It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 448 I won’t marry a wealthy family, because I am a wealthy family myself! "Gravity&quot

Chapter 448 I won’t marry a wealthy family, because I am a wealthy family myself! "Gravity" is officially finished!
Chen Fei did not stay in North America for long. After the first week box office results of "The Twilight Saga 5" were released, he took a private plane back to China to continue filming "Gravity".

It's just that although others have left North America, all kinds of news and hot news have not left behind.

At the end of the week, the total global box office of "Twilight 5" reached 6 million U.S. dollars, ranking fourth in the year, directly crushing "Despicable Me".

Woody Allen has retired honorably this time. With the help of the Twilight series, his personal box office total has reached 50 billion US dollars, tied with Peter Jackson.
However, the old Peter is not ready to end his career as a director. I heard that he is currently preparing for the "Hobbit" series, and he is apparently going to delve into the big IP of "The Lord of the Rings".

On the other hand, after the end of "Avatar 1", Cameron announced in front of the media that he would start filming "Avatar 2" at an appropriate time.

A spokesperson for Warner Bros. even stated that more than one sequel will be filmed in the future.

And based on the calculation that each sequel has a box office of 20 billion+, Cameron's personal total box office goal is clearly aimed at tens of billions of dollars!

Of course, Chen Fei is not far away from this number.

The Hollywood media have already begun to analyze. Which of the two will be the first to raise the total box office to more than 10 billion?

As for Spielberg, who currently ranks first in the global box office with $77.6 billion, he is already 64 years old, and his golden period as a director has passed.

"Fan Bingbing, have you ever thought about marrying into a wealthy family after retiring from acting, like other female celebrities?"

According to the analysis of the media, it is probably impossible for him to create another box office myth.

However, this reason is obviously untenable.

Fortunately for Xu Ke, he knew that his movie would only have a box office of 3 million at most, so he did not make any response.

December has quickly entered the middle of the year, and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 12" has officially been released in North American theaters. Although it has had a certain impact on "Twilight 5", the North American box office trend of the former is extremely poor. .

"A perfect work to express appreciation for one's official duties."


Chen Fei and Jiang Wen, who came to visit the class, looked at Weibo together, feeling like they were eating until they were full.

In just 5 days, the mainland box office exceeded 7 million, crushing "Earthquake" once again.

Now when he heard someone mention this, Brother Chen Kai suddenly laughed, ""The Orphan of Zhao" is a classic historical drama. If we only focus on the box office, it would be too vulgar. What I am pursuing now is reputation, praise, and awards... …”

"Twilight 5" has not only achieved extremely good results abroad, but also in the mainland.

"The side of "New Shaolin Temple" said that it will crush "Earthquake", "The Road to Love" and "Twilight 5" with a strong lineup, and the box office performance will reach 10 billion. Please wait and see..."

On the contrary, Feng Xiaogang was full of complaints!

What the media is best at is pushing people up and pushing them down. As the box office of "Twilight 5" continues to rise, other movies at the same time have been pulled out for comparison.

This statement made Brother Chen Kai a little angry. He immediately said angrily: "I never think "The Promise" is a bad movie. It's just that you can't understand it. In ten years, you can go back and watch it. Okay." Works need to be settled..."

Not surprisingly, the interview with Fan Bingbing and Chen Kaige was on Weibo's hot search list the next day, occupying the top three hot searches together with "Feng Xiaogang's angry attack on "New Shaolin Temple""!

Chen Fei was a little confused at first. What fun could he have on Weibo?
When he saw the number one trending search, "Feng Xiaogang angrily criticizes "The New Shaolin Temple", he was so happy that he couldn't stop for a long time, "Feng is worthy of being the big gun, this shot is on point."

The reporter was obviously not satisfied with his answer and chose to continue handing him the knife.

"The total box office of "Detective Dee: The Empire" exceeded 10 million on the 2th, losing to Hollywood movies..."

Seeing that the effect of "Gonghuo" was excellent, the reporter targeted Chen Kaige again, "Director Chen, after the box office failures of "The Promise" and "Mei Lanfang", do you have any expectations for the box office performance of "The Orphan of Zhao"? ?”

"If there is another one-sided criticism like "The Promise", how should you deal with it?"

When "The Flower of the Heart" came out, it severely stepped on "Big Earthquake", and now "Twilight 5" has stepped on "Big Earthquake" again!
It's okay to ignore him in these two movies. Who made him not as good as others at the box office?
But what the hell is your "New Shaolin Temple"? How dare a group of old bald donkeys come to touch "The Great Earthquake"?
Feng Xiaogang, who has the title of "Big Cannon", couldn't bear it anymore and directly took a swipe at "New Shaolin Temple" on Weibo.

Three days after its release, the opening box office was only 1.1 million, which was less than half of the box office performance of "Surface 5"!
And because the ending is divided into two parts, "upper" and "lower", Warner, as the producer, is full of controversy!

As soon as this question came up, Fan Bingbing knew who he was talking about.

As December approaches, "The Orphan of Zhao" has also entered the promotion period. Brother Chen Kai began to lead the creative members of the crew to frequently appear on major programs.

"The total domestic box office of "The Twilight Saga" exceeded 5 million in just 7 days, and "Earthquake" ushered in a second overtake."

Thinking that he only played a maid in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Mr. Fan immediately felt unhappy and directly replied: "I'm sorry, I have never thought about marrying into a wealthy family, because I am a wealthy family myself!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was a sensation!
Reporters can all think of tomorrow’s hot search topics!

When China Film announced the box office results, the media rushed to the scene and issued press releases impatiently, trying to grab a wave of popularity.

Facing this new "12 billion box office heroine", a male reporter who deliberately wanted to make a fuss asked a very pointed question.

Chen Fei, who was filming, received a call from Ning Hao and asked him to go to Weibo for fun.

"The Twilight series has officially come to an end, and the screenwriter is Chinese director Chen Fei..."

"Buddha often said, 'My Buddha only saves those who are destined to be', but who would have thought that his descendants' disciples would listen to it and actually heard it as 'My Buddha only saves those who are destined to be'. It's really ridiculous."

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Because Fan Bingbing was there, reporters inevitably mentioned another movie she starred in, "Beautiful Heart."

Isn't it Zhao Yanzi who is known as "marrying into a wealthy family"? Haha, the man she married has the nerve to be called a wealthy family?

They seemed to be still unconvinced, and compared it with "The Twilight Saga", saying that the operation of dividing the upper and lower parts into two parts was done by Waltons Pictures first, and they were just learning from it.

At the same time, Brother Chen Kai, who has the same tough temper as Feng Dapao, is not to be outdone.

The box office thing has always been a pain in Director Chen’s heart!


However, the cheating life is always more exciting than the novel. Anyway, until Chen Fei was reborn, Spielberg still ranked No. 106 in the world with a personal total box office of US$1 billion!

After Chen Fei's drastic adaptation, the fourth and fifth parts of Twilight are already two completely different story lines, not a very rigid division like Harry Potter.

The stock price of Warner Bros. Pictures even plummeted due to this disgusting fan operation!
"New work released? Stocks falling?"

Chen Fei was still a little confused when he received the call from Natasha. This operation was really unparalleled.

"Yes, we should take this as a warning in the future. It's really scary. It fell so hard. Hundreds of millions of dollars were wiped out in one night."

"You deserve it. This is not the way to fool movie fans."

Chen Fei shook his head and ignored it.

They were originally competitors, but he was quite happy when Warner's stock price fell.


The filming of "Gravity" has come to an end, Andy Lau's role has been completed, and now only Chen Fei's own one-man show is left.

He needed to use special equipment to simulate the process of falling from space and then be successfully rescued.

Guo Fan really has two skills in making science fiction films. After the filming came to an end, he has become an experienced veteran, and all the detailed arrangements are deeply appreciated by Chen Fei.

"After the filming of this movie is completed, the company will not arrange other jobs for you. You will also follow me when doing special effects and post-production. There is absolutely no harm in learning more."

"no problem."

Guo Fan nodded hurriedly in response, his eyes full of anticipation.

There were many people who called and wanted to come to visit the crew, but Chen Fei did not refuse them coldly. He only had one request, and that was that no strangers could be brought in.

Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, and Shu Chang were certainly not strangers, but Tang Yan's arrival made Chen Fei a little surprised.

"Director Chen, my contract with Cheng Tian has expired, and I am now a member of Feiyinghuang's agency."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that this girl was out of trouble.

But soon, he noticed that Luo Jin and Tang Yan seemed to interact a little too frequently, even... Niwai?
"Hey? Are you two in a relationship?"

Luo Jin did not deny it, nor did he mean to hide it. He nodded slightly and said: "We are in contact."

Tang Yan's face turned red and she looked a little shy.

Zhu Yawen joked at the side: "The one who is near the water comes first, the moon comes first. These two have now entered the same agency, so they are so lucky!"

"What about you?" Chen Fei turned around and brought the topic to him.

"I'm not in a hurry." Zhu Yawen shrugged, looking very indifferent, and dropped the topic again, "Hey, when you make it public, I will find a girlfriend to stabilize and hang out with you. "I hope you can wait for me."

He doesn't care, and Chen Fei doesn't care even more.

Anyway, there is no shortage of women around him, and he hasn't had enough fun yet. He will wait until when he wants to turn around.


On the 19th, the day "New Shaolin Temple" was released, Bona teamed up with Xu Ke to make a wave of big news.

The 3500D martial arts blockbuster "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" with an investment of US$3 million has officially been announced!
Because the special effects were cooperated with Dot Eye Digital, and Xu Ke warmly invited him, Chen Fei also attended the opening ceremony.

"Why did you choose to turn it on today?"

Seeing Xu Ke's cheerful look, Chen Fei asked curiously.

"Today is an auspicious day!" Xu Ke said, and then added in a low voice with a smile: "The great monk at the temple said that today is a particularly good day, so Mr. Yu wanted to take advantage of it."

"Hey? Aren't you afraid that the great monk will curse people on Weibo?"


Xu Ke naturally knew what Chen Fei was talking about. The recent scolding battle between Feng Xiaogang and Feng Xiaogang at the temple was "excellent". Both sides were going back and forth, and it was very lively.

"What are you two laughing at?" Zhou Xun came over with a curious look on her face. She plays the "Mysterious Heroine" Ling Yanqiu in this movie.

"Nothing, just chat."

Chen Fei noticed Li Lianjie and Chen Kun who were also approaching, and immediately stopped talking.

The producers of "New Shaolin Temple" initially intended to invite Li Lianlian to star, but the two parties were unable to reach an agreement due to salary issues, and I heard there was an unhappiness.

After that, the film crew not only invited Andy Lau and Nicholas Tse to join the film, but also invited Chen Long to join the cast. In addition, there are also powerful actors with both fame and kung fu, such as Yu Shaoqun, Yu Hai, and Shi Xingyu.

After this operation, it can be said that Li Lianlian's face was slapped!


After leaving the filming scene of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", Chen Fei did not go to the crew immediately. Instead, he returned to the company and paid a special visit to the animation department.

After nearly three months of preparation, Yang Yu and Li Yang finally completed the preliminary preparations for "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage."

"When are you going to turn it on?"

Yang Yu said while adjusting the equipment: "We will start shooting in the afternoon."

The difference between animated movies and other movies is that the former does not require real actors to appear. At most, dubbing actors are required to appear in the post-production process.

Therefore, "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" did not plan to hold any opening ceremony and started shooting directly.

"Okay, I'll say hello to the publicity department, and at least call a few media outlets to come over and take photos. It can be considered a publicity announcement in advance. You guys can cooperate then."


"no problem."

Li Yang and Yang Yu nodded at the same time.

When the time came on the 20th, a press release about "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" appeared online early in the morning.

"The animated masterpiece "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" produced by Feiyue Films and co-directed by directors Yang Yu and Li Yang has officially started shooting! It is reported that the investment in this animated movie is as high as 3000 million!"

"The first animated film written by Chen Fei is coming soon!"

"After the establishment of Feiyue Film and Television Animation Department, the capital animated film has started shooting. It will be a purely Chinese animation masterpiece. Preparation, filming and post-production will all be carried out in China..."

As the news came to light, the fans who had previously called for Chen Fei to "save the Chinese comics" suddenly became excited and started heated discussions online.

At the same time, the first-day box office results of "New Shaolin Temple" were also announced.

981.1 million at midnight and 1913.06 million on the first day of release!
This box office result is worthy of the huge cast of protagonists. For a while, there were a lot of touting voices on the Internet.

Although Chen Fei did not go to the cinema to watch the movie in person, he paid attention to the articles published by film critics.

Famous film critic Fan Wanwu commented: "It is neither a sequel nor a remake. Except for the participation of Yu Hai (Jet Li's master in "Shaolin Temple"), "New Shaolin Temple" has nothing to do with the 82 version of "Shaolin Temple".

In addition to highlighting the Zen martial arts spirit of the Shaolin Temple, the film also has unambiguous action scenes. In addition to the big scenes of car chases and explosions, there are also actual action scenes such as close-quarters combat. Many of the fighting scenes left a deep impression on me. This is obvious. It is a qualified, even excellent, commercial film..."

Chen Fei knew without even guessing that this guy must have taken money.

Li Lianjie was dismissed at the beginning of the article, clearly not wanting the audience to think that the film's success was due to his factors.

As for the following words such as "fighting", "car chase", and "explosion", it is obvious that they are praising.

However, the term "excellent commercial film" made Chen Fei feel a little embarrassed.

When did the Buddha actually get involved in business?
Don’t they mind the price drop?


With the success of mainland films such as "The Great Earthquake", "Beautiful Heart", "Love at the Hawthorn Tree", "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven", etc., this has made the lifeless Hong Kong Island film industry both envious and jealous!

So many Hong Kong films have been introduced to the mainland in recent years, but only a few of them have made real money.

"Ip Man", "The Overheard", "Anti-Drug", "Fighting", "Cold War"...

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the screenwriters of these movies are all the same person
——Chen Fei!
From this point of view, the money was actually made by the mainland.

A group of filmmakers who huddled in Hong Kong and thought they were superior to others felt unwilling to do so, especially when they saw others making a lot of money. This feeling was even more uncomfortable than losing money themselves.

As a result, the slogan "Go North" was finally shouted out legitimately!

In late November, the 11D movie project "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven" with an investment of 5 million officially announced the cast list.

The movie is directed by Zheng Baorui and stars Donnie Yen, Chow Yun-fat, Aaron Kwok, Peter Ho and others. It can be said to have a strong lineup.

The content of the script is adapted from the first eight chapters of the classic "Journey to the West". It is the first work of Xinghao Pictures' "Journey to the West Classic Cultural Series Brand Movies". It tells the story of Sun Wukong who caused havoc in heaven and forced the three realms to start a war between gods and demons.

Chen Fei looked at the list of producers, and sure enough, the name "Han Sanping" appeared in it.

The current helmsman of China Film Group has made no secret of his love for blockbusters!

Chen Fei was a little confused before, why was China Film not involved in "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" invested by Bona? But now he finally understood that it turned out that Director Han was aiming for "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven" with a larger investment!
However, it is not easy to recover the cost of such a large-scale investment.

"I hope Director Han can still laugh after the movie is released."


The time has come to the end of November.

On the set of "Gravity."

When Chen Fei successfully landed in a lake on the "Tiangong-1" return capsule that had not yet taken off, the filming officially entered the final scene.

Wearing only short-sleeved shirts and running shorts, he climbed out of the freezing lake!

After taking off his spacesuit, the suffocating feeling in space no longer existed in the air, and the cool oxygen poured into his lungs, filling him with a sense of security.

"You can do it, you absolutely can..."

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to stand up, dragging his tired body and trembling legs, Chen Fei raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, there is a bright red color!

That made him feel safe

--Chinese flag!
"Clap clap clap!"

Guo Fan stood up from behind the monitor and took the lead in applauding.

"It's great. I passed it in one go. Haha, I announce that "Gravity" is officially finished!"


(Ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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