It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 416 Xiao 3 succeeded in taking over? Oscar is coming! "What does he want to do?"

Chapter 416: Mistress succeeded in taking over? Oscar is coming! "He...he...what does he want to do?"

Facing the Venice Film Festival, Chen Fei has always treated it with a normal attitude.

Having already won the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or, he will certainly not let go of the Golden Lion, but only if there is a suitable script.

Fortunately, there is also "The Hunt" in the script library!
"'s you!"

The Venice Film Festival is usually held around September, and the time for films to be submitted for review is around June. According to Chen Fei's shooting speed, he can just catch up.


The filming of "Beautiful Heart" continues, and little sister Guli Nazha is about to be ready to appear in her killer appearance.

"The little girl is very beautiful. She has a nose and eyes, so delicate..." The makeup artist muttered quietly while applying makeup on her.

Gulinazha: "???"

Shouldn’t normal people have noses and eyes?

"Okay, you can just contact them directly when the time comes, or I can say hello in advance."

"Huh? Has this finally succeeded? It's just a pity that you are with a second-married man." He secretly muttered to himself, and then asked casually, "Are you next?"

But the industry doesn’t think so!

This is also the only domestic film to enter the 6 million box office list!

So far, the box office record for domestic movies is still 6.37 million yuan for "Mulan".

Xu Ke called Chen Fei and informed him that "Di Renjie: The Tongtian Empire" was finished. At the same time, he also told him one more thing.

Han Sanping called directly, "The mainland film market's basic base can already accommodate movies with a box office of 10 billion. Does this mean that domestic science fiction films can also enter the market?"


"Come on, unless this kind of movie is distributed globally, if it only relies on domestic production, it will definitely lose its pants."

"Haha, they have a very clear understanding of themselves."

As the Oscar ceremony approaches, Chen Fei is already arranging work for Huang Bo.

He had to take a few days off, and Huang Bo had to take over for the subsequent filming.

Several groups of people even came from the film bureau to take a look at the new equipment and special effects production process.

The advantages of Doanjing Digital are obvious. Not only are the equipment state-of-the-art, but the talents and technology are also imported from Hollywood. The key price is cheaper than abroad...

Thanks to the combination of various parties, many mainland film and television companies have sent orders, and it is estimated that the break-even is not far away.

So far, the second 10 billion box office movie in the domestic film market was born.

"We'll see!"

On the 5th, Chen Fei packed up his personal belongings early in the morning and prepared to rush to the airport.

"Okay, it's settled then. Let's meet and chat when we have time."

Next to her, Gulinazha, who was already dressed as a Shamate, covered her mouth and giggled happily. She was still very nervous at first, but she didn't expect that the director and assistant director were so easy to talk to, so she suddenly became less nervous.

Chen Fei was puzzled, "What kind of science fiction film are you talking about? Similar to "Roboman"?"

"No, I don't have the time to play house games with the rich second generation."

The arrival of Hollywood blockbusters is an extremely fatal blow to domestic films, but it is also extremely helpful to the development of mainland theaters.

Because the previous "Inception" has already set a new record, "Avatar" breaking 10 billion is actually normal for outsiders, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

Chen Fei curled his lips, "Then why don't we give them a Chinese-language film with a box office of 10 billion?"

Xu Ke said bluntly: "I have to work on the post-production of "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" first, and then Bona's "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate". Yu Dong was very generous and agreed to let me shoot the 3D version. Haha, this time I still need your digital support."

"You know Star Girl, right? It's that Huang Shengyi from your mainland. There seems to be a financial backer behind her. He specially set up a film and television company for her and set up a project for "The Legend of White Snake". He wanted me to direct it..."

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?" Huang Bo argued, his face turning red.

The film bureau was quite fast this time. Not long after the meeting, various policies that benefited the film and television industry began to be gradually implemented.

Men are not as stubborn as women. In just a few words, the two of them settled the follow-up cooperation.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei touched his chin, feeling inexplicably excited.

As long as there are a few more blockbusters, it will definitely stimulate the development of mainland theaters!

"Don't bully other girls, don't take advantage of other girls, be careful of getting into trouble!"

Su Guohai called and said vividly, "When the leaders left, they all lamented that mainland movies still have a long way to go before Hollywood movies!"

"Are you confident?"

At that time, there will be more and more cinemas, and the number of films scheduled will be higher and higher, and the box office will naturally increase accordingly.

He thought that today was just an ordinary day, but what he didn't expect was that a piece of news suddenly appeared on Sina and directly dominated the headlines!
""Avatar", the mainland box office exceeded 10 billion yuan!"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and Yang Zi's "old face" suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Of course not, I'm talking about the Iron Man genre."

"Oh, okay." Han Sanping sighed helplessly, and added: "The bureau called me over for a meeting yesterday. It probably meant that they wanted to increase the box office record of Chinese-language movies, so as not to deviate too much... …”


"This is called a virtuous cycle. Although it will also cause many domestic movies to lose their money, but who told you to make bad movies? Don't make bad movies to embarrass people. You deserve to lose money!"

At this moment, many "models" suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

"Red Cliff", "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ", "The Promise", "Three Guns to Surprise", "The Night Banquet"...

Sure enough, every director has a few stains on his body that can never be washed away!


After landing in Los Angeles, Chen Fei first paid attention to the box office situation of "Kung Fu Panda 2".

"2.7 million US dollars, it will definitely exceed 3 million before the release." Natasha reported enthusiastically.

"Where's Avatar? How old is it now?"

"North America has already reached US$7.5 million, and the global box office total is US$24 billion."

When she said this, Natasha was still a little disappointed. She originally thought that "Inception" could firmly occupy the top spot in global film history, but she didn't expect that it would be regained by Cameron so quickly. gone.

I have to say that "Truck Driver" is not only good at driving trucks, but also good at making movies!

A week ago, the North American box office of "Avatar" had just surpassed "Inception". At that time, Chen Fei specially posted a drawn celebration poster on Twitter to celebrate.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a week, and "Avatar" has already started to dominate the world.

The old American truck driver is really awesome!
After getting the news he wanted, he was ready to prepare a dress for the Oscar the day after tomorrow.

But never expected that an explosive news suddenly spread in China!
"Zhang Yimou's "Three Shots" was shortlisted for the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival."


When he heard Ning Hao's voice on the other end of the phone, Chen Fei even felt as if he was dreaming.

If a film of the quality of Three Guns can be shortlisted for Berlin, then his "Beautiful Heart" can definitely win the Golden Bear!
"I don't understand, I really don't understand. There's a lot of scolding on the Internet, everyone is mocking whether the Berlin Film Festival is collecting dirty money."

"Hey, don't worry about them, they have nothing to do with us anyway."

Chen Fei shrugged indifferently. After the shock, he figured it out. He was not going to participate in this Berlin Film Festival anyway, so collecting black money had nothing to do with him.

What he didn't expect was that just as he ended the call with Ning Hao, the Berlin organizer's phone number suddenly appeared on his caller ID page.


Chen Fei frowned slightly and pressed the connect button.

Ten minutes later, he hung up the phone, a flash of understanding flashing in his eyes!
"Berlin's 60th anniversary celebration? Oh, no wonder, Lao Mouzi has a lot of energy..."

On the phone just now, the organizers of the Berlin Film Festival specially invited him to participate in the 60th anniversary celebration of this Berlin Film Festival and hoped that he could appear as an award guest.

Obviously, this Berlin Film Festival is preparing for a big one!
It's a pity that Chen Fei didn't have time to go, so he had no choice but to refuse.

Here Zhang Yimou started to stir up troubles on the Internet, but over there Chen Kaige was not to be outdone. While filming "The Orphan of Zhao", he actually announced another movie project.

"The copyright for the island nation's fantasy novel "Shamon Kukai: The Ghost Banquet of the Tang Dynasty" has been secured, and the adaptation process will be officially launched..."

Perhaps because of the money spent, there are frequent positive reviews online, and the media even deliberately use the term "model worker" to describe his hard work.

Unfortunately, netizens did not buy it.

"So, this is about to start "The Promise 2", right?"

"Hahaha, brother Chen Kai is shooting one film at a loss for the other. The main film is a film with big thunder but little rain."

"Don't talk about Director Chen like that. In fact, he has done a lot. For example, in "The Promise", he contributed a lot of jokes to us."

"Pfft, hahaha!"


There are constant hot news in the Mainland, but compared to this Oscar event in Hollywood, it is still a few points behind.

To Chen Fei's surprise, during this stage of competition for awards, "Avatar" and "Inception" were not as popular as "The Hurt Locker"!

This can be seen from the red carpet ceremony.

When Catherine and the crew from "The Hurt Locker" stepped onto the red carpet, there was a roar of cheers from both sides. The scene simply echoed Song Xingyi's words.

There were huge crowds of people, loud gongs and drums, and firecrackers blasting... "Is she so popular?" Chen Fei looked at Leonardo with some confusion.

Before DiCaprio spoke, Monica on the side took the lead and said: "To be precise, it should be that the popularity of feminist forces is too high."

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly realized!

Indeed, in the history of the Oscars, no female director has ever won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director, and there were only three or four nominations.

But this year is different. Catherine and "The Hurt Locker" were not only a box office success, but also won various awards. They might even succeed in taking home an Oscar!
"I'm quite optimistic about Director Catherine." Monica took the initiative to add.

"I hope she can succeed." Chen Fei also agreed with a smile.

If Catherine can successfully win the Oscar, this will definitely have a great effect on the company's stock price, and may even affect the box office of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and "Superbody".

Are you going to watch the top commercial 3D science fiction blockbuster from the Oscar-winning best female director... or not?
"Let's go, it's our turn."

Chen Fei noticed that a staff member was already waving to them, and immediately led Xiao Lizi, Fat Wen, and Monica forward.

In addition to a large number of foreign reporters on both sides of the red carpet, there were also many media from China.

Chen Fei did not refuse everyone's requests for interviews and photos, but instead posed with a smile.

"Director Chen, are you confident about winning the award?"

"I don't know either. I hope I can win a prize, haha..."

In fact, his task today is quite heavy. In addition to attending the Oscars ceremony, he also has to go to the Avenue of Stars to leave his fingerprints.

However, the two sessions do not overlap. Let’s finish participating in the Oscars first and then talk about it.

Here Chen Fei successfully entered the venue, and the press release from the media was delivered to the mainland almost in real time.

"The 82nd Academy Awards Ceremony has officially begun. On the red carpet, Director Chen Fei was interviewed by domestic entertainment, looking confident and high-spirited!"

"I wish Director Chen Fei will win the award and create greater glory!"

"The number one Chinese director really deserves his reputation..."

According to Chen Fei's current fame and status, after entering the venue, as expected, he was led directly to the front row by the staff and enjoyed VIP-like treatment!
The left hand is Leonardo, the right hand is Cameron...

When the live broadcast of the movie channel started, looking at Chen Fei's position, the eyes of a group of young directors in domestic entertainment turned red with envy!
"Good guy, when can I sit in which seat?"

"You???" Li Yang looked at Guo Fan and shook his head slowly, "Don't even think about it. This dream is not suitable for us."

Different from their envy, Wu Yu on the other side curled his lips with disdain, "Humph, what's so great about it, isn't it just sitting in the first row? What does this mean? You have left your mark on the Avenue of Stars. Do you have the mark of a director? Do you have a director’s star? You don’t have one, hahaha!”

He just didn't know why, but while laughing, he always felt like he couldn't hold back his saliva.

"It must be because of my old age..."

Wu Yu has always been very good at self-hypnosis.


The award ceremony started soon.

Best documentary feature, best documentary short, best animated short, best live-action short, best original song, best original score...

Many awards have nothing to do with "Inception" and are not the focus of its pursuit.

Best visual effects is considered a key item, but it was unfortunately taken away by "Avatar", but it was well deserved.

The subsequent three awards of Best Sound Effects, Best Sound Effects Editing, and Best Original Screenplay were all won by "The Hurt Locker", triggering the first small climax of the audience!

Catherine was sitting in the second row behind Chen Fei. She was extremely excited at this time, her eyes were eager, as if she had already seen the scene when she won the grand prize.

"Best Editing at the 82nd Academy Awards - "Inception"!"

The presenter was Quentin. After handing out the trophy, he couldn't help but complain a few words in his heart, "What's going on with the Oscar organizers? Why do others keep winning awards and I get nothing? I want to pray to God." Punish you..."

Unfortunately, God obviously did not favor him.

The next Best Cinematography Award was awarded to "Avatar" by the organizer. The IMAX-3D camera developed by Laoka is really awesome and definitely deserves this award!

Next up is Best Actor.

Chen Fei walked up to the award podium silently. The organizer had told him in advance that he would be the one to present the award.

There are five nominees: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jeff Bridges, George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, and Jeremy Renner.

In the audience, Xiao Lizi's eyes were filled with anticipation. He had been coveting this little golden man for too long, too long!

Unfortunately, what finally came out of Chen Fei's mouth was, "Congratulations, Jeff Bridges for "Crazy Heart."

Xiao Lizi: "..."

"Thank you, Fei, it's such an honor!"

"Haha, you deserve this."

Chen Fei is quite familiar with him. When he was filming "Iron Man" in 07, Jeff Bridges played a major villain in it. He was even nominated for the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor, but he failed to win. .

Three years later, now he has won the Oscar for Best Actor, and he will be soaring from now on!

The subsequent Best Actress award was awarded by Cameron, and the final winner was Sandra Bullock, an actress who was nearly 50 years old and burst into tears!
Pang Wen was a little disappointed, but not as disappointed as Li Zi. After all, she won the Oscar for Best Actress.

Next are the final two awards!
Best Director, Best Film!
Natasha has spent tens of millions on marketing and public relations. Coupled with the support of external fans and feminist forces, the final result did not surprise everyone.

"The Hurt Locker" won two consecutive awards for Best Director and Best Picture. Catherine successfully killed her ex-husband Cameron!

Seeing his ex-wife go on stage to receive the award, Lao Ka smiled and applauded without any dissatisfaction.

After all, the Oscars are still the holy land for feature films. For commercial films such as "Avatar" and "Inception", this is simply not a place where they can get involved.

The former only won two trophies, the latter only one...

Almost all other awards were taken away by "The Hurt Locker"!
Catherine and Volton Pictures, the producer of "The Hurt Locker", became the biggest winners tonight!

However, to everyone's surprise, when Catherine took the stage to deliver her acceptance speech, Chen Fei became the first person she thanked.

"Here, I would like to thank Fei for his support. He invested in this movie, he encouraged me, he discovered me, and he supported me on the Oscar stage..."

The camera came over, and Chen Fei had a faint smile on his face, but he was secretly guarding Cameron in case he couldn't think about it at night and hit himself with a truck!
He felt that he needed to explain that he had absolutely no relationship with Lao Ka's ex-wife outside of work, and his divorce was definitely not caused by him...


With two trophies being taken home by Catherine and Natasha, today's Oscars ceremony has officially come to an end.

However, what puzzled the domestic audience was that the broadcast on the movie channel did not end, but instead turned to the Avenue of Stars.

"What's going on? Do you want us to look at the stars on the Avenue of Stars together?"

Many viewers expressed their incomprehension.

At this time, only Wu Yu frowned slightly, and a terrible thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"No way? Is someone going to leave their fingerprints on the Avenue of Stars again?"

He was just guessing when he saw Chen Fei reappear in the broadcast screen.

At this moment, Wu Yu suddenly lost his composure, his eyes widened uncontrollably, and his face was full of disbelief!

"He...he...what does he want to do?"

The Avenue of Stars is also a classic tourist attraction. Almost all tourists who come to Los Angeles come here to take pictures as a souvenir.

Although there is not much to see here, the long street seems to have engraved the entire history of film and is commemorated and worshiped by the world.

In fact, it’s not just movies. People who can leave stars on the Avenue of Fame also include outstanding contributors in television, music, theater, radio and other fields.

And because Chen Fei left his name on the Avenue of Stars as a director, there is a very delicate "camera" pattern under his star.

The star recipients are the honorary mayor of Los Angeles and Spielberg, who currently dominates the box office in film history. Their identities are just right.

And when Chen Fei engraved his handprints and footprints and signed his name in the five-pointed star, the scene suddenly burst into extremely warm applause!
At this point, the fifth Chinese person to leave his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has finally appeared!
At this moment, the fans who are watching this broadcast are so excited that they can’t help themselves!

"What the hell? Director Chen is really awesome! He actually managed to leave his name on the Avenue of Stars. This appearance... is simply amazing!"

"I just checked, and so far only four people, including Anna May Wong, Bruce Lee, Wu Yu, and Chen Long, have left stars. Director Chen is now the fifth, and he is only 26 years old!"

"Spielberg and the honorary mayor of Los Angeles personally awarded the star? Marde, don't say it anymore, I have already said the word envy."

"Awesome! So awesome!"

"No. 1 among Chinese directors, Director Chen is synonymous with directors developing abroad in China!"

Hot discussions continued on the Internet, and the press release almost occupied the entire Internet in just a few minutes. Weibo's hot searches even directly landed at the top of the list...

At this time, Wu Yu looked at the broadcast and almost vomited blood.


Obviously I had just laughed at him before. He doesn't even have a star on the Avenue of Stars. How can he be worthy of being a top international director?

I didn’t expect the slap in the face to come so quickly!
God is unfair, why did he give him stars? All the achievements that he was proud of were almost broken by him!

"No! No! I can't sit still and wait for death!"

Wu Yu suddenly couldn't sit still. He picked up his phone from the table and quickly found the contact information of the organizer of the Venice Film Festival.

He is quite familiar with the Venice organizers. If he works hard on public relations, he is very likely to win an honorary award at this Venice Film Festival.

In this way, he can stabilize Chen Fei's head again!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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