It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 426: The box office continues to be a hit, "Iron Man 2" is released, Marvel is rev

Chapter 426: The box office continues to be a hit, "Iron Man 2" is released, Marvel is revitalized!
The time came on April 4. Early in the morning, Chen Fei received a call from Spielberg.

"Fei, the box office in the first three days of the weekend reached 8372 million US dollars. Your previous idea was correct. Improving the modeling effect, shaping a rich storyline, and showing excellent 3D effects are all the keys to improving the box office..."

Spielberg looked very excited and kept talking on the phone.

Chen Fei interrupted him, "The celebration party needs to be more grand."

"Of course, haha, after this animated movie is over, we are going to start filming "Transformers 3", and you are welcome to come and guide us."

"Shooted with an IMAX 3D camera?"

"Of course, today's commercial movies are "no 3D, not commercial". We must follow up. We cannot lag behind others..."

After chatting for more than half an hour, the two ended the call.

"How to Train Your Dragon" also follows a global release route. It will be released on the 23rd in the United States, and on the 26th in China, which is tomorrow.

Naturally, Chen Fei doesn't need to take care of the publicity. The entire process will be followed up by employees from other departments.

His young model girlfriend didn't come today. I heard that she was about to celebrate her 25th birthday. There were already cracks in their short-lasting love.

The persona of "hands-off shopkeeper" can be said to be perfected by him!

Time came to May 5 in a blink of an eye.

Chen Fei would occasionally like it when he saw it, but most of the time he just ignored it.


But, is this really the case?

DiCaprio sat aside and applauded, not forgetting to insult his friend, "Matt, come on, your acting skills are about to surpass mine."

Kevin Feige has already sent out invitations to the premiere, which will be held in New York. Chen Fei is planning to bring a group of people from the "Hunting" crew to support it.

At this point, Xu Jinglei has successfully transformed and officially left her name in the 100 million yuan box office club.

Although both movies were written by Chen Fei, he did not follow up on them much. At most, he simply posted a promotional advertisement on Weibo and Twitter using his personal account.

The filming of "The Hunt" has officially entered the later stage. Matt Damon's appearance has no longer been sunny and amiable before, but has become decadent and full of exhaustion.

The performance is over, Ichijo passes.

Huang Bo has been working on the later stage of "Heart Blossom Road", and from time to time he will select some interesting stills and post them on Weibo.

Domestically, "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Iron Man 2" launched their promotions almost simultaneously.


On the other hand, "Shrek 4" has not changed its schedule and is still on May 5. The DreamWorks Animation department has recently launched a "sentimental promotion" route. If nothing else, it will definitely attract a large number of fans to watch the movie!

As the key period approaches, the box office of "Du Lala" has officially exceeded 100 million.

After deepening the scar marks on his face, Matt Damon returned to his original position.

The media once again used the title "Four Danshuangbing" and created a wave of hype.

As expected, the popularity of the former is far, far worse than that of the latter!
Especially when Robert Downey Jr. came to China in person to launch the promotion plan, almost all the news about "Iron Man" was on the major social platforms.

The former was produced by Walt Disney and adapted from the video game of the same name by Ubisoft. It tells the story of the Persian Empire era, when the Persian prince "Dastan" discovered a magic dagger on the battlefield, but it was coveted by the king's younger brother "Nizam". In order to seize the treasure, he killed the king and framed the blame on Dastan. Then Dastan was forced to flee, and finally returned the Blade of Time to the Temple of Treasure Protection with the help of Princess "Tamina".

Under the rejection and oppression of the people in the small town, his mental state has become very bad.

He casually posted on Weibo and didn't pay much attention to it.

His private plane can seat a lot of people, so it is considered a vacation for the actors.

"Matt, the emotional release just now was not quite right. Faced with the doubts and incomprehension of everyone in the town, you should have collapsed even more, and continued to release your out-of-control emotions. You can exaggerate a little..."

Even if you can fight, both sides will lose in the end, so it is better to postpone and hide.

"Prince of Persia: The Blade of Time" and "Shrek 4" followed closely behind "Iron Man 2" and also launched pre-release promotional activities.

The investment in the film is close to US$2 million, which is at the same level as "Iron Man 2".

Chen Fei shouted to start, and all the actors immediately entered the scene.

As the top first-line female stars in the mainland film industry, these six are far ahead among the female stars, and they are far ahead of the others!

"Ok, Cut!"

Chaos began. The people being questioned were hysterical, but the questioners didn't take it seriously. All kinds of sarcastic voices came crazy and suffocating!

The master led him in. Cultivation depends on the individual. Whether it is a mule or a horse, let them slip away by themselves. He has no time to pay attention to these.

Attention turned to the domestic side.

Sitting back in front of the monitor, he looked back at the clip and frowned slightly.

"Ok, let's have another one."


Although it is quite confident in the quality of its own movies, Disney is not stupid. It is obviously a very stupid behavior to compete with "Iron Man 2" at the box office.

Although there are occasionally some scandals and doubts, a tiger without teeth does not mean that it becomes a sick cat. The claws of these people are sharper than the last!
From time to time, people come forward on the Internet, saying that Zhang Ziyi is completely finished and that she will completely withdraw from the industry after "The Grandmaster" is released.

For a time, the Internet was full of praises for "Xu Talented Girl"!
Although it is unlikely that the box office will exceed 2000 million, even if it is only million, it is still a huge success for a movie with an investment of only million.

There is no way, the first part is so classic, the audience's expectations for the second part have simply reached the highest point!

The alienation of his girlfriend, the malice of strangers, the doubts of his ex-wife, the farewell of his beloved dog... all of this put him in a high-pressure state, like a frightened bird, terrified!
He didn't understand why the girl had admitted that she was lying, but the malice and hurt from the people around her didn't diminish at all, but became more frequent?
"I am innocent and wronged. they all hate me?"

Chen Fei received several calls from China in succession.

First of all, it was Su Guohai. The first-day box office data of "A Chinese Ghost Story" came out, and he called specifically to inform them.

"1044 million, very unexpected..."

The key reason why the word 'unexpected' is used is because the early publicity of this movie was not very full. At most, it had some advantages in scheduling.

The previously predicted first-day box office data was 600-800 million, but unexpectedly it exceeded 1000 million!
“What do netizens think?”

"It's not bad. Although it can't be compared with the versions by Leslie Cheung and Joey Wong, the new version also has many highlights. The novel story and special effects have received a lot of praise."

"Okay, then let's continue to follow up. We can let Gu Tianle and Jing Tian increase their publicity efforts and strive to make the box office reach nine figures."

"it is good!"

After ending the call with Su Guohai, Chen Fei received another call from Lu Yang.

"Director Chen, the post-production of "Xiu Chun Knife" has been completed. What are the next arrangements?"

"You don't need to worry about anything else. Just wait for the promotion plan to start. I will contact Director Han and arrange a suitable schedule for you."

"Okay, please, if you need me, just ask me..."

Just after finishing the call with Lu Yang, Media Asia called again.

"Mr. Chen, the casting for "Anti-Corruption Storm" is over, and we have decided on Louis Koo, Lin Jiadong, Chen Jing..."

"Okay, just look at the arrangements. Let me know when it's finalized and I'll review the film."



Here, "A Chinese Ghost Story" took advantage of the popularity of May Day and officially entered the hot season.

On the other hand, "Du Lala's Promotion" also officially ushered in the end of the key period, and was officially released from theaters with a box office of 1.23 million.

Han Sanping finally had a smile on her face. Throughout the first half of 2010, this movie was the only one among the several movies invested by China Film to make money!
"Then it's time to prepare for "Iron Man 2"..."

Han Sanping was inexplicably confused. He actually wanted to put all those Hollywood blockbusters together and let them kill each other. However, movies such as "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Iron Man 2" were all made by Wo Erton Films participated in the production.

And most of them also have shares from China Film Group, which also means they can share money in them!
"Forget it, let's just open VIP channels for them. It's a win-win cooperation. Mainland movies are not living up to expectations. What can I do?"

Han Sanping began to hypnotize himself. China Film also needed money to develop. He couldn't turn away this huge income, right?

Even if he could be cruel and cut off his wrists, the rest of the board of directors would never agree.

The media began to disclose the box office results of "A Chinese Ghost Story" online.

1044 million on the first day, 1269 million on the second day, 965 million on the third day...

The box office went straight into nine figures!

For a movie with an investment of only 3000 million, it must be a sure profit.

Lu Zheng called, his words full of gratitude, "Haha, following Mr. Chen means you have meat to eat, and this time Starlight has become more powerful."

Nie Xiaoqian, played by Jing Tian, ​​is definitely not as good at acting as Wang Zuxian, but this girl has a very high emotional intelligence. She bluntly said in the promotional event that she was paying tribute to her idol, and she only hoped to learn the essence of her idol. She was very satisfied.

Politeness, high emotional intelligence, humility... her excellent moral character has won her many praises, and her reputation has gradually increased.

"Tiantian said that I want to thank you very much. When Director Chen returns to China, remember to say, I'm treating you!"

"Haha, okay, Mr. Lu spent money..."

After a few casual greetings, Chen Fei found an excuse and hung up the phone.

Lu Zheng was also a chatterbox, he would talk non-stop whenever he felt like it, and he didn't even notice what time it was. The time difference between China and the United States was completely reversed.


As the time approaches May 5, Chen Fei and the rest of the "Hunting" crew have announced that they will participate in "Iron Man 7".

When they heard that they could fly on his private jet, a group of people were quite excited.

"I've never flown on a private jet." Anne Hathaway shouted enthusiastically.

"The rich are different. They travel by private jet. Unlike us, we have to think about taking a first-class seat for a long time."

Xiao Lizi made a mean expression, which made Chen Fei want to beat him.

"You want to buy one too? It's not like you don't have the money?"

"No! I plan to wait until I get the Oscar statuette before buying it, just as a reward for myself."

"Then just wait, I guess it will be almost there in ten or eight years."


Xiao Lizi's face suddenly collapsed and he was about to cry without tears.

There are countless young models and scripts that have passed through his hands over the years, but none of them can help him win an Oscar. It is really a miserable batch.

On the day I was about to leave for New York, another phone call came from China.

"What? Premiere? Deyun Club? I don't have time, so just push it. That's it for now, I have to catch a plane."

Guo Degang has been doing quite well in the industry in the past few years. The movie "Three Smiling Talents and Beauties", which he directed and starred in, was also released in May, and he also played Tang Bohu in it.

After recalling his dark, fat, round-headed figure, combined with Tang Bohu's reputation, Chen Fei could not combine the two images in any way.

"It's simply...rebellion against Tiangang!"


After landing in New York, everyone went straight to Marvel Studios.

The premiere of a commercial film is much more grand than that of an art film. Looking around, all of them are A-list big-name stars, and their pay is rarely less than 10 million US dollars.

As the protagonist of the movie, Robert Downey Jr. became the focus of everyone's attention at the scene. Many people gathered around him to take photos and ask for autographs.

There were even several Iron Man suits placed outside the theater, where Nicolas Cage and Johnny Depp were studying how to wear them.

Chen Fei's arrival attracted a lot of shots, and several domestic media even enthusiastically came over to interview him.

"Director Chen, how far is the filming of "Hunting" going?"

"It's almost finished, it will only take ten days at most..."

After briefly answering a few questions, everyone began to enter.

Chen Fei saw the bosses of several film and television production companies, and there was almost uncontrollable sadness in their brows.

Walton Pictures is getting stronger and stronger, and new movies are constantly being released. On the other hand, our own company is in a difficult stage. This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"Director Chen, long time no see."

Scarlett came over and said hello with a smile, showing no trace of the sadness and pain she felt after a recent divorce.

In May 08, she was officially engaged to Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds, but just a few days ago, the two announced the end of their marriage.

Although I don’t know why, it is undeniable that perhaps it was because of this short-lived marriage that Scarlett looked quite attractive at this time, with a faint... young woman feeling? !
The premiere started soon, and Robert Downey Jr. walked onto the stage wearing a steel suit and danced coquettishly to kick off the prelude to the movie.

The 124-minute film can be said to be enjoyable from beginning to end.

To the surprise of the audience, one of the shooting locations in the film was the spaceX factory known as the real-life Iron Man "Musk"!

After the film ended, some media asked director Jon Favreau, "How did you manage to go to the spaceX factory to shoot? Isn't it forbidden to shoot anywhere?"

Jon Favreau smiled slightly and looked at Chen Fei in the audience.

Chen Fei helped contact this shooting location. Although he didn't know how it was done, the other party agreed and provided a high degree of cooperation.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned over, Chen Fei took the phone and smiled slightly, "Because Musk and I are very good friends."

The identity of a friend is just right. After all, he can't say that he is one of the shareholders behind the spaceX factory, right?
Longxiang Capital's investments are spread all over the United States, and it couldn't be easier than just borrowing a shooting location.

After the premiere, Chen Fei did not go to the subsequent cocktail party, but went to the filming set of "Shameless".

This drama started shooting on May 5st. Because it is a modern drama, filming started directly here in New York.

The director is Marc Miró, who has previously directed many film and television dramas such as "The Confrontation", "The Truth", "The Last Day", and "The Royles" with a very high standard.

Everyone at the scene seemed quite shocked and excited about Chen Fei's arrival, especially the young actors, who all came over to ask for autographs and photos.

Chen Fei has a very easy-going personality and happily complied with their modest requests.

Regarding the play "Shameless", his biggest impression is that the characters in the play always use the most subversive behavior to teach the audience the most correct three views.

“Get your shit together, bro!”


Back in Los Angeles, Chen Fei began to put the finishing touches on "Hunting".

On May 5th, filming of the final scene officially started!
Lucas, played by Matt Damon, finally reconciled with his girlfriend after a year of hard work.

As time goes by, the rumors around me seem to have decreased a lot.

However, when he accompanied his son to participate in the hunting part of the coming-of-age ceremony, an accident happened!

When he and his son were separated and looking for prey alone, a cold bullet grazed his forehead and shot straight into the trunk of a tree nearby.


With an explosion, the bark of the tree exploded, and sawdust flew onto his face, leaving many small cracks.

He seemed to be frightened, his eyes were full of confusion and confusion, but he still subconsciously looked in the direction of the gunfire.

The sun was dazzling, and it was supposed to bring warmth, but it made him feel very cold!
He didn't see clearly who the other party was, and could only see a blurry shadow quickly dodging deep into the dense forest until it completely disappeared.

Next to the tree trunk, Matt Damon struggled to get up, his legs trembling slightly, and his face showed a scared and worried look.

There was no prey around at all, so the target that the familiar figure was aiming at was...himself? !

"They still haven't let me go, they want to kill me!"

"who is it?"

"They are in the sun, they are "just", they stand on the moral high ground, and I...I can't even see his face clearly!"

Behind the monitor, looking at Matt Damon's expression, Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Cut, great!"

For a moment, the scene burst into warm applause again.

Chen Fei stood up from the director's chair and said to everyone around him with a smile: "Thank you for everyone's efforts during this month. "Hunting" is now officially finished. I have booked a hotel for the wrapping banquet tonight. We won’t return until we get drunk!”

"Oh! yes!"

Cheers echoed throughout the set.

The crew began to pack away the props, and the actors took off their makeup and changed clothes, but Chen Fei walked aside and called Kevin Feige.

Kevin Feige called him at nine o'clock in the morning, but he was in the middle of an important filming session, so he didn't answer it immediately.

If nothing unexpected happens, Kevin Feige should be preparing to report on the three-day box office performance of "Iron Man 2" in its first weekend.

Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, the other party couldn't wait to say:

"The box office on the first day was US$5654.9 million, the second day was US$4963.6 million, and the third day was US$4245.7 million. It successfully exceeded 1.48 million in the three days of the first weekend, and the box office reached US$ million. Haha, we succeeded!"

Hearing this number, Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

It should be no problem to break 3 million in North America. With the distribution channels in other countries, it should be no problem to break 7 million and chase 8 million.

Marvel has been revitalized!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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