It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 422 The more awesome I am, the greater my son’s privileges will be! Who should be cast as ac

Chapter 422 The more awesome I am, the greater my son’s privileges will be! New movie...who should I choose as the actor?

Maybe they saw the dividends brought by being a director, or maybe they saw the growing market size after capital entered the market, and more and more people began to enter the market in a big way!

Gu Changwei and his wife jointly sent invitations to the premiere to all the capital, directors, and producers in the industry.

The movie "See You in the Sky" directed and starred by Jiang Wenli has officially been released in domestic theaters, starting to compete with "Moonlight Hennessy".

The invitation letter was naturally sent to Chen Fei, but it was not worthy of him going back to China to participate.

Su Guohai went to the premiere with Ning Hao instead of him.

In addition to liking big gold chains, Ning Hao is also very familiar with all kinds of gossip. If this was placed at the entrance of the village, she would be a proper gossip.

"The two couples have absolutely good connections, including Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, Wu Yu, Liu Zhenwei, Xiying, Ningying, Changying, China Film, Shanghai Film...

Good guy, I almost thought this was the premiere of a commercial blockbuster with an investment of over 2 million. It was even grander than the previous press conference of "Warring States"! "

Chen Fei asked curiously: "How was the shooting?"


When talking about his opponents, Spielberg still feels a little sad.

"Of course, why would I lie to you?"

"You're not talking nonsense!"

The little girl was quite polite and polite. She didn't have the arrogance of the second generation star, but she just looked a little silly. "

Chen Fei simply made an estimate based on the box office trend, and finally came up with a rough number.

He has acting skills, but he might be a little... naive and lacking in love?
"That's for sure! Jiang Wenli also gave me two business cards and asked me to give you one. If you have any suitable roles, you can contact her.

However, when it comes to animated feature films, you can't avoid "Alice in Wonderland" which was adapted into a live-action film by Disney.

But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly said: "How about we buy back the DreamWorks Animation Department?"


The company that I founded with my own hands has now ended up falling apart. It is really a trick of creation...

Spielberg has already screened it in other regions in advance, and the response from fans has been very good. Now we are waiting for the day of its official release.

This animated film is scheduled to be released on April 4, with only more than 25 days left before its release.

7 billion dollars!
This data has been unanimously recognized within Volton Pictures. After a lot of calculations, the data analysis department found that the final result should be about the same.

Ning Hao smiled slightly and suddenly thought of his newborn son.

Upon hearing this, Spielberg's eyes suddenly widened with surprise on his face.

While Chen Fei was joking, various tricks of this person's tricks appeared in his mind unconsciously.

According to the new box office results disclosed at that time, it is estimated that it can exceed 10 billion US dollars.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Chen Fei is still very interested in the DreamWorks animation department, especially the copyrights belonging to the animation department, which he has been coveting for a long time.

"Haha, just kidding." Ning Hao smiled and added specifically: "By the way, the second Jing Tian in internal entertainment is probably about to appear."


"However, acquiring DreamWorks Animation means that we need to spend a lot of money!"

"What? Did I introduce it to you too?"

Chen Fei immediately rolled his eyes. If Jiang Wenli's screenwriting skills were as high as the scripts rewarded by the system, she would have become the top literary film director in the mainland.

"Fei, you...are you telling the truth?"


Even though some of the movies here did not perform well at the box office, they are still considered childhood memories for a generation in the United States. After the acquisition, they can be re-launched in a linked way, ensuring that they will not lose money.

Of course, the most important thing is the movie "Ready Player One" that Chen Fei has been dreaming of filming. He has already begun to collect various copyrights. It can be said that he will not reject anyone who comes, the more the merrier...

I have to say that Disney’s approach to global distribution is really wild, and it’s a perfect “three years if it doesn’t open, and three years if it opens”!
Fortunately, "How to Train Your Dragon" does not have to compete with "Alice in Wonderland". Its main target is "Shrek 4" released by DreamWorks Animation Studio.

"Haha, don't be afraid of being stupid. With Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei taking care of her, no one in the circle dares to bully her."

"It's just average, that's it. Overall, there's no emotional climax. I feel like it's going to cost money. Jiang Wenli's screenwriting skills are far inferior to yours."

Chen Fei did not follow up on the promotional activities too much. His main task was still on some post-production difficulties of "The Hunger Games".

You still have to work hard. If I work harder, my son will suffer less when he grows up.

The box office trend of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" is still advancing steadily. The total global box office has successfully exceeded US$2 million and is rapidly advancing towards US$3 million.

"When I went there today, I met a little girl. Jiang Wenli took her with her the whole time and introduced her everywhere. I heard that she seemed to be her niece. What is her name...Ma Sichun?"

Thinking of this situation, Spielberg suddenly couldn't hide his disappointment.

"That's true, the second generation of stars. The more awesome I am, the greater my son's privileges will be."

In addition, he also took the time to go to DreamWorks and review the finished film of "How to Train Your Dragon" with the post-production team there.

The separation of the DreamWorks film department and the animation department has always been a pain in his heart. Now the film department has become a vassal of Waltons Pictures, and the animation department has become a vassal of Paramount Pictures, so that the "blood brothers" cannot No big fight...

"Ant-Man", "Shrek", "Shark Tale"...

"So what? The money you spent can be earned back in a short time."

Chen Fei shrugged and didn't mind.

He still has some animation scripts in hand, and there are still two films in the "Kung Fu Panda" series that have not been finished, so he can leave them to the DreamWorks Animation department.

He has even thought about it. After the acquisition is successful, he can disrupt and reorganize the employees of Walton Pictures' animation department and DreamWorks Animation department to create a new animation department.

The goal is also clear: target Pixar and Disney!

"How about you go talk to Jeffrey Katzenberg about this?"

Chen Fei is going to let Spielberg take the role. He is familiar with the CEO of DreamWorks Animation. After all, these two people were two of the "Three Musketeers of DreamWorks" in the past.

"Ok! I'll talk to him!"

Spielberg nodded, confident.

He plans to wait until "Shrek 4" is released before saying that if this animated film can regain the glory of DreamWorks Animation, then it may be necessary to spend more money on mergers and acquisitions.

But if the glory is over, DreamWorks Animation will also fall into the trough again, and the fatal blow can just become the basis for acquisition!


While Chen Fei was waiting for the premiere of "How to Train Your Dragon", a phone call suddenly came from China.

"Director Chen, the post-editing of "The Great Cause of Party Building" is over. Look at this schedule..."

"Let it go, keep it until next year. In the name of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the official will endorse it for us."

On the other end of the phone, Kang Honglei was slightly stunned.

Official endorsement?

Doesn't this mean that this movie is likely to reach the heights of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China"?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited, "Okay, I understand, I will continue to refine it and try to avoid flaws..."

When people reach middle age and make enough money, they start to seek "fame".

This is the case with Kang Honglei. He attaches great importance to his debut film. As long as he can get a good box office, it is not a problem to wait for two or three years, let alone one year!

On the other hand, although the editing of "Butterfly Love" has not yet ended, the release date has been spread throughout the film industry.

September 9th is the National Day holiday!

The bureau's support for him is extremely high, and he is given the green light in review and film arrangement, with proper VIP-level treatment.

However, it is not very friendly to other domestic films. After hearing the news that "Heart Blossom Road" was scheduled to be released, many movies scheduled in this range were either advanced or postponed, and there was no idea of ​​competing with him to compete for the box office.

Although this is just a low-budget movie, the director of "Taima" is Chen Fei, and the starring actors include Chen Fei, Huang Bo, Zhou Xun, Fan Bingbing and others. Who dares to go up?

There are only some low-budget movies that are meant to be leftovers, so there are no changes, and all the others are completely gone!

Xu Ke called, and his tone was full of resentment, ""Detective Dee" was also scheduled to be released during the National Day, but Huayi has taken the initiative to apply to withdraw it and plans to release it in November."

Chen Fei was a little puzzled, "Isn't everything done in the post-production process? Why not start it earlier? The summer vacation schedule is pretty good, too? "Super Body" is just an imported film, and it won't affect you."

"There are two reasons. One is that I plan to take "Detective Dee: The Empire" to be screened in Venice. Secondly, in addition to "Super Body", there are no less than 5 Hollywood blockbusters in the summer vacation. I don't have the confidence to compete for it. …”

"Haha, that's true..."

Chen Fei felt a little embarrassed for no reason, after all, almost all of these blockbusters had something to do with him.

"Are you going to compete for a prize with "Heart Blossoms"? Let's go to Venice together? How about it?"

Xu Ke smiled and invited him, but his tone was joking.

It's a low-budget road comedy that won't win any awards, and it's absolutely impossible to get into the main competition.

Chen Fei shrugged, ""Beautiful Heart" is not suitable. I am going to try other films."


Xu Ke was stunned for a moment, good guy, really go!

" want to fight for the golden lion?"

"I do have this idea. If I get the Golden Lion again, I will have won all three major European directing awards."

Chen Fei said with a smile, and his other free hand was reading the script.


This script is very suitable for winning prizes!

It mainly tells a story about rumors of scandal, lies, hatred and suspicion that ruined a man's life. It describes in detail the process of "lie" turning into "fact", and reveals the meaning of "people's opinions"...

Chen Fei believes that the judges in Venice will definitely like this story.

In fact, during the later period of production of "The Hunger Games", he had already begun quietly preparing for this movie.

The filming location has been decided, and even some supporting actors have been found. Now there is only one male lead missing!
As a realistic movie, the male protagonist must be chosen carefully!
First of all, acting is the top priority!
Secondly, because the investment cost is not high, the salary must be relatively cheap.

The removal of these two axes also means that the male protagonist and the commercial film actor have completely formed two parallel lines that can never intersect.

Chen Fei had thought about finding Leonardo, but when he thought of the high salary, he couldn't help but feel a little sick!

Niang Xipi’s salary of 3000 million US dollars is enough for him to make the movie!
But apart from Leonardo, Chen Fei is not familiar with many Hollywood actors whose acting skills are explosive.

Over the years, he has been making commercial films, and most of his acquaintances are commercial actors. If those people were to make award-winning films, their image would be somewhat inconsistent...

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Chen Fei still couldn't find a suitable candidate from his memory.

After thinking about it, he simply called the public relations department directly, "Send me a movie audition notice. I need a leading actor who is about 40 years old and married. I want to make a realistic movie. The acting skills must be high..."

"Okay, Boss."

There was a response from the other side and they went to make the announcement.

As a director who has won the Golden Bear, the Palme d'Or, and an Oscar, Chen Fei not only has made great achievements in the field of commercial films, but is also famous in the field of literary and artistic films!

Less than an hour after the announcement was sent out, his phone was bombarded in turn!
Led by Robert Downey Jr., followed by Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and many other Hollywood actors.

Without exception, everyone wants to get a chance to audition.

Among these people, Leonardo was the fastest runner and reached the company directly!

"Fei, what do you think of me? Am I suitable to be the leading actor in your movie?"

Leonardo DiCaprio is already obsessed with awards, especially the glittering Oscar statuette. He has been coveting it for a long time!
Unfortunately, he was so heartbroken by those old guys in the academy that he failed to win despite being nominated many times.

He now wants to prove himself that he is not only good-looking, he also has acting skills!
Unfortunately, in the face of Xiao Lizi's expectations, Chen Fei could only slowly shake his head: "Leon, I need an actor who is a little older, preferably an actor who is already married, has a family, and has children, so To fit the character archetype.”

Leonardo's acting skills are indeed good, but his age is not very suitable. He has just turned 36 this year and is not married yet.

Even though he has begun to ignore his image for the sake of the Oscar, and even came here wearing a pair of big pants today, his overall silhouette and face are still very handsome after being photographed!
"Well, well, that's a shame."

Leonardo sighed and suddenly felt bad all over.

When will he get his Oscar statuette?

Chen Fei comforted him, "Don't worry, if there is a suitable role for you next time, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible and try to get you an Oscar for Best Actor."

"This is what you said! You can't go back on it!"

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise!"

Xiao Lizi's mood suddenly improved a lot. He asked for the script of "Hunting" and sat there reading it, fascinated.

After half an hour, he put down the script, his face full of shock.

"Fei, you are simply a genius! People's opinions are powerful and fearful. Group paranoia and hypocrisy run through ancient and modern times. You seize the moral high ground and judge others to reveal your personal evils... This story is simply great!"

Li Zi held the script and kept talking, obviously moved by the story.

However, the male protagonist in the story really needs to find a married middle-aged man. Although his acting skills are good, he has no experience in fatherhood and marriage, so he is not suitable for this role.

At this moment, he even regretted that he had never had the experience of marriage and being a father. This was obviously unsatisfactory for a life that lasted less than a hundred years.

However, this idea only flickered in his mind for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

What kind of marriage?

What kind of father?
Isn't it fun to be a young model? Or is the Victoria's Secret show not good-looking?
Shaking his head, Leonardo regained his confidence again. It's not just a movie, I don't care about it!
But the next second, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, "Fei, I have a suitable candidate here. I feel that he is very suitable to play the male lead in your movie."

"Oh? Who is it?" Chen Fei looked at him curiously.

Leonardo, “Matt Damon, a poor guy like me, has great acting skills, got married as early as 05, and now has three daughters!
Oh, this damn sowing machine, his wife Sianna is pregnant again, and her due date is October this year. I’m afraid I’m going to have another goddaughter..."

Matt Damon?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and his personal information quickly appeared in his mind.

Winner of the Academy Award for Best Screenplay, one of the most expensive actors in Hollywood, with superb acting skills and above-average looks, he is also not accepted by the academy...

Indeed, this person is quite similar to Leonardo. They are both one of the representative figures who have been rejected from the Oscar statuette many times.

The advantage is that he is already married and will definitely have a lot of experience in playing the roles of "husband" and "father".

"But, his salary..."

Chen Fei still remembers that according to a Forbes report in August 2007, Matt Damon was one of the most profitable stars among Hollywood actors at that time. The average box office revenue ratio of his three movies at that time was 8 to 1 US dollars. It can be said to be far ahead in making money!

However, the investment in "Hunting" is not high...

DiCaprio waved his hand, with a hint of pride on his face, "Don't worry, he's much cheaper than me. After all, he hasn't produced a good commercial film for a long time since 07."

The pay of actors in Hollywood has always been linked to box office performance. The higher the box office of a movie, the higher the pay of the leading actor, and vice versa.

Leonardo DiCaprio's current salary is the highest among European and American actors. After all, his starring roles in "Titanic" and "Inception" both exploded at the box office!

"I came to contact him. It just so happened that he was taking care of his wife at home recently."

Xiao Lizi excitedly took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

Chen Fei did not stop him. After all, no matter from any aspect, Matt Damon seemed to fit the image of the male protagonist in "The Hunt".

In addition, the actor was introduced by Xiao Lizi, so his character is definitely not bad.

Chen Fei is going to have a brief audition later. If the salary, acting skills, and image are all suitable, then he will be chosen!

(PS: First update, please vote for me!)

(End of this chapter)

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