It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 440 Promoting an actor? The European 3-gold Grand Slam achievement has been achieved!

Chapter 440 Promoting an actor? The European Triple Gold Grand Slam achievement has been achieved!

After completing the challenge and talking to some people who called to care about him, Chen Fei started his two-day vacation.

At the Venice Film Festival, many film rights are successfully sold every day, and many film producers even called Chen Fei, hoping to secure their fortune in advance.

In response to this, Chen Fei had only one reply, "When the awards are over, a professional team will contact you."

Then he turned off the cell phone he used for work, leaving only his personal cell phone.

Everyone at Red Bull had already evacuated, and Chen Fei had the hotel's presidential suite to himself, enjoying the rare leisure time.

While lying on the rocking chair by the swimming pool and sunbathing, he focused all his attention on the system interface in his mind.

The previous lucky oranges had been used up, but the system was very powerful and gave him another one as a gift.

Although this thing is only small, it is very useful. It can be used to save lives at critical moments!
If reputation points could be exchanged for lucky oranges, then Chen Fei would definitely exchange them for a dozen or so without hesitation and keep them as backup.

In addition to the lucky orange, he also received another top-notch script gift package.

But soon, his expression changed slightly.

Take Mexico's Swallow Cave BASE Jumping, for example. The rule is that the skydiver must jump from a high altitude, and then plunge into a hole in the ground before opening the parachute.

Two Hollywood-style animated movie scripts, a Hollywood-style science fiction movie script, a Hollywood suspense crime movie script... and a domestic "sci-fi" script?
"Tsk, tsk, it's indeed quite excellent."

But at the same time, as the "speed" attribute exceeded 100, the fourth "SSS" level mission was also successfully excited.

"I don't know how the discussion between Spielberg and Katzenberg is going? I have to ask when I have time and get it done as soon as possible so that I can successfully get rid of these scripts as soon as possible..."

There is a dense series of scripts, which is a pleasure to watch.

Of course, since there are still two full years before the deadline for the mission, he is not in a hurry.

Although he was sighing, if you look carefully, you can still find wisps of light shining through his eyes behind his sunglasses.

Life is endless, movement is endless!
Don’t take life and death lightly, if you don’t accept it, you will be punished!
These 16 words have suddenly become Chen Fei's attitude when facing various extreme sports tasks.

After entering the cave, the descent distance is shortened indefinitely. During this period, it is considered good to be able to open the main parachute, let alone the backup parachute.

There is still a lot of inventory in the script library, and we have to clean it out one after another in the past two years.

In order to complete the task before, he had no choice but to increase the "speed" attribute to 199 points.

When he watched the movie "Point Break" in his previous life, he had a very deep impression of this scene.

It’s just that people all have a rebellious mentality. The explicit prohibition not only did not extinguish the enthusiasm of umbrella fans, but also triggered their “rebellion”.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host whose speed attribute exceeded 100 points and successfully activated the 4th "SSS" level mission! 】

The general rule is: the landing must be completed at the specified place!

Because of this, many BASE jumping enthusiasts regard Mexico’s Swallow Cave as the “Holy Land” for BASE jumping, and are proud to be able to successfully challenge it.

Some people deliberately went to some relatively remote locations to find a suitable skydiving spot.

Chen Fei held the recliner with his hands and turned over so that he could tan more evenly.

Mexican Swallow Cave…

Notice! none of them!

Host: Chen Fei

This sport was officially named in 1981, but because it is so dangerous, it has been strictly banned in many countries.

The system is quite reliable, and the scripts in the gift pack are indeed of "top quality". From a quick glance, none of them are bad.

The Mexican Swallow Cave appeared at this time.

While thinking about it, he turned his attention to his personal panel.

The improvement in attributes really helped him a lot, allowing him to successfully overcome the difficulties and complete the previous "Alpine Downhill" mission.

As for the term "base jumping", it is actually easy to understand.

This place is already the most dangerous challenge location for BASE jumping, an extreme sport.

For example, for those animated movie scripts, he prefers to leave them to DreamWorks Animation and let Jeffrey Katzenberg, a professional animation producer, work on them.

"Phew, the difficulty is getting higher and higher, and I have to prepare to risk my life when I step on the horse again."

Chen Fei touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

With so many scripts in hand, he has limited energy and certainly cannot finish filming them all by himself, so he has to find someone to share the burden.

[Warm reminder: If completed within two years, there will be a certain chance of triggering double blind box rewards! 】

[Challenge Mission: (The Awakening of the Extreme Eight Places, the challenger needs to go to the Swallow Cave in Mexico and complete a BASE jump) The mission level is "SSS" level. 】

Let's study this task when we have some free time. The top priority now is to enjoy the leisurely vacation time and experience the feeling of living a slow life.

However, unlike high-altitude skydiving, the danger of BASE jumping is increased countless times!
Because there is usually no spare parachute bag for BASE skydiving. Even if there is, there is no time to open it!

Chen Fei is familiar with this place!

Especially when the protagonist team jumps out of the plane, the scene is a very shocking scene for any skydiving enthusiast, and it can definitely make people excited!

Age: 26
Power: 199
Speed: 199
Stamina: 199
Constitution: 199

"Wreck-It Ralph", "Frozen", "Pacific Rim", "Now Now", "Wolf Warriors".


September 9th, 11 o'clock in the morning.

After ending his leisurely vacation, Chen Fei returned to Venice on the day of the closing ceremony.

When he arrived at the hotel, he saw Natasha, Leonardo, Matt Damon, and Anne Hathaway gathered together, seemingly waiting for something.

"Hi, everyone, good morning."

Chen Fei waved to several people and said hello.

"Oh! fuck! oh my god is back!"

Xiao Lizi shouted in surprise, with a very shocked expression on his face. Unexpectedly, he thought he had really seen God.

Matt Damon and Anne Hathaway also stood up and came over to greet him, staring at him with expressions like looking at a gorilla, as if they were looking at some strange species.

But Natasha was used to it, that is, there was a bit of resentment on her face...

"Can you please stop looking at me like that?"

Chen Fei looked helpless, threw his bag on the sofa, and then asked about the past few days.

"When "Hunting" was screened, almost every venue was full. The theater magazines and media here gave our film very high ratings. If nothing else happens, there will definitely be prizes to be won."

When she said this, Natasha was still a little unconfident for some reason.

In fact, the biggest variable in this is Quentin, the chairman of this year’s jury. This guy often doesn’t play by the rules. Who knows if he will perform the same kind of tricks as he did at the Berlin Film Festival?
If it is true that "the wise should be promoted and relatives should not be avoided", then "Hunting" will be very dangerous.

You know, Quentin's rumored girlfriend Coppola and his mentor Monte Herman are also participating in this Venice Film Festival. The two were shortlisted for "Somewhere" and "No Escape" respectively.

When it comes to quality, they are definitely not as good as "Hunting", but when it comes to their relationship with the jury chairman, they are definitely better than Chen Fei!

The most important thing is that Quentin is actually not friendly to the Chinese...

Throughout the morning, several people did not leave, but concentrated in the hotel and waited.

Like the Golden Bear and Cannes, there is also a recognized "hidden rule" at the Venice Film Festival, that is, award-winning films will receive a phone invitation from the organizer in the morning.

"Jingle Bell!"

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the phone rang suddenly, attracting the attention of everyone in the hotel room.

Chen Fei picked up the newly bought iPhone 4 and took a look at it, only to see that the caller ID was a number from Venice!
Pressing the connect button, he put the phone to his ear.


A standard British accent came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay...I understand, thank you."

After a simple conversation, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

Putting his phone away and looking at the expectant faces of everyone in the room, he smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, I think it's time for you to prepare your clothes."


Anne Hathaway cheered first, followed closely by DiCaprio's cry of wolf.

"Fei, if I had known that I would win the prize, I would have given birth to a child in advance, learned to be a father, and then come to participate in your movie."

"You've got to do it." Matt Damon pouted, "You've touched so many good scripts and female models with your hands, it's time to take a break."

There was a burst of laughter in the room.

DiCaprio and Matt Damon started to quarrel again, but Chen Fei nodded in approval,
As Matt Damon said, Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t know how many good scripts and female models he has touched!

What he only knows is that this guy has already embraced "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "The Great Gatsby", and now he is still talking about this?

I simply don’t want Bilian!


Comparatively speaking, there are far fewer celebrities who can walk on the red carpet at the closing ceremony than at the opening ceremony.

The reason is simple. Almost all the people who can walk on the red carpet tonight are those who are qualified to participate in the award ceremony. As for those who can take advantage of the red carpet tonight, there are very few people.

Although celebrities are thick-skinned, they are not completely shameless.

It's very humiliating to get to the finish line and be forcibly pulled away by security!

The crew of "Hunting" was arranged in the second half of the show, just behind Xu Ke, which was also a publicity strategy of the organizer.

Before stepping onto the red carpet, Xu Ke turned his head to look at Chen Fei. After seeing him nodding, a look of shock appeared on his face!
"No way? Is it true that the first three-gold Chinese film director is going to be born tonight?"

Unfortunately, "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" did not receive a call from the organizer, which also means that they will not receive any awards tonight.

But fortunately, the film rights sold very well, and the pressure to repay the capital was reduced sharply.

The moment he stepped onto the red carpet, as expected, the flash lights on both sides lit up the entire scene, so much so that Chen Fei even felt like he was facing an "avalanche"!
"Director Chen, look here!"

"Oh my God! So handsome!"

"Haha, our Director Chen is so charming. He looks so good with Anne Hathaway. He is so talented and beautiful..."

There wasn't much time left for the actors to take photos and interview, so Chen Fei could only answer a few questions.

By the time he and several other members of the crew entered the venue, the media had already passed all kinds of news about the closing ceremony back to China.

"The award ceremony for the closing ceremony of the Venice Film Festival is about to begin. Director Xu Ke and Director Chen Fei... will appear one after another."

"The scene was full of stars, and Director Chen Fei expressed his confidence..."

"Anne Hathaway... Talented and beautiful..." Media reports are somewhat polished in order to attract attention.

There are many people in the industry who are paying attention to this award ceremony. Many people even put down the work at hand and stayed directly in front of the film and television information network.

Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang... Although the directors are all very busy, they are still paying attention to the news abroad.


After entering, Chen Fei was led to the third row by the staff.

After all the directors, actors, and producers had finished entering, the jury appeared from the backstage.

As the chairman of this Venice Film Festival, Quentin began to make a speech before the opening.
There was no host tonight, so he planned to attend on his own. The Venice organizer did not refuse him, and even specially prepared a speech script for him. However, he did not take it at all and planned to write the entire speech.

"Welcome producers, directors, and actors from all over the world. Your coming from afar has made this place shine. After half a month of selection and voting, the list of winners has been finalized, and the next step is to announce it. time……"

Everyone at the scene was shocked and sat upright.

it has started!

First, start with the non-competition section, then the International Film Critics Week section, and then the Venice Day section...

The awards were announced one by one.

"3D Movie Award: "Avatar", "How to Train Your Dragon", congratulations..."


Natasha, who was sitting on Chen Fei's right, was slightly startled. She really didn't expect such an award.

"You go up and get it." Chen Fei did not move, he was looking forward to the arrival of a higher award.

"it is good!"

Natasha nodded, went on stage and took back the trophy.

In fact, this award should be received by Spielberg, but unfortunately he is following up on "Transformers 3", so Natasha, the second producer, can only accept it on his behalf.

"Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement: John Woo."

clap clap clap!
There was a burst of warm applause at the scene, and Wu Baige happily stood up and hugged his friend next to him.

When he took the stage to receive the trophy, his small eyes were even more bent into a crescent shape. The frustration caused by the failure of "Sword Rain" seemed to disappear at this moment.

After a sincere and sincere acceptance speech, Wu Yu sighed in his heart, "It's not in vain! It's not in vain!"

The Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement is not low in gold content. It is the kind of existence that is worth writing about!
He is very sure that after the awards are over, he, Wu Yu, will become famous in the mainland. With this wave of popularity, he may be able to attract a huge investment for his new script "Taiping Wheel".

When Wu Yu walked off the podium holding the trophy, he suddenly saw Chen Fei in the crowd.

At this moment, he did not flee in a hurry, but held his head high and accepted the attention gift from Chen Fei.

"Haha, I got the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement, and I will definitely become famous. You are destined to be my foil tonight!"

As Wu Yu took his seat, the main competition unit officially began!
"Special Silver Lion: Monte Herrmann's No Escape."

As soon as the name of the first winner was announced, there was a burst of publicity below.

Quentin is still the same Quentin, who focuses on "rewarding talents without avoiding relatives", and first gave his mentor an award.

Both the master and the apprentice were very thick-skinned. Even in the face of the boos from the audience, they still had smiles on their faces and looked unaffected.

"Best Screenplay: Alex de la Iglesia's "Sad Trumpet," congratulations."


"Best Actress Award: Arianne Labede in "Attenborough", beautiful lady, please come on stage..."

Two awards were announced in succession, but they had nothing to do with "Hunting".

"Next is the male actor." Leonardo reminded in a low voice.

"Shut up!"

Matt Damon's nervous legs began to shake, and his palms were full of sweat.

Like Leonardo, he is currently in a period of transition.

However, Li Zi won the Silver Bear Best Actor a long time ago, but he has no awards worthy of praise.

Now, this Venice Best Actor Award is a great opportunity for him!

Whether we can gain anything depends on tonight.

At this moment, Chen Fei, who was sitting a seat away, had a slightly serious expression.

Because if Matt gets the prize next, then he will most likely get nothing, but if he doesn’t get the prize, then what awaits him next is a gold medal and two silver medals.

The presenter of the award did not expect to be appetizing. He opened the envelope and said directly: "The winner of the Best Actor Award at the 67th Venice International Film Festival is: Matt Damon, "The Hunt"!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

Almost everyone has watched this movie, and there is no need to doubt that Matt Damon's performance is indeed worthy of an actor trophy.

"I won a prize!"

The next second, Matt Damon stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief!

"Congratulations, brother!"

Although Xiao Lizi was very envious, she still sincerely blessed him.

The two brothers have already won the Best Actor in Berlin and Best Actor in Venice respectively. Now that they are tied, they have to charge for the Oscars!
"Fei, thank you so much, Oh! I really didn't expect that I would succeed in winning the Best Actor Award. It's like a dream..."

Matt Damon was so excited that he was even a little slurred.

Chen Fei stood up, hugged him, and patted his back, "Go and get your glory."

"it is good!"

Matt Damon nodded and walked straight to the podium.

Wu Yu, who was sitting in the same row, frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

"This kid actually brought out a Venice Best Actor? He has two brushes." While thinking, he suddenly sneered, "But that's it, so what if he wins a Best Actor? How can the Silver Lion Best Actor be compared to Can you get this [Special Achievement Golden Lion]?”

On stage, Matt Damon delivered his acceptance speech:

"Thank you very much, really thank you Fei for choosing me and letting me play this role, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get this Best Actor trophy.

At the same time, I would also like to thank my good friend Leonardo, who introduced me to Fei and who helped me complete this work. Leon, L love you! And my daughter will be born soon, this will be the best gift I can give her..."

In the audience, Xiao Lizi's smile was a little stiff.

I don’t know why, but he feels like he handed over the Best Actor Award to others with his own hands?


The awards continue.

"Silver Lion for Best Director: Alex de la Iglesia's "Sad Trumpet"!"

Mad, is it really an accident?

Although he didn't want to admit it, Chen Fei inexplicably found that his heartbeat began to accelerate.

On the other side, Xu Ke and others are also paying close attention to the award presentation.

"I feel... there is no hope."

Li Bingbin whispered, still somewhat resentful of Chen Fei's rejection.

"I'm a little nervous and my palms are starting to sweat."

Deng Chao replied nonchalantly, but did not respond directly to this sentence.

Liu Dehua, on the other hand, took a deep look at Li Bingbin, his eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Jury Grand Prize Silver Lion: Sofia Coppola's "Somewhere", congratulations..."

boom! ! !
There was another noise from the audience. Quentin was really brave and actually won a grand prize for his rumored girlfriend.

Boos echoed throughout the venue along with the acceptance speech.

Sofia Coppola was still a bit thin-skinned and walked quickly off the podium.

At this time, Quentin, as the chairman of the jury, finally appeared.

The final Golden Lion Award has always been awarded by the chairman of the jury, and this is the case for the three major European awards.

"Good evening everyone, the long-awaited Golden Lion Award is finally here. So, who will this Golden Lion trophy, which represents the highest honor, be left to tonight?"

This guy's chatty nature has begun to explode again...

If it weren't for the fact that he was the chairman of the jury, someone would have grabbed him by the collar and given him a hard fight!

Finally, after some nagging, Quentin called the envelope.

"The winner of the Golden Lion Award for Best Film at the 67th Venice International Film Festival is: Congratulations to "The Hunt"! Congratulations to FeiChen!"

When he read this name, Quentin was actually a little reluctant.

He was actually planning to give the Golden Lion to his girlfriend Sofia Coppola, but the other judges did not approve of his proposal.

The organizer of the film festival even said that if he dared to do this, he would never want to participate in any film festival in Europe in the future!

Under pressure, he could only give the Golden Lion Award for Best Picture to "The Hunt", which was most suitable for this award.

At this time, as he read out the names of the winners, there was a moment of silence!
However, this silence did not last long.


Thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience, and everyone stood up spontaneously. While staring at Chen Fei, the applause lasted for a long time!

Just today, after Henri George Clouzot, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Robert Altman, the fourth director in the world to win the Golden Bear, Golden Palm, and Golden Lion at the same time was finally born. !
His name is Chen Fei! He is from China! He is only 26 years old!
"Thank you very much……"

After bowing and thanking everyone around him, Chen Fei tidied up his suit and walked towards the podium with his head held high.

When he saw Chen Fei passing by, Wu Yu, who was near the aisle, lowered his head subconsciously and stuffed the special achievement Golden Lion trophy into his arms.


It’s so embarrassing!

What kind of shit makes a golden lion special? Chen Fei has now become the director of the European Three-Gold Medal Grand Slam, and he was so proud of himself just now with this thing! It’s such an embarrassment to be thrown into grandma’s house!

At this moment, although Wu Yu forced a smile on his face, he was roaring crazily in his heart!

He originally thought that he would be able to occupy the front pages of major domestic film and television information networks tomorrow, but looking at it now, this is simply a fantasy!
Looking at Quentin who was smiling on the stage, he couldn't help but complained crazily in his heart, "Young horseman, don't you prefer virtuous people and avoid relatives? Wouldn't it be wrong to give that golden lion to your girlfriend and mentor? Do it to him What? You are a big jerk!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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