It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 425: Contemporary netizens are very good at making fun of themselves, focusing on "cyni

Chapter 425: Contemporary netizens are very good at making fun of themselves, and their main theme is "cynicism"!
The filming of "Hunting" is proceeding in an orderly manner.

It's just that it's different from the filming scene of "Inception". The shooting atmosphere here is inexplicably... chilly!
Lucas, played by Matt Damon, was actually confessed to by a little girl under ten years old.

Faced with the sudden "girl's kiss", Lucas didn't pay attention, only thinking that it was a kind of innocent worship or a kind of dependence on the opposite sex.

He calmly pushed the girl away and then rejected her directly.

But I never thought that the nightmare would suddenly come!
She obviously just saw some taboo scenes from her brother's computer, but she regarded them as real scenes she had faced, and then spread them out with an "added fuel and jealousy" style lie.

The evil of human nature begins to spread...

"Oh! Fuck! This script gave me chills all over!"

Xiao Lizi, who serves as the assistant director, tried to insert himself into this role, and then he was shocked to find that there was no solution at all!
Even if it turns out that there is no basement in Lucas' house as the girl said, and all the evidence shows that he is innocent, the evil surrounding him has not disappeared.

Suspicion, suspicion, malice... everything around me makes people feel chilled all over!


However, some people are very good at eating human blood steamed buns!
After announcing a donation of 50 yuan, New Picture Company took advantage of the popularity of media reports and immediately announced the release date of "Hawthorn Tree Love".

No one knows what will be in the darkness, a shotgun with cold murderous intent? Or fireflies flying all over the sky?
Only when the "Sword of Damocles" hangs high above his head, will the manic killer calm down and start to look at himself!

Who knows which of these people are doing real work and which are just trying to enrich themselves?
It's better to be in trouble yourself than to be tricked by outsiders.

Should we "kill" the character Lucas?

"Fei? Is this Chinese actress playing a fool?" Anne Hathaway asked curiously, pointing to Zhou Dongyu on the poster.


In addition, this sister is pretty and can help tell the plays for the young actors, so she can be considered a good labor force.

During filming, "malice" permeated the air.

Chen Fei also saw this poster. The male protagonist was fine. He seemed to have a bright smile and a sunny and healthy feeling.

Many people in the town hate him and want him dead. His existence will make many people unable to forget this matter, so if the main story line is to be advanced normally, he must die with the last shot.

The filming of "The Hunt" is progressing very quickly!

Don't doubt the "malice" of the entertainment industry. There are many people who stab you in the back, even people who have never interacted with you before.

Although there are still five months until the movie is released, some promotional activities have already started.

It doesn't matter who fired that shot, what matters is that he died!
However, if an innocent person is killed by "malice", then the ending will be too suffocating and regrettable, and it is impossible to construct a proper ending.

"Everyone pushes against the wall", the experience of the older generation is absolutely unmistakable.

As for Chen Fei's 100 million, he is the only one like him!
Many media, fans, and fans were praising him, and some reporters even came to the set of "The Hunt" to ask for an exclusive interview with him, but without exception, they were all rejected.

Various disaster relief, fund-raising, and charity performances have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. It is difficult to distinguish between fake and fake, real and fake.

Never underestimate the ugliness of human nature!

Many charities sent him invitations, but he ignored them.

9 month 16 day.

At this time, he must not show his face in public. He does not lack this name and does not need it, so as not to be accused of eating steamed buns with human blood in the future.

After Anne Hathaway performed a wonderful scene opposite Matt Damon, she officially ended all her scenes.

Chen Fei did not go to these events to join in the fun. He directly donated 100 million in his own name and asked Su Guohai to buy all the supplies and send them to the scene.


Chen Fei didn't drive her away. It didn't cost money anyway. He just provided a lunch box, which he could afford.

In a blink of an eye, late April is here.

It's just that the heroine...

A poster was posted, with the male and female protagonists wearing white shirts appearing in front of a hawthorn tree.

"Perhaps living alive is the best punishment for everyone!"


The previous ones were all easy to say, just proceed step by step, but he was a little hesitant about the last shot.

Most A-list celebrities earn between 20,000 and 300,000 yuan. Only a handful of them earn 500,000 yuan, and even more, one million yuan is rare.

While filming, Chen Fei was thinking about the plot.

Domestic, shocking news!
Yushu once again repeated the disaster of 08, and the whole country wept.

Although it’s not targeting the National Day release, I guess I’m thinking of giving it a try.

Chen Fei didn't know how to answer. After all, he hadn't been to the filming site. Who knew what the heroine's style was like?
Judging from the poster alone, he does look silly with his small eyes, flat nose, and not even the slightest smile on his face.

Zhang Weiping jumped out again, saying that he was going to have a "Mid-Autumn Festival" and clamoring to break the box office record in the field of literary and artistic films.

Chen Fei fell into deep thought.

Celebrity donations have always been the focus of media attention, and detailed data were quickly published online.

Until the eve of the premiere of "How to Train Your Dragon", he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the villa, looking at the darkness in the distance, and suddenly made a decision.

However, she seems to have imitated Xiao Lizi, and she actually stayed on the set and refused to leave, as if she wanted to stay and help you.

On the 23rd, the premiere of "How to Train Your Dragon" was held grandly.

Chen Fei brought everyone from the "Hunting" crew to the scene to support him, as well as actors from the "Super Body", "Iron Man" and "Twilight" crews.

"Hi Fei, long time no see!"

Downey greeted him warmly. He had just flown over from the UK and went straight to the premiere as soon as he landed. It was quite a journey.

"Long time no see." Fade Chen smiled and chatted with him for a few words, "How was it? Is the promotion going smoothly?"

"Yes! It went very well. Everyone liked my role as Iron Man. The only regret is that they thought I was a playboy myself, which is really depressing."

"Haha, doesn't this just mean that your acting skills are great?"

"If you say that, then I would be so happy!"

After chatting for a while, many people came up to greet him.

Megan Fox's outfit today was very cool and bold. When communicating with her, Chen Fei was even a little worried about whether the two slender shoulder straps could afford the heavy D-type fruits?
But thinking about it, it should be possible. After all, she is young and does not feel saggy yet. The function of the shoulder straps is only to wrap, and does not need to be lifted.

The days in April have begun to feel a little warmer.

Liu Yifei wore a white embroidered Dior dress today and held a pure white clutch in her hand. The sides of her oval-shaped cheeks were slightly obscured by her long brown hair. She still had a fresh and sweet style.

"Does it look good?" The girl boldly showed off her figure.

"Yes, he has grown up and matured."

Chen Fei smiled slightly, but he didn't tell any lies.

Compared to her cute appearance in previous years, she is now a bit more mature, and even her flat figure has become taller and has begun to take shape.

"Hehe, this is the dress my mother and stylist chose for me together."

Fade Chen shrugged and deliberately joked: "I've guessed it, your taste is not as good as Auntie's."

This girl's usual style and dress are really tacky, just like the previous killer, far worse than Liu Xiaoli.

"Huh, if I don't tell you, I just know how to laugh at people."

The little girl tilted her head and went to find her new best friend.

After being in Hollywood for so many years, she also has her own connections, but most of them are from the same crew.

After waiting outside for a while, the staff began to invite people in.

There are so many acquaintances and there are many people to say hello to. After all, in a vanity fair like Hollywood, everything is dominated by resources and interests.

To sum up, he who has money and resources is “God”!

After the entrance session, Spielberg took the stage and began to explain the main story of the animated film, as well as some post-production problems and interesting anecdotes.

Wen Ziren also came to the scene today and sat next to Chen Fei.

After the completion of "The Hunger Games", he accepted the invitation of Universal Pictures and once again participated in the preparation of "Fast and Furious 5". It seems that the filming will be announced soon.

Sure enough, just after sitting down, Wen Ziren asked in a low voice: "Fei, what can be done in "Hunting"? "Fast 5" is about to start shooting, and there are still a lot of your scenes in it."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and added: "There's also a kiss scene!"

Chen Fei naturally knew what the kissing scene he was talking about was, it was nothing more than the racing scene with Gal Gadot.

Being able to drive two "cars" at the same time is quite exciting.

"The filming can be completed in mid-May." He gave the exact answer. Wen Ziren's eyes lit up, "Ok! It just so happens that we will start filming in May!"

While the two were chatting, Spielberg on the stage also finished his speech, and the movie officially started playing.

One of the magic weapons for Hollywood blockbusters to sell well around the world is the use of high technology to create visual spectacles.

Under the current new standard of "no 3D, no movie" for commercial blockbusters, "How to Train Your Dragon" is naturally no exception.

A large number of action scenes in the film use diverse and mature special effects, as well as constantly improving 3D technology, which greatly enhances the viewing effect and experience of the film.

Coupled with the use of InTru3D technology, the impact of the dragon riding scene and the scene of the wild dragon soaring in the sky are full of realism. With 3D glasses, the audience feels as if they are in the clouds...

The pairing of "Hiccup" and "Toothless" caused a lot of laughs, but also showed a touching picture of their growth and companionship.

After the 98-minute viewing, the audience burst into quite warm applause!

"A strong enemy!"

Illumination Entertainment CEO Chris Meledandri sighed in his heart, feeling a little unconfident about his own "Despicable Me".

On the other side, Pixar Animation CEO John Lasseter and Walt Disney CEO Dick Cook looked at each other, their eyes full of solemnity.

In the coming June, "Toy Story 3", co-produced by Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures, will be released in North American theaters, and in November, Disney's first 11D animated film " "Tangled" will also be released in North American theaters.

Although the release time of these two movies does not overlap with "How to Train Your Dragon", since they were both released in 2010, comparisons will inevitably be made, and they will even participate in subsequent awards competition together.

To be honest, both of them were actually a little worried after watching this animated movie, because in terms of visual effects, "How to Train Your Dragon" is much better than "Toy Story 3" and "Tangled"!

Especially the 3D effect, it feels vaguely comparable to "Avatar"!

And this is naturally due to the high investment.

The investment cost of US$1.9 million far exceeded the US$1.65 million of the original time and space, which raised the film's 3D effects and character modeling to a higher level, and even the fullness of the storyline was also improved accordingly.

Both Chen Fei and Spielberg have high expectations for this movie.

The host stepped onto the stage and began to invite some directors and producers from the animation film industry to comment.

Everyone's comments are very pertinent, and most of them are well-chosen. No one would say nonsense in this kind of situation.

Only Jeffrey Katzenberg of DreamWorks Animation asked a somewhat off-topic question after taking the microphone:

"I noticed that there seems to be an open ending at the end of the film. Does this mean there will be plans for a second part?"

This question aroused the curiosity of many people at the scene. After all, animated films that can be made into series are extremely rare.

If "How to Train Your Dragon" can be released as a sequel, this clearly means that DreamWorks will create another "money-making tool" after "Transformers"!
Spielberg was stunned for a moment, then turned his attention to Chen Fei, "This question may need to be answered by our screenwriter."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone at the scene turned their heads and unanimously focused their attention on Chen Fei.

Katzenberg handed over the microphone.

"There is indeed a plan for a sequel." Chen Fei concluded first, and then added: "It's just that the premise for the sequel to be launched is that the box office of the first part must be good enough."

At this moment, everyone at the scene came to a conclusion.

"There will definitely be a second part!"

Everyone present is the most professional animated film director and producer in the industry, so it is natural to see that "How to Train Your Dragon" will definitely win high box office and a lot of cheers.

Next, let’s wait and see!


The premiere is over, the cocktail party has begun, and it’s time for socializing and socializing.

However, the reporters at the scene were not idle. Most of them who came from afar squatted in the corner and edited the press release.

By the time the time difference conversion was successful, the exact news of the premiere was already available on a number of social platforms, including Weibo.

"How to Train Your Dragon, an animated film directed and written by Chen Fei and produced by DreamWorks, officially held its premiere in Los Angeles yesterday. The scene was filled with bright stars!"

"CEOs of Pixar, Disney, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation... many companies gave high-quality comments on the spot."

"The sequel plan has been decided, and the box office will decide whether to launch the sequel..."

In addition to the news about the premiere of "How to Train Your Dragon" in North America, the box office results of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" in the mainland were also revealed.

With the end of the one-month key period, the mainland box office has officially been set at 7.8 million yuan, directly leading the movie box office record in March and April!

What surprised many people was that the movie ranked behind "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" was "Go Lala's Job".

Within ten days of its release, the box office has exceeded 7000 million. This small-cost white-collar commercial film has shown extremely high box office potential. It is close to breaking million!

When returning to the "Hunting" crew, Chen Fei received a call from Han Sanping.

""Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" has been offline, and "How to Train Your Dragon" is scheduled for the 2th. Many people in the mainland complained, but I suppressed them all..."

Okay, this is asking for credit!
"Haha, thank you, Mr. Han. Don't worry, I will keep these in my heart and will never forget them."

Chen Fei said cheerfully, resource replacement is like this, what both parties want to see most is win-win cooperation.

"By the way, China Film is about to launch a new round of "Young Director Support Program". Don't you have a few newly signed directors at Feiyue Film and Television? Tell Su Guohai and ask him to hand over the list. I'll do it. Arrange the follow-up process..."

Chen Fei had heard of this young director support program before. It roughly means that the China Film Festival will provide unconditional financial assistance, and will provide certain support in terms of script submission, application for dragon certification, and film screening.

"Can you count me in?"

"What?" Han Sanping was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to react, "Are you kidding me? Do you still need support?"

"I'm also a young director! I'm not even over 30 years old!" Chen Fei tried hard to argue, determined to get a piece of the bureau's wool.

"Do whatever you have to do. If you still need support, 99% of the directors in China will have to go home and raise pigs."

Han Sanping ignored him at all and hung up the phone without saying a word.


Chen Fei curled his lips, turned around and called Su Guohai.

"Send the resumes of the directors in our company, except myself and Ning Hao, to China Film and Television. The bureau will give out benefits, and all young directors can go and join us."

"Where's Kang Honglei?"

"Forget it about Lao Kang, he is already 48, it would be a bit ridiculous to use the word "young director" again."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei made a special call to Natasha to learn about the box office situation of "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" in other regions.


"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Fei nodded and hung up the phone with a satisfied smile on his face.

The total global box office of the first part was US$5.35 million, but now the second part has obviously improved and is approaching US$7 million.

So can the next third part challenge higher results?

Chen Fei was inexplicably looking forward to it.


Three days passed by, and China Film Group took the lead in announcing the candidates for the "Young Director Support Program."

Chen Fei had always felt that he was very thick-skinned by giving Wang Shiliang, Lu Yang, Li Yang, Guo Fan, and Yang Yu to the bureau and China Film.

But after the list was announced, he discovered that some people were actually thicker-skinned than him!

Jiang Wenli is 44 years old, Xu Jinglei is 36 years old, and Lu Chuan is 39 years old... These people are all candidates for the Young Director Support Program!

"What the hell? You're already running for four or five. How shameless are you? Do you really think you're still an old baby?"

Chen Fei logged into the domestic portal and took a look, and sure enough, there was a lot of ridicule on the Internet!

"Haha? Isn't this the director support plan for elderly households?"

"Okay! Anyone under 50 years old is considered a youth, right?"

"I climbed the Great Wall yesterday. I originally thought the wall there was thick enough, but after reading this list today, I realized that some people's faces are simply thicker than the wall!"

"Occupy the toilet and don't shit! It's a waste of high-quality resources."

"Some people are really shameless!"


Seeing these comments, Chen Fei suddenly lost his anger and happily watched the excitement while holding the computer.

Although it is only 2010, contemporary netizens have begun to learn to live in a tidy manner, focusing on "cynicism".


(PS: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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