It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 417: What’s wrong with a good night’s entertainment?

Chapter 417: A good night of fun...what's the matter?

"Director Chen, congratulations, you are on the Oscar Walk of Fame. You are now officially included in film history!"

"Brother Fei! It's so awesome! The word "admiration" will be uttered by our crew!"

"Brother Chen Fei, congratulations. You have left your name in film history. I'm so envious! Well, "The Adventures of Li Xianli" will be launched soon. Director Guo and Director Li said they will hold a launch ceremony. Do you want to come to the scene?"


On the night after the Oscars, Chen Fei's phone calls never stopped. Congratulatory calls and text messages poured in from all over the world, which even made him feel exhausted.

Until finally, he even had to turn off his phone directly to avoid being disturbed.

"Haha, this may be the trouble that Glory has added to its body."

Monica also returned to the villa in Beverly Hills. When she saw Chen Fei hang up the phone helplessly, she immediately started joking.

Chen Fei curled his lips, "It's so late at night, these people don't even notice the time difference? Don't you know it will disturb people's sweet dreams?"

We are all adults and have had too many in-depth exchanges before, so we can instantly understand each other just by making eye contact.

The night is long and I have no intention of sleeping, so let the happiness continue~

Science and persistence are the best strategies. All auxiliary props will be harmful to the body if used too much, so it is better to use them as little as possible.

What Red Bull + Liquor?

"I'll give you whatever you want..."

Fade Chen lowered his head subconsciously, his eyes swept across Monica's face, and finally landed on the pair of shocking plump breasts.

"Fei, I just learned an idiom, 'Good nights are short, carpe diem,' do you think it is suitable for us now?"

"Then how should you reward me?"

Glancing at Monica, who was sleeping soundly, he rolled out of bed, changed into sportswear, and went to the gym to start running.

Although I spent a lot of energy last night, I can't stop exercising. This is a long-lasting medicine.

It really has to be in time, after all... a good night is too short!

That thing is too strenuous for the body, so don't do it, it's not advisable.

"Hmm, I didn't expect you to learn idioms so well?"

"Yeah, I think so too."

And because she was too crazy last night and accidentally scratched her lip, she was a little afraid to go out and meet people and needed to recover a little.

It's only 12 o'clock now, and there are still six full hours before morning, so Chen Fei is not in a hurry.

Chen Fei did not have breakfast with Monica because she said she wanted to sleep until the afternoon to relieve both physical and mental fatigue.

"Fei, how about we go watch a movie together? I know there is a private theater here in Los Angeles that is very well hidden."

Monica nodded in approval, moved her steps lightly, and walked straight to him.

At six o'clock in the morning, Chen Fei got up on time.

So, Chen Fei made an appointment to meet Emma Roberts, who had just arrived in Los Angeles, and had breakfast together.

European and American girls are like this, they never hide their intentions.

A private theater where you can watch movies and play games, it’s great when you think about it!

"Ok, listen to you."

Chen Fei did not refuse, and he was not in a hurry to go back. Huang Bo was watching over there, so he felt relieved.

"What do you want to watch? 'Kung Fu Panda 2'? Or 'Avatar'?"

"I want to see Disney's Alice in Wonderland."

"Ok, let's go then."

Listening to this movie title, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart for Disney's generosity.

In order to make this live-action animated film, Disney also spent a lot of money!

The production capital is as high as 2.5 million U.S. dollars, and the cast has assembled a number of big-name stars such as Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, and Anne Hathaway!
However, perhaps it is precisely because of this boldness that Disney finally tasted success.

The film completed principal photography in December 08, which took only 12 days, and then entered the post-production stage, combining CG animation with live action, and then converting it into 40D images.

The film is also produced using the new IMAX DMR technology and is divided into three versions: IMAX3D, ordinary 3D, and ordinary 2D. This is the fourth film to use this level after "Inception", "Avatar" and "Kung Fu Panda 2" The movie was released to the specifications.

It grossed US$1.16 million in three days of release, becoming the weekend box office champion in North America. It is also the highest-grossing commercial blockbuster in Hollywood since 2010!

Moreover, the film's harvest in the overseas film market was also quite generous. It earned US$9400 million in the first week and set two box office records: first, the highest opening weekend box office for a March film in film history; The highest opening weekend box office of the spring season. I have to say that Disney’s big gamble did bring them success!
Arriving at the private theater, after entering the room and making sure there were no cameras in the room, Chen Fei and Emma Roberts put on 3D glasses and started watching the movie.

The plot of the film is still a common cliché in Hollywood. You can guess the ending after seeing the beginning, but the cool pictures make up for this shortcoming.

Chen Fei is quite interested in the "White Queen" played by Anne Hathaway. Unfortunately, her acting skills are a bit awkward and artificial. When she walks, she waves her hands like orchid fingers. It feels like she is acting in a stage play, and her speech is nervous. Xixi...

By the end, he was no longer interested, but Emma Roberts on the side looked at it quite seriously, and showed a surprised expression from time to time.

Chen Fei shrugged and pulled the blanket lying aside to cover him, preparing to take a nap first.

I was really tired last night, so taking a nap can quickly restore my mental state.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to sleep for long.

After a while, he felt a slippery object get into his blanket.

Chen Fei opened his eyes helplessly, ready to punish her.

He reached out his hand and slapped it hard!

A sound echoed in the private theater room.

The sound was not clear and crisp, but it sounded a bit dull because of the hip-covering skirt.

Emma, ​​who was punished, subconsciously raised her head and glanced at Chen Fei shyly.

"Fei, are you awake? Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Is the movie over?" Chen Fei asked.

"Yeah, it's been over ten minutes."

"Then let's go?"

"No!" Emma quickly shook her head and refused: "I booked it for four hours. It would be a waste to leave now."

Four hours? ? ?

Chen Fei expressed confusion, "The movie is less than two hours, why did you book it for four hours?"

Emma blushed and said with blurred eyes: "Because..."


More than three hours later, the two walked out of the private theater.

Because the time estimate was wrong, Emma had to pay a little more for it, but she was not angry, but paid with satisfaction.

What the two of them didn't notice was that not long after they left, two people also walked out of the private movie room next to them.

This is a combination of a middle-aged man and a young girl.

The girl walked in front, her mouth pouted high, her hands folded in front of her chest, looking puffed up.

The middle-aged man followed behind, blushing and embarrassed to the point where his toes seemed to be digging into the ground.

The two walked quickly and walked out of the cinema.

"Andy, wait for me!" Seeing the girl walking quickly, the man shouted hurriedly.

"Trash!" The girl stood up suddenly, turned her head and yelled angrily: "Nick, you are a trash, oh! I am so stupid, let's break up, I never want to see you again, I am really Unbearable!"

The middle-aged man blushed and watched the girl leave quickly, but he was helpless.


On March 3, Chen Fei got on the plane back to China.

Before leaving, he also specially arranged a series of work in North America.

"Kung Fu Panda 2" has entered its release period, with a cumulative box office of US$3.2 million in North America and a total global box office of US$8.5 million. The lMDb score has directly reached 8.2 points!
It has to be said that lMAX-3D is indeed a key tool to improve the box office.

Chen Fei is already looking forward to the box office data of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes". If it can reach 2 million US dollars, then there is hope for this year's box office championship.

And there will be "Twilight 4", "Twilight 5", "Superman", "The Hunger Games", "Iron Man 2" and many other blockbusters to come!
2010 is destined to be an extraordinary year, and Walton Pictures will once again create its own glory.

It feels so great to be an independent production company and crush all the established film companies!
When Bruce sent him to the airport, he chewed Liuwei Dihuang Pills and said, "Fei, maybe when you come back next time, your net worth will have reached 50 billion US dollars."

Chen Fei gave him a roll of his eyes, and then told him to remember to wear a small umbrella when he arrived in Neon Country!
The plan to acquire Tsuburaya Co., Ltd. has almost been formulated. Bruce will go to sign the contract as a shareholder of the company and complete the post-acquisition preparations.

Chen Fei was quite relieved about his work efficiency and attitude. The only thing that made him uneasy was that this guy couldn't control his lower body.

For the sake of safety, this matter must be taken seriously. After all, the girl over there in Neon... is indeed a bit worrying!
(End of this chapter)

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