It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 464: Master Guan Er cuckolded Liu Bei?

Chapter 464 Did Mr. Guan cuckold Liu Bei?
"What? Teacher Six was attacked?"

In the office, Chen Fei, who was drawing storyboards, received a call from Yang Yu.

"Yes, Director Chen, you can go to Weibo. Director Zheng Baorui of Xiangjiang not only posted on Weibo to ridicule him, but even specially @ him, hahahaha!"

On the other end of the phone, Yang Yu could no longer control the excitement in her heart, and burst into laughter after finishing speaking.

During this period, "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" was ridiculed by Teacher Six, and they were all suffocating in their hearts.

Now that this energy has finally been expressed, I feel full of energy!

Chen Fei specially went to Weibo to watch.

Zheng Baorui is not the kind of person with a good temper. Faced with the "public opinion attack" and "original attack" from Teacher Six, he directly responded:

"Didn't you just rely on your performance as Sun Wukong back then? Yes, I admit that your performance was indeed good, and it can be regarded as a classic.

But "Journey to the West" doesn't belong to you, so no one else can play it, right? Are you Sun Wukong himself? Are you Mr. Wu himself? Do you have the final say on whether or not you can act and how you act?

Word-of-mouth collapsed across the board, and the box office was a mess...

She always seems to be very happy?
"Hehe, someone gave me a script again and wanted me to play the female lead."

But if he puts it outside, people won't give him face at all!
The sentence "Is Journey to the West yours?" immediately broke his guard.

Teacher Six, who used to give advice on various Journey to the West-themed movies and TV series on Weibo, suddenly died today!

I have been playing the role of a monkey all my life in the movie, and I also have a hint of monkey nature outside the movie.

"Okay, let's not talk about her anymore. Why did you come here suddenly?" Chen Fei closed the Weibo interface and looked at the beautiful and charming Miss Liu in front of him with some confusion.

Chen Fei briefly browsed through the comments below and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The pianist father and Song Cuide spread rumors about transgender and lied about their age...

The same is true for Wu Zhenyu. He publicly stated on the show, "Now that the movie has become such a situation, it is actually not the individual's fault. To be really responsible, maybe the direction was wrong when shooting at the beginning..."

After looking over her head to take a look at Chen Fei's painting progress, she shifted her gaze and fixed her eyes on the computer screen.

"Tiantian is so pitiful. So many people scold her. It's not her fault alone."

He is just a monkey actor, not a real monkey.

When you are a small rock, everyone will step on you with disdain. When you are a big rock, many people want to kick you away. When you are a small mountain, many people will I want to climb over you, but when you are an unreachable mountain, everyone just wants to avoid you...

Although Lu Zheng's strong support bought her a lot of resources, it also blocked the way of too many people.

None of the leading actors were spared, and they all became the targets of scolding!
Jing Tian, ​​in particular, became the target of the fire.

Sun Honglei said that he went too far and ruined the role. He sincerely apologized and said that he would make corrections in the future.

Who do you think you are if you suppress your peers, disrespect or be grateful to noble people? What qualifications do you have to point fingers here? If you think our photography is not good, then go ahead and do it yourself. Who is stopping you?
If you don't have the ability, just stay at home quietly and raise monkeys. Don't come out to scratch your ears and make others laugh. "

This reply was not polite at all, and it immediately stunned Teacher Six.

After this time, Teacher Six will probably be able to calm down for a while.

When Chen Fei reached out to take it, he could even feel a touch of warmth on the cover.

Now Liu Yifei has become an unattainable mountain, but Jing Tian is not.

While talking, Liu Yifei handed over the script she was holding in her arms.

It's a pity that even though the two of them took responsibility, the scolding of Jing Tian on the Internet did not decrease.

However, those male actors were quite manly and did not shirk all their responsibilities.

"Is it another light script?"

Her journey along the way was also full of thorns.

Apart from the scolding battle between Teacher Six and Director Zheng Baorui, most of the hot topics on Weibo right now are focused on "Warring States".

Miss Liu obviously felt the same way. She thought back then, she had suffered no less abuse than Jing Tian.

"Yes, they said they are willing to give me a salary of 1300 million yuan. The investment in the film will be increased to million yuan this time to ensure the quality."

There were many people watching below, waiting to see the joke.

Everyone wanted to see how Teacher Six would respond to this, but they were unable to wait.

Chen Fei happily ate the melon for a while, and then stopped paying attention.

"The scolding is so cruel!"

But if nothing else happens, when movies such as "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage", "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven" and other movies come out, he will definitely come out to be a monster again.

""Four Famous Catchers"?"

I heard that he often goes to Mount Emei to see wild monkeys and learn their movements and expressions, but he never expected that even the temperament and habits of the monkeys would be integrated into his life.

"Haha, that's interesting."

At this time, Liu Yifei opened the door and walked in.

In the Mainland, he relies on his seniority to give pointers to many juniors.

Looking at the title of the script, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly.

Competing with Wu Zhenyu, dancing with Kim Hee Sun, and acting with Sun Honglei... she failed miserably in all of them, and the plot was even worse. She, the lead actor, must bear the main responsibility.

Chen Fei briefly looked through it.

It is a period martial arts film. The story tells the story of the cold-blooded, ruthless, iron-handed, and life-seeking policemen from the Shenhou Mansion during the Huizong period of the Song Dynasty. Under the leadership of their master Zhuge Zhengwo, they united with the Six Doors to investigate the counterfeit money case in the capital.

Compared with "Painting on the Wall", the story line of this script is much richer.

But... this book is obviously not worthy of the current Liu Yifei.

"Do you want to act?" Chen Fei didn't force her to refuse directly.

"I'm not going to act. I just want you to see if it's suitable for Tiantian. They said this movie will start shooting in May, but I don't have a schedule. If it's suitable for Tiantian, I will recommend her to act."

"Huh?" Chen Fei looked at her in surprise, "Are you quite a nice person?"

"That's right!" Miss Liu raised her chin and chuckled: "I originally wanted to recommend it to Changchang, but she has to prepare "Xiu Chun Dao 2", which can be played by Tiantian."

She and Shu Chang formed a friendship while acting in "Dragon", while she and Jing Tian met in "Mulan".

Although the three little girls also compete with each other for resources, they are all kind-hearted people, and naturally they will not have any evil intentions when getting along.

In addition, Liu Yifei's current resources are almost out of the country, so naturally she no longer competes with them, and they get along more harmoniously.

No, seeing how pitiful Jing Tian is lately, Liu Yifei is still thinking about introducing resources to her.

Chen Fei nodded, "It's quite suitable, but I just don't know..."

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door interrupted Chen Fei's words.

The secretary opened the door and walked in, reminding: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Ye from Wanda and the star-studded Lu Zheng have come to the company. They said they want to meet you."


Well, if you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here?

"Invite them in."

"it is good."

The secretary responded and turned around and went out.

After a while, Ye Ning, Lu Zheng, and Jing Tian appeared in Chen Fei's office.



The two little girls looked at each other and were stunned, obviously not expecting to meet here.

"Mr. Ye? Mr. Lu?"

Looking at Ye Ning, who looked a little embarrassed, and Lu Zheng, who was worried, Chen Fei seemed to have guessed something.

"Mr. Chen, this time...well, I want to ask you to help me."

Lu Zheng didn't ramble on, and went straight to the point: "You have seen what happened in "Warring States". We made a mistake this time, and Tiantian suffered too much criticism.

I've thought about it a lot, and now only you can help. "

Chen Fei glanced at Ye Ning, and when he recalled Lu Zheng's identity as a shareholder of Wanda Pictures, he suddenly understood.

""Pacific Rim"?"

"Yes." Lu Zheng nodded, with a flash of expectation in his eyes, "As for the female role, do you know if Tiantian has a chance to play it?"

This was the only chance he could think of to restore Jing Tian's reputation.

As long as Jing Tian can become the heroine of a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster, she will definitely be able to suppress the popularity of "Warring States"! He has even decided that if he can reach an agreement with Chen Fei, "Warring States" will be completely offline, striving to minimize the impact on Jing Tian.

Taking a detailed look at this girl's situation during her three years since her debut, she has actually always been involved with Chen Fei.

The MV for her first solo album "Who Are You" was recorded by Ning Hao and Chen Fei together, and her debut work "2012" was written by Chen Fei.

After the failure of "Anaconda", she made a comeback with "Mulan".

After her first TV series "A Woman's Epic" was pulled from the shelves, she received a lot of praise with "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "The Adventures of Li Xianli", so much so that "My Beautiful Boss" was included in the 100 million yuan box office list.

But now, "Warring States" failed miserably, and she appeared in front of Chen Fei again.

Chen Fei seems to be about to become her salvation...

Jing Tian?

The heroine of "Pacific Rim"?
Chen Fei thought for a moment and unexpectedly discovered that it was not that inconsistent.

Although she is the heroine, she is actually a vase character. After all, the main selling points of this science fiction blockbuster are mechas and monsters.

The scenes of the heroine are just to assist the advancement of the plot, and the requirements for acting skills are not high.

At this time, Ye Ning suddenly said: "Wanda is willing to give up 2% of the investment share for her to play this role."


No wonder this girl is criticized as a resource person!
Chen Fei suddenly shook his head, but before he could say anything, Lu Zheng's face already showed a hint of disappointment.

Jing Tian, ​​who was standing on the other side, had red eyes.

Liu Yifei opened her mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly realized that she was not qualified to persuade Chen Fei to make any decision.

She knew Chen Fei and knew that he was a very principled person.

If it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't work. Few people can force him to change his principles!
But at this moment, Chen Fei's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, "It's just a role. Since Mr. Lu has spoken, I must give you face.

As for giving up the investment share, forget it, haha, if I need Mr. Ye's help with anything in the future, just don't kick me out of Wanda. "

In an instant, everyone else in the office's eyes lit up.

He agreed!

"Mr. Chen is really good at joking. If you come to Wanda as a guest, I will definitely welcome you with both hands and feet, haha."

Ye Ning made a joke, but in his heart he was thinking that he owed Chen Fei more and more "plums"!

At this time, Lu Zheng had a bright smile on his face. He quickly turned his head to look at Jing Tian and gave her a look.

The latter took a step forward knowingly, his face full of gratitude, "Chen...Don't worry, Director Chen, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Although the "female pilot" is a vase character, she is not without highlights. At least she has a unique stubbornness.

But now, after experiencing the failure of "Warring States", Jing Tian is still able to maintain his mentality, which just shows this stubbornness.

Although this girl's acting skills are not very good, she is quite suitable for her true character, such as "My Beautiful Boss" and "Si Teng" that exist in Chen Fei's memory.

"Huh? Then my script is useless?"

Liu Yifei looked at Jing Tian, ​​then at Chen Fei, and suddenly thought of the "Four Famous Catchers" she was holding in her hand.

"Haha, Jingtian, you have to thank Liu Yifei, she has put a lot of thought into it for you..."

Chen Fei explained specifically that Miss Liu's kindness could not be wasted.

"Thank you, Sister Sissi, for working so hard on me."

Jing Tian's eyes turned red again. She obviously didn't expect that Liu Yifei would help her find resources.

"It's okay, it's okay, just solve it." Liu Yifei waved her hands indifferently, and said to herself: "Then I will give this notebook to the light and return it."

Chen Fei suddenly felt something in his heart, "Give it to me first. I have a candidate here that I can let her try."

It's quite embarrassing to say that he didn't expect Jing Tian to come over and ask for this role, so he called Yang Mi in advance and asked her to come over for an audition.

Now that the role of "female pilot" has been given to Jing Tian, ​​he definitely can't let Yang Mi go all the way, so he can simply introduce her to the light side.


Liu Yifei nodded and placed the script on Chen Fei's desk.

She has to go to the "Your Name" filming location tomorrow to take a look at the set effects. If it passes the review, she can prepare to start filming!


After the cooperation was negotiated, Lu Zheng took Jing Tian and left in a hurry.

Although the role here has been confirmed, the impact of "Warring States" still exists. He must minimize the impact before the "Pacific Rim" crew announces the role list.

This is a tough job!

Because "Guan Yunchang", also released in April, obviously will not give up this opportunity to suppress his opponents and improve his own skills.

Although Lu Zheng had already guessed that his opponent was going to attack, he just didn't expect it to come so quickly!

Just that afternoon, the crew of "Guan Yunchang" posted a text on Weibo: "Adaptation cannot be without 'sides'. The historical blockbuster "Guan Yunchang" will be released soon, so stay tuned!"

Along with this passage, a poster and introduction about the theme of "Guan Yunchang" appeared.

[The movie tells the story of how after Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei, his second brother Guan Yunchang was forced to surrender to Cao Cao in order to protect his childhood sweetheart sister-in-law, but he was in Cao Cao's camp and his heart was in Han...]

Netizens' intention to make fun of me has been discovered again.

One of the most liked comments on Weibo said:

"Isn't this the story of Mr. Guan escorting his childhood sweetheart, his sister-in-law, all the way to find his elder brother?"

There was a burst of ridicule below.

Where there is a Crouching Dragon, how could there be no Fengxiao?
Chen Fei still adheres to his point of view.

The director and actors of Xiangjiang are definitely not good at making historical films! Especially biographical movies like this will definitely be confused by them.

The best example is "Red Cliff".

"Mengmeng, stand up, work harder, stand up..."

To this day, when thinking back to Lin Chiling's line, Chen Fei still feels a chill!
What is this horse riding thing?
Of course, although the introduction hints that Mr. Guan is preparing to cuckold Liu Bei, the poster is full of highlights!

Especially Cao Cao played by Jiang Wen.

That gesture, that look, that momentum...

Chen Fei even felt that Jiang Wen in this poster would kick the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in the next second, and then shouted: "I want you to see, what is the surprise of riding a horse?"

He suddenly felt pity for the Xiangjiang actors who acted with Jiang Wen.

Let Jiang Wen be the villain? Carry a sedan for you?
How unthinkable are you?
This guy is a great actor!


Yang Mi arrived at the company in the afternoon of the next day.

When she received a call from Chen Fei that day, she was filming a commercial in Shanghai and would not be able to get back for a while.

She finally finished the filming after working overtime. She didn't even take a break and flew back overnight.

When she knocked on the door, she was still thinking, if Chen Fei really called her back for the heroine of "Pacific Rim", would she also be able to take this opportunity to go international?
However, when she opened the door and saw Wang Changtian who was chatting happily with Chen Fei, a bad feeling suddenly arose in her heart.

""Four Famous Catchers"?"

Looking at the script handed over by Chen Fei, her heart quickly sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, she still thought too much. Even though her national popularity is very high now, she still doesn't have access to top scripts like "Pacific Rim".

"The role you will be auditioning for is "Ruthless", with Deng Chao and Jiang Yiyan..."

Chen Fei briefly told her about the role, and then introduced Wang Changtian to her, "You will follow Mr. Wang to the light later. Director Chen Jiashang will personally audition for you to see if you can get this role. It depends on your ability.”

"Okay, thank you Mr. Chen, thank you Mr. Wang, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity..."

Although she was a little regretful that she couldn't star in "Pacific Rim", Yang Mi was quite satisfied with the script.

"Ruthless" is a female lead after all, and the quality is much better than the previous "Far Cry".

It's just...

Looking at the name "Jiang Yiyan" marked in the script, she frowned slightly.

This woman is an artist from Chengtian. I heard that she has a very deep mind. I wonder if there will be a resource conflict with her during the filming and post-production promotion?
As for whether she can pass the audition, Yang Mi is not too worried.

With her current popularity, it is no problem to be the heroine, and with Chen Fei's recommendation, this female lead will definitely not be able to escape.

Her only worry now is that the other people in this drama seem to have very deep backgrounds. How should she show her position and status in the industry to keep her head above other actresses...


(ps: First update, please double the monthly ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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