It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 465 Bad movie? Selling rot? Do you know what a drama tyrant is? The best winning team MVP se

Chapter 465 Bad movie? Selling rot? Do you know what a drama tyrant is? The best winning team MVP settlement screen is here!

On April 4, Chen Fei received an email from Hollywood.

The content of the email is about the box office performance of the animated film "Rio" produced by 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios.

3921 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend.

The seven-day total box office was US$5445 million.

Compared with the gimmick of "3D animated movie", this box office result is obviously unqualified.

The follow-up depends on the total global box office performance. It must be at least US$3 million to recover the cost, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

Perhaps for publicity, this 3D animated film masterpiece "Rio" created by the original team of "Ice Age" has reached a marriage relationship with the world's most popular game "Angry Birds" and jointly launched "Angry Birds Rio" game.

The plot of the game combines the characters and plots in the movie, which has a very good publicity effect.

This publicity strategy gave Chen Fei a lot of inspiration.

Tang Dynasty has just announced "Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky", and on the other side it is reported that Yang Mi will play the heroine of "Four Famous Catchers".

In addition, the email also contains a piece of Hollywood distribution data about "Warring States".

Since her position couldn't be changed, she would find a way to add drama to herself.

When she auditioned, she actually wanted to win the role of "Ruthless", but she was rejected by the director team.

What made her even more depressed was that some time ago, she wanted to invite Chen Fei to invest in "Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky" and continue resource replacement.

After hearing that Liu Yifei would not participate in the show, she immediately found Wu Kebo and asked him to help.

It's only 7 US dollars a week. How can we lose everything?
[Weinstein Films. 】

The light moves quickly.

Cai Yinong was puzzled.

"The new Chinese-style ancient martial arts is adapted from the series of martial arts novels "Four Famous Catchers" written by writer Wen Ruijian. It is absolutely consistent with the original work..."

With two movies featuring female leads in succession, this is a trend that is going to completely explode!
Cai Yinong suddenly felt a little nauseous.

As long as the script is suitable for Liu Yifei to star in, she needs to go through it after it is created. Only if she is sure not to star, other actresses can audition.

Weekly box office, $7...

What's the point of riding a horse?

After Yang Mi passed the audition, within two days, the casting list for "The Four Famous Catchers" was announced.

Chen Fei immediately became happy. That old dog Harvey has often crazily suppressed the foreign distribution prices of Chinese-language films in the mainland in recent years. Unexpectedly, this time he actually stumbled upon the distribution of "Warring States"!
After this wave, he will lose at least several million dollars.

But, she definitely won't admit defeat.

Jiang Yiyan was very unwilling, but she was helpless.

He contacted Katzenberg and told him to try to co-brand the company's animation copyright with those popular games, which might have a great publicity effect.

After the news came out, a burst of discussion inevitably broke out in the circle, and the topic almost all focused on Yang Mi.

Chen Fei took another look at the list of issuers.

Because there is a lot of attention to the female lead, Jiang Yiyan is always keeping an eye on the casting situation.

Jiang Yiyan suppressed her displeasure, but she could only accept the role of the second female lead.

However, before Cheng Tian could exert any force, Yang Mi came forward and caught her off guard.

He was a little curious, which publishing company was so unlucky?

After Tang Yan and Gulinazha are finalized, the cooperation between the two companies will be completely over, and Tang Ren will have to rely on himself from now on.


It's strange to say that they both participated in Sword and Fairy, but Liu Yifei in the first movie has become famous in Hollywood, and Yang Mi in the third movie is also very popular.

Everyone is not blind and can naturally see that since Yang Mi left Rong Xinda, the development has been getting better and better!
The movie "Gong Lock Heart Jade" directly boosted the national popularity, "Far Cry" has the leading female lead, and now "The Four Famous Catchers" has the leading female lead...

Because Guangguang is a publicity and media person, once the list was announced, it immediately made the headlines through various hype methods!
"The cast of "Four Famous Catchers" with an investment of 9000 million yuan has been officially confirmed, and the male lead Deng Chao, the female lead Yang Mi, and the second female lead Jiang Yiyan have joined the cast."

In the current Chinese film market, there is actually an unwritten rule.

On the other side, Jiang Yiyan and Cai Yinong were in exactly the same mood, and they were both depressed.


According to Chen Jiashang, the script must be shown to Liu Yifei first, and only if she does not play the "leading female role" can other actresses get the turn.

If it were just Yang Mi, she would still have some confidence.

But she soon found out that it was Chen Fei who personally recommended Wang Changtian...

How can a TV series compare with a movie that someone else invested 9000 million in?
Obviously, Liu Shishi was compared again.

“Special effects production continues to work together with DotDing Digital!”

"Hahaha, good!"

Unfortunately, he was ruthlessly rejected in the end.

On the other hand, none of their own actors from Tang Dynasty had any success, and they were repeatedly outperformed during auditions.

No matter what happens, she must beat Yang Mi!
"She's just a female artist who got popular by chance. She can't compare to Liu Yifei. How can I compare to you?"

Looking at Yang Mi's makeup photo on the poster, Jiang Yiyan smiled coldly.

She is from Nortel in level 02, and Yang Mi is in level 05. She is a senior, and bullying... Oh no, it is reasonable to give guidance to the juniors in their performances, right?
She now regarded Yang Mi as a soft persimmon in her heart, and she was just waiting to squeeze her twice after turning on the phone.


"Warring States" retreated quickly, and it was completely removed from theaters in less than half a month.

Lu Zheng spent a lot of effort to find connections to try to minimize the impact on Jing Tian.

After all, they had received money, so the media were still very considerate and gradually reduced all kinds of negative reports on "Warring States".

That is to say, "Guan Yunchang" is quite disgusting. When doing promotions, he always mentions these two sentences, which makes him look extremely petty.

While drinking that night, Lu Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Wait until their movie comes out and see if I don't kill them!"

Offending Lu Zheng is equivalent to offending Wanda, and the film schedule will definitely be affected.

Not to mention the quality of the movie is good, but if there is any problem, then they will be in big trouble!
Liu Yifei had already gone to the "Your Name" studio in advance. While Chen Fei was preparing in the capital, he met with several actors and briefly chatted about the next shooting plan.

I have worked with Zhu Zhu many times, but there is not much to talk about.

"Just act as you are, sexy senior, no need for me to say more, right?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Director Chen, there will be absolutely no problem!"

When she was filming "Shoplifters" before, she played the role of a support girl, and she still hasn't forgotten the experience she learned there.

The key is still Zhao Liying's side.

Chen Fei's requirement is to have a sweet appearance, but also have a bit of cold humor and playfulness, and this is a test of acting skills.

But to his surprise, this little girl acted quite well, and easily achieved the effect he wanted.

"I remember you signed a contract with Huayi very early, right? Your acting skills are pretty good too? Why haven't you become popular for so long?"

Chen Fei's question was very direct.

Zhao Liying smiled awkwardly and explained: "The competition within Huayi is quite fierce, and good resources are not available to newcomers like us."

Recalling Huayi's tricks of poaching people everywhere, Chen Fei could understand.

The newcomer grabs the head, while the old man lies down and takes it...

"But my contract is about to expire and I'm ready to leave."

"Oh?" Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and asked casually: "Where are you going next?"

Zhao Liying whispered: "I'm going to Feiyinghuang. It's been agreed that the contract will be officially signed in May."

"Haha, you are welcome to come, the company has another general."

Feiyinghuang's agency has actually changed quite a lot in the past few years. China Film and Emperor Film and Television have been gradually withdrawing due to their inability to exert their efforts. On the contrary, Feiyue Film and Television's share is getting larger and larger.

However, Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to these. Su Guohai was responsible for everything.

Anyway, if he needs an actor, he will choose from the list. If he doesn't find one suitable, he will choose from outside. As long as it is from his script, no one in the entire Chinese circle will refuse. ~

The invitation to the premiere of "Guan Yunchang" was sent as expected, but Chen Fei did not go. Instead, he sent Ning Hao for a trip.

The script for "Silver Linings Playbook" has been written, and he has to discuss the plot with Mr. Woody Allen.

It took several hours for the two of them to revise some details over the phone.

Just after hanging up the phone, Ning Hao opened the door and walked in as if he had made an appointment in advance.

As soon as Chen Fei looked up, he saw the smile on his face that he couldn't suppress.

"What? Did you pick up the money? Are you so happy?"


Ning Hao suddenly couldn't hold back his laughter, and the gold chain around his neck shook even more.

While laughing, he said: "You should really watch the finished film. Don't treat it as a biographical movie, treat it like a comedy. I guarantee you will laugh for more than an hour!"

When he said this, Chen Fei really became interested.

That night, he even bought a midnight movie ticket and went to the cinema himself.

As Ning Hao said, this horse riding is indeed an excellent "comedy".

Mr. Guan Erye, who was over two meters tall, was suddenly photographed to be 1.7 meters tall!

Donnie Yen looks like a monkey that has lost its hair, and the image of the handsome man is even more messed up.

What's even more outrageous is that when Guan Yu, played by Donnie Yen, was fighting with his enemy in an alley, a gangster stepped on him and broke the Qinglong Yanyue Sword!

That horse-riding knife weighs 82 pounds!
Chen Fei obviously noticed that many movie fans around him were confused.

If this were the "Knife Cutting to Death" in Maicheng City, and the plot and scenes were slightly processed, it would still be barely understandable, but if you break the knife after passing five levels and killing six generals, it's... it's almost like the second level. What an insult!

At the end, Chen Fei didn't know how to evaluate it.

This thing is really hard to review.

All kinds of outrageous, all kinds of unreasonable, just like watching young and Dangerous boys fighting with weapons on the street.

However, Jiang Wen's appearance is the highlight of the entire movie.

Ignoring the obvious profligate line "I just like you..." and looking at the acting, it's simply a crushing performance!
When Zhen Zizhen stood in front of Jiang Wen, his aura was completely suppressed.

Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh, "You still want Jiang Wen to help you carry the sedan? Do you know what a drama bully is? He can pull you out of the sedan by riding a horse, and then sit in by himself!"

After watching the entire movie, the theater was completely silent.

When Chen Fei was walking out, he could still hear people cursing around him, and from time to time he could hear one or two curse words.

That is to say, his status is quite special, otherwise he would definitely be scolded.

During previous promotions, the crew of "Guan Yunchang" announced that the monthly box office target is 6 million yuan!

Director Mai Zhaohui even said, "I am confident that this epic biopic will be the number one box office hit this year. As for movies like "Warring States", they are not worthy of being compared with ours."

The slogans were shouted loudly, and the publicity and enthusiasm were also very high, but who would have thought that the finished film would actually be such a thing?

On the way back, Chen Fei carefully compared the two movies and quickly came to a conclusion.

This movie is not even as good as "Warring States"!

The box office on the first day was 1510 million.

The results are below average, and the distance to 6 million is simply far away!
Chen Fei saw a new Weibo post from the crew of "Guan Yunchang", saying that the film's schedule had been greatly affected, otherwise the box office on the first day would definitely be more than 3000 million.

But the comments below are contrary to these remarks.

"You still have a box office of 3000 million yuan? You want to eat shit? It disgusts me to death."

"I just want to ask, where did your crew hide Erye Guan's Qinglong Yanyue Knife? What the hell is this short knife used to chop onions when riding a horse?"

"Brother upstairs, do you even need to ask? If you give him an 82-pound real knife, can he dance?"

"Cao Cao is following Guan Yu??? Jiang Wen! What are you doing! Why are you acting in such a bad movie?"

"Pfft... Labor and management took a sip of coke and Guan Yu's sword was actually broken by stepping on it? The screenwriter is really a bad writer!"

It was okay on the first day. There were not many people watching the movie. In addition, the marketing there was better and the comments were deleted quickly enough, so it hasn't officially exploded yet.

But on the third day, with Lu Zheng’s strong entrance, the online comments exploded!
"I'm sorry for "Warring States", I'm sorry Jing Tian, ​​I wrongly blamed you. It turns out that the real bad movie is still following behind."

"Same investment, same bad movie, more than 40 yuan wasted in vain."

"Pfft, how did you have the nerve to laugh at someone else's "Warring States" without even looking at what you were filming?"

"To be honest, I personally think this "The Legend of Cao Cao" is quite good. Director Jiang Wen's performance level is really high, domineering, flamboyant, and like a hero! It's a pity that Donnie Yen, who plays a supporting role, has too many scenes... "

"Pfft, God is riding a horse in "The Legend of Cao Cao". This movie is called "Guan Yunchang"!"

"Huh? That 1 meter kid is Mr. Guan?"

If the reputation of a movie is good enough, even if someone on the Internet bribes the manuscript to expose the negative news, fans will spontaneously boycott it.

But if the movie itself is a bad movie, then the buy-out script becomes a clarion call to charge.

For a time, netizens followed Lu Zheng and went crazy, criticizing this movie as shit!

The bad reputation of "Warring States" was smoothly taken over by "Guan Yunchang". No matter how hard Mai Zhaohui and Zhuang Wenqiang tried, they couldn't match Lu Zheng's speed in getting the manuscript approved.

It's a bad movie to begin with, why can't it be as dark as you want?
At the same time, the crew of "Pacific Rim" also announced the casting list.

There are a lot of third-tier artists from China on the list, most of them playing supporting roles and extras. If you look at it, almost all of them are artists from Feiyinghuang Agency.

As for the two important roles, they were naturally obtained by Wu Jing and Jing Tian smoothly.

Many people noticed Jing Tian's name and recalled "Warring States" at the same time.

But this time, their focus was almost entirely on "Guan Yunchang", and they had no time to pay attention to a little girl.

the reason is simple.

It can be said that "Warring States" apologized immediately and admitted its mistake very sincerely.

On the other hand, "Guan Yunchang" is full of sexy tricks!

Not only did they offer a reward of more than 100,000 yuan to catch whoever hacked this movie, they even made false claims in front of the media, saying that mainland movie fans did not understand the history of the Three Kingdoms at all...

Even Jiang Wen was deceived, saying that he was a drama tyrant, playing a big role in the crew, deliberately suppressing the scene, stealing the scene...

Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to what happened next, because this movie was definitely a loser!
Time quickly came to the 29th, and the movie "Fast and Furious 5" in which he participated in a cameo was officially launched in North American theaters.

Although he didn't go to the premiere, he was paying attention to the box office performance.

3439.9 million US dollars.

This is the data sent to him by Wen Ziren.

"Hey! Is this the time to break through 6 million US dollars?"

"Yes." Wen Ziren said excitedly: "Universal Pictures said that the attendance rate is very high. They will increase their publicity funds in the future. This movie is likely to create a new miracle..."

After hearing what he said, Chen Fei became interested.

He logged on to Rotten Tomatoes and looked at the reviews from netizens.

"There are physical fights, famous cars, beauties, and Paul. This series made me fall deeply in love with this blue-eyed tough guy. He is just and awe-inspiring, kind and sincere. His love for Mia is also very touching. It's really I hope this series will not end, we are friends and family!”

"This might be the best installment in the entire Fast & Furious franchise!"

"The beginning of the upgrade of the Fast and Furious series, the introduction of the hot-blooded tough guy Johnson, the comprehensive improvement of special effects also means that the series has been upgraded from a B-level movie to an A-level production blockbuster. The original cast and the supporting characters with distinctive personalities in the series have launched the concept of a speeding family. , it’s really great!”

"The part of dragging the safe along the road was really awesome!"

"Oh! Yes! I really want to experience Fei's life, holding a beautiful girl in my arms and holding the steering wheel of a luxury car in my hands. It feels so good just thinking about it!"


As expected, the final scene of Chen Fei holding Gal Gadot and driving became the envy of many movie fans.

This is simply the best winning team MVP settlement screen!


(Second update, please double the monthly pass?)
(End of this chapter)

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