards 6 million yuan.

For a work with an investment of less than US$5000 million, this result is already very good.

Because of the various operations of Waltons Pictures, Catherine has great confidence in this Oscar. Now, in addition to promoting "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", she is also waiting for the Oscar to arrive!
Are you competing for an Oscar with your ex-husband? Just thinking about it makes me feel excited!

I think back when she was filming "Titanic", she was just a prop-resistant production crew member squatting next to "Trucker". Now she can compete for an Oscar. This should be considered a kind of growth, right?
As March approaches, "Cinema for the Blind" will be released in domestic theaters.

After all, it's just a low-budget literary film, so it certainly won't have much of an advantage in scheduling. Lu Yang didn't care. Anyway, the cost was already recovered when the rights were sold in South Korea last year.

As soon as Chen Fei arrived in Hengdian, he went to visit the crew of "Xiu Chun Dao".

A fight scene between the characters Shen Lian and Zhao Jingzhong is being filmed. The martial arts instructor hired from Xiangjiang is standing next to the camera, ready to give guidance at any time.

Shu Chang's costume appearance is not much inferior to that of Liu Yifei. She is dressed in red, her beautiful eyes are a bit sad, and her eyes are quite smart...

Chen Fei made a silent evaluation in his heart, "Anyway, he is better than Liu Shishi, and not even a little bit better!"

The filming went very smoothly. Chen Fei's arrival did not affect the performance of the actors. After all, everyone was professional and wanted to leave a good impression in front of him.

The production team of the crew are all people from the original Zhou Yi. Under the arrangement of Jiang Xuerou, their division of labor is very clear. Everyone performs their own duties and performs extremely well.

Although they are transitioning from TV dramas to making movies, this group of people does not show the greenness of novices. Instead, they are all experienced...

"Not bad, very hardworking, great!"

After hearing Lu Yang shout "Ka", Chen Fei laughed and applauded.

"Hello, Director Chen."

"Mr. Chen, long time no see..."

"Director Chen, when did you come?"


After greeting everyone, Chen Fei stood behind the monitor and watched the replay together.

"Hey, how's it going? Is it okay?"

Lu Yang asked with a smile, and Jiang Xueruan was also looking forward to her answer.

"Yeah." Chen Fei nodded, didn't say anything more, and just gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuerou breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could get Chen Fei's approval, Zhou Yi's group of people would be able to make a living.

Liu Yifei has already gone to Hollywood to continue shooting her advertising endorsements, and Shu Chang is the only one on the crew.

She was very carefree and started joking, "Why did you come to Hengdian all of a sudden? Are you here to stage a surprise attack?"

"No, I just stopped by to take a look." Fade Chen explained with a smile: "The filming of "The Love of Flowers" is about to start over there, and it happens to be in Hengdian."

"Oh, that's it. I thought you came to see me specially."

"Hey? You are really pretentious." Chen Fei scolded her, and then added: "Just in time, don't go back after you finish filming here. I have a character over there, come over and make a cameo."

"Okay, no problem."

Shu Chang patted his chest, as if wrapping himself around me.

Many people around him listened with envy on their faces, but they did not dare to speak actively and could only sigh silently in their hearts. "It's great to have a great director as a friend!"

Chen Fei originally planned to treat the entire crew to a meal. After all, as his boss was present, it would be unreasonable not to express his gratitude.

But Lu Yang said that there was a very important night scene in the evening and the dinner could be moved to tomorrow.

"It's okay, whatever you want."

Chen Fei clapped his hands and was not in a hurry to leave, but was ready to continue reading.

He looked at the shooting schedule. This night scene was quite interesting. It can be said to be one of the classic scenes in the play.

The two parties on the stage were "Zhao Jingzhong" and "Ding Xiu", and their lines were very interesting. Anyway, Shu Chang was amused for a long time without stopping.

"Kill someone for me."

"Two hundred taels."


"Who does father-in-law want me to kill?"

"Beizhen Fusi Flag Officer, Jin Yichuan."

"Who? Don't you know, father-in-law, that he is my junior brother?"

"How do people like you still care about this?"

"This person is my beloved relative and friend! A brother and sister!

Gotta...add money! "

For ten years, no one knows about the supporting role, but the world knows about adding more money.

As expected, when "Xiu Chun Dao" is released, the name "Zhou Zhou Wei" will definitely be widely circulated among the movie fans.

"My name is Ding Xiu, with a very smooth handwriting, and my nickname is Jiaqian Jushi!"

"Let's go have barbecue."

Chen Fei stood up and said hello, and cheers suddenly erupted from the scene.

With a skewer in his mouth, Lu Yang came over excitedly, "Director Chen, do you think that compared to "Cinema for the Blind" and "Xiu Chun Knife", which one has a higher box office?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes speechlessly. There is no basis for comparison between these two movies.

"Hehe." Lu Yang scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "That's right, I'm confused too. There's no comparison between these two movies."


2010, February 2, Lantern Festival.

Hengdian, the crew of "Beautiful Heart".

"The camera is in place, the radio is in place, the actors are in place...

The first scene, the first shot, Action! "

There were many reporters outside the crew taking photos, and everyone tacitly turned off the flash to avoid disturbing the crew's normal shooting.

This is also the first day. In order to promote the popularity, they will not be able to shoot at such a close range in the future.

In fact, Chen Fei's control over this aspect is not too strict. After all, it is a modern drama, and being secretly photographed is inevitable.

But other directors, such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, are very exaggerated. The shooting scene is always sealed and airtight, and no filming scenes are revealed to the outside world at all.

Just like Lao Mouzi's "Love at the Hawthorn Tree" and Chen Kaige's "The Orphan of Zhao" that is currently being filmed, there are not even half of the photos on the Internet, which shows how strict they are!

The machine was turned on the day before, and the next morning, various media outlets made headlines with press releases.

"The low-budget road comedy "Heart Blossoms on the Road" directed by Chen Fei officially started shooting yesterday, and the scene was full of stars and endless joy."

"So far, "Xiu Chun Knife", "Painted Skin 2" and "Heart Blossoms" invested by Feiyue Film and Television have all entered filming, leaving only "The Adventures of Li Xianli" in preparation."

""Cinema for the Blind" grossed 350 million at the box office on its first day. It is one of the models of low-cost literary films. Everyone who has seen it said it was good and highly recommended..."

Perhaps unwilling to lag behind others, Huayi suddenly began to vigorously promote "The Secret Fan in the Snow" at a time when news about Feiyue Film and Television was becoming frequent.

The media even took photos of Deng Wendi and Li Bingbin shopping in Sanlitun hand in hand, looking like sisters.

As for International Zhang, she has become a joke at this time. She hides on the set of "The Grandmaster" and never shows up. Even the paparazzi in Hong Kong have a hard time blocking her!
Chen Fei didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet, and just immersed himself in filming every day.

"Huang Bo, be careful when using the cutting machine. Get your props and goggles ready! Pay attention to safety!"

"Where's the mistress? Ning Hao! Can you please take off that big gold chain? The one who asked you to guest star is an artistic mistress, a gentle man wearing glasses, not a nouveau riche!"

"What are you talking about? Buick GL8 said that it is willing to cover all investment costs? Hey? It's a roadworthy car. Okay, just use its car and put the sticker of "Xu Fu, Don't Go" on that GL8."

"Beauty, remember, we have to use beauties in our drama. This is a beauty hunt, understand? All you see must be beauties with various characteristics!"

"Damn it, Bo, your album is pretty good, isn't it? Give me a set as a gift after you finish filming, or can you sing the theme song for this drama?"


Because it was a comedy-style movie, the crew was naturally full of joy.

Although Chen Fei could be heard scolding his mother from time to time, as soon as the current scene passed, no one took the curse words to heart.

Time passed day by day, and the box office revenue from "Cinema for the Blind" appeared in Chen Fei's mailbox every day.

Taking some free time, he took Lu Yang, Huang Bo, Ning Hao, and Zhou Xun to watch it together at Hengdian Cinemas.

The crew of "Painted Skin 2" is also here in Hengdian. Everyone gets together almost every day after filming, and it's very lively and interesting.

"Cinema for the Blind" tells the story of Chen Yu, an unemployed young man who accidentally breaks into a cinema for the blind run by Lao Gao and accidentally becomes a film projectionist hired by Lao Gao.

Zhou Wei showed a completely opposite state to "Ding Xiu" in this play.

The unemployed young man is casual by nature, sophisticated in his thinking, and full of infinite longing for a better future. However, he has no choice but to face the cruel reality, so he can only make a living by selling pirated discs...

After watching the movie, Lu Yang looked at the others expectantly, "What do you think of this movie? Can you give me a review?"

Chen Fei said nothing, but turned his head and looked at Ning Hao.

"The story is not bad." Ning Hao thought for a while and said: "It is a pity that the film failed to show the mature control of space construction in character creation. Most of the main characters lost their conceptualization and control. The flatness affects the artistic expression and ideological expression of the entire film."

“Professional enough!”

Huang Bo silently gave a thumbs up. He was a monk by the way and knew how to direct plays, but he didn't know much about professional terminology, so he couldn't say much.

Zhou Xun is not a director, so she can only evaluate based on her acting skills, and the answer she gave was very concise.

"They are all professionals, and their acting skills are impeccable!"

Immediately afterwards, several people looked at Chen Fei, waiting for him to make a final conclusion.

"Ning Hao has already mentioned the professionalism, so let me analyze it from the perspective of film art."

He sorted out the language and said slowly: "The shooting of the story expresses the creator's cultural pursuit and spiritual orientation of returning to simplicity through the juxtaposition of simplicity and utilitarianism. Unfortunately, the soothing image style and straightforward narrative A rift formed between styles, affecting the narrative and meaning of the film.

Looking back at the title "Cinema for the Blind", it seems to be eager to present the creator's appeal and somewhat lacks some implicit charm. If the title "Lao Gao and Chen Yu" is used, it may be more imaginative. space. "

"What the hell???"

Huang Bo was shocked on the spot, "Jie Nima, everyone is from the acting department and turned into directors. Why are you so good?"

Are you still being reasonable?

There is no reason for purity!

Ning Hao on the side also nodded with approval, "Director Chen's analysis is more professional than mine."

"It's strange that he is unprofessional!" Zhou Xun added on the side: "It's the Golden Bear and the Golden Palm. In the scope of literary and artistic films, he is almost at the end.

By the way, there is still a Golden Lion award left. When are you going to get it? "

As soon as he said this, several people all looked at him.

"Golden Lion?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he seemed to have made some kind of determination, "It's better to choose a day than to hit it, let's do it this year."


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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