It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 423: The audition sword points to Venice, and the ugly fig leaf is torn apart!

Chapter 423: The audition sword points to Venice, and the ugly fig leaf is torn apart!

Matt Damon arrived very quickly, and Leonardo actually called him from home!
"Fei, Leon, long time no see!"

As soon as he entered the office, he greeted me warmly.

"We just met at the Oscars last month." DiCaprio looked carefree and deliberately put his friend on the stage.

Not to be outdone, Matt Damon replied: "You already said it was last month. It's already been a month, but doesn't it mean we haven't seen each other in a long time?"

While saying this, he went over and patted DiCaprio's big belly, with a rather shocked expression on his face, "Oh! Fuck! You are really getting fatter and fatter, those female models will let you fuck them The bed?”

"Don't underestimate my charm. Even though I weigh 200 pounds, I am still the heartthrob on the Victoria's Secret show."

There is really no way to refute this sentence. Matt Damon whispered, with a bit of envy in his eyes.

Among all the actors in Hollywood, only DiCaprio is so cool. The others are indeed not as cool as him, nor can he change girlfriends as quickly as he does.

"Always only under 25 years old", this sentence has suddenly become Leo's criteria for choosing a spouse!
After exchanging several insults, Matt Damon and Chen Fei started talking.

At this moment, he is not only a beacon of imparting knowledge, but also a beacon guiding students’ life path.

He seems to be able to transform into a kind and warm teacher who teaches and educates others at any time, or he can transform into a murderous, vicious hunter in an instant!

While reading the script, Matt Damon tried many times to put himself into the perspective of the male protagonist, but because of this, the more he read, the more chilled he became. In the end, it even felt more heartfelt and deep-seated. The chill!

People often say that children's words, innocence and innocence are the purest. But in this story, children's words and innocence are the most "taboo", and innocence is the most "evil!"

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Matt Damon immediately took over the script of "The Hunt" from Leonardo and quickly fell into the story.

Leonardo added: "The film festival judges will definitely like this story. It is very suitable for competing for film festival awards."

However, the next second, when Matt Damon closed his eyes again, the ballpoint pen held high in his hand suddenly slowly fell down, and the tip of the pen was pointed straight ahead.

His smile looked so friendly, as if it could resolve all troubles and doubts.

The age is quite suitable, and he has marriage experience. I heard from Xiao Lizi that he has been taking care of his wife at home recently. I think he should be able to perform the caring and patient role of "teacher" realistically.

His voice is soft and magnetic, and every word is like the spring breeze blowing on the face, warming the heart.

When he mentioned Oscar, DiCaprio's tone was full of resentment.

His steps were firm and powerful, as if every step was trampling on the prey's hope of survival.

DiCaprio was so frightened that he jumped up. The pen tip was pointed at him just now. He almost thought that Matt Damon would give him a hard blow!
"Haha, of course, I am determined to change myself and win the Oscar for Best Actor."

While raising the ballpoint pen high, a kind smile appeared on his face, as if he had transformed into a gentle teacher, with his eyes full of love for knowledge and care for his students.

Hearing this, Matt Damon's eyes suddenly lit up.

This story simply exposes "the inescapable prejudice in human nature".

He patiently answered every question, and no matter how complex the problem was, it became clear under his explanation.

Like Leonardo, he actually lacks awards as a foil!

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fei finally said: "How about giving me an emotional transformation? From the gentleness and kindness of the teacher to the murderous rage during hunting."

Matt Damon is quite confident. He is not as desperate as Leonardo. After all, he has very few nomination opportunities...

"Well, don't even think about this. You and I probably won't be able to get it. Those old guys from the academy are naturally hostile to us..."

The two joked with each other for a few words, and then turned to look at Fade Chen again.

And when he finished reading the last page of the script, the moment he closed the script, his body shivered uncontrollably!

He held the hunting tools tightly in his hands, and the pen that was once used to write wisdom turned into a sharp blade for hunting life!
What is shocking is that in him, there is a sharp contrast between gentleness and kindness and murderous rage!

Then the only level left is acting.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour flew by.

After being nominated and failed several times, he was almost completely desperate!
"How do you know if you don't try? I don't think I'm as unlucky as you."


Matt Damon took a deep breath and exclaimed, "What a terrible story!"

Matt Damon was not stumped by this sudden audition request. He closed his eyes slightly and began to recall the words he had just seen on the script and to prepare his emotions.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, took two steps forward and picked up a ballpoint pen from the table.

In addition, Leonardo was making jokes in the middle, so the conversation quickly became heated.

The most important thing is that his appearance and temperament are also passable. After all, if you want to attract the likes of a little girl with the image of a middle-aged man in his 40s, your charm value must not be too low.

At the end of the story, although all the misunderstandings were solved and the rumors were shattered, the chill did not dissipate, but instead deepened, making people feel chilled all over!

"Classmates, let's take a look at this knowledge point..."


After all, DiCaprio still has the Silver Bear Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival, but he doesn’t have a commendable Best Actor Award yet!
"Fei, do you need me to audition?" He took the initiative to ask Chen Fei, obviously very interested in this script.

"Oh! Fuck! You guy, have you been secretly practicing your acting skills at home these past few years?"

The two have met many times at the Golden Globes and Oscars, and have attended many parties together, so they are quite familiar with each other.

Chen Fei did not answer immediately, but looked at him for a moment.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes again!
His eyes were no longer as gentle as before, but became as sharp as an eagle, as if he could see into the pulse of all life.

"Fei, how's it going? Is my performance okay?"

"Very good!" Chen Fei gave him a positive answer, and then added: "How about I give you a definite answer the day after tomorrow?"

"Ok, I'll wait for your call."

For this answer, Matt Damon has already expected it.

After all, Volton Pictures had just released the role requirements in the morning, and there must be many actors sending resumes one after another. No matter how good his performance was, Chen Fei would definitely give others a chance to audition.

The key depends on tomorrow. If there is no more suitable candidate than him, then this role will definitely belong to him!

After a while, Leonardo and Matt Damon left together, and the two met to have a drink and reminisce about old friendships.

Chen Fei began to receive other actors who came to audition.

Morgan Freeman, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Al Pacino, Matthew McConaughey…

Perhaps because there were so many big-name actors coming, many reporters gradually gathered in front of Walton Film Company. They were all waiting for the exact news and wanted to know who would become the leading actor in Chen Fei's new movie?

The news soon spread back to the country.

"Breaking news: A new Hollywood film directed by Chen Fei is coming soon, and actor auditions have started."

"Many big-name stars gathered at Waltons Pictures to start chasing roles."

"Literary film? Commercial film? Let's wait and see!"


Many people in the circle are paying attention to this news, especially Xu Ke, who was stunned for a while after seeing the news.

"Is this the beginning? Are you really going to compete for Venice? Is the country's first Grand Slam director, the top prize at the three major European film festivals, about to appear?"

You know, even globally, there are only three directors who have won the Grand Slam, the highest award at the three major European film festivals.

Henri Georges Clouzot, Michelangelo Antonioni, Robert Altman.

The above three are French, Italian and American directors respectively.

If Chen Fei can achieve the Golden Bear, Golden Palm, and Golden Lion achievements, then he will become the fourth director to win the Grand Slam, the highest award at the three major European film festivals!

Xu Ke took a deep breath and suddenly found that his body was trembling with excitement.

He is looking forward to this year’s Venice Film Festival!

Time soon came to the third day after the audition notice was released, and many media noticed that the audition notice had been withdrawn.

And this clearly means that the casting process is over!
"Fei, thank you very much for your approval." Matt Damon signed his name on the actor's contract and received a complete script.

"You're welcome, you deserve this."

Chen Fei smiled, looked at his current look, and after thinking for a moment, reminded: "You only have one week to prepare, try to lose some weight, so that you can better fit the character look I want, okay ?

To be honest, I am going to send this film to the Venice Film Festival, so our shooting period will not be very long, and your work and family need to be arranged in advance. "

Matt Damon nodded slightly, "Ok, don't worry, I will take care of everything."

After he went back yesterday, he recalled the story in the script again, and he increasingly felt that this movie must have a very high probability of winning awards!
This is a very rare opportunity and he will definitely take it seriously.

Moreover, my wife’s due date is in October. If I can get a trophy, I can definitely use it as a gift after my daughter is born! He was ready to devote himself to this script.

A week of preparation is enough time!
Inside the office.

Watching Matt Damon leave, Chen Fei secretly fell into deep thought.

After the male lead is decided, he doesn't need to worry about anything else. In the next week, he will complete all the remaining editing work of "The Hunger Games" and then devote himself wholeheartedly to the filming of "The Hunt".

"Golden Lion, wait for me!"


Time began to move forward rapidly, and Volton Pictures announced Chen Fei's new movie plan.


Director: Chen Fei

Screenwriter: Chen Fei

Actor: Matt Damon
Realistic themes.

As soon as the news came out, Hollywood was the first to cause a stir.

"Are you planning to win the prize again?"

Many people began to whisper behind their backs, and many film and television production companies and directors who were pursuing next year's Oscars became inexplicably nervous.

This year's "The Hurt Locker" and last year's "Slumdog Millionaire" are serious rivals!

Now that Chen Fei has made a comeback and produced another reality-themed script, he is obviously going to start competing for awards.

If the quality of the script is still as high as "Slumdog Millionaire", then many people will be ready to go home and cry on the toilet!
Chen Fei received many calls from China, most of which asked him about investment-related matters.

However, these people's investment requests were rejected by him.

The total investment is only more than 3000 million US dollars. If a few more investors are added, there is a high possibility that there will be no profit.

Although it is a literary film, Chen Fei still wants to sell it at a high price, so he plans to have this film wholly produced by Waltons Pictures.

If you are lucky enough to win a prize, it will also be of great help to the stock price.

"I wish you success in winning the Golden Lion!"

Xu Ke called and wished Chen Fei success in winning the award. He also informed him that "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" has officially entered the preparation period.

"The martial arts movie, produced by Bona Pictures with an investment of hundreds of millions, will be launched in IMAX-3D version. It will be planned to invite Li Lianjie, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Li Yuchun and others..."

Xu Ke informed him of many details.

As Chen Fei listened, many memories came to his mind.

Most of his memories of this movie are with "Yu Huatian" played by Chen Kun.

"You ask me who the West Factory is? Now let me tell you, I, the West Factory, will solve the cases that the East Factory cannot solve, I will kill those who the East Factory does not dare to kill, and I will take care of the things that the East Factory does not dare to take care of!

In a word, I want to control what Dongchang can control, and I want to control what Dongchang cannot control even more!
Kill first and report later, with the imperial power's permission, this is the West Factory! "

As for everyone else…

Well, he doesn't have much memory.

After listening to Xu Ke's description, he just nodded and responded: "Okay, if you have any needs, just ask. If Doanjian Digital can't do it, I will arrange for the technicians from Hollywood to go back and help."

"Haha, okay, thank you Director Chen!"

Xu Ke's attitude was very good. He was also planning to ask Chen Fei for advice if he encountered any problems in the subsequent filming, so he naturally had to be attentive.

Not long after Xu Ke hung up the phone here, there was another call from Marvel Entertainment on the other side.

The call was made personally by Marvel Entertainment CEO Isaac Perlmutter to inform him that post-production on Season 2 of "Game of Thrones" and "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" were officially completed.

"The preparations for "Shameless" are also coming to an end. Your opinions have been listened to in the selection of actors, including William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Steve Howey, Cameron Mo Starring Nahan, Ethan Cutkoski and more..."

After Chen Fei listened to his report quietly, he responded: "I will take the time to review it. You can contact the people in charge of Netflix and Hulu in advance and still take the profit-sharing route. Some of the early publicity can also be followed up..."


On the other end of the phone, Isaac kept answering and soon made a plan for the next work.


There is actually a lot of chaos in the entertainment industry, but most of it is covered with a fig leaf outside.

Although it has been a long time since Chen Xianxi's "photo scandal" incident, Xiangjiang people are still working hard to suppress it, just because they are afraid that it will show up again.

But I never thought that Jin Qiaoqiao's "mobile phone door" suddenly burst out, directly pulling out the "photo door" again!

No one thought that the loss of a mobile phone would expose so much dirty information in the entertainment industry!

Agency text messages, escort photos, and even some explicit videos!

When he received a call from Su Guohai, Chen Fei was stunned for a while, "You mean, this involves a large number of female stars, female models, and many female college students below the third tier?"

"Yes!" Su Guohai added: "The number is so large that it is simply unsightly..."

Chen Fei hung up the phone directly and called Huo Wenxi: "Did you see the Jin Qiaoqiao incident? There are no actresses from the Feiyinghuang Agency here, right?"

"No! Don't worry, Mr. Chen! Absolutely not! It won't happen now! It won't happen in the future either!"

Huo Wenxi repeatedly assured that she could tell that Chen Fei's tone was very unkind.

And she herself was still frightened by this kind of incident. After all, Chen Xianxi almost destroyed the entire Xiangjiang agency before, so she couldn't help but be careless.

"It's fine if you don't have one. Tell the agents in the company that in the future, whether you are recruiting artists or arranging activities, try to avoid messy situations. I don't care about other people, but the female artists in our company are not for sale. Do you understand?
Once I find out that someone is making messy and disgusting transactions behind my back, get out immediately! "

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will call a meeting now to implement this matter."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Wenxi hurriedly went to call for help.

"All the agents who are in the company come to the conference room. Those who are not in the company answer the phone for me. They all listen to me and remember it... Mr. Chen personally gave the order. If anyone doesn't comply, get out of here..."


Zeng Jia joined Feiyinghuang Agency with Yang Mi. In view of her previous work experience, Huo Wenxi arranged for her the position of deputy director of the artist agency department after joining.

Because she currently only has Yang Mi under her command, she urgently needs to expand her team and gain more say.

No, she is signing people for the theater right now.

She has a vicious eye and is good at taking the wrong turn.

Most other agencies choose beautiful girls with oval-shaped faces whose looks must pass the test, but she focused on a girl from an ethnic minority.

No, after a lot of deception, she finally got the other party to sign.

Because he is a newcomer, he signed a full 8-year management contract.

The other party didn't resist too much. After all, "Feiyinghuang Agency" is on the same level as Huayi, Chengtian and other companies in the industry.

In addition, with Feiyue Film, Emperor, and China Film as the backend, there will definitely be no shortage of resources!
"Sister Jia, so am I considered an actor with a management company now?" The girl's voice was soft and waxy, with a sense of cuteness.

"Yes." Zeng Jia nodded, looked at the message from Huo Wenxi in the group, and quickly made the call.

"Reba, please put the contract away first. I have a conference call here."

"Okay, Sister Jia, please do your work first."

The girl nodded and walked aside, but her attention remained focused here.

On the other end of the phone, Huo Wenxi's voice was very serious, "Director Chen Fei said that every agent must restrain himself. The artists in our company make a living based on their acting skills and abilities, not for selling.

Anyone who secretly asks an actress to accompany him for drinks and engage in all kinds of messy deals in private will no longer have to do this business in the future. He will completely withdraw from the industry and just get out..."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Zeng Jia swallowed subconsciously and secretly warned herself not to make such a mistake.

With Chen Fei's energy in the industry, as long as he says he wants to ban a certain agent, it means that the other agent will no longer want to work in this industry!
After hearing these words, Dilireba's eyes lit up instantly!
Just get out of here...

"What domineering words!"

She sighed secretly in her heart, and a tall and handsome figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Director Chen Fei? I don't know if I will see him in the future or have the opportunity to cooperate with him... I have signed a contract with Feiyinghuang Agency, so there should be opportunities, right?"


(PS: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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