It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 419 Paparazzi nose? Rub and rub one word: "Absolute!", it's so cruel!

Chapter 419 Paparazzi nose? Rub, rub... one word: "Absolute!", it's so cruel!

The film market in March is still bustling.

After the release of "Avatar", domestic animation finally succeeded in turning around, including the historical biographical drama "Confucius" that was almost sentenced to death, and the box office reached 100 million!

So far, Hu Mei has become the first female director in the Mainland's 100 million box office club.

When receiving the news, Chen Fei was not very surprised.

"As more and more financial giants enter the market, let alone 100 million yuan, the future movie box office record will surely be higher and higher, even far beyond everyone's imagination!"

Ning Hao, who came to visit the class, couldn't help but become nervous after hearing this, "So... we might also be surpassed?"

"It's not possible, but inevitable. As long as you dare to stop, more and more people will catch up behind you!"

Ning Hao stopped answering and silently left the crew of "Butterfly Lovers" to continue filming "Painted Skin 2".

He was originally still complacent about his 5 million box office throne and Golden Bear trophy, but now he is inexplicably nervous.

After some operations, Chen Fei and Fan Bingbing got into the car very smoothly.

The woman is Yang Ying from "Love in the City", and she was suspected of being photographed entering and exiting the hotel together.

What's more, this person's marketing skills are top-notch among the four double ice skaters. I believe she will never give up this once-in-a-lifetime marketing opportunity!

Huayi probably spent some money on it, and the heat was quickly suppressed without making much of a splash.

Guo Fan and Lu Yang co-directed the film, with Zhu Yawen and Jing Tian as the male and female leads. Jiang Wu, Fan Ming, Yano Haoer, You Benchang and others also joined the cast.

That afternoon, there was a press release about the opening ceremony in the entertainment section.

After the filming of this scene is completed, everyone can have a dinner together.


It seems that this is indeed the case!

"Don't be proud! It's very likely that the one who steps on the horse will be overtaken by someone who comes after him!"

Fan Bingbing's figure is also well-known in the industry. In addition, she is often famous on the red carpet and dares to wear and leak. Therefore, when many lonely fans dream at night, she is the imaginary object.

And when she appeared on the set wearing "Avatar" clothes, more than half of the men present were dumbfounded!
The simple "front and back" can no longer be used as an adjective. If you want to express it more deeply, there is only one word - "Absolute!"

As long as you are a normal man, you will inevitably have some reactions at this time.

Because the launch ceremony was held in Hengdian, Chen Fei naturally came to support it.

Leader Huang is now a hot star in the industry, and he is also a shareholder of Huayi. Whenever something happens, it will naturally affect the stock price.

The public relations department spent some money, so there are all kinds of positive reviews online. The movie has just started shooting, but the popularity has already started.

Huayi's stock price has been fluctuating quite a lot since its listing. Some time ago, it finally stabilized at around 70, but because of Huang Xiaoming's scandal, it suddenly dropped to 50!

Dancing, auctioning, cheating...

The filming location was a barbecue stall, and the ingredients were all bought from a nearby vegetable market and were not props.

"Hey, the paparazzi in the Mainland also have very sharp noses!"

"Feiyue Film and Television has been continuously cultivating new directors. This move may benefit the future..."

On the other hand, "The Adventures of Li Xianli", which has been in preparation for nearly two months, has officially started filming.


Huang Bo murmured, "As expected, after this movie is released, her fame will rise to another level."

The sound of the clapper fell and the shooting officially began.

Chen Fei shrugged, with a slight smile on his face.

Huang Xiaoming was on the set of "Painted Skin 2" at the moment, and he specifically mentioned this incident when he came to the set of "Butterfly Lovers" to make a guest appearance.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei and Huang Bo looked at each other and understood instantly.



"Let's make each other successful."

The person involved quickly responded: "We are just friends who have just met. The meeting in the hotel was completely unintentional. It's just that the backs are similar..."

The camera position is outside the window, and there are only audio equipment and a lot of real props in the car.

Chen Fei apologized softly. Fan Bingbing sat in his arms in the narrow back seat. The two of them were very close, so some physical contact was naturally unavoidable.

Fan Bingbing chuckled softly, and even deliberately moved his body forward where the camera could not capture it, so that the two bodies were closer.

In the original time and space, "All I want is Avatar" can be said to be one of the classic lines in the movie "The Flower of the Heart", but it is a pity that the actress failed to become popular later.

"Feiyue Film and Television has once again joined two outstanding young directors. The new film will focus on live-action adaptations of animations, so stay tuned!"

"It doesn't matter, it's just for filming, I don't mind."

But this time it's Fan Bingbing, who I believe will definitely make her popular.

"At the opening ceremony, Director Chen Fei stood up in person and expressed that he attached great importance to it."

"Excuse me……"

Chen Fei tried his best to pull his lower body back, but the "witch girl" in front of him kept chasing after her. After getting closer, she even rubbed her back and forth on purpose!


Huang Bo's voice came from outside the window, "Get ready, Action!"

As soon as the sound of playing the board fell, Fan Bingbing seemed to have received an order, and his movements became even wider, wishing he could rub his whole body into Chen Fei's arms.

The next second, the classic line came.

"I...I'll take off my makeup first."

"Don't... don't, no, what I want is the Avatar!"

As they spoke, the two of them lay down completely and disappeared from the camera.

The next second, the camera shot directly to Huang Bo outside the window.

His slightly opened mouth showed his shock, and the confusion and disbelief on his face was even more vivid at this moment!

If you were to give him a mental profile, his lines would definitely be: Damn it, are you just doing this?


The executive director shouted "Click", declaring that the scene ended successfully.

The car door opened, and Fan Bingbing walked out calmly. Chen Fei, who was behind him, tightened his collar and got out of the car.

Seeing the round buttocks twisting back and forth in front of him, Chen Fei couldn't help but want to go up and give it a couple of hard slaps!
These tiger bitches are so cruel!
After the two of them made the move to lie down just now, Chen Fei was originally pressing on Fan Bingbing, but he did not make any unnecessary movements and just waited quietly for the prompt from outside.

But he never expected that this tiger girl would take advantage of the opportunity that the camera could not capture, and she would actually raise her head and take a deep breath on his collarbone, directly imprinting a "strawberry" on it.

"No wonder there are temporary couples on the crew. If it continues like this, it will be difficult for any man to handle it!"

Just imagine, a beautiful actress with an explosive figure takes the initiative to seduce you. As long as she is not curvy, she will not be able to resist you for a long time!

This is a very normal situation, but it also reflects all kinds of chaos in the entertainment industry.

Since it is a "friendly guest appearance", Fan Bingbing's role will naturally not be much, and it will be over in two or three days at most.

In the KTV scene, she slapped Ma Su, and after this scene it was officially finished. As for the wedding scene, it ended when she arrived on the day.

And Jiao Junyan's scenes are even more pitiful, the whole story is less than five minutes, but she still got a short haircut for this!
There are still very few actors like Zhao Yanzi who do not cooperate with the director. In "Shaolin Soccer", the image of the big bald head wearing a hood is still mentioned by many people in the industry when chatting, and their words are full of ridicule.

"Congratulations on finishing filming. I need you to help promote it when it comes out. Thank you for your hard work..."

Chen Fei smiled and gave Fan Bingbing a bouquet of flowers. As a director, this is what he should do.

"Don't worry, as long as Director Chen calls, I will be there."

"Haha, okay, when is the flight scheduled? I'll have someone drive you there."

"No, my agent is already on the way, and I have to join the next crew..."

Fan Bingbing explained, but did not leave immediately.

There will be a night scene tonight, and for a star like her to be finalizing, a finals banquet is indispensable.


"Lei Datou! Get your emotions going for me later. Although you only have one line, you are a key figure. This role needs to be remembered by the audience at a glance."

"Don't worry, Director Chen, there's nothing wrong with it."

Lei Jiayin made an "Ok" gesture, holding a piece of broken ice in his hand, with a yellow-haired head, which looked like the Shamate that was very popular in the past few years.


When the sound of typing fell, Ma Su was the first to speak out, "Husband, those two threads I just lifted were pulled away with just one slap..."

Lei Datou was already caught up in the drama. He swung the plastic bag out of his hand and kicked him over.

"My darn thing!"

"What the hell?"


"What the hell?!"

With three consecutive "I'm not crazy" words, the emotional expression was quite good, and the score in the school's line test was obviously above the passing line.

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter, especially Liu Meihan, who had previously burst out in the box with the classic line "Brother, why don't I do it? I was an extra in Hengdian". Now she was holding her stomach and laughing. He fell to the ground and didn't recover for a long time.


The executive director directly shouted "Ka", indicating that this plot was successfully passed.

The filming lasted until 10:30 in the evening, and then everyone packed up and headed straight to the hotel!

The management gave a lot of money, and the various patch advertising fees were even more generous, so Chen Fei was naturally not stingy and picked out the good spots as soon as they came up.

"Director Chen, I respect you."

Fan Bingbing came over and took a sip of three ounces of white wine, which was quite generous.

After she opened her studio, she had more social activities, and her drinking capacity naturally increased.

"I need your support in the future."

"Don't worry, I will contact you if there is a suitable role." Chen Fei responded. After thinking for a moment, he reminded her, "The artist studio is free, but some things must be carefully considered."

"Ah? Okay!"

Fan Bingbing's face showed some confusion, and it was obvious that he did not understand what Chen Fei meant.

Of course Chen Fei wouldn't say anything more. The reason why he reminded her just now was because he simply felt that the entertainment industry would be quite boring without "Master Fan". As for whether she would make the same mistake again in the future, it had nothing to do with him.

After the wine party was over, Chen Fei returned to the room.

When he took out the room cards from his pocket, he found two again.

He glanced at the room number on the other room card, smiled, and threw it into the trash can nearby.

Food, sex, sex... But if you start thinking about problems with your lower body, you are destined to go into the abyss!
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you!

It is normal for actors who are familiar with each other to visit each other's cast.

However, when Guo Fan and Li Yang led the entire cast of "The Adventures of Li Xianli" to visit the class, Chen Fei was still a little surprised.

Looking at the reporters following behind him, he suddenly realized.

This saucy operation, at first glance, was thought up by Guo Fan!
"Director Chen, hehe, long time no see." Jing Tian handed over a bottle of water and greeted him warmly.

"Indeed, long time no see."

Chen Fei smiled at her, then raised his head and looked behind her, "Mr. Lu? Why are you here too?"

Chen Fei was still a little curious about Lu Zheng's appearance. Could this person really be a personal nanny?

"Haha, come here to visit the class and chat with Director Chen."

"Oh?" Chen Fei looked at him with some confusion.

Lu Zheng didn't waste any time. He took out a script from his bag and handed it over.

Chen Fei reached out to take it, looked down and saw two huge words written on the cover of the script.

"Warring States"!
Mad, why do your hands feel a little hot?

Chen Fei complained secretly in his heart, and did not open it directly, but looked at Lu Zheng with a puzzled expression, "Mr. Lu, what does this mean?"

"Starlight will team up with Wanda to launch this historical masterpiece with an investment cost of 1.5 million yuan, and it will be joined by actors such as Sun Honglei, Jing Tian, ​​and Wu Zhenyu.

The reason I came here this time is to invite you to direct this movie. You can make any request you want..."

Lu Zheng made a "rich" expression and his tone was very strong, obviously full of confidence!
Jing Tian on the side listened to the conversation between the two with expectation on his face.

She is the heroine. If Chen Fei is willing to direct, there will be more opportunities to meet her in the future.

Liu Yifei is in Hollywood right now. If she can get along with Chen Fei day and night, first come first...

Unfortunately, daydreams never come true.

Chen Fei smiled, shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, you may not know that my upcoming shooting schedule is already very full. There are too many jobs in Hollywood waiting for me to arrange. I don't have any plans at all. Time to take on extra drama.”

With that said, he handed the script back without even opening it to read!
I can't take this book, the plot is too brutal, no matter how much I pay, I can't take it.

"Mr. Chen can make a request first, and we can all accept it..." Lu Zheng seemed to want to continue fighting for it.

"Sorry, I really don't have time."

Chen Fei looked at him very firmly, his meaning was very obvious, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Oh, okay..."

Lu Zheng sighed and took back the notebook helplessly.

He actually wanted to ask Ning Hao about it, but he remembered that the other party's "Painted Skin 2" had just been launched less than a month ago, so he definitely didn't have time.

Jing Tian pursed his lips and lowered his head in disappointment.

"Why can't we always cooperate?"


(Ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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