It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 420 The happiness of the chaebol is beyond your imagination!

Chapter 420 The happiness of the chaebol is beyond your imagination!
After all, "Cinema for the Blind" failed to complete its one-month release period and was withdrawn from shelves early.

Total box office revenue: 4850 million yuan!

Compared with "Confucius" of the same period, it was a disastrous failure, but if compared with movies such as "The Golden Guard", "Su Qier", "Hua Tian Xi Shi 2010" and other movies, it actually beats them!
Chen Fei still has a good impression of Zhao Wenzhuo, especially the movie "Fa Hai", the lines and action scenes in the play are very good.

"How dare you try your best to do the same thing?"

To be honest, Zhao Wenzhuo's image and temperament are still very good among action actors. Unfortunately, the Hong Kong scene is too exclusive, and mainland capital is only focused on its own people.

Under many influences, he has become synonymous with bad movies!

Especially this "Su Qier" with an investment of 1.3 million yuan. Although the cast is huge, it is an out-and-out bad movie.

Chen Fei himself is also an action actor. If you look at it from the perspective of action scenes alone, this movie is quite interesting.

At least the actors' martial arts scenes are very good.

But the truth is really terrible!

"You want to get married? Are you...are you a little anxious?"

Looking at the rankings on the box office list, Chen Fei shook his head silently and came to the conclusion again, "The Hong Kong action movie is completely over!"


While looking at the familiar phone number on his phone, he kept wiping the overflowing tears. His body curled up slightly, as if all his strength had been drained away!
It wasn't until he noticed Chen Fei approaching from behind that he forcibly controlled the pain in his heart and raised his head slightly, as if this could allow tears to return to his tear ducts.

"You will do the editing?"

The main test of this scene is Huang Bo's acting skills.

I haven’t seen those two sweet-smelling and adorable little girls for a long time, and I still miss them!

Both movies are written by Chen Fei, and China Film Group also has a certain share in them, so the impact on the film schedule is not huge.


It is worth mentioning that Wang Luojue became famous again through this!
She played a female doctor in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", occupying a large amount of scenes and can be regarded as the third heroine.

After learning from the phone that his ex-wife was about to get married, Geng Hao hung up the phone and then staged an extremely distressing crying scene.

Chen Fei and Huang Bo walked behind the monitor together. After checking to make sure there were no problems, shouts resounded throughout the set.

The executive director shouted stop, which also meant that the final scene of "The Flowers of the Heart" was officially filmed.

Chen Fei did not refuse his invitation and promised to fly to South Korea in April.

After the closing banquet in the evening, Chen Fei flew directly back to the capital with the film, accompanied by Huang Bo and a group of people from the behind-the-scenes team.


"New Chinese martial arts?"

The actor-level acting skills were fully revealed at this moment!
Huang Bo's shoulders began to tremble slightly, his eyes gradually turned red, tears quickly filled his eyes, and endless sadness and pain spread on his face.

""Heart Blossoms on the Road" is finished!"

"You actually lost to a literary film? Hey, the management should probably cry again..."

China Film Corporation has announced its list of imported films for the first half of the year, among which "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and "Iron Man 2" are prominently on the list.

"New director Lu Yang's new film grossed 4850 million yuan, a satisfactory answer."

Obviously, these two movies are bound to start a battle, but unfortunately the former does not have an advantage in scheduling.

Geng Hao hung up the phone without waiting for any explanation.

Although this crying scene was short, it made people deeply feel the inner pain and sadness of the middle-aged man.
Huang Bo's actor-level performance amazed many actors present and secretly admired him!

He tried hard not to let the tears fall, but at this moment, all the sadness and longing for the past in his heart had been vented from his heart. Even though he tried hard to hold on, the tears still fell from his eyes uncontrollably. slide.

"Feiyue Film and Television has added another general after Chen Fei and Ning Hao!"

He hasn't let go, or even gotten over his last relationship, but he heard the news that his ex-wife is about to get married. This blow to a middle-aged man is no less than a bolt from the blue!
If you were to give Geng Hao a psychological profile now, it would be: "I love you in the rain, but you love others with an umbrella. It's really boring..."

The studio was completely silent at the moment!

The final scene of "Beautiful Heart" returns to the airport.

Of course, his main purpose is definitely not for "Train to Busan", but for Lin Yoona and Li Zhien.

Through this cry, he seemed to release the pain and sadness in his heart and regain his tenacity and courage.

With the removal of "Cinema for the Blind", media press releases have once again appeared on major entertainment platforms.

Time has arrived in late March, and the Chinese New Year festival has officially come to an end. Hollywood blockbusters are eagerly waiting to enter the market.


Natasha has already prepared for the premiere of "War for the Planet of the Apes", but Chen Fei probably won't be able to go back because "Beautiful Heart" is about to be completed.

""Xiu Chun Dao" is coming soon, looking forward to the release date!"

Perhaps to join in the fun, news came from South Korea!
SBS finally finished filming "Train to Busan", and Zhang Changyuan sent an email to Chen Fei, inviting him to review the film.

The mainland media brought out the title "Flying Girl" and put it on her head again, which caused her popularity and net worth in the industry to skyrocket again!
In addition, Disney has also brought "Alice in Wonderland" to the mainland, scheduled for the 26th, three days earlier than "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes".

In an instant, cheers resounded throughout the audience.

After a while, he had put away his sad and painful emotions. Although there were still tears on his face, the sadness in his eyes had faded a lot.


Huang Bo's eyes lit up. He had always wanted to develop into a director, so he was quite enthusiastic about these behind-the-scenes jobs.

"Okay, then you go directly to the company. I have ordered a new batch of equipment. You can try it."

"Haha, good! You are still rich and generous!"


The filming had just finished here, and the media issued press releases one after another the next day.

"The low-budget movie "Heart Blossom Road" with an investment of less than 3000 million has officially been completed and is about to enter the post-production stage."

"Director Chen Fei once again directs a low-cost road comedy movie. I look forward to the wonderful debut of the finished film..."

"Can 3000 million be exchanged for 10 billion in box office? Bragging or confidence? Let's wait and see!"

Throughout the morning, the news in the circle was about the completion of "Heart Blossom Road", but after the afternoon, the heat was attracted by another thing.

Lu Zheng announced the "Warring States" project to the outside world.

Invest 1.5 million!
Costume historical war blockbuster!

Although the domestic film market is booming, projects with an investment of 1.5 million yuan are still extremely rare. Only a few top commercial film directors dare to work on such investment projects.

This shows how powerful Starlight and Wanda are!

As soon as the news came out, various media outlets rushed to report it, and agencies, large and small, rushed forward one after another, all trying to get a good enough role.

Lu Zheng called Chen Fei again and said that since he couldn't make it as a director, it would be okay to be a producer, right?
Again, the remuneration is up to Chen Fei!

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lu, I'm already on my way to South Korea. You'd better ask someone else."

After hearing this, Lu Zheng finally gave up.

However, perhaps in order to build momentum for "Warring States", Lu Zheng specifically mentioned his invitation to Chen Fei to be the director when interviewing the media.

He did not directly indicate that Chen Fei had refused, but gave an ambiguous answer.

"Starlight Film and Television Production Company is in preliminary contact with Director Chen Fei..."

In terms of capturing hot events, the mainland media still has two skills.

The press release was immediately spread all over the sky!

""Warring States" is suspected to be directed by Chen Fei, with a salary of up to 3000 million, including box office share. He is well-deserved as the number one director of domestic entertainment!"

"Joined forces……"

"The cast of "Warring States" has been announced, and A-list celebrities from domestic entertainment have joined the cast. If Chen Fei directs it again, it will surely create a new box office miracle for the costume war blockbuster!"


The news was flying all over the sky, but it did not disturb Chen Fei's elegance.

Faced with Lu Zheng's popularity-seeking behavior, he did not respond directly online.

The sponsors of "Warring States" are Wanda and Starlight. Both of them have a good relationship with him. It's just to gain popularity, so let them take advantage.

Later, when "Heart Blossom Road" is released, it will be enough to increase the number of films scheduled.

In the entertainment industry, it’s actually quite normal for everyone to give each other a try, just think of it as an alternative way of cooperation.

It was already evening when he landed in South Korea, and Li Zhien and Lin Yuer came to the airport to pick him up.

"Oppa! I miss you so much!"

In the car, the soft and sweet Li Zhien rushed over and got into Chen Fei's arms and refused to get out.

"Haha, I miss you too."

Chen Fei lowered his head and pecked the girl's lips, and a soft and waxy feeling immediately spread.

The three of them first went to a very private barbecue restaurant for a big meal, and then went straight to the villa.

"Huh? A new bathtub?"

Looking at the huge bathtub in the bathroom, Chen Fei turned to look at Lin Yuner curiously.

"Hmm, I just changed it a few days ago." Lin Yuner said softly while adjusting the water temperature: "The previous one was too small, only big enough for two people, but this one can accommodate four people!"

"Oh? Then I have to try. Can you lie down flat?"

Under the attentive service of the two girls, Chen Fei took off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub.

Two girls followed closely behind. I have to say, this bathtub is indeed big enough!

Chen Fei was leaning on the edge of the bathtub, with two slippery bodies leaning against his arms. It didn't seem crowded at all!

Lin Yuner covered her mouth and smiled: "Oppa, there is room for one person in front of you."

Upon hearing this, Li Zhien immediately became anxious, "No, no, I can't let it go. It's enough for Oppa to have me and Sister Yuer. We don't need extra people to join in the fun."

"Haha, you take me very seriously."

"Because that bed can only sleep three people. If one more person falls, it will be bad."

As he spoke, Li Zhien stretched his hand into the water like a naughty boy.

But when she arrived at the designated place, she discovered that Lin Yuer's little hands had already been in place one step ahead and had already started the "massage" movement.

"Oh, sister Yun'er is good, don't use too much force, be gentle, otherwise it will break!"

This bath is absolutely impossible to take...

After a brief wipe, the three of them went straight to the bedroom.


After it was over, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

Li Zhien had fallen into a deep sleep, and her little mouth would pout cutely from time to time, with a faint smile on her face, as if she had had a sweet dream.

Lin Yuner held on to her sleepiness and brought Chen Fei a bottle of water, and even unscrewed it and handed it over to him very considerately.

"Thank you."

Chen Fei smiled at her, drank half the bottle, and handed it back to her.

After rinsing his mouth briefly, Lin Yuner returned to the bed, clinging to her like an octopus.

"What? Want more?"

"No, no, no!" She shook her head quickly and explained, "I just want to sleep with Oppa in my arms, so that I feel safe."

Chen Fei knew what she wanted to express, and immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one in South Korea will dare to bully you."

"Thank you Oppa, I love you~"

"How was the filming of "Train to Busan"? Did you feel good?"

"It's very good. The director takes good care of me. President Zhang Changyuan will bring us snacks from time to time and care about our shooting status. Everyone on the crew is very good to me."

She knew in her heart that all this was given to her by the man in front of her, so she acted very well and sensible at all times.

She would never dare to say something similar to what Li Zhien said before.

Let alone the two of them, even if Chen Fei brings back another woman, or even multiple women, she will serve him very considerately.

This is called...

The posture of a great lady!


As Li Zhien said, this bed is indeed only big enough for three people to sleep. If there is any more, they will really fall off!
When he woke up in the morning, looking at the two girls standing close to him on the left and right, Chen Fei suddenly had the urge to buy a big bed.

It is best to have a large bed that can sleep ten people, so that everyone does not have to squeeze in to sleep.

"Oppa? Are you awake? Can I help you make breakfast?"

Lin Yuner followed closely and opened her eyes, preparing to get up.

"No, you continue to sleep, someone wants to treat me to breakfast."

With that said, under Lin Yuer's puzzled eyes, Chen Fei got up and left the villa.

Inviting guests to breakfast?
What can you eat for breakfast in South Korea? really weird!

"President Zhang, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Haha, Mr. Chen is coming here, it's a shame to welcome him from afar..."

After getting into Zhang Changyuan's Mercedes-Benz, the two went straight to SBS.

Breakfast was already prepared, and Chen Fei decided to watch the finished film of "Train to Busan" while eating at SBS.

Egg fried pumpkin, egg fried ham sausage, egg fried pollack, egg fried egg...

The taste is quite good, but the "egg" content is a bit high. No wonder these South Koreans have the sadness of having eggs on their bodies.

"President Zhang? Don't you want to eat?"

"I... I actually ate it when I left home. Eat it. If it's not enough, tell me and I'll order more for you."

Zhang Changyuan forced a smile, his face turned slightly pale.

"Train to Busan" is a zombie movie!
Facing so many disgusting zombies, how can you still eat breakfast?

He even wondered if Chen Fei was a psychopath. Didn't he feel sick at all? How on earth do you manage to watch such bloody scenes and eat delicious egg omelette dumplings at the same time?

As the 118-minute video ended, Chen Fei officially finished his breakfast.

He picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, then nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, very rich and delicious!"


Zhang Changyuan suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and his fear of Chen Fei increased inexplicably.

This Taima is definitely a pervert!

Chen Fei turned to look at him, "There are some places that need to be modified. I said, do you remember?"

"Okay! Say it!"

Zhang Changyuan nodded quickly and quickly took out paper and pen.

"The first is the contrast. The gap between the rich and the poor, social observation, and the cruelty of human nature must continue to deepen. It is similar to the scene of escaping from the train station. The selfishness of human nature is not enough..."

Half an hour later, Chen Fei ended his explanation.

Zhang Changyuan looked at the full text recorded in his notebook, and his heart was filled with emotion!
It turns out that the finished film, which he thought was perfect, actually still has so many loopholes and shortcomings!
As expected of a top director, these revisions are spot on!
"Go ahead."

Chen Fei waved to him, stood up and walked straight out of the company.

Outside the door, people from CJ Company were already waiting for him.

"Director Chen, President Park asked me to pick you up."

"Well, let's go."

After getting into the Rolls-Royce and turning on the massage function, Chen Fei silently put on his eye mask and prepared to take a rest.

Eat a little stuff and take a nap to help digestion...

The reason why I went to CJ was because of a script.

At the end of last year, while sorting out the script library, he saw a script called "Yi Brothers", which was set in South Korean society.

Considering that SBS already had "Train to Busan" and Showbox also had "The Alone Agent", he simply sent the script to CJ and asked them to film it.

Now that the preparation has been nearly two months, the casting stage has finally arrived.

After CJ heard that he had arrived in South Korea, he strongly invited him to come over and participate in the casting process, and also provide some constructive suggestions for subsequent filming.

Chen Fei didn't refuse, it was just a matter of course.

He just didn't expect that until he arrived at CJ Company, he discovered that things seemed a little different from what he imagined!
Looking at the rows of girls with bright smiles, young beauty and exquisite makeup standing in front of him, Chen Fei turned to look at Park Qihan with some confusion, "President Park? Isn't it a casting event today? Where are the actors?"

"They are actors. There is only one younger supporting actress left who has not yet been decided. Can you tell me which one is more suitable? We will use which one."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly. He always felt that this guy seemed to be hinting at something!
After thinking for a moment, he turned to look at the girls with different styles in front of him, and slowly swept over them with a slightly scrutinizing gaze.

Finally, his eyes rested on one of the girls.

"No. 36, what's your name?"

"Hello director, my name is Pei Zhuxian, I come from Daegu, and I am currently a contracted trainee..."

Chen Fei looked at her for a moment and nodded with satisfaction.

The key reason why I noticed her was her "I feel pity for her" temperament, which made Pei Zhuhyun quite conspicuous in the crowd.

"It's her."


A faint smile appeared on Pu Qihan's face.

If you are not afraid of Chen Fei's choice, you are afraid that he will not choose.

As long as you choose, it will be easy!

"Everyone else, please go out." Pu Qihan waved his hand and sent all the other girls out.

When only Pei Zhuhyun was present, he said with a smile: "Director Chen, Li Zhien's work focus will be more abroad in the second half of the year. The number of times you meet with her may decrease slightly, and Pei Zhuhyun will be a substitute. Your identity appears, please accept it."

Hearing this, Fade Chen suddenly understood!

The classic scene appears again.

This is the happiness of the chaebol!


(Ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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