It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 450 Three new scripts released in a row? What the hell is a war scene like a battle between

Chapter 450 Three new scripts released in a row? What the hell is a war scene like a battle between Young and Dangerous?

During the period of promotion in Hollywood, Chen Fei has been paying attention to the box office status of "Twilight 5".

Watching it getting higher and higher, quickly approaching 10 billion US dollars...

"This series has come to a successful conclusion. I wonder if "The Hunger Games" can continue its glory?"

Natasha felt a little nervous. After all, the Twilight series was too powerful, and it was too difficult to copy its legend.

Chen Fei gave an affirmative answer, "It is possible to continue, but it is difficult to surpass."

Twilight's audience is all young people, who have a natural desire for love, especially magical stories about vampires and humans, which they pursue and fantasize about.

But "The Hunger Games" is different. The advantages of this movie are "thrill", "killing" and "survival". The audience is not as high as "The Twilight Saga".

But, although it may be worse, it is definitely impossible to lose money!

Natasha nodded knowingly and asked, "Fei, what should we prepare next? Prepare for "The Hunger Games 2"?"

"Now You See Me (Now You See Me)?"

Disney came up with "Tangled" and "Tron: Legacy."

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded and briefly introduced the plot, "This script tells the story of the "Four Knights" composed of four magicians with different talents. Under the guidance of a mysterious man, they perform grand events one after another. A story about using a magic show as a cover to steal in public while evading FBI investigation. "

20th Century Fox has released "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

He is greedy too!

Although many of these movies are still in preparation, the news has already been released, and everyone is watching with eager eyes, just waiting to tear a piece of flesh from the six major bodies!

As long as he joins Waltons Pictures, high-quality animated scripts such as "Kung Fu Panda 3", "How to Train Your Dragon 2", "Wreck-It Ralph" and "Frozen" will be waiting for him.

In addition to "Big Bad", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 11" and "Tangled" are also competing for the November schedule.

Negotiations have reached the final stage. If nothing happens, DreamWorks Animation will belong to Waltons Pictures before the end of 2010.

Chen Fei shook his head and took out the new script that he had already prepared from the safe under his desk.

According to Spielberg, DreamWorks Animation has reached the end of its road and Paramount is no longer prepared to support them.

Obviously, this is another classic Hollywood work.

Paramount has done something wrong this time. The global box office of "Big Bad" with an investment of 1.3 million US dollars was only 2.29 million US dollars, and the lMDb score was only 7.3 points.

What's even more exciting is that there are a series of masterpieces waiting to be released in the future, such as "War for the Planet of the Apes", "Kung Fu Panda 3", "How to Train Your Dragon 3", "Avengers", etc.

It took a whole morning for Chen Fei to explain in detail to Natasha the effect he wanted for the film.

Suspenseful crime films, special effects, FBI...

Lionsgate Pictures, which is second only to the Big Six, has also made little movement. Although they have been launching various types of low-budget movies in recent years, they have not been able to make any splash.

With the help of these scripts, DreamWorks Animation will definitely be able to recreate its glory!
In fact, Disney was also contacting them, and the conditions offered were not low, but there was only one thing that made it difficult for Katzenberg to accept.

And this also means that from now on there will no longer be DreamWorks Animation in Hollywood.

As for the follow-up matters, he is not going to worry about it, because he needs to return to China first and then go directly to New York to film "Avengers".

"The early preparation of this script is very important. I will not make it into a 3D version. The investment cost needs to be controlled within 1 million US dollars, so the various magic scenes in it need to be authentic, and then be extended based on this premise... …”

Adhering to the idea of ​​"knowing yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in every battle", Chen Fei spent his spare time watching "Big Bad", "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 3", "Tangled", "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" movies, and also learned about their box office performance.

As for Universal Pictures and Sony Columbia, there has been little movement and they seem to have no intention of competing.

In fact, according to market share, Walton Pictures has already tied with the six major companies. However, it is not easy to become the "seventh major". There is still a long, long way to go!

Paramount Pictures has released the 3D animated film "Megamind."

It is precisely because of this that Walton Pictures was given the opportunity to take action!

In order to demonstrate their strength and status, the Big Six usually present their own outstanding works and then compete at the end of the year.

This is something Katzenberg absolutely cannot accept!
But it's different when he joins Waltons Pictures. He will still be the CEO of DreamWorks Animation, and he can also get resource help. It's clear which one is more important.

According to Disney, DreamWorks will be merged into Pixar Animation Studios.


Katzenberg is not very opposed to mergers and acquisitions. After all, he founded DreamWorks Animation himself, and he himself does not want to see his company decline.

Of course, if you want to say that the most eye-catching one is, of course, it has to be Waltons Pictures!
"The Twilight Saga" in November and "The Hunger Games" in December are both large-scale A-level productions, and the investment cost of each one is less than US$11 million.

Judging from the publicity strategy, their purpose should be to prepare this movie to compete with "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Despicable Me", but the box office results are really too low.

As for the follow-up promotion work of "The Hunger Games", it can only be left to Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway to continue to follow up.

"The production of "War for the Planet of the Apes" directed by Catherine is about to be completed. This is a new script I prepared for her to take over from the end of the War for the Planet of the Apes series."

However, because the producer of this animated film is the DreamWorks Animation department, Paramount only loses publicity and distribution expenses, and it is the DreamWorks Animation department that suffers huge losses!
It is no exaggeration to say that I will probably have to lose more than half of the money I earned through "Shrek 4"!

Natasha's eyes lit up and she hurriedly took over the new script from Chen Fei.


Although there is no such thing as "Lunar New Year" in Hollywood, the two months of November and December can be regarded as battlegrounds. After all, the Oscars will be held soon.

"Wow! There's a new script?!"

Warner Bros. released "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1."

To the surprise of many people, the results of these two movies are both pushing towards US$10 billion. In the end, it is very likely that there will be three movies with box office exceeding US$11 billion in November!

It’s just that there are a lot of negative reviews about Harry Potter.

In addition to the erotic behavior of being divided into two parts, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1", there are many plots in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1" that are too similar to "Inception".

In addition to the very similar phantoms and spells, even the narrative method of sneaking into dreams to promote plot development in "Inception" can also be traced in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1)"!

Perhaps due to the negative reviews, the box office performance of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 3" is also slightly inferior, and it has not been able to break through million US dollars in North America.

However, this movie is following a global distribution route after all, and the box office trends in other regions have successfully made up for the vacancy in North America.

As for "Tangled" produced by Disney, the North American box office has now exceeded US$2 million, and the global box office has also successfully exceeded US$5 million.

Disney has confirmed that it will launch no less than two sequels and adapt it into a musical, which has attracted the attention of many movie fans.

Of course, the most eye-catching one is "The Twilight Saga 5". At this time, the total global box office has reached 9 million US dollars, and the breakthrough of 10 billion is just around the corner!
Many media outlets are amazed, never expecting that a fantasy romance film could have such a strong "money-attracting ability".

Before returning to China, Chen Fei participated in the "Twilight Saga" celebration party.

What surprised him was that Kristen Stewart actually cut off her long bright blond hair and officially appeared in front of everyone with short hair and a neutral image.

"What are you..." Chen Fei seemed to have guessed something, his eyes were inexplicably complicated.

"The Twilight series is over, and now I can boldly be myself. This feels really great!"


Chen Fei has already understood the meaning of 'her' words. This 'girl' is probably about to start letting herself go.

Sure enough, after a while he saw Kristine holding her arms around the slim waist of a blonde beauty, with a look that said I was sure to eat you up.

Not far away from Kristen, Robert Pattinson, who plays "Vampire", and Taylor Lautner, who plays "Werewolf", both showed shocked expressions!

After working together for five full years, they just discovered today that Twilight's heroine is actually... a lesbian?
"Haha, young people today are so interesting." Woody Allen held the wine glass and sighed with a tone that had seen through the world.

"Indeed, it's good to be young." Chen Fei sighed in an old-fashioned way, leaving the old man speechless for a while.

"Have you decided yet? You won't make any more movies in the future?"

"No," Woody Allen shook his head and explained: "I will no longer make any commercial movies. I am old and can no longer run. I may try to continue working in the screenwriting industry in the future. ”

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. "I just bought the rights to a novel. Do you want to try to adapt it into a movie script and then film it?"

"Oh? What novel?" Woody Allen suddenly became interested.

"Step aside and let me embrace happiness" by Matthew Quick tells the story of Pat who was sent to the hospital for treatment due to mental trauma after catching his wife cheating on her. After being discharged, he was lucky enough to meet Tiffany, a girl who lost her husband and job. Ni, the story of the two starting from tit-for-tat, then attracting each other, and finally falling in love with each other.”

"It sounds very good. I can try it when I go back."

"Haha, okay, remember to call me if you have any ideas."


It was already very late at the end of the celebration banquet. Chen Fei drank some wine. Adhering to the attitude that drunk driving harms others and himself, he called the driver to pick him up.

But while waiting for the bus, he saw Christine and the blonde girl sitting in the car and kissing.

The Twilight series is over, and she's really starting to let herself go.

Chen Fei respected her choice and sent his blessing, "I hope you can be as lucky as Bella."



On the 14th, Chen Fei returned to the capital again.

Tomorrow is the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly". Jiang Wen called him several times, urging him to attend.

Helpless, Chen Fei called him as soon as he got off the plane and informed him that he had returned to China.

"Haha, okay, let's walk the red carpet together tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay, let's do what you say. I'll cooperate with you throughout the whole process, right?"

After dealing with Jiang Wen, Chen Fei took advantage of the break to go home and went online to read the latest hot news in China.

"The Orphan of Zhao" and "The Great Laughter" are still in theaters, but netizens' evaluations of the two movies show completely different situations.

"To be honest, I think "The Great Laughter" is much better than "The Orphan of Zhao"."

"What nonsense are you talking about upstairs?"

"Uh... I'm just wondering, why does Brother Chen Kai drive high and low every time? Is there no one behind him who can suppress him?"

"Sometimes I really wonder, who filmed "Farewell My Concubine"?"

"His father..."

It has been more than ten days since the two movies were released, but strangely, the box office results have almost shown a flat trend, both in the 8000 million range.

For "Laughing Out Loud", this is already a big success.

But for "The Orphan of Zhao" with an investment of more than 2 million, this is clearly a sign that it will hit the market again!
Just like after the release of "The Promise", Brother Chen Kai started spouting "famous quotes" again.

When interviewed by reporters, he responded: "I said before it was released that this movie does not focus on box office revenue. What I want to present is a classic historical masterpiece!
Many people say they don’t understand it, but the truth is that you haven’t looked deeply into it. As long as you read it a few times, you will naturally understand the deep meaning, thoughts and connotations.

As for the adaptation? This is actually a kind of spiritual filling, and I won’t explain any more. After watching it a few times, you will naturally understand the mystery..."


Chen Fei looked confused. This guy was really good at deceiving people. He kept saying "watch more" without caring about what the film looked like.

I have to say that Poet Chen is not generally thick-skinned.

Returning to the courtyard, as soon as he entered the door, Chen Fei found that there was another person in the courtyard.

Her hair is casually spread behind her back, and her small face is breathtakingly beautiful. Even though she is dressed so casually, with a gray skirt on her lower body and a black down jacket on her upper body, she looks like a country girl...

"Girl, good afternoon."

After saying hello casually, Chen Fei put down his suitcase and went over to sit next to Liu Yifei.

The stove was burning warm, and the girl's face was baked and turned red, which was really cute.

"Eh? Why are you back?" Liu Yifei's beautiful eyes brightened slightly, with a flash of curiosity.

"Jiang Wen called me back. I'm going to attend the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly" tomorrow to help him calm down."

As he spoke, Fade Chen's eyes fell on her hand unconsciously, "Is this... a script?"

"Yes." Liu Yifei nodded lightly and handed it over casually, "My mother gave it to me. It seems to be a movie invested by Xingmei called "The Banquet of Hongmen". They want me to play the heroine."

Chen Fei's extended hand paused slightly, and he wanted to take it back directly, but in the end he chose to take it.

He briefly read the script.

The story tells the story of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang's struggle for hegemony in the late Qin Dynasty. It creates the images of brave and resourceful characters such as Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Fan Zeng, and Zhang Liang. It uses a tense Hongmen Banquet to show that there are games and plans in the game. The Chu-Han game situation where there is a plan in the game.

However, the more he looked back, the more Fade Chen frowned.

In the end, he closed the script without even finishing it.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yifei asked curiously from the side.

"The director and screenwriter are both from Xiangjiang, right?"

"Yes, it was written and directed by Li Rengang. It has been confirmed that Li Ming, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Qiusheng, Chen Xiaochun, An Zhijie and others will star. The lineup is still very strong."

"Push it."

"Ah? Why? I feel pretty good. I am confident that I can play the role of "Yu Ji" well."

Liu Yifei was a little confused. The investment in this movie was still very large, and she was the only female protagonist, which suited her quite well.

"You can play Yu Ji well, but they can't film Yu Ji well." Chen Fei said in a very determined tone: "Believe me, no matter what they say now, the director over there in Xiangjiang will always film Not good for historical themes.

You should have seen Wu Yu's "Red Cliff". He is a director who came back from Hollywood and made it look like a bird. Do you expect Li Renggang, a director with a background in action movies, to make a historical masterpiece? Are you kidding me? "

Chen Fei has been in the directing circle for so many years, how could he not know what a director in Xiangjiang is like?
When it comes to shooting historical themes, especially war scenes, it's like a young and Dangerous showdown, it's just nonsense!

"Oh, okay, then I'll ask my mother to refuse that place after I go back."

Liu Yifei was very obedient. After getting the script back, she didn't read it and then threw it aside.

Chen Fei looked at her and raised his eyebrows slightly, "You...have been bored lately?"

"Yes, I just take acting classes every day, read books, and occasionally participate in endorsement activities. It's so boring."

Seeing her look like this, Chen Fei rolled his eyes slightly, ready to give her a wave of intensity.

"I have a script here that is quite suitable for you. Since you are bored, how about I leave it to you to prepare it? You will be the producer and expand your new identity."

"Eh?" Liu Yifei's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay! Okay! What's the script? Can you show it to me?"


Chen Fei got up and went into the study, and walked out after a while, holding a script in his hand.

"show me!"

Liu Yifei jumped up from her chair like a little rabbit, walked to Chen Fei in three steps and took two steps at a time, and then took the script from him.

Then, she read out the title of the script softly:
""your name"?"


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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