It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 471: Not feeling well? Soft as a slug? Then bring on the props!

Chapter 471: Not feeling well? Soft as a slug? Then bring on the props!

The story is fragmented, the narrative is unclear, and the acting is dull...

This is Chen Fei's real experience after watching "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan".

The story is indeed quite tear-jerking, which can be judged from the sobs that could be heard from time to time in the theater.

But it actually does not break away from the "Hollywood Industry" system. It is just a gimmick and formulaic work with no new ideas, and there is no connotation worth pondering at all.

Spending dozens of dollars to watch a movie like this would be better off buying the disc of "Lan Yu".

Anyway, in Chen Fei's opinion, Liu Ye and Hu Jun are completely inferior to Li Bingbin and Jin Xishan in terms of acting skills!

If he were in Hollywood, he would rather watch "Brokeback Mountain" than watch a hyped movie like "The Secret Fan."

Of course, these are all what he is thinking, and he will definitely not express them.

Who made Liu Yifei's eyes turn red from crying at this time? If he said something unpleasant now, it would simply be a disgrace to the scenery.

The girl wiped her tears and said, "This story is so good."

"Well, if you just read the story, it is indeed interesting."

Chen Fei shrugged slightly and agreed with her point of view.

As expected of someone who came from the School of Communication, Wendy Deng’s marketing skills are indeed high.

For a literary film, the box office on the first day reached 800 million, almost catching up with Zhang Yimou's "The Hawthorn Tree"!

Unfortunately, marketing of a movie is important, but if you want to win a high box office, it mainly depends on word of mouth and quality.

When Chen Fei checked the reviews on Douban the next day, he saw that they were all complaints!
"Is this considered superb acting? Haha, I really laughed."

"The subject matter is quite bold. Sure enough, it's a monk from outside who knows how to chant sutras. Can it be packaged and put on the shelves?"

"The script is poor, the narrative is confusing, and the rhythm is life-threatening. English, Mandarin, Mandarin, Korean, and Hokkien are all like Tower of Babel. When Hugh Jackman sang, I even thought I was transported to the Oscars. In the end It was painful to watch it while laughing at me, it was a completely bad movie experience!”

Some people say it looks good, others say it doesn't look good, but overall, the majority of reviews are negative.

By the second day, there were only 470 million left at the box office.

Chen Fei came to the conclusion: "Obviously, these good reviews on the Internet are all fake."

Ning Hao laughed heartily on the side, and at the same time he was secretly glad that he didn't bring his wife to see it.

He went to see it himself yesterday and finally came to only one conclusion.

Feudal dross, it simply destroys the three outlooks!

The two quickly ended their conversation about "Snowflake Secret Fan".

"Are you...going to Hollywood again?" Ning Hao noticed the luggage in the car.

"Yes, there will also be a premiere of "Transformers 3". After "The Founding of the Party" is over, I will fly over overnight."

As Chen Fei spoke, he looked through the email sent to him by Spielberg.

"Cars 2" produced by Pixar Animation Studios was also released on the 24th. As the opponent of "Transformers 3", the whole company attaches great importance to it.

But after seeing the box office results of this animated film, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

US$2571.1 million on the first day and US$6612.8 million in the first three days of the weekend.

Obviously, although the performance of this sequel has improved compared to the first one, compared with the high investment, this growth trend is actually not good.

The New York Post and the Globe and Mail even gave it negative reviews.

"Pixar has accomplished an impossible task. There is no worst, only worse!"

"One of the most un-Pixar-esque productions, and it's not meant for children, but for adults. It's so disappointing."

Your opponent's failure is your own success, and preparations for the celebration banquet can already begin.

After replying to the email, Chen Fei put away his computer and looked ahead through the car window.

The stars were shining on the red carpet at the premiere!
As a gift film, it is normal for big names to gather together, and most of them are actors who are willing to pay zero salary to show off their faces in front of the leaders.

Chen Fei had just gotten out of the car, and before he could react, he was blocked by the media.

"Director Chen, I heard that the artistic love movie "Your Name" that you directed and shot has been completed? Are you preparing to participate in the film festival?"

"Director Chen, can you reveal your next itinerary and plans?"

"When will the new film be released? How will the future promotion plan be carried out?"


All kinds of questions were fired at him like machine guns.

Forced to have no choice but to move forward with the help of security guards, Chen Fei replied: ""Your Name" has indeed been completed. There are no preparations to participate in the film festival yet, and the post-production is not over yet..."

After he finally escaped from the reporters' pursuit, he had already arrived at the entrance of the venue.

He quickly walked into the venue without even taking the signature pen handed over by the emcee.

“Director Chen’s popularity is so enviable!”

A slightly familiar voice came from his side. Chen Fei turned his head slightly and saw Wendy Deng leading Li Bingbin and Jin Xishan towards him.

"Ms. Deng is not bad either."

He had no intention of chatting with this scheming woman, so he said hello and walked away.

Wendy Deng's Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Pictures are in a competitive relationship. The two parties often compete for box office and theater openings.

This woman is so vicious and specializes in spreading all kinds of scandals. She is really annoying!
As a "professional mistress", Wendy Deng would naturally not be angry because of Chen Fei's bad attitude.

In Hollywood, shamelessness is the secret to survival.

And she has long since lost her face!

Turning around, she spotted Xingmei's boss again, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

The basis of cooperation is the basis of cooperation. Wendy Deng feels that she and the company Xingmei are very compatible. Both parties are good at using some methods that although they are not on the table, are very useful.


After greeting each other, the premiere began quickly.

What can I say about this movie? Except for the script and director, which were introduced by Chen Fei, the other actors, preparations, etc. have actually been taken care of by China Film Group. Even the name of Han Sanping is listed in the producer column.

In other words, this is not so much a movie by Feiyue Film and Television as it is a movie by China Film.

The only difference from "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is that Huang Jianxin became a producer instead of a director.

"This time, I want to hit a higher box office performance, and I don't want to be too demanding. I'll try to catch up with "Earthquake."

In the audience, Chen Fei's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Following "Earthquake"?
Isn’t that 6.9 million?
"How dare you think about it."

With the experience of filming "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" for the first time, this time "The Founding of the Party" has been greatly improved in terms of picture and texture.

For the sake of the picture effect, Kang Honglei even took the negatives to the finishing digital to render them, striving for perfection.

Unfortunately, there are still some flaws that cannot be avoided in perfection.

Yuan Shikai, played by Chow Yun-fat, is so domineering!
Li Dazhao, played by Zhang Jiayi, worked hard!

Yang Changji, played by Li Xuejian, is a noble man!
Feng Guozhang played by Feng Gong is so like!

Of course, the most eye-catching one has to be Cai E, played by Andy Lau, whose lines are full of emotion and moving.

"However, the seven-foot body has been promised to the country, and it is difficult to give it to Qing..."

This scene should have become a classic and left a mark in film history. However, it was Yang Ying who took over the role.

No matter how you look at it, those two lines of tears are completely fake. They ruined a classic shot for no reason, which is very regrettable.

"Why don't you cry well enough like me?"

Chen Fei glanced sideways and saw that the person speaking was Huang Bo.

After comparing the crying scenes in "Butterfly Love" and "Bullfighting", Chen Fei nodded with great approval, "Indeed, the crying scenes are not as good as yours."

After the premiere, Chen Fei did not attend the follow-up activities and left directly to catch a plane. This also made many reporters who wanted to interview him feel regretful.

Liu Dehua called out of curiosity, "Director Chen, why are you in such a hurry? I was thinking of having a drink with you tonight."

"Haha, maybe next time. There's an urgent premiere in North America, and I have to rush over there."

"Okay, then there will be a chance to get together again."

Liu Dehua originally wanted to inquire about the later stage of "Gravity", but now he has no choice but to give up.

The media acted quickly, almost scrambling to issue press releases, hoping to be the first to pick peaches.

"The premiere of "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party" was filled with bright stars, and hundreds of celebrities were present!"

"Director Chen Fei personally admitted that "Your Name" has officially been completed and is currently in post-production. He has no plans to go to the film festival."

"Han Sanping, chairman of China Film Group Corporation, said that this movie will strive to catch up with "The Great Earthquake" and strive to have a box office of over 7 million..."


After landing in North America, Chen Fei just walked out of the airport and saw the huge "Transformers 3" poster outside.

Because the second part made a lot of money, DreamWorks directly doubled its investment in the promotion and distribution of the third part this time, striving to achieve better results.

The premiere will start tomorrow morning, so Chen Fei went back to Volton Pictures first. Pushing open the door and walking into the company, he saw the poster of "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame" again.

This movie will be released in theaters around the world on July 7, leaving a gap of half a month between "Transformers 14" and "Transformers 3" to ensure that they will not affect each other.

Catherine has suspended the filming of "Now You See Me" and is going all out to promote the new film and strive to get an excellent closing box office.

"Oh! Fei! I miss you so much!"

There was an exclamation, and Chen Fei turned his head slightly and saw Bruce striding towards this side with his big belly.

The two did not hug because Chen Fei was afraid that he would be ejected.

"Why are you back?"

"What?" Bruce looked stunned, "Fei? What are you talking about? I belong to Hollywood, not Neon."

"Huh? I thought you were happy there and had completely devoted yourself to the field of love action movies."

"No!" Bruce waved his hands repeatedly, "I can't worry about Lillian, Mia, and Sofina, so I plan to come back and stay with them for a while."

Chen Fei was shocked: "You have three girlfriends? But how do you allocate two minutes to three people?"


Bruce was obviously shocked, with resentment on his face: "Fei, you know, I'm better at using props, and I won't be stupid enough to do something like 1vs3."

"That's not a bad idea."

Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and recognized his trickery.

If your health is not good, then you can use props to gather together. At the very least, you have to satisfy the other person, otherwise it will be difficult to continue the relationship after three relationships.

After staying in the company for a while and briefly looking at the recent operation plan, Chen Fei went straight to DreamWorks Animation.

"Kung Fu Panda 3" and "How to Train Your Dragon 2" are both works that need to be released next year, and trailers and promotional videos have been released. If they fail to meet the expectations of movie fans, the stock price will inevitably be affected.

Fortunately, Katzenberg is an expert in this area.

"We have already heard that Disney does not have any latest plans for next year. "Teddy Bear" and "Hotel Transylvania" will definitely not be our opponents..."

Katzenberg was very confident, and Chen Fei was unconsciously infected by him. He said directly: "Our goal is to crush Disney in all aspects, including copyrights, games, and peripherals. We have to do these."

"That's natural and must overwhelm that damn stingy Disney!"

Lao Ka has a deep grudge against Disney. If he is buried vertically after his death, there is a 90% chance that he will turn into a zombie and jump out.

In comparison, Spielberg is much more refined.

At the premiere of "Transformers 3", Old Si took the microphone and shouted:

"Fake Oil, Avatar!"

Listen, what a civilized word this is?
Everyone around was applauding, including Cameron, who came to the premiere, and even raised two middle fingers to show respect.

The laughter is getting louder!
At the subsequent cocktail party, Chen Fei saw Li Jian arriving in a hurry.

"Ang Lee, you are late..."

There were many people greeting Press Li at the scene, and their attitude towards him was as friendly as towards Chen Fei.

For those who have won the Oscar for Best Director, they no longer pay attention to each other's skin color. This can be regarded as a kind of respect earned because of their strength.

"Sorry, I was preparing for my new movie, and I got into a car accident on the way here..."

Li Jian found Chen Fei and Spielberg and explained to them with some regret.

"Are you okay?" Spielberg asked politely.

Li Jian shook his head, "Thank you for your concern, my friend, I'm fine."

The three chatted for a while, and Li Jian began to deliberately bring the topic to "3D", hoping to learn from the two of them.

He is currently preparing a movie called "Life of Pi", which is his first 3D movie in his life, and it also brings together three elements recognized by the film industry as difficult to shoot: water, children, and animals.

Li Jian was so busy that he almost forgot about today's premiere.

"Pictures, special effects, CG..."

Chen Fei was not stingy and told him a lot of key points in shooting 3D movies.

Spielberg added from time to time, filling in some details.

After a while, even Cameron came over and participated in the discussion enthusiastically.

Some media filmed this scene and posted it online, which immediately triggered many media reprints.

When this photo appeared on Weibo, it instantly topped the list of trending searches!

Spielberg, Cameron, Chen Fei.

This lineup can be said to be at the top of global film history!
If you want box office, you have box office, and if you want awards, you are simply arrogant!
As for Li Bian...

Although he is not young and has gained a lot of honors, he is still far behind compared to the other three.

Many celebrities and entertainers are secretly fantasizing. If these people are determined to support a certain actor, how popular will they be?
"You don't even need three people. Even if you just hug one of them tightly, you can easily become an international superstar!"

Yang Mi murmured, her eyes full of anticipation.


On the 29th, "Transformers 3" officially landed in North American theaters.

On the 30th, the first-day box office results were released.

3772.5 million dollars!
Spielberg analyzed with rich experience: "The North American box office can easily exceed 3 million US dollars."

Chen Fei laughed, "Then prepare a celebration banquet in advance!"

Michael Bay stood beside the two people, unable to hide the smile on his face.

Time flew by on the 1st, and Chen Fei received a cross-country call from Ning Hao.

"The total box office of "Painted Skin 2" is newly released, haha, 7.75 million, surpassing Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" by a full million!"

"Okay, after all the funds from the theater chain are collected, your bonus will be transferred to your bank card."

"Ahem, I secretly applied for a new bank card..."

"Huh? Are you planning to get yourself a small treasury?"

"I can't help it, your sister Na is very strict."

"Okay, I'll talk to the finance department then and give you another amount of money."

"Haha, thanks, I'll buy you a drink when I come back!"

When people reach middle age, they have no choice but to feel panicked when they have no money in their pockets.

Ning Hao didn't have any evil intentions, he just wanted to save some money for himself.

He is not Gu Changwei, he is not that passionate.

He just felt that it was really troublesome to have to find a reason to ask his wife for money.

On the same day, "The Great Cause of Party Building" officially launched!

Judging from the Reuters photos on the Internet, the attendance rate of this movie is quite high. After all, there are a lot of units under the film bureau alone.

On July 7, the first-day box office results were announced.

2550 million.

China Film Group immediately issued a notice, "Although it is not a 3D blockbuster, we are very confident that it can definitely surpass "Earthquake"..."

Chen Fei felt that this bull was obviously too early.

If there is only one "The Great Cause of Party Building" in July, then there may not be hope.


Under the pressure of these two Hollywood blockbusters, how easy is it to break the record?

It is worth mentioning that the three-day box office of "Transformers 3" in North America has exceeded US$1 million during its first weekend in North America. It is not difficult to exceed US$3 million.

In this dense film and television information, Chen Fei found the box office data about "The God of Wealth Inn" in a nook and cranny.

The box office on the first day was 791 million, and in the four days of release it was only 3309 million, barely enough for half of the first-day box office of "Painted Skin 2".

There was a lot of criticism below.

"Comedy + costume + romance, a typical trashy popcorn movie."

"Find a few celebrities to make up a few jokes and then start filming. It's so boring!"

"How did Nicholas Tse, the best actor, get the golden statue? Can you please stop dragging Zhang Jiahui into making bad movies? Are your Xiangjiang Films just making a fool of themselves? Can't you come up with some new ideas?"

Wang Jing was so scolded that he almost imitated Donnie Yen and ran back to Xiangjiang.

Looking at the box office data of "Painted Skin 2" and "The Founding of the Party", he was simply confused.

He thought his photo was pretty good!
When did it start?

Why are movie fans unwilling to support Hong Kong movies?


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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