It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 466: Running away after being scolded? Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of talking t

Chapter 466: Running away after being scolded? Who do you think you are? Do you deserve to talk to me like this?

May is here as expected.

"Guan Yunchang" successfully exceeded 500 million in box office amid criticism, but the daily new box office has plummeted to less than million.

The production team has been completely ruined. Not only have they withdrawn all promotional activities, several of the main creators have fled to Xiangjiang for fear of being beaten...

Today is different from the past. Xiangjiang movies are no longer popular in the mainland.

If the quality of the film is excellent, fans will naturally support it, but if it is a bad film, you still have to scold it!
"Why haven't you left yet?"

Chen Fei didn't expect to meet Jiang Wen at China Film.

"Where am I going?" Jiang Wen looked confused.

"Xiangjiang, didn't Zhen Zizhen and the others run back? Why don't you run away? Aren't you afraid of being beaten?"


Jiang Wen obviously didn't want to talk about this topic with Chen Fei anymore, so he immediately changed the subject, "What are you doing here?"

"'Gravity'?" Jiang Wen asked with great interest.

"No." Chen Fei shook his head, "The schedule of that movie has been decided, and it is still on the National Day schedule. This time I came here for "Chilling 2"."

Success or failure depends on this!
As for May…

Chen Fei is still looking forward to the next filming.

"Just November 11th."

Chen Fei did not learn from him, but took over the schedule from Han Sanping and began to choose a suitable "getting married" date for "Cold War 2".

"Red Cliff", "Warring States", "Guan Yunchang", these bad movies are all produced by Xiangjiang!

The two of them walked into Han Sanping's office while talking.

According to the script, what the male protagonist likes most after changing his body is touching a bear!
And the female protagonist who changes into the body of the male protagonist is...

The preparations for "Your Name" have come to an end. Part of the team has already gone to Fengyang Village, and another part of the team is setting up scenes in the capital. The filming will start in two days.

This guy has done too many bad movies, and it has completely consumed the popularity accumulated by "Ip Man 1" and "Ip Man 2". It's better to slow down for a while.

Fortunately, there is no need for Huo Qigang to follow up later, otherwise whether it can be released next year is another matter.

Chen Fei shrugged and said nonchalantly: "The facts are already clear. Director Xiangjiang cannot make historical films well."

"Wait a little longer, Donnie's not a good time to come to the mainland for promotion."

Gu Changwei took out his new movie "The Favorite" and led Aaron Kwok and Zhang Ziyi to go up.

"The co-production formalities have been completed. I'll come over to sign a supplementary agreement and select a schedule for the movie."

With these four Hollywood blockbusters overwhelming them forever, which domestic film can hold up?

After looking at it for a long time, Chen Fei finally set his sights on November.

I finally waited for April, but I didn’t expect that one of the two epic masterpieces with an investment of over 4 million yuan would be worse than the other, which directly disgusted the movie fans.

Jiang Wen, who was making tea, nodded fiercely.

Han Sanping picked up the pen and scratched the watch twice, then seemed to think of something again, and looked at Chen Fei with some curiosity, "I heard that "Ip Man 3" has also been filmed. When are you going to film it?"

It's quite fun to think about changing souls and bodies, and it's also between opposite sexes.

Behind the desk, Han Sanping took over the schedule and set her sights on November.

"Rio", "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", "Fast and Furious 5", "The Hangover 2".

Now, there is only one "Painted Skin 2" left in the first half of the year.

"The impact of "33 Days of Love" is not great, but we will encounter "Hongmen Banquet" later. Are you confident?"

The flowers that Chen Fei had been waiting for were almost withered.

But don’t even think about it, you will definitely be destroyed!
Of course, none of this has much to do with Chen Fei. Anyway, he has no new movies to be released in May.

Jiang Wen was sincerely rude, and he immediately rummaged through the boxes and started looking for tea.

"Okay, since you are confident, let's do it on November 11th."

"Here you come? Sit down, you're welcome."

"Painted Skin 2" is about to be released, and Ning Hao can't sit still anymore. Recently, he has led Zhou Xun and others to run various variety shows.

Since the beginning of the new year, no Chinese-language film has been able to carry the banner.

Chen Fei didn't stay too long at China Film.

Jiang Wen's head was covered with black lines, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

The acting in this lousy movie is really deceptive. If he does well, he will be scolded by the actors on the crew who don't like him. If he doesn't act well, he will be scolded by the fans, and he may even get beaten!
If he had known this would be the case, he would not have returned the favor.

The third master raised his head from behind the desk and greeted them.

After setting a schedule and chatting about the follow-up announcement, he said goodbye and left directly.

After more than half a year, this Hong Kong film is finally finished.

The post-production period will take at least 3 months, and there is still time for announcement and release. October will definitely not work. Fighting against "Gravity" is simply asking for death...

I understand everything~

He was particularly curious, how will Liu Yifei perform then?


This image is not consistent with her status as a fairy!

During the period of drawing the storyboards, Chen Fei even deliberately found many movies with similar themes to watch.

For example, "Dating with Enemies" was released in 96.

The story tells the story of a couple who had been married for a year and got tired of each other. They broke up after a big fight, but unexpectedly exchanged souls the next day.

This is a European and American movie with a very explosive plot!

After exchanging souls, the two actually had a romantic encounter with other people of the same gender from their own perspectives.

Although it is difficult for people to accept, it is inexplicably and unexpectedly reasonable.

After all, what if you are a boy and suddenly turn into a girl when you wake up?
Then it must be to let the brothers have fun first!

Of course, this is just a description in the movie, and it may happen in real life...

Do you want to enjoy yourself first?
On this side, Chen Fei is trying to figure out how to express surprise towards his bird, while on the other side, Zhao Liying, who plays the role of "the heroine's sister", has returned to Huayi Company.

Her contract expires on May 1st, and she came here today to terminate the contract.

Feiyinghuang's agency has already prepared the contract for her. Once the contract is successfully terminated, she can renew the contract there.

Looking back on the past few years at was all filled with sadness!

After signing with Huayi through the Star Search Plan, she originally thought that she was already a direct member of the company, and there would definitely be countless resources waiting for her in the future.

But after actually entering the company, she realized that she had completely overthought it.

Huayi's artist management resource allocation presents a perfect pyramid structure.

Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun, Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Huo Siyan...

All resources that enter the company must first pass through the hands of these people.

Only if they don't want it will they continue to send them down.

Even though some of the top stars have terminated their contracts with the companies one after another, there are still many second- and third-tier artists who are sharpening their heads and using any means necessary to get up there!

Her agent has hinted to her many times that the world is actually very fair. If you want to get enough high-quality resources, you must pay the same price.

Eat, drink, and even sleep with her.

This is the only hope for the rise of 18th-tier starlets with no connections or background.

There were many female and male artists who entered the company at the same time as her and were able to thrive by relying on the "hidden rules", but she could not make up her mind.

Once Pandora's box is opened, she is afraid that she will never be able to close it!

Fortunately, she now has a new option.

A business card bought her an opportunity to play Liu Yifei's sister, and she had to seize it no matter what!

"Liying, come out and have dinner together when you have the chance."

Some young artists greeted Zhao Liying with a smile.

One less person means one less competition. Now that Zhao Liying, the "workaholic", has left, not to mention how happy they are.

"Okay, let's get together when we have the chance."

Zhao Liying warmly greeted these "sisters" who had shared joys and sorrows.

Her appearance as the second female lead in "Your Name" has not yet been revealed.

Except for a few people, no one knows that she has obtained great resources.

She was not prepared to tell this matter, at least she had to wait until the contract was successfully terminated.

Huayi is just a blood-sucking worm. If the company finds out that she has such good resources, it will definitely be very difficult to terminate the contract!

Pushing the door open and walking into Li Hu's office, Zhao Liying felt a little admired for no reason as she looked at the woman writing something behind her desk.

She studied under Wang Jinghua, the number one agent in domestic entertainment, and teamed up with her sister Li Bingbin to squeeze out Zhou Xun and Fan Bingbing respectively. In order for her sister to get the female lead, she was even willing to date a married director...

Each incident after another proves that Li Hu is a ruthless person!

"Hello, Mr. Li, my artist contract has expired. Come and go through the termination procedures."

Behind the desk, Li He raised his head slightly and looked at the girl in front of him.

A rather distinctive little bun face...

"Zhao Liying, right?" Li Hed rubbed his eyebrows and frowned slightly: "Have you thought about it? Huayi is one of the top companies in the industry. It's easy to leave, but it's hard to come back!"

If this happened in the past, she would definitely say that Huayi is the top agency in the industry.

But now, with the Feiyinghuang Agency here, who dares to say that he is number one? "Well, I've already thought about it."

Zhao Liying nodded slightly and tried her best to appear calm.

"Oh, then just sign this document. From now on, you will not be able to introduce yourself as an artist of our company, nor can you accept notices under the banner of Huayi, otherwise you will face huge compensation..."

Li Hedong said coldly, with a frosty expression on his face.

She was just a small artist who had been under contract for five years and had yet to show off her personality. She was not too gentle to deal with.

At Huayi, at least you can play a small role from time to time.

But if I leave Huayi and lose the company, I don’t know how I will die!

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Zhao Liying quickly signed her name and put away her share. Zhao Liying bowed slightly to Li Hu, which was supposed to be a thank you to the company for taking care of her in the past five years.

Unfortunately, she didn't get any response.

When she raised her head, she realized that Li He was already busy with a document again, seemingly not paying attention to her, little Kalami.

Zhao Liying felt a trace of resentment in her heart for no reason.

She hopes that her respect and courtesy can also earn the respect of others.

But now, Li He's attitude is simply that he doesn't treat her as a "person"!

With a sense of indignation, Zhao Liying left Huayi Building and went straight to Feiyinghuang Agency without looking back.

But when she and Huo Wenxi finalized the contract and logged into Weibo, she discovered that all the "Huayi" certifications on her account had been withdrawn.

Even the personal information on Huayi’s official website has been deleted long ago!

They seemed eager to distance themselves from her and even issued an announcement.

[Actor Zhao Liying has officially terminated all brokerage relationships with our company...]

"Oh, that's really interesting."

Zhao Liying curled her lips. Although she felt very uncomfortable, she was helpless.

She is just a small 18th-tier artist. In front of many big shots, she is actually no different than a group performer. It is normal for people to look down on her.

After thinking about it, she simply posted on Weibo.

"The contract with Huayi has been terminated!"

Just six words, with an exclamation mark, as if he was taking an oath.

As a qualified CEO of a brokerage company, Li Hed naturally pays attention to the Weibo accounts of his artists.

Therefore, when Zhao Liying posted a new Weibo message, she immediately received a pop-up prompt.

After a slight glance, she sneered and didn't pay attention.

Finish the work at hand first, and then just unblock it when you have free time.

Artists other than Huayi are not worthy of her attention.


Time soon came to the evening. After finishing the work at hand, Li Hu rubbed his sore neck, replied a few more important messages, and then prepared to pack up and leave.

I have to accompany Wang Zhonglei to an important event in the evening, and the TT in my bag is almost not enough...

However, she did not forget to detain Zhao Liying.

It's just a matter of touching the mouse when turning off the computer, it doesn't take any effort.

However, just when she moved the mouse to operate, another pop-up window suddenly popped up on the Weibo interface.

She looked at the person who posted on Weibo and was slightly startled.

"Chen Fei?"

She clicked on the pop-up window with some curiosity, and the next second, she saw Chen Fei's new Weibo.

"The movie "Your Name" will officially start shooting on May 5th..."

Along with the new Weibo, a list of actors appeared.

Li Hedong glanced at it and was stunned!

Actor: Chen Fei.

Actress: Liu Yifei.

Second female: Zhu Zhu.

Second female: Zhao Liying.

supporting role:……

Suddenly, Li Hen's eyes widened suddenly, showing an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Zhao Liying?
Is it the Zhao Liying who just terminated her contract with Huayi this morning?
They don't have the same name, right?

Before she could react, she saw another pop-up window pop up on the Weibo interface.

This time it was posted by Zhao Liying.

Li He subconsciously clicked on the pop-up window, and then opened it and found that the bun-faced man had forwarded Chen Fei's new Weibo and added a text.

"The next step is @LiuYifei's 'sister'. Thank you Director Chen and Producer Liu for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely work hard ()."

Seeing this scene, Li Hen understood instantly.

No wonder this silly girl with a bun face is so determined to terminate the contract. It turns out that she has already found her next home!
She glanced at the Weibo verification again, and sure enough, the words "Artist signed by Feiyinghuang Agency" were marked on the back of Zhao Liying's account.

"Huh? You eat it inside and out, right?"

Li Hedong picked up his bag and walked out without hesitation.

Even if Zhao Liying did cheat, she couldn't help it. Chen Fei's level was simply not something she could touch.

But Wang Zhonglei can do it!
Anyway, it was Huayi's interests that were harmed, not her Li Hu's, so let's leave it to the leaders to deal with it.


China Film Group was extremely effective in doing its job. That night they announced the release schedules of several movies related to Chen Fei, such as "Anti-Corruption Storm", "Cold War 2", and "Gravity".

For a moment, everyone in the industry looked over.

The first two Hong Kong films were better and didn't have a big impact, but that one "Gravity" was a bit scary.

"September 9? It's National Day again?"

For a while, the producers of several movies that had been scheduled to be released during the National Day period burst into mourning.

The 12 billion box office of last year's "Butterfly Love" is still a nightmare for many people, and it directly sucked up the entire National Day box office!
And this year, this science fiction masterpiece with an investment of more than 6 million will be placed on the National Day schedule.

This step on the horse clearly means to continue to slaughter the list!

"Let's reschedule "Wall Painting"."

Wang Changtian called the head of the Publicity and Development Department with a depressed look on his face.

He originally thought that there would be no blockbusters in this year's National Day holiday, so he could use "Painting on the Wall" to grab a box office hit.

I didn’t expect there to be such a giant Buddha!

On the other side, Yang Zai from Juli Pictures holds a different view.

Facing the report from his subordinates, he adjusted his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and said nonchalantly, "What is there to worry about?
We have international superstar Li Lianjie, four young actress Huang Shengyi, Hong Kong actress Cai Zhuoyan, and the male protagonist of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". Are we still afraid of him?

Wouldn't you like to take advantage of the heat? Since he has set the date for September 9, we will move to September 29, be one step ahead of him, tie up marketing, and tear a piece of flesh from him..."

After taking a puff of the cigar, Yang Zai was quite confident, but his face was unconvinced.

Everyone else was afraid of Chen Fei, but he was not.

Let’s fight with real swords and guns first and then talk about it, are you scared?

On the other side, Wang Zhonglei thought the same way.

After drinking some wine and being encouraged by Li He, he directly called Chen Fei.

Huayi has always poached people from other companies, but no other company has dared to poach people from Huayi!

What about Chen Fei?
After drinking, he refused to accept anyone in Kyoto!
"Hello? What's wrong?"

It was late at night, and Chen Fei actually received a call from Wang Zhonglei. Chen Fei felt a little unlucky for some reason.

"Mr. Chen... what you did is a bit too much, right? You actually poached... poached our Huayi people? Who... who gave you the courage to step on the horse..."

Upon hearing the stammering tone, Chen Fei immediately knew that this guy must have been drinking.

He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "What? If you drink some horse urine, you won't know your last name, right? Who do you think you are? Do you deserve to talk to me like this?"

The phone was on speakerphone, and Chen Fei's words were naturally listened to by everyone in the box.

Seeing that everyone else in the box was watching the joke, Wang Zhonglei suddenly lost his temper and replied: "You are poaching actors from Huayi, you are still reasonable..."

"Water flows to lower places, and people go to higher places. What is the situation of your Huayi family? You don't know in your heart? Why do you mean I want to poach your people? Terminate the contract normally, sign the contract normally, see for yourself which step of the procedure is problematic? ?
Damn it, do you really think you are the emperor after drinking some wine? What is your identity? Are you qualified to teach me a lesson? Ask your brother if he dares to speak like this in front of me? "

After replying two sentences in a row, Chen Fei hung up the phone directly without giving him any face.

Now he is not afraid of Huayi at all. In terms of resources, connections, and abilities, Feiyue Film and Television + Feiyinghuang Agency + Golden Harvest (Pan Asia) Cinemas can beat Huayi.

If Walton Pictures and Longxiang Capital were to move out, they would scare him to death!
In the box, under the gaze of everyone, Wang Zhonglei's face became increasingly red.


Throwing the phone to the ground, he said harshly, "Let's... we'll see!"

Several people quickly came over to persuade him and told him not to be angry. There was no need...

But everyone has the mentality of watching the fun.

Still waiting to see?
What can you do to him?
What do you dare to do to him?

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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