It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 452 pokes at Poet Chen’s lungs, and the bad movies begin to blow out

Chapter 452 pokes a hole in Poet Chen’s lungs, and the bad movies begin to blow out...

On the 16th, Jiang Wen's transformational masterpiece "Let the Bullets Fly" was officially released.

Many people in the industry are paying attention to the box office results of this movie, especially those who attended the premiere, and their expectations for this movie are even higher!
Movies like this are not popular?

God cannot tolerate it!
However, at the same time, "The Orphan of Zhao" directed by Chen Kaige came to its final conclusion.

In just over ten days after its release, the box office revenue was 1.7 million, and the daily new box office was not even 50. It seems that all the potential has been squeezed out.

Just like that, there are still people on the Internet saying that the 50 yuan may have been stolen from the box office!
To be honest, Brother Chen Kai's graphics are quite good, but it's a pity that he really can't tell the story well.

This is true of "The Promise", and it is also true of "The Orphan of Zhao".

The movie he made looks like a red apple from the outside. It is indeed refreshing and sweet when you take the first bite, but it already smells bad inside!
Whether it is a commercial film or a literary film, this is almost always the case.

So, in less than half a month, the box office of this movie was already a mess.

And as "Let the Bullets Fly" is about to be released, several theaters have simply taken it off the shelves.

"Hello, senior, this is my resume. You can take a look at it first." Although I was a little nervous about applying for Australia, I still knew the process to follow.

In the office, Chen Fei did not mind the excitement and was analyzing the timing of Xingmei's collapse with Ning Hao.

He is talented, but suffers from lack of resources...

""The Orphan of Zhao" was released ahead of schedule, and the box office barely reached 1.7 million, which is still 5 million short of the 3.3 million that director Chen Kaige said."

Chen Fei did not refuse, but just asked her to bring him over today to have a look.

The secretary pushed out, and after a while, Yang Mi led the people in.

Chen Fei took the resume and briefly looked through it.

"Director Chen, this is Shen'ao, a graduate of our 05-level directing department at Nortel..." Yang Mi briefly introduced, then silently stepped aside.

Directors without any background are actually like this. After graduation, they can only make short films, music videos, etc., and then raise money to prepare their first film.

"The box office of "The Laughing Man" has reached 1.6 million yuan and is about to surpass "The Orphan of Zhao". Please stay tuned..."

In 2005, he wrote and directed his first short film "Helongchuangang", which won the second prize in the student short film unit of the San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain, the Golden Roc Award for Best Short Film at the 1st China International New Media Short Film Festival, and The 1st China International New Media Short Film Festival Jinpeng Award for Outstanding Feature Short Film Director Award...

Movie fans are not stupid. The previous "The Promise" scared many people. When they heard that this new movie had a very bad reputation, everyone immediately stopped thinking about going to watch the movie.

The secretary walked in and reminded aloud: "Mr. Chen, Yang Mi is here."

While waiting, Chen Fei looked at Yang Mi again, ""Gong Lock Heart Jade" will be aired soon, right? How is your recent publicity work?"

"Thank you for the compliment, senior. I was born just when the country was applying for the Olympic Games. My last name happened to be 'Shen', so my father gave me this name."

This song is probably going to be popular all over the world!

"Well, let her come in." Chen Fei sat up slightly.

How can a movie with less than 50 new additions every day get the right to be so popular in the Lunar New Year?

Although they are the same, their relationship is not very good. She just recommended it out of love. Whether it can succeed depends on Shen Ao's own ability.

Chen Fei couldn't hold it back and said subconsciously: ""The Offering of Love"?"

Especially the report from the Rays, it's like a direct stab into the lungs!

"Yes, have you heard of it?"

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

In fact, the same is true for Ning Hao. He started out as a MV director and got to where he is now step by step.

"Since it's someone recommended by Yang Mi, I won't say much more about the rest. How about you become an assistant director first, check it out, and sign the contract directly if possible?"

"Your name is quite good." Chen Fei smiled, and a certain node in later generations suddenly appeared in his mind. If he remembered correctly, "All or Nothing" seemed to be this person's work.

On the other hand, "Laughing Out Loud" is quite good. There are still several million new additions every day, and the total box office has reached 1.6 million. It seems that it can last for a long time.

"Recorded a new song..."

You can eat just one "stinky steamed bun", so how can you continue to eat it? Isn't that a pure idiot?
"Hey, this Xingmei is also quite unlucky. The first one she took over was "The Orphan of Zhao", followed by Lu Chuan's 'masterpiece' "The King's Feast". I don't know when I will lose all my money? "

I hold you in my hand and burn incense religiously/Cut out a piece of candle to light up the economic affairs/I don’t want to make you angry, I just want to make love/I love you until I get hurt and cry in despair/I will spend my whole life to support you/Only I hope you will stop your wandering eyes/Please give me the power to love infinitely and be loved/Let me meditate quietly under Bodhi with peace of mind...

Chen Fei didn't hesitate, picked up his phone and broadcast to Wang Shiliang, "Come to my office."

"After "The Promise" and "Mei Lanfang," "The Orphan of Zhao" failed again. Director Chen, what kind of movie do you want to make?"

Yesterday at the celebration party for the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly", Yang Mi said that a classmate from the directing department wanted to join Feiyue Film and Television and asked her to help recommend him.

"Ah?" Shen Ao was stunned, obviously not expecting the process to be so streamlined, "Okay, okay, I can do it, I'll let you arrange it."

The media won't give Brother Chen Kai any face.

"heard about it……"


Even though Brother Chen Kai keeps cheating, no one is fooled.

The resume is not that generous, but it is adequate.

Chen Fei's eyes were a little complicated.

Chen Fei put his resume on the table, glanced sideways at Yang Mi, and decided to give her some face.

Until now, when Chen Fei thought of the title of the song, the lyrics just flowed out like spring water!

Fortunately, Wang Shiliang came in a hurry and "saved" his life.

"Director Chen, are you looking for me?"

"Has "Wolf Warrior" passed the review?"

"It's been delivered for a few days, it should be soon."

"Okay, let me introduce someone to you." Chen Fei said while pointing at Shen Ao, "Take him with you and let him be your assistant director. By the way, you can test his abilities."

"no problem."

Wang Shiliang nodded and said hello to Shen Ao, and the matter was officially settled.

Yang Mi's eyes brightened at the side, "Wolf Warrior"? A new movie being prepared by the company?
But she didn't ask, because when she signed with the company, she said that she would have the opportunity to audition for any movie invested and produced by Feiyue Film and Television, and Zeng Jia would naturally notify her when the time came.


Time came to the 17th in a blink of an eye.

The box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" has been released.

4053 million!
"Hahahaha! Okay! It's really good to ride a horse!"

Jiang Wen specially came to Chen Fei's company to thank him for his help in arranging films.

At first, because I was worried that it would be sold on the street, I didn't print a sufficient number of copies. However, Pan-Asia Cinemas overcame everyone's objections and asked China Film's distribution company for a lot of copies and schedules!
And facts have proven that this movie did not disappoint Pan-Asian Cinemas.

"You have become famous in one battle. Take a look at these comments. Everyone applauds you!" Chen Fei teased Jiang Wen while flipping through the comments online.

Jiang Wen's lines were full of risqué remarks, and netizens' comments were unflattering.

"Mazi carjacks a car to impersonate the captain, the master earns money and talks eloquently, he fights martial arts to establish his prestige in Goose City, the brothers act decisively, Hu Wan plots the death of the sixth master, the master talks with clever words and kills the heart... a total of 2 hours of movie, with lines It’s a classic worth savoring again and again!”

"Damn it, bandits fighting bullies, selling off one's official position, stealing one's official title, and being a traitor. It's a miracle that this movie passed the review!"

"Haha, Han Sanping and Feng Xiaogang also made guest appearances, and they did the same thing when they were cheating on themselves."

"Damn it? Is the person who plays Hu Wan really Director Chen? Such a subversive acting skill. I have never seen him play such a cunning character!"

"Disgusting, I turned off the lights!"

"Brother, you know me well. If it were me, it would be her husband lying on the table, hahahahaha!"

After forcing Chen Fei to chat for the whole morning, Jiang Wen left Feiyue Film and Television.

He still has to follow up on the follow-up publicity. Now that the box office is so good, it is very likely that it will create a new miracle!
The 5 million he shouted out at the premiere was actually just a joke, but now, he is really confident to go for 5 million!
No. 18, 3986 million.

No. 19, 3536 million.

1.15 million in the first three days.

Jiang Wen's movie is really popular! Even the fire is a mess!
The number of movies scheduled in theaters continues to skyrocket, and lines about movies are popping up online. Netizens are already using these words to make jokes.

Feng Xiaogang's "If You Are the One 2" is following closely behind, which is simply frightening.

If two tigers fight, one of them will die!
Many people on the Internet are shouting at Brother Chen Kai: "Look at Jiang Wen's movie. This is a real movie that goes straight to 5 million. What is that thing you made?"

Poet Chen was so proud that he did not respond at all.

However, Mrs. Chen came forward and gave a simple response, "Brother Kai has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the adaptation of the new script. "Kukai Kukai: The Ghost Banquet of the Tang Dynasty" is a very good novel and I believe it will definitely bring joy to movie fans." Come for a different experience..."

How different it is, no one knows.

Anyway, everyone really has no confidence in him.

However, at this time, new revelations suddenly appeared on the Internet, directly suppressing all the news about Chen Kaige's new movie script. "Feiyue Film and Television's new scripts: "Wolf Warrior" and "Your Name" passed the review."

In addition to the name of the script, there is some more detailed information later.

"Wolf Warrior", a modern military war film.

Produced by: Feiyue Film and Television.

Producer: Chen Fei.

Director: Wang Shiliang, Wu Jing.

Screenwriter: Chen Fei.

Starring: Wu Jing.

Remaining cast members: TBD.


"Your Name", a romantic literary film.

Produced by: Feiyue Film and Television.

Producer: Liu Yifei.

Screenwriter: Chen Fei.

Starring: Chen Fei, Liu Yifei.

Director: Chen Fei.

Remaining cast members: TBD.

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge shock in the entertainment industry!
Everyone didn't pay much attention to "Wolf Warrior". Although the theme of "modern military war film" is quite novel, compared with the latter, it pales into insignificance!

After "Mulan" and "Source Code", Chen Fei and Liu Yifei actually collaborated again, and it's a fucking romantic art film?

"Damn it, these two are not really talking, are they?"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute? What do I see? Liu Yifei's name is actually written in the producer column? What's going on?"

"Romance literary film? Hey? Can you kiss me? I'm a CP fan, hehe."


There were many people in the industry asking for information, and the calls one after another made Chen Fei feel helpless.

"Investment? "Wolf Warrior" is fine. Forget the latter, the total is less than 30 million."

"I haven't talked about it. I really haven't talked about it. I just happened to make a script and shoot it together."

"Award for prizes? That's not necessarily the case. It's just a romantic literary film. What kind of prizes can it win? It's just for fun."


After dealing with calls from many people, Chen Fei finally calmed down for a while.

He was also very depressed. He had agreed that he would only produce the script and let Liu Yifei prepare the rest, but she was lucky enough to decide on the male lead and director without any explanation.

Thinking of the conversation last night, he looked even more helpless.

Liu Yifei: "You will be the male lead and director!"

"I don't have time to take pictures!"

"We'll wait until you have time to shoot again, and the preliminary preparations will take a long time, so there's no rush."


"Are you willing to watch me make a love movie with someone else? If you say yes, I will call Grandpa Chen now and ask him to help persuade you."

Chen Fei: "???"

In the end, he still couldn't resist Liu Yifei and had no choice but to agree.

No, there are countless people seeking information today!

The level of interest in this artistic film directed by a three-time European Grand Slam winner is frightening!
Several big names in the industry have called to express their interest in playing the female lead, and the conditions are as they wish.

Aren't they just female college students? Pretend to be young, put on makeup and so on, who is not a young and beautiful girl?
But without exception, they were all rejected by Chen Fei.

There was no reason to take back the gift given, and he wouldn't do such a thing.

"Are you trying to push her towards the capital route?" Zhou Xun called, quite curious about Liu Yifei becoming a producer.

"Not really, I just let her have fun."

Have fun? ? ?

"Hey, you are so generous. You just casually brought out a script for her to play with? Then why don't you give me a copy and let me play with it? It's really expensive for young people to fall in love."


Chen Fei was speechless. This group of people was really enough. They had to bring the two of them together to be willing to do it?


Following the great success of "Love at the Hawthorn Tree", Lao Mouzi's "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" has always been the focus of many people's attention.

Thirteen Chai was fired from Si Chai. As soon as this happened, it made the front page.

There are different opinions on the Internet. Some people say that the script has been leaked, while others say that the plot has been leaked...

But no matter what, there are four more vacancies, and many people are sharpening their knives and preparing to compete!
But in the blink of an eye, it was announced that the vacancy had been filled, which blinded a bunch of female celebrities in the industry!
Naturally, Yang Mi, a model worker, also went, but unfortunately she didn't make it to the second round and was beaten mercilessly by Lao Mouzi.

"He said I wasn't charming enough and didn't have the charm he wanted. It was really..."

Yang Mi was complaining to Zeng Jia at the moment, and her tone was quite consistent.

Why isn't she charming enough? She even wore black stockings when she went to the audition. In terms of fame and acting skills, isn't she better than that Ni Ni?

"Forget it, since we have already lost the election, let's not mention it."

Zeng Jia comforted her and said, "This is the cast list for "Wolf Warrior" and "Your Name". Take a look. Do you want to try it?"

"Long Xiaoyun? Xu Qingya?"

Zeng Jia helped explain, "The former is a female captain of the special forces. She is required to have the bravery of a soldier and the thoughtfulness of a woman. The director asked that her hair be cut short.

The latter is a supporting actress, playing the role of a beautifully dressed female college student. She is also the male protagonist's crush, but in the end she helps the female protagonist and the male protagonist to marry each other. "

After listening, Yang Mi frowned subconsciously.

She doesn't want to cut her short hair, this style doesn't suit her.

As for acting as a co-star for Liu Yifei...she doesn't really want to go either.

They are all four little actresses, but she runs to be a supporting role for others. How does this make her fans think of her?
As if seeing the dissatisfaction on her face, Zeng Jia said, "Why don't we just forget it? Far Cry is about to start filming, so let's focus on cooperating with them."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

Yang Mi nodded and handed back the list of actors.

On the other side, Jing Tian, ​​who also got the casting list, shook his head without hesitation after reading the role requirements.

"Uncle Lu, these two roles are not very suitable for me."

Lu Zheng laughed and said, "If it doesn't suit you, don't go. It just so happens that the post-production of "Warring States" has ended, so you can cooperate with the promotion.

Our film is also taking the route of global distribution. We must make your name resound around the world! "

"Okay, thank you Uncle Lu."

Jing Tian smiled sweetly, but she held the casting list tightly in her hand.


Invitations to the Huayi Annual Meeting and the premiere of "If You Are the One 2" were sent to Chen Fei almost one after another, which caused some setbacks in his plan to fly to Hollywood.

The annual meeting of a listed company means dividends to shareholders, so naturally he cannot miss this good thing.

After talking to Kevin Feige on the phone, Chen Fei postponed his flight to Hollywood.

Chen Fei was stunned!

"What the hell? Except for "Ip Man 3", everything else is a sinkhole. What does this old man think? Jumping into one hole is not enough? Jumping down one after another?"

On the other hand, Galloping Horse is not to be outdone. Taking advantage of the end of the year, it announced that it will invest in director Wu Yu's new script "The Taiping Wheel".

Seeing this, Chen Fei directly closed the film and television information website and went straight to the bathroom.

He was going to wash his eyes. Watching too many bad movie titles would damage his eyes!

(PS: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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