It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 453 Support Jiang Wen! The "Avengers" assemble for the first time!

Chapter 453 Support Jiang Wen! The "Avengers" assemble for the first time!
Feiyue Film and Television also held its annual meeting in advance, but when it comes to luxury, it cannot compare to Huayi.

The big and small Wangs themselves are not very decent people, and most of the artists under the company behave quite explicity in order to cater to the interests of their boss.

Huo Siyan should be regarded as the most "generous" among this group of actresses. When the light shines on her, she glows white!
"Is it big?"

Zhou Xun's sudden question made Chen Fei and Huang Xiaoming subconsciously look away.

This is embarrassing...

"No matter how big or small, I don't know what you are talking about." Chen Fei muttered in a low voice, and then quickly changed the topic, "How was the filming of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate"? Is it going well?"

"It's okay, but Li Lianjie hasn't come yet, so the progress is a bit slow."


Thinking of Yang Zi's sexy tricks, Chen Fei suddenly became happy.

After the cooperation with Dot Eyes Digital failed to come to fruition, he went to Hollywood again, and finally he found a special effects company willing to cooperate with him.

10 to 10 pie 3...

The shareholdings and market value of various celebrities are no longer secrets, and they are reported directly.

Many people noticed this and cast envious glances.

"Director Chen Fei holds 4000 million shares. According to the current market value, it starts at 12 billion."

Today's annual meeting is indeed very lively. After all, there are so many artists from Huayi, including mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan!
Huayi now is no longer in the turmoil after Wang Jinghua left. With the gradual advancement of "de-simplification of movies", the scope is extremely wide.

However, although this guy boasted loudly about the movie's investment of 200 million, the special effects were all done according to the lowest standards, and he had a petty air about him.


Compared with the first part, although the box office performance of the second part has increased a lot, its online reputation has declined slightly.

Chen Fei's 2000 million shares turned into 4000 million shares, and he also received 600 million in cash.

Chen Fei came here just to get some money and had no intention of socializing, so he sat down with Zhou Xun and chatted.

3325 million.

"Sure enough, money can make money!"

"Hello, Director Chen, do you still remember me? My name is Zhao Liying." A girl with a small face came over and said hello timidly.

When we landed, it was already the morning of the 23rd.

"This is the real wealthy family. I don't know which lucky person will marry into a wealthy family..."

Zhao Liying responded, turning her head to look not far away, waving excitedly to her agent, "Sister Xu! My business card!"

I don’t know what Huang Shengyi will think if he finds out?

Chen Fei was quite impressed by her, but since joining Huayi, this girl's resources didn't seem to be very good, and she hadn't seen any outstanding works come out in the past few years.

As Zhao Liying left, the other actresses were all ready to make a move and wanted to come over to say hello and leave a good impression on Chen Fei.

Zhao Liying nodded excitedly, and the little bun's face trembled slightly, which was a bit cute.

"Bring it, bring it, of course it's convenient!"

Seeing this, Chen Fei was moved in his heart and suddenly said: "Did you bring your business card? Is it convenient to leave your contact information?"

Feng Dapao was extremely good at advertising, and no one in the industry could rival him.

"Ten-billionaires in their twenties! How scary!"

But these are not the main points. What attracts the most attention in the industry is its product placement!

At the premiere, when interviewed by reporters, Feng Xiaogang said confidently, "For this movie, my goal is to guarantee a minimum of 5 million, and kill Jiang Wen by the way..."

"Hello, Yahoo Star Search Project, right?"

There just happened to be new news coming from the country.

Shaking the check in his hand, Chen Fei chuckled and said, "This annual meeting is really not in vain."

"Huayi's stock is worth 12 billion, and Hollywood's Volton Pictures is worth as much as 40 billion U.S. dollars!"

Looking around, there were even many bosses of investment companies at the annual meeting.

But, how could he, a great director, live in leisurely life? There is an endless stream of people coming over to say hello.

As soon as the annual meeting here ended, press releases from the outside world appeared.

A total of 20 product placements, with a profit of up to 6000 million...

The weekly box office of "Let the Bullets Fly" has been released, with a revenue of 3.5 million. The trend is extremely crazy, heading straight for 6 million!

There is a character who is the heroine's sister in "Your Name". The character profile is: full of responsibility and sweet-looking. I feel that it is quite suitable for Zhao Liying.

Chen Fei did not attend the premiere of "If You Are the One 2". After giving Zhao Liying's business card to Liu Yifei, he took a plane straight to Los Angeles.

Chen Fei was going to recommend her to Liu Yifei and ask her to have an audition.

"Yes, yes! It's me. You even photographed me at that time."

At the same time, "If You Are the One 2", the last major blockbuster at the end of the year, also reported its first-day box office results.

However, at this time Wang Zhongjun had already announced that he would start allocating additional shares to shareholders.

The three major directors in the Lunar New Year festival all played the "5 million" joke. Unfortunately, Brother Chen Kai is no longer in business. Now it will be up to us who among the two can have the last laugh.



Dolby Theater.

"The Hunger Games" premiere.

"Fei, I would like to call you a time management master!"

DiCaprio has come out of the previous negative news, but now he has returned to his "cheesy" state and is annoying.

"No, no, no, you are the real 'time management master'. I don't deserve this term."

Chen Fei didn't dare to admit that the word was too toxic and he didn't have enough antibodies to bear it.

Jennifer Lawrence looked at the two people talking to each other with curiosity on her face, her eyes full of doubts. She, an innocent girl who just turned 20, still couldn't understand what this word meant.

At this time, DreamWorks Animation CEO Katzenberg came over and said with a smile: "Fei, congratulations, I wish your new movie a box office hit!"

Chen Fei hugged him and said, "Haha, I also wish our future cooperation all the best."

The acquisition plan for DreamWorks Animation has almost been discussed, and the process is going through the process in the near future, and it will be finalized by the end of the month at the latest.

The goals of both parties are very clear, focusing on a "sword pointing at Disney"!
Katzenberg was previously one of the executives of Disney, and his work was on the Disney animated film "Aladdin."

It's a pity that during his time at Disney, he was never taken seriously and was even ostracized!

Finally, he chose to leave Disney in anger, and found Spielberg and David Geffen to found DreamWorks together.

In fact, DreamWorks' goal has always been Disney since its establishment. However, with subsequent unfavorable development, the gap between them and Disney has become wider and wider.

But things are different now. After joining Waltons Pictures, and with the help of Chen Fei as the "Chief Content Executive", Katzenberg has once again gained the confidence to blast Disney!
The premiere was very lively. Most people came for the name "Chen Fei", and some came for the "dystopian movie".

After the routine interview session ended, the movie began to officially play.

Disney CEO Dick Cook sat in the front row, staring at the big screen very seriously.

"Tron: Legacy", which has an investment of US$1.7 million, has been in theaters for a week. When it premiered in the United States, it was screened in 3451 theaters across the United States, with a box office of US$4360 million on the first day.

Among them, the midnight premiere grossed a total of 350 million U.S. dollars, with a single box office of 12634 U.S. dollars. The 228 IMAX screens accounted for about 100 million U.S. dollars. This midnight premiere record is almost equal to that of "Avatar" released in 2009. It’s a tie!
Unfortunately, the brilliant first-day box office did not lead to a surge in subsequent box office results. A week later, the box office reached a meager US$1.5 million.

"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", which was released on the 9th, was even far inferior to "Tron: Legacy", with only US$3 million in its first three days. There is no doubt that compared to the high investment of the two movies, this result is obviously very impressive.

Now we have to wait for "The Hunger Games". If this movie is also crotchless, then Dick Cook will feel better, but if it continues to be a hit, it will be disgusting!

The main film begins.

The rules of the Hunger Games were announced first, and the heroine Katniss became the tribute instead of her sister. She went to the capital with the boy Peeta, preparing to participate in the "Hunting Game"...

Although there are a lot of dramas in the first half, when the male and female protagonists enter the hunting grounds of The Hunger Games, the exciting hunting atmosphere begins!
The shocking visual feast truly presents the cruel world on the big screen, allowing the audience to feel the thrill and intensity of the survival game!
Whenever faced with bloody hunting scenes, there would be bursts of exclamations at the movie theater from time to time.

In fact, before filming started, Chen Fei made huge changes to the script, which filled many shortcomings in the original film.

He has carefully edited the hour-long narrative at the beginning of the film in the original work, and filled it in with many details that depict the characters and dialogue that explores human nature, showing more of the core of the "dystopia".

After the competition started, everything entered a high-energy state very smoothly!
There are no unnecessary lines, no excessive sensationalism, and no bloody plot. There are only cruelty, competition, wisdom, duel, and killing... until we embrace and win!

With Wu Jing and him, recognized as the number one martial artist in the Mainland, the presentation of the fighting scenes is completely top-notch in the world. No matter who comes, it is impossible to find faults!
And under the premise that both literary and action dramas can be rated at 90 points, when the main film ended, the scene naturally burst into warm applause.

In the front row, Dick Cook frowned, already having an ominous premonition in his heart...

It looks like Disney is going to be in trouble!
At the invitation of the host, Chen Fei and the creative members took the stage again to be interviewed.

Most of the reporters in Hollywood are asking questions such as the inside story of the filming, expected box office, whether there will be a second part, and so on.

But when the right to ask questions was given to the mainland media, they immediately started acting like monsters.

"Director Chen, Director Jiang Wen said yesterday that at least half of the filmmakers in the film and television industry are not as good as ordinary audiences, and the films they make are all to fool people. What do you think of this?"

Chen Fei just ate this melon this morning.

Netizens strongly agreed with Jiang Wen’s speech!

However...most people in the industry, especially those who make literary films and old guys from major associations, have issued articles accusing him, saying that he is too arrogant, does not understand sense of proportion, and does not know the heights of heaven and earth...

Chen Fei originally thought that this matter had nothing to do with him, but he never found the one who was supposed to come. These people were obviously not prepared to let him go.

To this, he just replied lightly, "Isn't this the truth?"

A bunch of old dogs!
Can I still scare you?

If you want to scold you, just scold you!
If you have the ability, go and win a European three-gold Grand Slam. If you want to talk to me, at least win a Golden Bear, Golden Palm or Golden Lion first!

The interview ended quickly.

Chen Fei did not stay too long in Los Angeles and went straight to New York that afternoon.

He is going to film "Avengers" as soon as possible. As for the follow-up matters in Los Angeles, Natasha will help him take care of everything.



The first-day box office data of "The Hunger Games" reached Chen Fei's ears on the day "Avengers" was launched.

"North America, $7726.3 million!"

Natasha's voice even stuttered slightly when she spoke. This result simply beats "Tron: Legacy" and "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader"!

While Chen Fei was shouting for everyone on the set to get ready for a group photo, he asked: "Is the North American box office champion in December confirmed?"

"It can't be more stable!"

"Haha, that's good, keep waiting. If the box office results are good, you can just announce that "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" will be released in 2, which is the Lunar New Year festival the year after next."

"Ok, I promise to complete the task."

After ending the call, Natasha glanced at the stock market that had opened.

Sure enough, the stock price once again ushered in a surge!
News from Hollywood quickly spread back to China, including Chen Fei's "domineering response" and the first-day box office results of his new movie.

"At the premiere of "The Hunger Games", when being interviewed by reporters, Director Chen Fei expressed his approval of Director Jiang Wen's remarks and responded with, 'Isn't this true?'"

"The movie "The Hunger Games" had a box office of US$7726.3 million on its first day. Director Chen's new film broke the record again..."

"On the day of the premiere, the number of theaters showing it in North America was as high as 4137, and the average box office was as high as $1.8. It's really scary!"

"Another masterpiece with a global box office of over 10 billion US dollars is about to be born?"


Jiang Wen called and smiled bitterly, "Thank you, brother, if you hadn't spoken uprightly, I might have been beaten to death by those old guys in the industry!"

He had had a little drink at the time and his head was hot, so he couldn't hold back and told the truth.

When he got up the next day, he discovered that almost half of the old guys in the film and television industry had come out, and he was so frightened that he woke up from drinking the night before!
If it weren't for Chen Fei, he would still be the target of those people's anger.

Chen Fei was quite curious, "What do people in the industry say about me? Has anyone posted an article to criticize me?"

"Of course not. Don't even think about it. European three-gold Grand Slam director + Golden Bear Best Actor + No. 1 in domestic entertainment, and one of the top three commercial directors in the world. Who dares to antagonize you? Does he still want to get involved?
That's right... It's impossible for the movies you make in the future to win awards in the Mainland. I heard people say that people from Golden Rooster, Baihua, and Huabiao have already said hello. In the future, you can't even think about winning an award for the movies you make. Even Including the movies produced by your company, it is probably difficult to win awards..."

"Pfft, hahahaha!"

Chen Fei burst out laughing on the spot.

Golden rooster? Hundred flowers? Huabiao?

Not to mention going to participate, even if those people came to invite him with eight sedans, he would definitely not go!

"You won't give me a prize? Do you think I care about that thing?"

"That's true. I think they just want to save some face for themselves."

After chatting for a few words, the two quickly changed the topic.

Jiang Wen was in the mainland and knew a lot more news than Chen Fei, and he was telling him all kinds of inside stories.

"The box office growth of "If You Are the One 2" is slightly inferior. Our "Let the Bullets Fly" has almost reached 5 million, and it is still rushing to 3 million."

"The second male lead in "The Thirteen Beauties" was recently cast. A large number of first-line male stars went there, but in the end only Tong Dawei was left. I heard it was because he speaks the best English."

"Zhang Weiping is indeed a ruthless person. The 6 million yuan came from bank loans. He refused any investors to participate. He said that he wanted to hit the 10 billion box office and would never lose to your "Heart Blossoms". He even said that it would be released next year. Beat "Gravity"!"

"The male protagonist Bell seems to be pretty awesome. Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou respect him very much. Sure enough, a foreign monk can chant sutras!"


The two chatted for half an hour before hanging up the phone. The actors on the set had already lined up in order, but no one dared to rush him.

Looking around, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson... which one of these people is not Billionaire box office actor?
However, even though these people are much older than him, they are all at the junior level in terms of position!
Robert Downey Jr., who plays Iron Man, has become popular since 08, and is almost catching up with Leonardo in terms of salary and endorsements.

But when standing in front of Chen Fei, he was still respectful.

This is Chen Fei's status in Hollywood.

Who is dissatisfied?

Who dares to say no?


After clapped his hands twice, Chen Fei waved to Jon Favreau and the Russo brothers who served as assistant directors, and said: "Come on, take pictures quickly and get ready to start shooting!"

There were many American media and reporters from China at the launch site. Therefore, as the group photo was taken, news of the launch of "Avengers" quickly spread.

"The "Avengers" with an investment cost of US$2.5 million has officially started shooting. The filming lineup is extremely luxurious. Chen Fei personally directed it. The members include Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and others."

"The Marvel journey begins again! The Avengers! Officially assembled!"



(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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