It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 451: Who the serious person keeps a diary? "Let the Bullets Fly" premiere!

Chapter 451: Who the serious person keeps a diary? "Let the Bullets Fly" premiere!

The original work of "Your Name" is actually an anime movie.

If there were no Chen Fei in this world, this movie would have appeared on Neon in 2016 and earned a total global box office of US$3.58 million!
Although it is an anime movie, it is completely different from Hayao Miyazaki's anime movies. There is no fantasy in it, and there are no pictures that can only be achieved by anime.

Because of this, the film is perfect for a live-action adaptation.

The story tells a romantic love story about a boy and girl who swap bodies in a dream and spend a period of time in their respective lives. The boy travels across time and space to save the girl who died from a falling meteorite.

The hero and heroine use love to cross time and space, and encounter each other. With the belief of "no matter where you are in the world, I will definitely go to see you", they go to find each other and redeem each other.

This script has been stored in the script library for a long time. Because it has a profound impact on the movie, Chen Fei will take it out and look at it from time to time.

Since acquiring Tsuburaya Co., Ltd., he has been thinking about making this anime.

But after seeing Liu Yifei today, he came up with the idea of ​​adapting it into a live-action movie.

Love, a once-in-a-millennium comet...if you put these in the Chinese background and film them with real people, what kind of picture will it look like?

Liu Yifei made no secret of her love for the script.

But what she is worried about is that her silly daughter meets a bad man. What will she do if she is cheated?
But soon, she realized that she was thinking too much.

Chen Fei, who was disgusted, picked up his suitcase and walked towards the inner room with a look of helplessness.

"came back?"

"Then I'll give it to you. You will be responsible for the preparation and casting, and find a suitable director for it."

Let's forget about puppy love and all that. It won't be a violation until we move to freshman year.

The tears in her eyes came and went away quickly. In the blink of an eye, she was smiling like a flower and hugging the script tightly in her arms.

Miss Liu, who had just received the new script, was in a good mood, "Hehe, I don't have much to eat, I can share some with you."



Chen Fei, who was interrupted before he finished speaking, felt depressed for a while.

She doesn't object to her daughter falling in love. After all, she is an adult and it is not illegal to fall in love.

In an instant, Liu Xiaoli became alert.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Yifei returned home.

"You didn't even say hello. I didn't cook for you. You have to cook it yourself."

As for the special only takes a few minutes, and if it's left to the digital side, it probably won't even take a week to complete.

As for the position of "producer", it is purely to give her a reasonable reason and identity to play.

Just when Chen Fei was thinking about the follow-up preparations, Liu Yifei's slightly crying voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "This story... is great!"

As for the plot, it all depends on the actors' acting skills. This is actually not a difficult thing.

"Just arrived..."

Could this girl love?

Chen Fei decided to leave this job to the bored Liu Yifei!
Aren't you bored? Then go have fun and find me a shooting location.

As for the character, it can be easily solved with Liu Yifei here. It is definitely a mistake to let her play the heroine. It shouldn't be against the rules for her to play a female college student at the age of 23, right?

To be honest, he was quite looking forward to it.

Liu Xiaoli blinked and felt confused. She felt that this script was quite good, otherwise she wouldn't have taken it back.

It is taboo for celebrities to fall in love, especially for female celebrities whose careers are on the rise. A relationship may directly ruin their future careers!

However, filming this movie was not that easy.
Regarding the movie "Your Name", the first image in Chen Fei's mind was actually the color of the picture, followed closely by the characters, plot and special effects.

Suddenly, a kind smile appeared on the stern-faced old man's face, "Sissi is still good."

"Good! Good!"

He subconsciously raised his head and saw that the girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she was obviously very moved.

"Sissi, it's time to eat... Huh? Why did you come back without saying a word?" The old man walked over from the other side of the yard wearing an apron and was stunned for a moment when he saw Fade Chen.

"Huh? Why?"

"Okay, you two are good friends. I'm an outsider, so it's okay."


"Like it?"

"Mom, I won't play Yu Ji anymore, please help me say no." Liu Yifei said as she handed the script of "Hongmen Banquet" to her mother.

Putting down the work at hand, she asked curiously: "What happened? Are you so happy?"

The background of the original work is actually the high school period, but Chen Fei decided to move it back.

At this moment, Liu Xiaoli's mind suddenly flashed back to the scene when she first fell in love. After returning home, she also smiled heartlessly, which was exactly the same as her daughter's current state.

Therefore, the most difficult thing about this film is actually the color of the picture, that is, the choice of shooting location.

Liu Xiaoli was busy matching her daughter's clothes for tomorrow's premiere, but when she turned around, she found that her silly girl was enjoying herself heartlessly, as if she had eaten candied fruit.

"Because I already have a better script." Liu Yifei handed over another script in her arms like a treasure.

"What's your name?" Liu Xiaoli frowned slightly, "Where did you get this script? Is it reliable? "Hongmen Banquet" is a big investment. It would be a pity to give up."

"This script was given to me by Chen Fei, and he also asked me to be the producer, responsible for casting, finding shooting locations, directors, cameramen..."

Liu Yifei talked non-stop, and even completely repeated what Chen Fei said to her.


After listening patiently to her daughter, Liu Xiaoli threw the script of "Hongmen Banquet" on the sofa without hesitation, "Okay, I'll call Xingmei later."

Mother and daughter have very similar opinions.

As long as it's Chen Fei's script, it can definitely be filmed.

But as long as it's a role that Chen Fei said he couldn't take, he definitely can't take it.

"Painting on the Wall" is the best lesson for others, so they can't help but be cautious!
Sometimes it is even more difficult to maintain one's own status than to improve it. Zhang Ziyi is the best example. It only took her less than a year to go from "International Chapter" to "Hong Kong Chapter".


On the 15th, the premiere ceremony of the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" was held.

Due to Jiang Wen's favor, Chen Fei arrived at the premiere early in the morning.

"We have to make this movie real. You have the final say on Pan-Asia Cinemas. If we don't try to steal the box office, there's no point..."

Jiang Wen's face was solemn, and he was obviously a little frightened.

Chen Fei nodded and said seriously: "Don't worry, I am still one of the investors. If netizens scold you, they will not only scold you, but I will definitely be dragged along as well."

The key reason why the two of them talked about "stealing box office" was because of a revelation on Weibo last night.

["The Orphan of Zhao" steals the box office! 】

Someone filmed the scene of going to the theater to buy tickets. It was obvious that the money spent was for "Laughing in the River", but the ticket was for "The Orphan of Zhao".

The actual words of the theater staff were also secretly recorded, "Isn't it the same? You spend money, we show you a movie, and you don't care which movie's name is on the ticket?"

Although the news appeared on the Internet very late, it fermented quickly.

A huge shock broke out in the industry, and the criticism on the Internet almost nailed Brother Chen Kai to the pillar of shame.

For such a great director, you actually try to steal box office?
Damn it? Where is the face?
Although this actually has nothing to do with Brother Chen Kai, it is probably a problem with the management and the distributor, but netizens don't care about this, they only recognize the director!

The scolding was extremely unpleasant, even Jiang Wen was frightened to see it.

However, because Chen Fei, a powerful "capital", was standing next to him, he quickly relaxed and began to say "TMD" again.


In fact, the industry is quite curious about Jiang Wen's new movie.

With the disastrous failure of "The Sun Also Rises", Jiang Wen's status in the capital circle has actually declined somewhat.

This time he switched to the field of commercial films, and also roped in Chen Fei, who is known as the "box office killer". I don't know what kind of movie he can tinker with?
However, the name "Let the Bullets Fly" is too weird, and it doesn't sound like a serious movie.

And the trailers released before seem to confirm this.

Violence, killing, swearing, nudity... I don’t know how this movie successfully passed censorship in China?

"Chen Fei? Haha, they said you were back, but I still didn't believe it. I didn't expect you were really back."

Han Sanping walked over to the two of them as soon as they arrived. He was also one of the investors, but his proportion was not high.

"Oh, I didn't want to come back, but I can't bear the thought of someone calling me every day in the middle of the night. I really can't bear it!"

Jiang Wenle on the side smiled happily, his face was thicker than the city wall.

The official entrance time came soon. The red carpet, welcome guests, and etiquette ladies were all in place. The aspect of face was very good.

"Director Chen? Haha, long time no see." Yang Shoucheng also came over from Hong Kong. Emperor is considered the largest investor in this film.

"It's been a long time indeed." "Ip Man 3" just wrapped up a few days ago, and the two talked on the phone, but Chen Fei was too busy to attend the wrapping party.

However, this will not affect anything. The first two parts of the "Ip Man" series have been well received, and I think the third part should not be far behind.

From a distance, Chen Fei saw Liu Yifei stepping out of the car, looking around as if she was looking for something.

"I'll go walk the red carpet first, and we'll talk after we enter the venue."

After saying hello to a few people, Chen Fei walked towards the silly girl.

Behind them, everyone headed by Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, Yang Shoucheng, Jiang Wen, and Ge You had strange expressions on their faces.

"Aren't these two people really talking about each other?"

"Who knows? But I feel like we've talked. There seems to be a sour smell in the air..."


After formal admission, factional divisions inevitably emerged.

In the capital, in Hong Kong, in the director’s circle, in the actor’s circle…

Chen Fei did not interfere with them, and went to the dining area on his own, taking the plates and starting to eat.

Jiang Wen called too early. He hadn't even had breakfast yet.

So there was a very magical scene at the scene. Everyone was socializing around the bosses and directors, but he was the only one holding the dinner plate and eating happily.

If it were an ordinary young actor or director, this would probably have been criticized by everyone.

But Chen Fei is different. What he does seems to outsiders to be informal, and no one will look at him with colored glasses.

With his current identity and status, he doesn't need to care about these details at all. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to socialize, many people will eagerly come to join him.

"Director Chen, look at how delicious your food is..."

Chen Fei turned around subconsciously and saw Fan Bingbing standing next to him with a sweet smile.

However, his attention was quickly attracted by the man standing behind Fan Bingbing.

"This is the publicity director of my studio, Yang Tianzhen."

"Hello, Mr. Chen, just call me Xiao Yang. I came here with Sister Bingbing today to see the world. I really admire you. Director, screenwriter, actor... you are proficient in everything. You are really amazing!"

"Ah hello."

After shaking hands with the future "chief coach of the eight hundred thousand navy", Chen Fei quickly looked away.

He doesn't like this woman, she's too yin, too ruthless, and too vicious!

After Fan Bingbing opened his mouth, there was a steady stream of people running over to say hello.

"Hello, Director Chen, just call me Zu Ming..."

"My name is Ma Sichun..."


The second-generation stars began to show up one by one, followed by the first-generation stars, as if they were "protecting" them.

In addition to Han Sanping at the scene, Yu Dong also became one of the targets of flattery.

The listing of Bona on the Nasdaq is so honorable. The battle is bigger than that of Huayi. It is not yet known what the follow-up situation will be, but the airs have already been put up.

During his time in Hollywood, Chen Fei received many phone calls, all asking him if he had any thoughts on listing Feiyue Films?

As long as he nods, there are many people in the industry rushing to help!
It's a pity that everyone who came to ask him got a "negative" answer.

He has neither money nor backers, so there is no need to turn Feiyue Films into a listed company.

China is different from Hollywood. Over there, only beauty is valued, but here, money comes second. He doesn't want the company he founded to become someone else's wedding dress.

"Director Chen..."

Someone came over to say hello again. Chen Fei looked up and saw Yu Dong, who was enjoying the flattery just now, sitting down next to him with a flattering expression.

"Haha, congratulations to Mr. Yu, you are so beautiful!"

"Oh, I don't dare." Yu Dong waved his hands quickly and said with a wry smile: "Compared to you, I'm not even the dust on the ground."

In the past, he thought that Chen Fei wasn't really that good. He just knew how to make a movie and write a script.

But after he was listed on the Nasdaq, he discovered that Volton Pictures was so powerful in Hollywood that he could never imagine!

It is no exaggeration to say that if someone gives a random order, Bona's stock will plummet and be delisted!
No, as soon as he saw Chen Fei, he hurried over to say hello.

If we put it on the "capital" level, Chen Fei is almost at the level of his "grandfather"!


After lingering until noon, the premiere finally officially started.

Jiang Wen came on stage, led the main creators to be interviewed by the media, and then announced that the movie would start playing.

As the video slowly progressed, everyone in the audience was really eye-opening, and there was endless laughter mixed with sighs.

Although Chen Fei had already watched it once, he still found it very interesting when he watched it again, especially the lines in it, which were so classic.

"If Huang Shilang doesn't collect money, why should I fire the gun... let the bullets fly for a while!"

"I only came to Goose City to do three things. Fairness! Fairness! Still fucking fair!"

"If I was the one who took action, then the one lying on the table should be her husband."

"Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again!"

"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, and the warriors are marching in all directions..."

"Isn't he just a little Zhang Mazi? Deal with him!"

Han Sanping was sitting next to Chen Fei, slapping her thighs and laughing.

"This movie is so good!" He was also infected by Jiang Wen.

Chen Fei replied seriously, "Indeed, it is so classic that I think it can be applied for World Heritage status!"


Some were laughing, while others had shock on their faces.

"Can this film pass the censorship???" Wang Zhonglei became more and more confused as he watched it.

The lines were vulgar and obscene, metaphors were everywhere, sex scenes, violence, exposure... Anyway, this movie had all the inappropriate things he could think of, and yet it actually passed the censorship? !
Wang Zhongjun next to him frowned, "If You Are the One 2... is dangerous."

132 minutes passed without realizing it.

At the moment the curtain came down, there was thunderous applause.

Jiang Wen led the creative members onto the stage, and even pulled Chen Fei up. After all, he also had a guest role in it.

Box office is always an unavoidable issue.

Facing the reporter's question, Jiang Wenji took it to heart, "I am confident that I will get 5 million guaranteed and kill Director Feng at the same time, hahaha!"

Many people who had been to the opening ceremony of "The Orphan of Zhao" were laughing. Brother Chen Kai said the same thing at the time, but in a more tactful tone.

Poet Chen was a scholar, not a rough guy like Jiang Wen.

The microphone turned around and finally returned to Chen Fei's hand.

"Director Chen, how much do you think the box office of this movie will be? Can you make a rough prediction?"

For a moment, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone, including Jiang Wen, turned their gazes over.

"Director Jiang doesn't have the guts, so I'll do it for him, with a guarantee of 6 million, and kill Director Feng by the way... Hahaha!"

In the audience, Feng Xiaogang, who was mentioned twice, smiled helplessly.

The schedules of "Let the Bullets Fly" and "If You Are the One 2" are only 6 days apart. They really have to fight face to face. He used to be quite confident, but this time he is inexplicably nervous.

When it comes to being funny, the former is not much worse than the latter!
However, at this moment, one of the reporters in the audience suddenly said, "Director Chen, with your status, you only played a small supporting role in the movie. Isn't it inappropriate?" Woolen cloth?"

The scene suddenly fell silent again, and many people looked forward, wondering who the idiot was who asked such a question.

Small supporting role?
With Chen Fei's current identity and status, the so-called cast of ordinary actors has no binding force on him at all!

Even if he is currently chatting happily with the cleaning lady, it is still a celebrity anecdote!

On the stage, Chen Fei was not angry, but laughed and said: "Hey? If you didn't mention this, I almost forgot. Director Jiang hasn't paid me the salary yet. Remember to make up for it later. !”

Jiang Wen was also a wonderful person and picked up the topic on the spot, "Who is a serious actor who wants to be paid for filming?"


There was a burst of laughter and applause from below, and the topic was quickly covered up.

As for the follow-up...

Is such a bad person worthy of being a reporter?

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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