It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 439 A bigger goal! The abacus beads that haven’t been fired, I don’t care about life and dea

Chapter 439 A bigger goal! The abacus beads that haven’t been fired, I don’t care about life and death, just do it if you don’t accept it (the system helps me!)

After the premiere, the plot of "The Hunt" went viral.

Many film critics and event magazines published film review articles, which were then invariably reprinted by domestic media.

"I never thought that the evil of human nature could be expressed so vividly!"

"There is a dragon spring on the tongue, killing people without blood!"

"I never quite understood why the movie was called "Hunting" before? But after watching it, I discovered that people are also a process of hunting each other..."

There has been constant discussion online, with major film critics and media giving high scores, praising that this should be the most shocking film at this Venice Film Festival!
For a time, domestic calls for winning the award became more intense.

"Many film producers contacted us and offered very high prices." Natasha said enthusiastically.


Chen Fei nodded, but had no intention of discussing with these people.

Chen Fei nodded slightly towards him.

To be honest, Chen Fei has never been able to see any particularly outstanding characteristics or advantages in her.

The two looked at each other and smiled, understanding each other tacitly.

There is no doubt that both movies are a huge success!
In addition, "Sword Rain", written and directed by Su Zhaobin, produced and co-directed by Wu Yu, starring Yang Zhiqiong and Zheng Yusheng, has also been officially launched in mainland theaters.

He is now thinking about putting together "Avengers" and "Gravity" to give audiences at home and abroad a big surprise.

This kind of project that loses money is actually fatal to the director, producer, or the actors themselves.

Perhaps because he has already won the Oscar statuette, Chen Fei is not very interested in Oscars now.

Of course, he also has a bigger goal, which is to step on Cameron again and make a movie that surpasses "Avatar".

The box office of "My Beautiful Boss" was fixed at 1.05 million yuan, while the box office of "Xiuchungdao" was fixed at 1.68 million yuan.

"I'll turn on the phone when I get back. If you have time then, come over and visit."

Chen Fei rejected her directly without thinking.

The box office on the first day was 650 million. Compared with the huge investment, this result cannot be said to be miserable, it can only be said... that it was a complete mess!
When attending the premiere of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven", Chen Fei saw Wu Yu and Su Zhaobin from a distance.


"Has the release date been set?"

"Sorry, maybe next time, there really isn't a suitable role for you in this movie."

No. 1 in the box office rankings in film history, this title must be regained!
On the 5th, several news came from China.

After the premiere, Xu Ke specially found Chen Fei and said enthusiastically, "Sure enough, the combination of special effects and martial arts is the new trend in the future..."

Having participated in so many film festivals, he has already become a veteran. How come he still doesn’t understand this?

I don’t know how these four days of double ice are arranged?
"Well, that's really a pity." Li Bingbin forced a smile on his face and silently stepped aside.

After chatting with Deng Chao for a few more words, Chen Fei was ready to leave.

Chen Fei said hello to Liu Dehua, and then specifically informed him, ""Gravity" is expected to start shooting in October, and it will probably be completed in two months. Remember to save your schedule."

"Okay, just look at the arrangements."

"Director Chen, see you at the closing ceremony!"

Fan Bingbing is better, at least he is recognizable, and both his figure and appearance are quite to his liking.

"it is good."

That flirtatious fox was so despicable that he secretly auditioned for "Beautiful Heart" and even had to play a small supporting role!

He has a figure but no figure, looks and has no particularly eye-catching features, his lines are ordinary, and his acting skills are so-so...

Chen Fei looked at him curiously, "How is your 3D "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" doing?"

This film may not be suitable for film festivals, but it is definitely suitable for the big screen.

When she said this, she was thinking of Fan Bingbing.

"It's decided. Also in December, I'm going to take this movie to the Oscars. It's a realistic drama, and it's also the favorite of the Oscar judges."

Li Bingbin secretly vowed that she would also find a chance to cooperate with Chen Fei.

If you make one film and lose another, it is very likely that no employer will be willing to play with you in the future.

While the two were talking, several leading actors also came over.

"Don't worry, it's no problem. I've postponed all the follow-up work. I'm just waiting for you."

The premiere of "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" was very good. Chen Fei roughly observed the expressions of the foreigners at the scene, and they were obviously shocked.

But this Li Bingbin...

However, Li Bingbin on the side took the initiative to find an excuse and asked: "Director Chen, is there a role suitable for me in this movie? I have always wanted to find a chance to collaborate with you, but I can't find a suitable opportunity..."

If you go to "Heart Blossom Road", then I will be "Gravity"!
It's a pity that her abacus obviously didn't work.

If you sell a film at a film festival, it will definitely sell for a higher price after winning an award.

Both of them had dark faces, and it was obvious that they were not in a good mood.

Although I don’t know if there will be any prizes, after all, I have been shortlisted for the main competition. Regardless of whether there are prizes or not, I will go there. The minimum respect must be there.


The closing ceremony of the Venice Film Festival is on September 9th, and now it is only the 11th, and there are still 5 days before the awards ceremony.

With so much free time, Chen Fei naturally couldn't just stay in the hotel.

Others attended various entertainment and premiere events almost every day, but he had no interest in watching those erotic events.

So on the morning of the 6th, he said goodbye to Natasha and Matt Damon and rushed to the airport alone.

He is going to do something big in this rare free time!
That is - complete the latest task of the system!
[Challenge mission: (Complete a downhill skiing in the Alps), difficulty level 9 stars, complete the mission to get SS-level reward blind box. 】

System tasks are released at the beginning of the year and are only valid for one year.

It's almost a year now, and I have to finish it quickly, otherwise I don't know what will happen after the deadline.

Flory has already led the members of the Red Bull Extreme Challenge Studio to complete all the preparations, and is now waiting for him to pass.

The first time he landed in Switzerland, Chen Fei saw the Red Bull staff waiting outside the airport.

"Sir, the boss is waiting for you at the hotel and asked me to come and pick you up."

"Okay, let's go."

Switzerland is quite suitable for tourism. It has magnificent Alps, clear lakes, quaint towns and sophisticated watches. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

There are four official languages ​​here, namely German, French, Italian and Romansh, reflecting the diverse culture.

Many people on the Internet said that the pace of life here is very slow, and Chen Fei was quite curious about it.

He plans to stay here for two days after the mission is over to experience what a "slow-paced" life is like.

Arriving at the hotel, Chen Fei met Flory and others from the Red Bull Extreme Challenge Studio.

"Fei! Haha! Long time no see!"

"Haha, it's been a long time since I last saw you. Are you okay?"

"Yes! My body is in great shape! It tastes great when I eat it..."

After greeting everyone present one by one, Chen Fei took a short rest and then began to check the equipment.

Chen Fei has completed alpine skiing several times before, so he knows very well that the most important thing is not the snowboard and snowball fights, but the ski boots.

Its function is to protect the feet and keep warm. For alpine skiing, this piece of equipment is extremely important!
There are many types of ski boots, available in various materials and styles.

Flory prepared two pairs for Chen Fei, one pair can be used as the main equipment, and the other pair can be carried with him as a backup.

The outer layer of both boots is made of ABS material through injection molding, which is waterproof and anti-collision.

As for the inner layer, it is composed of chemical fiber fabrics and soft materials, which are characterized by warmth retention, tight wrapping, and cushioning.

Chen Fei tried on both pairs of shoes and they felt very good!

“Customized, that’s good!”

He sighed secretly, and then began to check other equipment.

Alpine ski racks, ski poles, ski clothing, ski helmets, ski goggles...

After checking them in turn, his eyes fell on the final skis.

Alpine skiing is different from other racing events and track events. This kind of sport requires the use of "double skis" because double skis are more flexible than single skis and can handle emergencies better. Respond.

However, compared with single boards, double boards are extremely difficult to operate, so most beginners usually use single boards.

Of course, Chen Fei is not a newbie. He is already a mature skateboarder. It is not difficult for him to control the skateboard.

Flory prepared an all-terrain double-ski for him. The quality is very good, but the weight is very light, which allows him to better perform various "show off skills".

After checking the equipment, Chen Fei turned to look at Flory and asked, "Are the broadcast equipment on the other side of the snow mountain ready?"

"It's all done."

"Okay, then let me know. Our challenge will officially begin the day after tomorrow!"


In order to cooperate with him in completing this thrilling challenge, Red Bull has already made all preparations.

With everything arranged for Chen Fei, in the afternoon of that day, broadcast notices about Chen Fei's challenge to "Alps Skiing" suddenly appeared on major portals and social platforms around the world.

In order to adjust his mentality, Chen Fei had turned off his mobile phone in advance.

As evening approached, he even looked at the white, inaccessible Alps in the distance.

White snow covers the entire mountain range. Everything looks so calm and gentle, but it seems that there is a huge terror hidden underneath the calm!
At the same time, while Chen Fei was enjoying this short period of peace, the Internet had already exploded.

"Switzerland? Alps? Skiing? Damn it! Director Chen is trying to commit suicide again?"

"Didn't he go to the Venice Film Festival? Why did he go to Switzerland again?"

"What a great guy! You are worthy of being the spokesperson of Red Bull. Either you don't do it, or you just have to deal with it. It's really life-threatening!"

"No wonder Red Bull sent him a private jet. After this wave, sales will definitely go crazy again!"

"Fuck, take it easy. I almost lost my life on Mount Everest before. Now I'm going to the Alps again, and I have to go skiing? Are you going to be so exaggerated?"

There were constant discussions on the Internet, and many people called Chen Fei, trying to persuade him. However, the only message that came over the phone was "The phone you are playing has been turned off."

"Haha, okay! Great! It's best not to come back!"

Wu Yu was so excited. This may be the rare time he was happy after the box office failure of "Sword Rain".

"September 9th, right? OK, then I won't go to the movie. I want to see how you slide. It's best if you get hit by an avalanche and get buried. That would be better..."

After Red Bull announced a new challenge, some people are happy and some are worried.

Compared with Wu Yu, an old guy who doesn't mind watching the excitement, Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Anne Hathaway, Pei Zhuxian, Gal Gadot and others all became nervous after seeing the news. stand up. "You must come back!"

In fact, many people don't quite understand why Chen Fei does such dangerous behavior every once in a while.

But they had no reason or excuse to stop him. They could only pray for him silently, and then cheer for him after the challenge was successful!
The discussion was very turbulent, but it did not affect Chen Fei's actions.

On the 8th, after Chen Fei got up early in the morning, he put all the equipment on his back and set out on the road to the top of the Alps.

There was a guide in front who was responsible for leading the way, followed by several Red Bull staff members. Their task was to be responsible for broadcasting this section of the mountain during the climb.

The moment the broadcast started, the backstage staff of the sports channel noticed that the ratings began to soar rapidly, directly surpassing the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala!

Although there was only endless white snow in the picture and a few figures immersed in climbing mountains, the people in front of the screen did not dare to be distracted at all, for fear of missing the wonderful shots and pictures.

Time passed quickly, and bursts of rapid breathing gradually appeared on the screen.

On the top of the highest mountain in Europe, the oxygen inevitably begins to become thinner. By this time, even breathing has become much more difficult!

Thanks to the fact that everyone was a professional extreme athlete, they managed to survive.

The air on the top of the mountain was very cold, but Chen Fei's heart was filled with heat!
Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, he silently took off the backpack behind him, and then put on all the equipment in sequence.

After doing all this, he slowly turned his head and waved to the camera behind him, leaving a bright smile and a thumbs up.

"here we go!"

Everyone in front of the screen felt their hearts skip a beat and instantly became nervous.

Sure enough, in the next second, Chen Fei rushed out of the top of the mountain and officially started this thrilling and exciting challenge with a "360-degree turn"!
His body drew a rather graceful arc in the air, forming a handsome circle.

The moment he landed smoothly, with the help of inertia, his whole body was like a sharp arrow, shooting out at an extremely fast speed!
Snowflakes were flying, covering the ski goggles.

Chen Fei did not panic, wiped it quickly, and started to use ski poles to accelerate against the strong wind blowing in his face!
Because the mountains in the Alps are very steep, and coupled with his constant acceleration, it didn't take long for his speed to exceed 100km/h.

In the eyes of the audience in front of the screen, he seemed to have turned into a dazzling red light at this moment, breaking through the snow and strong wind like lightning cutting through the clouds, and speeding towards the foot of the mountain.

"You're so handsome on horseback!"

Many people in front of the screen exclaimed, but what they didn't know was that Chen Fei was under tremendous pressure at this time!
Because of the speed and the impact of the strong wind, he seemed to be fighting against three people of equal weight.

This is also the pressure that downhill skiing must bear!
However, as the speed continued to increase, Chen Fei had to change his downward movement.

The continuous thrust gave him a huge impact, and his body no longer allowed him to continue tossing like this.

So, he changed his original straight-line sliding method into an S-type slide.

The moment the motion trajectory changed, the snowflakes suddenly began to fly left and right, as if they had carved a pair of cool snowflake wings. It was extremely stunning!

"Damn it, are you sure this isn't a movie?"

"Ohmygod! So cool!"

Leonardo and Matt Damon, who were in the hotel, kept exclaiming as if they were in the Alps.

However, what no one knows is that behind this beautiful picture, there is still an extremely deadly crisis hidden!
Chen Fei had already seen the terrain map before setting off, so he knew that he would face an extremely terrifying natural chasm next!

It was a ravine twenty meters wide. If you wanted to successfully cross it, the only way was to jump directly over it on skis!

The distance of 20 meters is enough to deter most people, but Chen Fei behaved quite calmly.


Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it!

The sound of breaking wind reached his ears, and he changed his rappelling method again, from the "S" shape to the "I" shape.

The increase in speed will be his greatest confidence in overcoming this difficulty!
In order to pursue faster speed, he even ordered the system to increase his physical attributes again.

"System, increase the speed attribute value by 100 points!"

[Ding·10 reputation points are deducted, the speed value is increased by 100 points, and the current speed value is "199". 】

At this point, his four physical attributes "Strength", "Speed", "Endurance" and "Physique" have all reached 199 points!

The sound of breaking wind became more and more intense. Now Chen Fei's gliding speed has increased to 130km/h. According to his prediction, when he reaches the edge of the natural chasm, his speed will definitely increase to more than 150km/h!

The fiery red lightning becomes more and more dazzling!
The moment Chen Fei rushed into the sky, the snowflakes behind him even followed his movements and drew a gorgeous arc, building an arched snowflake bridge in the middle of the chasm.

This cool picture really shocked the audience watching the broadcast!

"Young man, if you say this is a movie, I absolutely believe it!"

"Isn't this really a special effect? ​​Can a person do such an action? Are you kidding me?"

"Oh, damn, he's so handsome! He's so handsome!"

The super speed did not trouble Chen Fei. The moment he successfully landed, he rushed out like an arrow again.

At this time, there is less than half the distance to the foot of the mountain. If there is no crisis in the future, Chen Fei can already declare his safe return.

However, it is obviously impossible to set up only one natural chasm for him at the "SS" level of difficulty.

From the moment he slid down the top of the mountain, the snow that had accumulated over the years under his feet began to show signs of cracks and even fragmentation.

Finally, when the broken snow reaches a certain amount, an avalanche inevitably takes shape!


Suddenly, there were deep roars from the snow-capped peaks, like the roar of the earth.

As the sound amplified, the entire hillside began to tremble, and the snow seemed to be summoned by some mysterious force and began to move slowly.

Not long after, a powerful impact swept down from the top of the mountain, and Bai Xue was like a wild horse running wildly.

The entire hillside was gradually shrouded in white snow and fog, so much so that the camera lens in front of the TV began to become blurry.

The air was filled with sharp ice crystals, and the howling wind mixed with the roar of avalanches seemed to swallow the whole world!

At first, the snow was just rolling, but as time went by, the avalanche became faster and faster, like a white torrent, leaving a mess wherever it went!
The rocks buried deep in the snow were even rolled down by the snow flow. The entire mountain seemed to be shaken by this powerful force, and a devastating disaster began to quickly approach Chen Fei!

His sliding trajectory transformed into an "I" shape again, and his speed got closer and closer, as if he was racing against death.

Unfortunately, this game was not fair from the beginning.

Under the influence of gravity, the speed of the avalanche is much faster than Chen Fei's skiing speed!
In just a few minutes, the avalanche was already coming.

The first ice crystal blew on his neck, and the cold touch seemed to extinguish the fire in his heart, and seemed to completely drown this stupid challenger.

However, just when everyone thought that Chen Fei was about to be buried by an avalanche, he suddenly made a very cool move!
He suddenly drew an arc-shaped trajectory on the spot, and then rushed straight to a cliff on the other side.

When the avalanche reached behind him, he had already rushed down the cliff without hesitation!
"What the hell?!?"

In front of the screen, the audience was stunned at this moment!
Rushing down a hundred-meter-high cliff with an avalanche chasing behind you, this horse riding is a gamble for one's life!

If there is still snow at the bottom of the cliff, then you can naturally rely on the snow for buffering and even escape from being buried by avalanches. But if it is a site with rugged rocks, then you can be declared to have slept in the Alps.

In just a few dozen seconds, it felt like a lifetime ago!
And the moment Chen Fei landed in the snow, a warm cheer erupted in front of the screen!
"Oh my God, this kind of luck is unparalleled!"

"Damn, there's snow as a buffer, and there's a 45-degree slope, which is just perfect for venting your strength. Isn't your luck level too high?"

"Sure enough, only people who don't care about their lives can play extreme sports, and the stakes are on losing their lives..."

"You don't care about life or death! If you don't accept it, do it!"

The skis rubbed against the snow rapidly, speeding up even more.

With the assistance of the "V" shaped cliff, the avalanche behind him began to slow down, which also meant that Chen Fei successfully escaped from the fatal crisis just now.


He spit out the chewed lucky orange peel and let it scatter on the snow to commemorate his successful escape.

The foot of the mountain was already within easy reach, and he could even see Flory and others waving to him.

The time to slow down has finally arrived!

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The sound of friction between the snowboard and the snow began to become harsh, and clusters of snowflakes flew all over the sky, drawing beautiful arcs.








The moment he arrived at the foot of the mountain, just like when he took off at the top of the mountain, Chen Fei once again used the "360 turn" action to bring a perfect end to this challenge!

And when he landed safely, for a moment, warm cheers rang out in front of the TV again!

"Handsome! So handsome! He's so handsome that I feel so handsome."

"I'm just confused, why someone can be so awesome! He's obviously just an ordinary person, but he can fight against an avalanche, and he succeeds! Damn it! I really doubt whether this is a live broadcast. Or is it that special effects were added after the recording was successful?”

"As expected of the global spokesperson of Red Bull! As expected of the strongest martial arts instructor in China! As expected of Director Chen! Awesome!!!"

At this time, at the foot of the Alps.

Everyone in the Red Bull Studio finally came to their senses after watching the avalanche slowly calm down.

"Fei, Oh! You are so handsome!"

Flory shouted regardless of his appearance. Just now he was about to go up and carry out rescue, but he never expected that Chen Fei would use "bet his life" to resolve this crisis.

Although this is a very bold and stupid behavior to outsiders, in the eyes of professional extreme challengers, it is very admirable!

Every extreme challenge that is fearless, brave, not afraid of life and death, and puts life as a bet is worthy of awe!


At the same time, in addition to gaining a lot of popularity and popularity, the system rewards are also the most anticipated screen after completing the challenge.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission (complete a downhill skiing in the Alps) mission level "SS". 】

[A total of 36 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[SS level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: a lucky orange and a top-notch script gift pack. 】


(PS: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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