It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 427: The club won’t invite me when applying for a card? Don’t you think of a buddy as a frie

Chapter 427: The club won’t invite me when applying for a card? Don’t you think of a buddy as a friend?

With the three-day opening weekend over, the box office results of "Iron Man" were posted on major Hollywood websites.

Movie fans in North America are very considerate, giving high scores on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb websites, and publishing excellent film review articles.

After reading these articles, Jon Favreau finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was originally worried that "Iron Man 2" would not be able to reproduce the glory of its predecessor, but with frequent positive reviews online and rising box office results, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Kevin Feige did not hesitate and directly signed a letter of intent to direct "Iron Man 3" with him.

The same is true for Robert Downey Jr., who did not strongly demand that the salary be increased to a sky-high price, but was kept within a normal range.

He knew very well that he and Tony Stark actually had a mutually fulfilling relationship.

At present, "Tony Stark" can pay some price to abandon him, but he cannot do without the role of "Tony Stark".

Only the deeper the relationship with "Iron Man" is, the more stable his status in Hollywood will be!
At the same time, the box office results of "Iron Man 2" were also reprinted by domestic media on Weibo, Tieba, and film and television information websites.

Along with this, box office data for "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and "How to Train Your Dragon" appeared.

Jiang Wen called overnight and asked enthusiastically: "Many people in the circle are speculating that you are going to attend the Venice Film Festival. Is this true or false?"

Many people reacted suddenly and were frightened on the spot!

Changing to a more comfortable position, she looked at the computer screen curiously.

In fact, most men and women here in the United States are quite open-minded. Even if they don't like each other, it's normal for them to have sex.

"Damn it, you're ruining your outlook on life!"

"Made, I was tricked into going to the cinema. Do you believe that Tang Bohu is a dark and fat... Tao'er?"

Many film and television companies and producers in the Mainland are already complaining. Since the beginning of the year, domestic films have been suppressed to death, with no sign of emerging at all!
Unfortunately, most of these voices were suppressed by the joint efforts of China Film and other theaters.

"Are you confident about winning the award? Haha, if you can win a Golden Lion, you will have achieved the Grand Slam of the three major European film festivals, the Golden Bear, the Palme d'Or, the Golden Lion, plus the Oscar statuette... ugh "Hey, your life is completely complete."

The latter is still in the hot theaters, with its North American box office performance about to break 2 million US dollars, and its mainland box office has already broken the 3 million mark, with an extremely strong trend.

The Cannes Film Festival will start in late May, and "The Hunt" has just finished filming, so it will definitely be late.

However, because "Iron Man 2" is about to land in mainland theaters, there will inevitably be a certain degree of competition between the two, so this high momentum may not be maintained for long.

Movie fans are not stupid. Cross talk and singing duos are currently very unpopular in the movie market, especially with the increasing number of bad movies, capital doesn't pay much attention to these people.

The former has been gradually removed from major theater chains around the world, and its box office performance has basically stabilized at around US$7.5 million.

The more blockbusters come in, the more profitable theater chains will be, and the development of the mainland film industry will also improve step by step. This is a virtuous cycle process that even the film bureau does not want to break.

"What are you looking at?"

After "Hunting" ended, she followed him back on the pretext that she wanted to visit the big villa.

I invested nearly 20 million, lost all my money, and I don’t know how many cross talk performances I have to do to make it back?
"Fei, why don't you rest?"

As for the pressure on domestic films...

Chen Fei chatted with him for more than ten minutes with a smile, then hung up the phone, and then turned his attention to the front again.

For a realistic movie, winning awards is definitely a necessary process.

["Iron Man 2", the box office of "Iron Man " exceeded million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend. Chen Fei's new film is another success! 】


In this hearty hunting, maybe both sides are hunters, or maybe they are each other's prey!
"I'm not sleepy yet. If you want to sleep, go to bed first."

But if you are going to the Venice Film Festival, this time is just right!

Anne Hathaway came over curiously and crawled into Chen Fei's arms like a little rabbit.

"Last year, the duet singer came to make a movie and made a bad movie. This year, the cross talk actor came to join in the fun again and made a bad movie again. How can it be so easy to cross the border?"

The title is very short, but extremely eye-catching.

The computer screen in front of me is on, and it contains all kinds of domestic film and television information!
Although he is very busy at work in Hollywood, he has not completely blocked out mainland entertainment news. He will pay special attention to it when he comes back in the evening due to jet lag.

When I clicked in and took a look, there were quite a few people commenting below.

"Not every cross-talk director's film can be as successful as Takeshi Kitano's!"

Although the two argued about "who slept" afterwards, they could not come to an accurate conclusion.

Ignoring a series of news about "Iron Man 2" and "How to Train Your Dragon", he saw a report in the corner.

"Who knows, let's give it a try first, maybe it will come true."

Chen Fei has no intention of hiding it. Anyway, he will send the finished film to the film festival in at most one month. By then, the media can completely check it on the website.

The leaders of the bureau nodded silently and didn't say much.

A slightly hoarse voice came from behind. Chen Fei turned his head and glanced, only to see Anne Hathaway wearing a set of slightly loose silk pajamas standing behind him, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Chen Fei played a big role in it!
News of the completion of "The Hunt" has also spread back to China. Many people were a little confused when they saw the news. How could it be completed in less than a month?
"Damn it, he's not going to attend the Venice Film Festival, is he?"

[The box office of "Three Smiling Talents and Beauties" on the first day was less than one million, a crossover failure. 】

The reason given by Han Sanping was, "The blockbuster movies are coming later. The second half of the year will definitely be the moment when domestic films will blow out. Let's do this for the first half of the year."

A man and a woman alone, with firewood and fire, everyone tacitly rolled onto the same bed while visiting the bedroom.

Unfortunately, they are all in Chinese and she can’t understand them!

Losing interest, she turned her head and focused on Chen Fei, and asked curiously: "When will the post-production of "Hunting" be completed? Can I go to the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival together?"

"Of course." Chen Fei smiled and patted her peach that was moving around mischievously: "The post-production progress is a secret and cannot be disclosed to outsiders."

"Don't worry, I'm very strict with my words. I promise I won't reveal your secrets."

"Oh? Really? How strict is it?"

"I can demonstrate it to you!"

As she spoke, Anne Hathaway, wrapped in silk pajamas, crawled under the table like a slippery hamster and began to demonstrate to Chen Fei how... strict her mouth was!


The filming progress of Li Yang and Guo Fan was also very fast. On May 5th, Guo Fan called and informed him that "The Adventures of Li Xianli" was successfully completed.

In line with the principle of herding a sheep and herding a group of sheep, when Chen Fei called Han Sanping, he asked him to confirm the release schedule of "The Adventures of Li Xianli".

"The schedule for the second half of the year may be a little looser only in August. There are almost blockbusters appearing in other times."

In July there was "The Great Earthquake", in September there was "Love at the Hawthorn Tree", in October there was "Heart Blossoms", in November there was "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven", and in December there was "Let the Bullets Fly" , domestic high-quality movies such as "If You Are the One 12".

There are really not many opportunities left for "Xiu Chun Dao" and "The Adventures of Li Xianli".

"Then let's take August, one in early August and one in mid-August."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements."

Han Sanping responded and hung up the phone.

Because the post-production of "Xiu Chun Dao" has been completed in advance, the theater chain website took the lead in announcing the release time of this film. "The Adventures of Li Xianli" needed to obtain the dragon mark before announcing the release time.

After the media noticed this sudden new movie, they issued press releases one after another.

"Rising director Lu Yang's new film "Embroidered Spring Knife" is officially scheduled for August."

"The new Chinese martial arts film is coming!"

"Stay tuned..."


Chen Fei became busy with the post-production of "Hunting".

Although the Venice Film Festival promised him a green light, he decided to submit the film by the end of June at the latest.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the future, and we have to race against time.

At the same time, Universal Pictures announced the casting status of "Fast and Furious 5" to the outside world and announced that filming will start on May 5. Many people noticed that Chen Fei's name was still on the list!
Movie fans are very excited and are looking forward to his wonderful appearance in the movie. Many people also said that he has starred in too few movies, and they hope that he can make more movies in the future and not focus all his energy on his career as a director.

When seeing these messages on the Internet, Chen Fei suddenly thought of "Gravity".

"Want to see me act? Then I'll satisfy you."


On the 21st, DreamWorks Animation held the premiere of "Shrek 4".

Chen Fei and Spielberg attended this event together.

The fourth part mainly tells the story of Shrek, who after rescuing the princess, saving his father-in-law's kingdom, and having his own child, became a good family man. However, as time passed, he suddenly began to miss the life of a monster. So he signed a contract with the dwarf Rambo, but he fell into an unprecedented dilemma. Shrek must find a way to undo his mistakes and restore everything to its original state...

The film is also released in 3D and is the first 3D work in the series.

Because the distribution company is Paramount Pictures, the CEO of Paramount also came to the scene today and also acted as the host.

After some explanation, the film officially started.

The 93-minute film made many people miss that ugly monster. The picture quality is also very good, and as a film in IMAX3D format, it is indeed qualified.

It's a pity that this series can no longer make the audience as excited as it used to be. All the magical and exciting features in the past seem to have disappeared out of thin air!
"'Shrek 4' may be the last glory of this series." Spielberg commented.

On the 22th, the first day’s box office was announced.

US$2080.2 million, this box office figure is a full US$ million less than "How to Train Your Dragon"!

On the 24th, the box office for the first three days of the weekend was announced.

US$7083 million is still nearly US$ million less than "How to Train Your Dragon."

Chen Fei stopped paying attention to the subsequent box office situation.

Judging from the current box office trends, the North American box office has been officially set, and it is estimated to be just over 2 million US dollars.

It all depends on how Paramount Pictures operates next. If they can put some effort into global distribution, perhaps there will be a good rate of return in the end, but it may come at a certain price.


Press releases for the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival began to spread all over the world, and many filmmakers were paying attention, and Chen Fei was naturally no exception.

Although "Hunting" did not attend Cannes, Wang Xiaoshuai took his "Rizhao Mountain City" to the film festival, accompanied by Wang Xuejin, Fan Bingbing, the young prince of literary films Qin Hao and others.

When it comes to walking on the red carpet, if Fan is said to be second, no one would dare to say he is first!

Chen Fei saw a very shocking photo on the Internet. On the red carpet, Fan Bingbing actually wore a "dragon robe". It really shined in the audience!

The domestic media was going crazy. Many people were so shocked when they saw the photo that they couldn't speak for a long time.

"She has finally understood the essence of the path of hype." Chen Fei gave a very pertinent comment.

But I have to say that this woman still has some "luck" in her body.

While Fan Bingbing was rushing to Cannes, a big thunderstorm broke out in the capital, and dozens of large-scale high-end "entertainment venues" were wiped out.

Several well-known celebrities in the entertainment industry were directly arrested on the spot. The arrest scene was "shocking", and the luxury in the box was comparable to a "wine pool and meat forest"!
"Tsk, it's heaven and earth... I haven't even visited yet, and now I'm being punished?"

Chen Fei had a look of emotion on his face, looking at the list of people in the entertainment industry that was exposed, and silently remembered the names of these people in his heart.

Perhaps this list will be removed soon, but these people labeled him as "unable to cooperate".

You didn’t even invite me when you went to the club to apply for a card?

This is treating a buddy as a friend!


The news of the launch of "Warring States" quickly suppressed the "scandals" on the Internet.

Starlight and Wanda are notoriously wealthy companies, and the same applies to the filming location, which is called "luxury."

On the first day of launch, there was big news.

In order to film Sun Honglei's "falling into the water scene", hundreds of thousands were spent to build a luxurious all-wood bathroom, and hundreds of boxes of pure milk were used to complete the "fresh milk bath" scene!
When the media exposed this operation, netizens couldn't help but shout, it's so cruel!
Xiangjiang directors represented by Chen Kexin and Wu Yu were even more angry and regretted that they missed the directorship of "Warring States".

It costs hundreds of thousands to shoot one scene?
If you become a director, you will make crazy money?

Lu Zheng made a special call to inform Chen Fei that "A Chinese Ghost Story" had successfully exceeded 100 million at the box office, and at the same time strongly invited him to visit the crew of "Warring States" after returning to China.

Chen Fei twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly found an excuse to end the call.

He didn't dare to go, that place was too cruel, and he was afraid that his eyes would be damaged!

I don’t know if Lu Zheng has received any mission? He had to put Jing Tian directly on the front line, fantasizing about getting there in one step all day long.

If the title of "resource coffee" falls on me, I have to show 200% of my acting skills to get rid of it!


On the 27th, Walt Disney held a very grand premiere for "Prince of Persia: The Blades of Time".

The invitation was sent to Volton Pictures. After Chen Fei and Natasha looked at each other, they finally decided to go and have a look.

This movie is obviously a benchmark for "Iron Man 2". It is an action fantasy film, has almost the same investment cost, and is also adapted from an existing story... all of this shows the scale of Disney's ambitions!

The film is directed by Mike Newell, who directed "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," and stars Jake Gyllenhaal, who starred in "Brokeback Mountain."

Speaking of which, Chen Fei has some connections with him.

The male protagonist in "Source Code" was actually played by Jake Gyllenhaal, but it was a pity that Chen Fei cut him off halfway.

After arriving at the premiere, Chen Fei simply said hello to some acquaintances around him, and then began to wait for the movie to start.

According to Disney's early promotional slogan, this movie invested a total of US$1.5 million in visual effects alone!

In order to restore the visual sense of the game, the film did not hesitate to abandon post-production 3D production, focusing on the use of CG, and concentrated all technical staff on creating picture texture.

After the film officially started screening, Chen Fei mainly focused on the CG special effects.

The five great powers of the Sands of Time in the film all rely on CG to assist with visual effects, while the fusion shots of the Sands of Time and the protagonist mainly rely on real-person combined with CG technology, so a large amount of CG visual effects were invested in the entire film to assist the film. The characters in the movie enable the movie to seamlessly integrate with magical elements like a game...

Judging from the quality of the picture, the effect is indeed very good, and the investment of US$1.5 million has received its due return.

However, if you ignore the CG special effects, the flaws in the film are simply... countless!
First of all, the coherence and difficulty of the parkour action design in the film cannot be compared with another classic parkour movie "Violent Street".

In order to complete these difficult actions, the male protagonist Gyllenhaal trained hard for 6 months. He transformed from the gentle man in "Brokeback Mountain" to a rough fighting star. This made the fighting scenes in the film indeed very exciting, but In the literary and drama part, Gyllenhaal returned to the state of blurred eyes of "The Brokeback Man", without any major breakthrough in his acting skills.

As the movie came to an end, Natasha leaned over and asked softly: "Fei, do you think it will surpass "Iron Man 2"?"


On the morning of the 29th, the media announced the first-day box office data of "Prince of Persia: The Blade of Time".

It's very miserable, only 1020.8 million US dollars, which is not at the same level as "Iron Man 2".

Natasha, who was still a little nervous, suddenly jumped up and down with joy, "That's it? You dare to fight with my steel armor? It's just wishful thinking."

Fade Chen shook his head with a smile, and then reminded: "Let's go, guests from "Super Body" have already started to enter, we should go over."

Today is the day of the North American premiere of "Super Body". In order to build momentum for this movie, Chen Fei used some of his connections and invited many big names.

Liu Yifei was naturally not qualified to receive these people, so Chen Fei had to go in person.

The movie will be released on June 1st and will be released simultaneously in the United States and China.

The reason why the American premiere is scheduled for the 29th is also very simple. Chen Fei is planning to hold two premieres, one abroad and one domestically.

The guest list for the domestic premiere has been sent out, and almost all second-tier stars and artists in the industry have received invitations. The lineup and popularity have been filled up in advance!
You know, there has been no sci-fi action commercial film starring an actress in China so far, and this "Super Body" is considered the only one.

Big heroine movie...

Many female celebrities looked at the invitations in their hands and were so envious that they almost drooled!


(PS: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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