It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 449 "After passing Shanhaiguan, look for Zhao Benshan!"

Chapter 449 "After passing Shanhaiguan, look for Zhao Benshan!"

The time has come on January 12st.

Four companies, Feiyue Film and Television, China Film, Shanghai Film and Television, and Wanda, jointly issued an announcement.

"After two months of filming, "Gravity" was officially completed on November 11!"

In an instant, press releases from various media outlets were spread all over the Internet.

"The domestic science fiction masterpiece "Gravity" with an investment of US$1 million has officially been completed and has officially entered post-production."

"Starring Chen Fei and Liu Dehua, the first domestically produced hard science fiction!"

"It is reported that the filming of the movie was fully supported by the Space Administration, and the post-production special effects alone cost up to 4 million yuan..."


Several big investors gathered in the Doanjing Digital Department, and while Guo Fan was reviewing the negatives, they talked about the follow-up arrangements for "Painted Skin 2".

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with me here."

If this data were given to a literary film, it would naturally be a big win.

Wang Zhonglei looked at the data report form in his hand, his eyes widened, "How scary! There is only 2.03 million away from "Inception"! If this was not a movie for fans of the original work, it would probably break the record. !”

1.6 million yuan.

"It's so disgusting. We had already set a filming schedule, but now we suddenly changed our mind. If I cooperate with him again, I will be his child..."

Chen Fei gave the answer from a professional perspective.

What's more, when the Pan-Asia Cinema Line went to the Northeast to develop, Zhao Benshan also gave a lot of care. This was also a big favor, and he had to find an opportunity to return it.

"Okay, whatever you want, anytime." Han Sanping waved her hand and looked at Ning Hao aside, "Is the post-production process almost finished?"

If we only let Dot-Dian Digital do it, I'm afraid it might not be possible to complete it within a year.


13.65 billion RMB!

Perhaps because it’s the start of a new month, “New Shaolin Temple” also announced its ten-day total box office results.

Just now Wang Zhongjun asked him to predict the total box office of "If You Are the One 2", and he only dared to say "6 million."

Ye Ning looked at the special effects equipment with curiosity, "How long will the post-production of this movie take?"

After talking about the off-topic, everyone turned their attention to "Gravity".

"At least half a year."

Because the new daily box office has less than 200 million left, and the competition for the Lunar New Year slot is about to begin, Chen Fei and Natasha discussed it and announced that "Twilight 5" has officially withdrawn from the mainland. Cinema.

"Gravity" is a movie that relies purely on special effects, so it takes an extremely long time in post-production.

Chen Fei planned to divide the film into three parts and let Industrial Light & Magic, Digital Domain, and Dot Eyes Digital be responsible for them respectively, so that it would be faster.

As for 5 billion like "Twilight 13", he can't even think about it!
If one day he can make a movie with a box office of 13 billion, even if he commits suicide, that's not impossible!

Chen Fei did not refuse. After all, normal human relations must be done in due course.

The premiere of the latter was to be held in the capital, and Zhao Benshan not only sent an invitation letter, but even made a phone call himself.

"Over 3 million, chasing 4 million..."

The media once again mentioned the word "to the point" and caught him to praise him.

At the same time, when Chen Fei was arranging the post-production work of "Gravity", Huayi announced the total box office of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven".

While talking, Han Sanping turned to look at Chen Fei, "By the way, there is also the film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party". Can it be arranged on July 7? This year happens to be the 1th anniversary, so it will be made as a patriotic gift film. Announce it, and the bureau can also cooperate and mobilize people from the lower units to watch it. "

3.43 million.

The temple is no longer clamoring to beat the box office results of "Earthquake" and "The Road to the Heart", but is targeting "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven".


Chen Fei asked back: "How about the summer season?"

An invitation to Huayi's celebration banquet has also been sent to him, along with an invitation to the premiere of "Laughing in the River".

"Yes." Ning Hao nodded, "It will be done by the end of this month."

It was really quite different from what Fade Chen had guessed.

Chen Fei met Xu Ke at the premiere of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes". His words seemed to mean that Li Lianjie was letting the crew of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" off?
It was originally promised that we would be able to join the set and start filming in three to five days, but now it’s bad news, the other party actually got into the crew of "The Legend of White Snake" and couldn’t come out!
Due to helplessness, Xu Ke had to change the shooting plan. He has been very busy in the past two days.

Han Sanping took the initiative and asked: "When are you going to film this movie?"

"That's fine. Send it in for review as soon as possible so that I can arrange a schedule."

However, before they could buy the script, Feiyue Film and Television announced the box office results of "Twilight 5".

But even if it was released a few days in advance, the 13.65 billion result still caused a huge commotion in the mainland!

Feng Xiaogang was sitting on the sofa opposite him, looking at him silently.


But if you compare the 2 million investment in "New Shaolin Temple", the current box office trend is obviously very poor.

In other words, Li Lianlian has a special status. If this were applied to other actors, they would have been kicked out of the crew long ago!
Chen Fei could only persuade him a few words, "Okay, don't be angry. The matter has come to this, what's the use of being angry? Can he come back by just scolding him?"

At this time, Zhao Benshan and Zhu Yanping walked towards the two of them and greeted them from a distance.

"Haha, the presence of Director Chen and Director Xu really made today's premiere brilliant..."

In addition to being an investor in "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", Zhu Yanping is also the director of this film. He is a rare director in the Bay Area who can produce excellent commercial films. His representative works include "Oolong Courtyard" and "Slam Dunk".

"Haha, Mr. Zhao, Director Zhu..."

Chen Fei took the lead in shaking hands with the two, and Xu Ke showed a bright smile after adjusting his mood, showing the demeanor of a great director.

Many reporters gathered around the scene, obviously not expecting Chen Fei and Xu Ke to appear here.

After saying hello, Old Zhao did not forget to introduce Chen Fei to the younger brothers following him, "This is the screenwriter Ning Caichen, as well as the male protagonist Xiao Shen Yang and the female protagonist Lin Xilei..."


Chen Fei shook hands with several people respectively, and paid close attention to Ning Caichen's condition.

The dark circles under his eyes were very heavy, his lips were white, and he had wet night sweats on his forehead... He obviously looked in a bad state.

"Sorry, I have to let Director Chen watch the joke. I may have a cold today and I'm not feeling well." Ning Caichen also explained emphatically, but he didn't know that Chen Fei had seen too many people like him in Hollywood. .

Still have a cold?
If you continue to walk down the crooked road, you may risk your life!
Today's host is also Zhao Benshan's apprentice, his name is Dong Chengpeng. Although he is not a crosstalk actor, his level of humor is no less than that of other members of Zhao's class.

The slogan of "Laughing Martial Arts" is "Funny Martial Arts", so the atmosphere at the scene was also very lively, without the solemnity of traditional martial arts movies at all.

The content of the movie is also mainly about comedy. It doesn't require any brainpower. You can laugh happily for two hours.

After the video ended, as the most watched guest today, Chen Fei naturally could not avoid being asked questions.

Dong Chengpeng asked in a cautious tone: "Director Chen, the Internet says that your analysis of movie box office is very accurate. Can you predict how much box office this movie will get?"

"As far as box office is concerned, over 100 million is definitely no problem."

Chen Fei gave an answer that made Zhao Benshan laugh from ear to ear.

That afternoon, a press release about the premiere of "The Laughing Man" came out.

"Zhao Jiaban performed hilarious martial arts with all his heart, and there was constant laughter at the premiere."

"It's the end of the year, come to the cinema and watch a movie that can make you laugh and relieve fatigue."

"Director Chen Fei predicted on the spot that it will not be a problem for "Laughing Rivers" to have a box office of over 100 million."


In view of the dark history of "Three Guns", many people on the Internet think that "Laughing in the River" is probably not much better. Some even say that Chen Fei received money from the Zhao family, so he praised it so much.

But it turned out not to be the case.

On December 12, China Film announced the first-day box office results of "Laughing in the River", which was as high as 4 million!
Judging from this result, breaking 100 million should be no problem.

Although the Douban score is not high, many netizens in the comment area said that although the story of this film is a bit bad, it is worth watching. Zhao Benshan even made a special call to Chen Fei, thanked him for his generous words, and said that he must call him if he had the opportunity to go to Northeast China.

"After passing Shanhaiguan, look for Zhao Benshan", this sentence is not just a boast!

On December 12, the first-day box office of "The Orphan of Zhao" was also revealed.

The box office result of 2650 million yuan is worthy of what he calls "a masterpiece of ingenuity." Of course, the cast of this movie cannot be ignored.

Ge You, Wang Xuejing, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Bingbing, Hai Qing... these people can earn 5000 million at the box office even if they just sit there and perform Landlord, but it mainly depends on the subsequent results.

Of course, actors in the industry don't think so.

Everyone knows that Brother Chen Kai is a person who likes flowers and applause, so as soon as the first-day box office was released, a large number of actors and stars sent rainbow farts.

"It was 2650 million on the first day. There is absolutely no problem breaking through 5 million. He is worthy of being a director of the Palme d'Or. He is indeed strong enough!"

"With an investment of 5 million, box office revenue of more than million, plus foreign awards, haha, it may be possible to recreate the glory of Farewell My Concubine."

"Congratulations in advance to director Chen Kaige for being shortlisted into the 5 million box office director club!"



The promotion of "The Hunger Games" has already begun. After arranging some of the work at hand, Chen Fei rushed to Hollywood and began to lead the "Big Cousin" group to various variety shows and talk shows.

Of course, even though he was abroad, Chen Fei still paid close attention to domestic news.

"Let the Bullets Fly" has released a lot of stills, and he is prominently featured in them.

The box office trend of "Laughing in the River" is pretty good. During this period, it has been in the early 10s. Xiao Shen Yang has miraculously erased the bad history of his acting in "Three Guns"!
"The Orphan of Zhao" was even more miserable. On the fifth day of its release, the box office dropped below 10 million. The words "masterpiece" that frequently appeared on the Internet disappeared at some point.

Not to be outdone, the new screen side was determined to gain popularity, and even announced the main creative lineup of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

According to the setting of the original novel, the male protagonist was chosen to be a foreigner, played by Christian Bale.

Of course, this is no ordinary foreigner, but the actor who plays the male protagonist Batman in the movie "The Dark Knight" released in 2008!
I don’t know how much salary Zhang Weiping, a stingy guy, offered the other party?
Of course, the people who get the most attention in the industry are those who trust the "girl hunter".

Although the title of the movie is "Thirteen Hairpins", there is only one real "Thirteen Hairpins", which determines whether there will be another acting talent in the Chinese film industry in the future.

Just when many people thought that Zhang Wei would do some marketing and wait until the end to release the specific news, they did not expect that this guy would uncharacteristically announce the candidate in advance.

What about Ni?

Born in 1988, 22 years old this year, Nanguang College of Huaxia Communication University...

Chen Fei specially logged into Weibo to see the photo. I have to say that Lao Mouzi’s vision is really awesome, and his expression and posture are really charming. The only flaw is that his fingers are a bit short...

In addition, the total investment in the film was also exposed.

"What the hell? More than 6 million? Or is it an exclusive product? Are you kidding me?"

After reacting, Chen Fei's first thought was that it must be a false report.

At the same time, it was more than 6 million, but "Gravity" spent all the money wisely. On the other hand, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" probably spent all the money wisely!
"I don't know how much money Zhang Weiping gave the guy there to eat. Lao Mouzi has really become his long-term employee!"

Of course, when it comes to the word "long-term workers", Wu Jing should be considered one of them...

After joining Feiyue Film and Television, he had only stayed in the mainland for a few days when Chen Fei sent him over to participate in the production of Kung Fu Panda.

After filming the first and second parts in a row, he was lucky enough to join the crew of "The Hunger Games", where he played a supporting role and also served as an action director.

Although three full years were wasted, he did not regret it too much.

After all...even if he continues to stay in Xiangjiang, and even if he is given three years, he may not develop much.

The film market in Xiangjiang has been completely ruined. Not only have none of the films he directed and starred in been successful, they have also left him in debt.

On the other hand, in the three years since he came to Hollywood, he not only made money to pay off the debt, but also learned a lot of experience in making movies, which can be regarded as a huge benefit.

What's more, "The Hunger Games" is about to be released, and he is very sure that with this supporting role, he will be able to become a hit in the mainland!
Even though he only played a supporting role, this is a Hollywood movie. Who can ignore him as a Chinese actor?
Until Chen Fei found him, he was still stuck in the fantasy that he would become famous all over the world in the future.

As long as he can stay in Hollywood, he believes that one day he can become an international martial arts superstar like Chen Long and Li Lianlian.

However, Chen Fei suddenly poured cold water on him at this moment!
"Wu Jing, your work in Hollywood is over and you can return to the mainland."


Wu Jing suddenly raised his head and looked at the boss in front of him with disbelief, tears almost bursting from his eyes.

Three years!
He has been in Hollywood for three full years!

His acting career has finally made some progress, and he is about to become an international martial arts superstar, but now he is suddenly asked to go back?

There is no such truth in the world!

Do not!
This is clearly a naked capital squeeze!

"I do not……"

However, just when he was about to sternly refuse, he suddenly saw Chen Fei throwing a script in front of him.

"Now you go back to Su Guohai with this script and ask him to help submit it for review, and then go to the director's department to find a person named Wang Shiliang and ask him to help you make this movie and make you the starring role... "

After a brief instruction, another trace of doubt flashed across Chen Fei's face, "By the way, what did you just say you didn't do?"

Wu Jing quickly changed the subject, "Don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations of me!"

"Haha, okay, work hard when you go back. If you don't understand anything, ask Ning Hao and the others. You have been in Hollywood for a long time. This time you will still take the route of directing and acting. Next, I will prepare something suitable for you. A script with a personal touch.”

"Okay! Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Wu Jing was so moved that the tears of sadness he felt just now turned into excitement and happiness.

That is to say, the age gap between the two is quite big, otherwise he would have to fight with Chen Fei... Oh no! It’s not impossible to worship him as a foster father!

Perhaps because he was afraid that Chen Fei would regret it, Wu Jing ran as fast as he could and got on the plane back to China that night.

Fortunately, he has no wings, otherwise he would have set sail right away with the script in his arms.


After giving the script of "Wolf Warrior 1" to Wu Jing, Chen Fei became busy again.

The promotion of "The Hunger Games", the coordination and makeup photos of "Avengers 1", the special effects design of "Gravity"... I am really busy.

The premiere date of "Let the Bullets Fly" is set for December 12th. He will definitely not be able to avoid this, and he will have to go back to participate then.

However, while he was busy, he still found an opportunity to have fun.

"The Orphan of Zhao" was screened on a small scale in Los Angeles!

Chen Fei called Wen Ziren to watch the movie together.

"Is it the work of Palme d'Or director Chen Kaige?" Wen Ziren was still looking forward to it, and even showed a look of great interest before entering the venue.

There were many people around who were looking forward to it like him, and most of them were Chinese who had come from Chinatown.

The main film started showing soon.

While watching the movie, Chen Fei did not forget to pay attention to other people's expressions and demeanor.

When first looking at the first third, many people looked at it with admiration.

And when the plot reaches the middle third, appreciation gradually turns into doubt.

Until the end, the doubts completely turned into disappointment!

Lao Chen is still the same Lao Chen, and the characteristics of "half a classic, complete garbage" have not changed at all.

Even James Wan was a little confused when he walked out of the cinema, "Fei? Is this really a work made by the director of the Palme d'Or?"

Chen Fei shrugged, "Huh? What if?"

"I have watched his "The Promise" a long time ago, and I feel that the quality is similar to the current "The Orphan of Zhao". Speaking of which, he...could he have bought this award?"

"Hey? Who knows? You have to ask his father."


Wen Ziren understood instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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